My phone stuck at cwm - Samsung Galaxy Grand Quattro

Hello guys. I am guessing that i am having problem with cwm. I followed tutorial on xda forum how to root i8552 with odin, i did all the same as says in tutorial. But when i am trying to go to cwm, with volume+power+home button, screen is blinking but cant load cwm.
I cant even enter in . Anyone got stock recovery for my phone? If i can flash that stock recovery from odin i will be thankfull.

wlada96 said:
Hello guys. I am guessing that i am having problem with cwm. I followed tutorial on xda forum how to root i8552 with odin, i did all the same as says in tutorial. But when i am trying to go to cwm, with volume+power+home button, screen is blinking but cant load cwm.
I cant even enter in . Anyone got stock recovery for my phone? If i can flash that stock recovery from odin i will be thankfull.
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Ty for reply. I followed same instructions as on that link, and i cant load cwm or stock recovery. I flesh recovery, but cant enter in...
I followed every single step.

Flash CWM again
wlada96 said:
Ty for reply. I followed same instructions as on that link, and i cant load cwm or stock recovery. I flesh recovery, but cant enter in...
I followed every single step.
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Flash CWM with odin. Now, when the phone restarts remove the battery before it boots. Now, insert the battery after approximately a minute or so then try to enter recovery mode by using, Vol up + Power button + Home button. As soon as phone vibrates leave power button. Wait till it shows Samsung Galaxy Quattro. and then leave other two buttons too. It should boot into cwm.
At last if nothing works, do a dirty Flash stock Rom via Odin and repeat the cwm flashing process. :fingers-crossed:

mysteryno46 said:
Flash CWM with odin. Now, when the phone restarts remove the battery before it boots. Now, insert the battery after approximately a minute or so then try to enter recovery mode by using, Vol up + Power button + Home button. As soon as phone vibrates leave power button. Wait till it shows Samsung Galaxy Quattro. and then leave other two buttons too. It should boot into cwm.
At last if nothing works, do a dirty Flash stock Rom via Odin and repeat the cwm flashing process. :fingers-crossed:
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I did all what you maintioned with flashing cwm and using odin. Also battery was out of phone for about 2 minutes (for any case).
So can you provide me a link for that "dirty stock rom" and give me intructions how to install it?

And one more thing. When i removed battery for more then 2 minutes, then start up phone, data and time was on system default. Same as phone when i bought it and first boot it. Also idk why, but my phone dont have sduos mark on top of screen, and has 1.6gb of internal memory. So maybe this will be helpfull.

Similar Case like yours ! ! !
wlada96 said:
And one more thing. When i removed battery for more then 2 minutes, then start up phone, data and time was on system default. Same as phone when i bought it and first boot it. Also idk why, but my phone dont have sduos mark on top of screen, and has 1.6gb of internal memory. So maybe this will be helpfull.
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Sometime back there was this guy who had almost same device as you are mentioning. You can contact and talk to him. Bcoz as per my knowledge Quattro has 5.1 User available space and Duos is written on Upper right.
By dirty flash I mean, flashing the stock rom over the current stock rom without formatting data and all. That is called dirty flash. Clean flash means wiping all data and then flash the Rom.
Take the backup of all the data and try to do a clean flash if dirty flash doesn't work.
Flashing Stock and repeating the cwm flashing process should work if every step is done as advised.
Try your luck again. :good:

What if i flash that stock rom, and then phone failed to boot. Then i will have to enter in recovery mode, but idk if i will be able to enter in...

If you flash the stock Rom properly, it should boot.
wlada96 said:
What if i flash that stock rom, and then phone failed to boot. Then i will have to enter in recovery mode, but idk if i will be able to enter in...
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If you know how to use odin and flash the clean stock rom, it has to boot. There is no way it won't until unless you make some mistake and the flashing fails in between. After flashing the stock rom, initial boot will take long time, you need to keep patience.
Go ahead and flash the stock rom via odin.


