[Q] Boot loop - Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini, Mini Pro, Xperia Pro, A

Hi guys,
Yesterday I finally got to instal a new ROM onto my phone. I've done this before so my phone was already rooted and had the bootloader unlocked. I decided t ogo with Cyanogenmod10. My build was 4.1.B.0.587. I used the tutorial on cyanogenmod wiki and done everything as was said, step by step. I wasn't sure if ClockworkMod would be installed with the rom, so I donwload x-tools and isntalled it form there. Once thaat was done I proceeded to installiion. Everything went fine up until getting into CWM. I am now stuck in a boot loop, constaltly showing the xpera free project logo, then the screen goes dark and this all over and over again. So I searched the net and forums, but couldn't find any one with this problem. Most people either get into CWM and from there can't get further, or they turned the phone on adn after using some application theirs system crashes, but nobody seems to have problems with CWM. I can't get anywhere from here and have no idea what to do. If somebody could please help me, I would be very gratefull! Thanks

jan019 said:
Hi guys,
Yesterday I finally got to instal a new ROM onto my phone. I've done this before so my phone was already rooted and had the bootloader unlocked. I decided t ogo with Cyanogenmod10. My build was 4.1.B.0.587. I used the tutorial on cyanogenmod wiki and done everything as was said, step by step. I wasn't sure if ClockworkMod would be installed with the rom, so I donwload x-tools and isntalled it form there. Once thaat was done I proceeded to installiion. Everything went fine up until getting into CWM. I am now stuck in a boot loop, constaltly showing the xpera free project logo, then the screen goes dark and this all over and over again. So I searched the net and forums, but couldn't find any one with this problem. Most people either get into CWM and from there can't get further, or they turned the phone on adn after using some application theirs system crashes, but nobody seems to have problems with CWM. I can't get anywhere from here and have no idea what to do. If somebody could please help me, I would be very gratefull! Thanks
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Hmmm...CWM is already available as built-in inside the custom kernel...no need to install recovery using x-tools anymore...just flash the kernel (boot.img) using flashtool...

iPusak Gaoq™ said:
Hmmm...CWM is already available as built-in inside the custom kernel...no need to install recovery using x-tools anymore...just flash the kernel (boot.img) using flashtool...
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I tried that. I opened flashtool, connected my hpone in fastboot mode, selcted fastboot mode, selcted teh kernel, everytrhign went fine without errors. I then disconected the phone, turned it on and once I reached the logo I kept pressing the volume down button, but it does nothign and keeps looping...

jan019 said:
I tried that. I opened flashtool, connected my hpone in fastboot mode, selcted fastboot mode, selcted teh kernel, everytrhign went fine without errors. I then disconected the phone, turned it on and once I reached the logo I kept pressing the volume down button, but it does nothign and keeps looping...
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you have to wait until the LED appears then you can press volume down (you can also try volume up or power button) to enter recovery....but i suggest you flash stock rom back first and make sure that your phone can boot fine...then flash custom kernel and flash CM10 in recovery...

iPusak Gaoq™ said:
you have to wait until the LED appears then you can press volume down (you can also try volume up or power button) to enter recovery....but i suggest you flash stock rom back first and make sure that your phone can boot fine...then flash custom kernel and flash CM10 in recovery...
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Okay so I flashed back to stock kernel and now i can boot into CWM and even a normal compelte boot. I'll ttry flashing CW again

jan019 said:
Okay so I flashed back to stock kernel and now i can boot into CWM and even a normal compelte boot. I'll ttry flashing CW again
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Hmmm...i said flash stock ROM not stock kernel...if you phone boot fine using stock kernel then you flash fxp kernel (custom kernel) and boot into CWM...no need to flash CWM separately cause CWM is already inside custom kernel...

iPusak Gaoq™ said:
Hmmm...i said flash stock ROM not stock kernel...if you phone boot fine using stock kernel then you flash fxp kernel (custom kernel) and boot into CWM...no need to flash CWM separately cause CWM is already inside custom kernel...
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Okay, I'll give it a shot and come back with how I did.

jan019 said:
Okay, I'll give it a shot and come back with how I did.
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WTF... So I charged my phone first so I reach the recommended 85%... Meanwhile I redownloaded the CM10 if it wasn't a bad downnload or something, from the original website. Once that was done, I turned my phone off, turned flashtool on a connected my phone in fastboot mode. I then flashed the kernel with boot.img from CM, unplugged and turned the phone off, waitign for the logo, pressed the volume down button many times and ntohing. I tried multiple times, different buttons too. Still the same. What can I be doing wrong?

jan019 said:
WTF... So I charged my phone first so I reach the recommended 85%... Meanwhile I redownloaded the CM10 if it wasn't a bad downnload or something, from the original website. Once that was done, I turned my phone off, turned flashtool on a connected my phone in fastboot mode. I then flashed the kernel with boot.img from CM, unplugged and turned the phone off, waitign for the logo, pressed the volume down button many times and ntohing. I tried multiple times, different buttons too. Still the same. What can I be doing wrong?
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When I have the phone flashed with stock kernel I can get into the CMW recovery. Trying to install CM with the stock kernel is i guess not a good idea right?
EDIT: So I tried downloading CW9 if that wouldn't make a difference, but it's the same story. Once I boot the phone it just keeps looping from the logo to black screen, no LED lights up, nothing. What if I did a factory reset either from CWM or in the normally booted? Could that help in anyway?

jan019 said:
When I have the phone flashed with stock kernel I can get into the CMW recovery. Trying to install CM with the stock kernel is i guess not a good idea right?
EDIT: So I tried downloading CW9 if that wouldn't make a difference, but it's the same story. Once I boot the phone it just keeps looping from the logo to black screen, no LED lights up, nothing. What if I did a factory reset either from CWM or in the normally booted? Could that help in anyway?
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Hmmmm...how many times did i have to tell you, you need to FLASH STOCK ROM first...stock rom has stock kernel inside it...flashing STOCK rom will factory reset your phone...it should make your phone like new...after your phone boot normally then you can flash custom kernel (fxp kernel) and boot into recovery using that kernel...then only then you can flash CM10 into your phone....

jan019 said:
Hi guys,
Yesterday I finally got to instal a new ROM onto my phone. I've done this before so my phone was already rooted and had the bootloader unlocked. I decided t ogo with Cyanogenmod10. My build was 4.1.B.0.587. I used the tutorial on cyanogenmod wiki and done everything as was said, step by step. I wasn't sure if ClockworkMod would be installed with the rom, so I donwload x-tools and isntalled it form there. Once thaat was done I proceeded to installiion. Everything went fine up until getting into CWM. I am now stuck in a boot loop, constaltly showing the xpera free project logo, then the screen goes dark and this all over and over again. So I searched the net and forums, but couldn't find any one with this problem. Most people either get into CWM and from there can't get further, or they turned the phone on adn after using some application theirs system crashes, but nobody seems to have problems with CWM. I can't get anywhere from here and have no idea what to do. If somebody could please help me, I would be very gratefull! Thanks
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probably bcuz u used CWM located in phone storage & deleted it. happens.
to shorten here all, i advice u to use allways kernels (built in) recovery. (forget about xparts its onlx for locked bl ppl)
also if u want to go for a cm (10+) build try LX from here bcuz FXP is NO longer supported! they kleave us. also its very outdated/old/bad
if u flash (any) kernel CWM is inbuilt, so just reflash the kernel using fastboot (cmd commands) , then on power on press the vol up button moretimes!! to enter CWM (must work) i really advice u to use some LX build. (dont forget to wipe partitions bfore flash)

bejunk said:
probably bcuz u used CWM located in phone storage & deleted it. happens.
to shorten here all, i advice u to use allways kernels (built in) recovery. (forget about xparts its onlx for locked bl ppl)
also if u want to go for a cm (10+) build try LX from here bcuz FXP is NO longer supported! they kleave us. also its very outdated/old/bad
if u flash (any) kernel CWM is inbuilt, so just reflash the kernel using fastboot (cmd commands) , then on power on press the vol up button moretimes!! to enter CWM (must work) i really advice u to use some LX build. (dont forget to wipe partitions bfore flash)
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Okay guys, I'm really confused right now. I just couldn't manage to boot into CWM with CM, I tried many versions, none worked. I then applied the exact same steps onto LX and it worked perfectly, I was in CWM after pressing the volume down butto na few times. Now it's been almost a month since I did this and I wanted to change to a differet version again, so I wanted to try CM again, but it's the same thing, I can't get to CWM. Any ideas?