[Q] Broken recovery, bad kernel, and id10t error

Last week I flashed LD3 for my Galaxy S2 i777. Today I was going to flash CM9. Every time I tried to boot into recovery it just started the phone.
I figured I could use mobile odin to flash a new kernel and it would fix it. Like an idiot I used a Gingerbread kernel on my phone running an ICS rom. So of course my phone froze on the "Galaxy S2" screen.
I couldn't boot into recovery and freaked out because I couldn't boot into dl either. I ordered a jig but kept fiddling in the meantime. I found that if I hook my phone to the USB, wait for the battery charging icon, take the battery out, then hold the down button it would boot into dl mode. Then I had to put the battery back in before I clicked continue or else it just reset.
Ok, so got into DL mode. I grabbed the stock rom and kernel from XDA site and flashed them with Odin. (can't post links yet).
The phone starts and setup mode begins. It shows the android figure and says click it. Now all kinds of errors pop up telling me different google services weren't working and force close. When you click the android figure it goes to setup wizard screen but nothing happens (except more android service errors).
Can someone help me out here? I've been at it 5 hours and searched this forum high and low. My thought is there are some ICS elements left behind in there it is trying to load, but I could be way off.
I still can't boot into recovery mode, just DL.
PenguinSpark said:
Last week I flashed LD3 for my Galaxy S2 i777. Today I was going to flash CM9. Every time I tried to boot into recovery it just started the phone.
I figured I could use mobile odin to flash a new kernel and it would fix it. Like an idiot I used a Gingerbread kernel on my phone running an ICS rom. So of course my phone froze on the "Galaxy S2" screen.
I couldn't boot into recovery and freaked out because I couldn't boot into dl either. I ordered a jig but kept fiddling in the meantime. I found that if I hook my phone to the USB, wait for the battery charging icon, take the battery out, then hold the down button it would boot into dl mode. Then I had to put the battery back in before I clicked continue or else it just reset.
Ok, so got into DL mode. I grabbed the stock rom and kernel from XDA site and flashed them with Odin. (can't post links yet).
The phone starts and setup mode begins. It shows the android figure and says click it. Now all kinds of errors pop up telling me different google services weren't working and force close. When you click the android figure it goes to setup wizard screen but nothing happens (except more android service errors).
Can someone help me out here? I've been at it 5 hours and searched this forum high and low. My thought is there are some ICS elements left behind in there it is trying to load, but I could be way off.
I still can't boot into recovery mode, just DL.
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Did you do a full wipe before flashing the stock rom and kernel?
I did not do a full wipe. How can I go about that without logging into recovery? I'm googling that now but if you have linkage I would appreciate it.
mattdm said:
Did you do a full wipe before flashing the stock rom and kernel?
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dont need to wipe when using Odin/Heimdall.
To OP:
there is only factory recovery, no CWM, you could always just flash a kernal from the DEV section, get CWM, flash CM9.
If I flash another kernel wouldn't I still have the same problem? I'll go ahead and give it a shot. Any you recommend for any reason or other?
PenguinSpark said:
If I flash another kernel wouldn't I still have the same problem? I'll go ahead and give it a shot. Any you recommend for any reason or other?
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So let me get the're on unrooted stock right now? If that's true, you should:
1. Do a factory reset from settings.
2. Use Odin to flash the Stock with Root package.
3. Use Mobile Odin to flash either Entropy's DD or Siyah.
4. Use CWM to flash what you want after that.
PenguinSpark said:
If I flash another kernel wouldn't I still have the same problem? I'll go ahead and give it a shot. Any you recommend for any reason or other?
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recovery is in kernal. If you flash a kernal from the DEV section you'll get CWM recovery, then you can flash your CM9 that you wanted, after a wipe data/factory reset.
MotoMudder77 said:
recovery is in kernal. If you flash a kernal from the DEV section you'll get CWM recovery, then you can flash your CM9 that you wanted, after a wipe data/factory reset.
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Yes, but if he flashes said kernel with Odin, it'll trip his flash counter. I'm just telling him the safe way to do it, Mobile Odin.
I've already tripped my counter. I have a jig that will be here tomorrow so I can use it to reset the counter.
I can't use mobile odin because I can't log into my phone. I can only use desktop Odin.
All the files I am digging up look like .zip made for cwm. Could someone help guide me towards a kernel I can flash from desktop?
PenguinSpark said:
I've already tripped my counter. I have a jig that will be here tomorrow so I can use it to reset the counter.
I can't use mobile odin because I can't log into my phone. I can only use desktop Odin.
All the files I am digging up look like .zip made for cwm. Could someone help guide me towards a kernel I can flash from desktop?
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Either Entropy's DD or Siyah. You can open the zip and extract the zimage; the zimage is the kernel.
I just tried using Syiah:
I still get this message:
"The process android.process.acore has stopped unexpectedly. please try again"
I can't get past the setup screen.
And I still can't access recovery.
PenguinSpark said:
I just tried using Syiah:
I still get this message:
"The process android.process.acore has stopped unexpectedly. please try again"
I can't get past the setup screen.
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you flashed siyah kernal, booted into recovery, wiped data, and reflashed and are still getting this?
I can't boot to recovery
PenguinSpark said:
I can't boot to recovery
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Flash the return to stock package from Odin again. Something must have gone wrong with it the first time.
well thats wierd. Sorry man but are you doing it right?
vol down and power. hold it untill the screen flashes twice.
I flashed stock 3 times now. I couldn't get into recovery before this (manually or with rom manager) and still can't. It starts like its going into recovery then just resets and loads normally.
Down is for dl mode, up is recovery.
I think the lack of ability to boot into recovery and the android service errors may be related.
PenguinSpark said:
I flashed stock 3 times now. I couldn't get into recovery before this (manually or with rom manager) and still can't. It starts like its going into recovery then just resets and loads normally.
Down is for dl mode, up is recovery.
I think the lack of ability to boot into recovery and the android service errors may be related.
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Forget recovery. You shouldn't be worrying about recovery until after you get your phone booting.
New thought: maybe your download of the stock package is corrupted. Try to download it on your computer again. Download the one with root. If that fixes it, you can go use Mobile Odin to flash the Siyah kernel.
To get into recovery hold down both volume up, volume down, and power button and don't let go until recovery comes up.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using XDA
I have been using the rooted. The fully stock won't dl. This started because I flashed a gb kernel instead of ics. Maybe I should try flashing an ics kernel instead of stock gb?