[Q] Stuck on bootloop.. Can´t enter recovery

So.. I was using my phone normally .. but suddenly my phone went very very slow and then I turned off... I was running Unnamed rom.
But here is the deal , the phone didnt woke up! I mean , The phone got stucked into a boot loop , So I treid to enter into recovery with no luck!... Then I managed to go into download mode without any problem.
So after that I restored the phone to stock (One click root odin) . BUT the phone is still showing the Galaxy S Screen Boot loop.
I´ve tried many things.. 2 Laptops and PC´s , ports , etc.. I also removed the sim card and the micro sd , but that didnt do anything.
So , any suggestion?
PS: Sorry 4 my english
I'm going to assume that you flashed UCKH7, either the stock without root, or the stock with root one click downloader. If you flashed something different than one of these, let me know.
Since you flashed the stock package successfully, you should now be able to get into 3e recovery by holding vol+ vol- and power buttons. Once in 3e recovery, you should do a wipe data/factory reset and your phone should then boot normally.
If you are unable to get into 3e recovery, then there is some sort of unusual problem, so post back here and we'll try to find out what it is.
creepyncrawly said:
I'm going to assume that you flashed UCKH7, either the stock without root, or the stock with root one click downloader. If you flashed something different than one of these, let me know.
Since you flashed the stock package successfully, you should now be able to get into 3e recovery by holding vol+ vol- and power buttons. Once in 3e recovery, you should do a wipe data/factory reset and your phone should then boot normally.
If you are unable to get into 3e recovery, then there is some sort of unusual problem, so post back here and we'll try to find out what it is.
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Yes , I flashed UCKH7 BUT Im still with the bootloop.. There isnt any way I can get into recovery.. This is the first time I see a problem like this.
Thanks 4 ur response
mca1490 said:
Yes , I flashed UCKH7 BUT Im still with the bootloop.. There isnt any way I can get into recovery.. This is the first time I see a problem like this.
Thanks 4 ur response
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If you can't get into recovery using the three button technique then there is something seriously wrong with your phone.
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
Yes... I'm thinking possible hardware issue. But since you can still get download mode, I'd try flashing the full stock package which you can get from the Download Repository. The one you already flashed did not contain the bootloaders and other stuff. If that doesn't clear it up, then I'm thinking repair or replace.
Noob question.. Where I can find the download repository?
mca1490 said:
Noob question.. Where I can find the download repository?
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Bookmark this.
lol.. thank u! ,)

KA09 Xperia SSpeed - bootloop

Since I'm not able yet to post into the development forums:
I have decided to finally mod my Xperia S as well (did that only with HTC's before), and after unlocking the bootloader and slap Advanced Stock Kernel on it, i wanted to flash KA09 Xperia SSpeed. At first it all went well, no errors during installation but then i wanted to reboot, and the phone went into a permanent bootloop. There's the Sony startup screen with the Advanced Stock Kernel writing underneath, the blue LED flashes shortly, the phone vibrates, then it starts all over again.
I have tried SEUS but to no avail, since the phone will always restart, hence disconnecting to the PC. I also can't boot the phone into fastboot or recovery, or anything for that matter.
MichaelxHell said:
Since I'm not able yet to post into the development forums:
I have decided to finally mod my Xperia S as well (did that only with HTC's before), and after unlocking the bootloader and slap Advanced Stock Kernel on it, i wanted to flash KA09 Xperia SSpeed. It first it all went, no errors during installation but then i wanted to reboot, and the phone went into a permanent bootloop. There's the Sony startup screen with the Advanced Stock Kernel writing underneath, the blue LED flashes shortly, the phone vibrates, then it starts all over again.
I have tried SEUS but to no avail, since the phone will always restart, hence disconnecting to the PC. I also can't boot the phone into fastboot or recovery, or anything for that matter.
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hold the power button + volume up then wait till it vibrates 3 times, your phone will power off. then you can use the SEUS, i think its via fastmode (power+volume down) to reflash or u can use flashtool to reflash ur firmware.
this is what i did when im stock on bootloop before (because i dont have back ups).
1. installed flashtool
2. download ftf
3. paste the ftf on c:\firmwares\
4. open flashtool then click the lighting icon, choose fastmode, choose ftf and wait until it says (power off phone then connect via fastmode), since your phone is power off all u need to do is to connect the phone and then hold the power button+ volume down.
5. then it will reinstall your firmware.
6. after reinstalled, flash advanced stock kernel.
7. then make back up of your rom so you dont need to reflash your firmware in case of bootloop.
now that was a quick reply, thank you very much. will try this and will post how it went!
Same problem
MichaelxHell, did it work, did you solve it?
If you did please let me know how you did because i have the same problem, will try what he said above too.
halwar said:
MichaelxHell, did it work, did you solve it?
If you did please let me know how you did because i have the same problem, will try what he said above too.
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it will work because ive been there before
I was flashing ka xperia kernel (via recovery) over Advanced stock kernel and got this weird bootloop.
Sometimes i couldnt even start the freaking phone. So what i did was when the phone finally started and the botloop started i long pressed Vol Up and powerbutton for about 5sec (after the phone vibrates three times) so it would shut down, since i could not enter fastboot while it was bootlooping. Then held Vol Up (not Vol Down) while plugging in usb, only then i got to enter fastboot.
Then i only reflashed advance stock kernel (ics9.elf) and it finally booted back.
Might be helpful
Sent from my LT26i using xda premium
same problem of boot loop
help previously on ics stock unlocked bootloader via fastboot installed ka v1 kernal via fast boot and ther ka09 nspeed rom through recovery since then its boot loop any solutuion except stock ftf file
Use fastboot and try flashing Advance stock kernel forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1729280 and see if its booting
Sent from my LT26i using xda premium
When you go from STOCK STOCK you should first prepare by doing a backup and then erasing everything before even trying to install a custom ROM or another kernel.
When you install a kernel that has recovery, before trying to install the custom ROM be sure to wipe data/factory reset and then wipe dalvik cache and fix permissions.
Then you can install the custom ROM and after that be sure to also install the patched KA09 zip.
And even after that, remember, that is a development ROM not completely stable at all.
halwar said:
Use fastboot and try flashing Advance stock kernel forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1729280 and see if its booting
Sent from my LT26i using xda premium
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I have used this guide, and it worked just fine!! my Xperia S is back alive again! Thank you very much for the help everyone!
halwar said:
Use fastboot and try flashing Advance stock kernel forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1729280 and see if its booting
Sent from my LT26i using xda premium
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MichaelxHell said:
I have used this guide, and it worked just fine!! my Xperia S is back alive again! Thank you very much for the help everyone!
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Okay, so i have flashed the Kernel from this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1729280 and it brought my Xperia S back to life. the only problem now is, that the XPS won't boot into recovery. so far the ROM (KA09 Xperia SSpeed) is working fine, but it would be nice to have good old cwm back.. any help? thanks

[Q][Sola] P.A.C. Man rom installation problems

I'm trying to install the P.A.C Man rom on my Xperia Sola. I got the boot.img from the .zip file and successfully flashed it via fastboot.
After that I rebooted and the "Xperia Sony Smartphone" splash came up and the led flashed once. Usually I would go to CWM from there by pressing volume+. But now just nothing happens; the splashscreen keeps showing and I can't enter CWM to flash the rom istself.
Did I do something wrong or did I miss any important steps?
I would appreciate any help!
lobbos said:
I'm trying to install the P.A.C Man rom on my Xperia Sola. I got the boot.img from the .zip file and successfully flashed it via fastboot.
After that I rebooted and the "Xperia Sony Smartphone" splash came up and the led flashed once. Usually I would go to CWM from there by pressing volume+. But now just nothing happens; the splashscreen keeps showing and I can't enter CWM to flash the rom istself.
Did I do something wrong or did I miss any important steps?
I would appreciate any help!
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1) You are on unlocked bootloader, right?
2) Did you try with volume - button?
DaRk-L0rD said:
1) You are on unlocked bootloader, right?
2) Did you try with volume - button?
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Somehow I got I figured out. I flashed another kernel via fastboot, got into CWM and flashed the rom there. Now my system is up and running and everything seems to work just fine.
I wasn't sure whether I need the boot.img from the kernel or not.
Thanks for your help anyway, DaRk-L0rD!

My phone stuck at cwm

Hello guys. I am guessing that i am having problem with cwm. I followed tutorial on xda forum how to root i8552 with odin, i did all the same as says in tutorial. But when i am trying to go to cwm, with volume+power+home button, screen is blinking but cant load cwm.
I cant even enter in . Anyone got stock recovery for my phone? If i can flash that stock recovery from odin i will be thankfull.
wlada96 said:
Hello guys. I am guessing that i am having problem with cwm. I followed tutorial on xda forum how to root i8552 with odin, i did all the same as says in tutorial. But when i am trying to go to cwm, with volume+power+home button, screen is blinking but cant load cwm.
I cant even enter in . Anyone got stock recovery for my phone? If i can flash that stock recovery from odin i will be thankfull.
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Ty for reply. I followed same instructions as on that link, and i cant load cwm or stock recovery. I flesh recovery, but cant enter in...
I followed every single step.
Flash CWM again
wlada96 said:
Ty for reply. I followed same instructions as on that link, and i cant load cwm or stock recovery. I flesh recovery, but cant enter in...
I followed every single step.
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Flash CWM with odin. Now, when the phone restarts remove the battery before it boots. Now, insert the battery after approximately a minute or so then try to enter recovery mode by using, Vol up + Power button + Home button. As soon as phone vibrates leave power button. Wait till it shows Samsung Galaxy Quattro. and then leave other two buttons too. It should boot into cwm.
At last if nothing works, do a dirty Flash stock Rom via Odin and repeat the cwm flashing process. :fingers-crossed:
mysteryno46 said:
Flash CWM with odin. Now, when the phone restarts remove the battery before it boots. Now, insert the battery after approximately a minute or so then try to enter recovery mode by using, Vol up + Power button + Home button. As soon as phone vibrates leave power button. Wait till it shows Samsung Galaxy Quattro. and then leave other two buttons too. It should boot into cwm.
At last if nothing works, do a dirty Flash stock Rom via Odin and repeat the cwm flashing process. :fingers-crossed:
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I did all what you maintioned with flashing cwm and using odin. Also battery was out of phone for about 2 minutes (for any case).
So can you provide me a link for that "dirty stock rom" and give me intructions how to install it?
And one more thing. When i removed battery for more then 2 minutes, then start up phone, data and time was on system default. Same as phone when i bought it and first boot it. Also idk why, but my phone dont have sduos mark on top of screen, and has 1.6gb of internal memory. So maybe this will be helpfull.
Similar Case like yours ! ! !
wlada96 said:
And one more thing. When i removed battery for more then 2 minutes, then start up phone, data and time was on system default. Same as phone when i bought it and first boot it. Also idk why, but my phone dont have sduos mark on top of screen, and has 1.6gb of internal memory. So maybe this will be helpfull.
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Sometime back there was this guy who had almost same device as you are mentioning. You can contact and talk to him. Bcoz as per my knowledge Quattro has 5.1 User available space and Duos is written on Upper right.
By dirty flash I mean, flashing the stock rom over the current stock rom without formatting data and all. That is called dirty flash. Clean flash means wiping all data and then flash the Rom.
Take the backup of all the data and try to do a clean flash if dirty flash doesn't work.
Flashing Stock and repeating the cwm flashing process should work if every step is done as advised.
Try your luck again. :good:
What if i flash that stock rom, and then phone failed to boot. Then i will have to enter in recovery mode, but idk if i will be able to enter in...
If you flash the stock Rom properly, it should boot.
wlada96 said:
What if i flash that stock rom, and then phone failed to boot. Then i will have to enter in recovery mode, but idk if i will be able to enter in...
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If you know how to use odin and flash the clean stock rom, it has to boot. There is no way it won't until unless you make some mistake and the flashing fails in between. After flashing the stock rom, initial boot will take long time, you need to keep patience.
Go ahead and flash the stock rom via odin.

Bootloop, flashed stock ROM via SPFT, Recovery (stock) no longer accessible

Need some help! I woke up with my phone in bootloop (only Samsung logo). It is a MTK6589 device with Samsung S5 ROM specifically designed for this device. It is a rooted device with CWM recovery in it. I have been flashing ROMs for quite a long time. I flashed a different ROM in it thinking so sure that it will fix the issue but to big surprise, nothing has changed. Samsung bootanim and bootlogo are still there and still in bootloop. I tried to reflash one more time, wiped everything (Dalvik, etc.) but still no luck. Now, I came up with one last resort: flash stock ROM by SPFT (SP Flash Tool). So I downloaded the stock ROM for my device, flashed it by SPFT. With full hope that I fixed my device perfectly, still it did not change anything. Still the same problem occurred after flashing the Stock ROM. Now, I am trying to go to recovery, but it is just keeps on booting. Recovery (either CWM or stock) is no longer accessible.
PS: Before it happened, my device keeps on reminding me of xmodgames app which is installed in my device saying it is dangerous etc.
I will really appreciate you replies.
elfeds916 said:
Need some help! I woke up with my phone in bootloop (only Samsung logo). It is a MTK6589 device with Samsung S5 ROM specifically designed for this device. It is a rooted device with CWM recovery in it. I have been flashing ROMs for quite a long time. I flashed a different ROM in it thinking so sure that it will fix the issue but to big surprise, nothing has changed. Samsung bootanim and bootlogo are still there and still in bootloop. I tried to reflash one more time, wiped everything (Dalvik, etc.) but still no luck. Now, I came up with one last resort: flash stock ROM by SPFT (SP Flash Tool). So I downloaded the stock ROM for my device, flashed it by SPFT. With full hope that I fixed my device perfectly, still it did not change anything. Still the same problem occurred after flashing the Stock ROM. Now, I am trying to go to recovery, but it is just keeps on booting. Recovery (either CWM or stock) is no longer accessible.
PS: Before it happened, my device keeps on reminding me of xmodgames app which is installed in my device saying it is dangerous etc.
I will really appreciate you replies.
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Well did you flash it with proper drivers installed? try flashing with fastboot if it doesnt work with sp flash tool...what different rom are you talking about? if its not meant for your device then you are in trouble
xmod wont do anythg btw
KingWilliams said:
Well did you flash it with proper drivers installed? try flashing with fastboot if it doesnt work with sp flash tool...what different rom are you talking about? if its not meant for your device then you are in trouble
xmod wont do anythg btw
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Thank you for your response.
Correct drivers are installed. I have not tried flashing it with fastboot and I do not know what fastboot is. XD . The ROM I am trying to flash is the stock ROM of my device.
elfeds916 said:
Thank you for your response.
Correct drivers are installed. I have not tried flashing it with fastboot and I do not know what fastboot is. XD . The ROM I am trying to flash is the stock ROM of my device.
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fastboot is the most preferred method of flashing a stock firmware. If you dont know about that then a look at this for downloading and setting up fastboot http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2588979
and this for how to use fastboot http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2277112
hope it helps
KingWilliams said:
fastboot is the most preferred method of flashing a stock firmware. If you dont know about that then a look at this for downloading and setting up fastboot http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2588979
and this for how to use fastboot http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2277112
hope it helps
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I have already fastboot. But when I try to put commang FASTBOOT DEVICES it shows nothing. I can not access my recovery mode as well. When I try to press Vol Down+Power, it shows 3 boot options: normal, recovery, fastboot. But I can not select any of the three.
elfeds916 said:
I have already fastboot. But when I try to put commang FASTBOOT DEVICES it shows nothing. I can not access my recovery mode as well. When I try to press Vol Down+Power, it shows 3 boot options: normal, recovery, fastboot. But I can not select any of the three.
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Ok how did u select the options? I hope u have selected using power Button ...alternative will be once u r on that screen u can try that command again
KingWilliams said:
Ok how did u select the options? I hope u have selected using power Button ...alternative will be once u r on that screen u can try that command again
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Thank you for your response sir. But I was not able to select anything. I tried to press power button to select fastboot, but not working. When it is on that screen, adb/fastboot also can not detect it. It is not going to any kind of recovery . I am afraid, my phone is totally dead.