[Q] Stuck on bootloop.. Can´t enter recovery

So.. I was using my phone normally .. but suddenly my phone went very very slow and then I turned off... I was running Unnamed rom.
But here is the deal , the phone didnt woke up! I mean , The phone got stucked into a boot loop , So I treid to enter into recovery with no luck!... Then I managed to go into download mode without any problem.
So after that I restored the phone to stock (One click root odin) . BUT the phone is still showing the Galaxy S Screen Boot loop.
I´ve tried many things.. 2 Laptops and PC´s , ports , etc.. I also removed the sim card and the micro sd , but that didnt do anything.
So , any suggestion?
PS: Sorry 4 my english
I'm going to assume that you flashed UCKH7, either the stock without root, or the stock with root one click downloader. If you flashed something different than one of these, let me know.
Since you flashed the stock package successfully, you should now be able to get into 3e recovery by holding vol+ vol- and power buttons. Once in 3e recovery, you should do a wipe data/factory reset and your phone should then boot normally.
If you are unable to get into 3e recovery, then there is some sort of unusual problem, so post back here and we'll try to find out what it is.
creepyncrawly said:
I'm going to assume that you flashed UCKH7, either the stock without root, or the stock with root one click downloader. If you flashed something different than one of these, let me know.
Since you flashed the stock package successfully, you should now be able to get into 3e recovery by holding vol+ vol- and power buttons. Once in 3e recovery, you should do a wipe data/factory reset and your phone should then boot normally.
If you are unable to get into 3e recovery, then there is some sort of unusual problem, so post back here and we'll try to find out what it is.
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Yes , I flashed UCKH7 BUT Im still with the bootloop.. There isnt any way I can get into recovery.. This is the first time I see a problem like this.
Thanks 4 ur response
mca1490 said:
Yes , I flashed UCKH7 BUT Im still with the bootloop.. There isnt any way I can get into recovery.. This is the first time I see a problem like this.
Thanks 4 ur response
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If you can't get into recovery using the three button technique then there is something seriously wrong with your phone.
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
Yes... I'm thinking possible hardware issue. But since you can still get download mode, I'd try flashing the full stock package which you can get from the Download Repository. The one you already flashed did not contain the bootloaders and other stuff. If that doesn't clear it up, then I'm thinking repair or replace.
Noob question.. Where I can find the download repository?
mca1490 said:
Noob question.. Where I can find the download repository?
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Bookmark this.
lol.. thank u! ,)

[Q] Boot loop

Hi guys,
Yesterday I finally got to instal a new ROM onto my phone. I've done this before so my phone was already rooted and had the bootloader unlocked. I decided t ogo with Cyanogenmod10. My build was 4.1.B.0.587. I used the tutorial on cyanogenmod wiki and done everything as was said, step by step. I wasn't sure if ClockworkMod would be installed with the rom, so I donwload x-tools and isntalled it form there. Once thaat was done I proceeded to installiion. Everything went fine up until getting into CWM. I am now stuck in a boot loop, constaltly showing the xpera free project logo, then the screen goes dark and this all over and over again. So I searched the net and forums, but couldn't find any one with this problem. Most people either get into CWM and from there can't get further, or they turned the phone on adn after using some application theirs system crashes, but nobody seems to have problems with CWM. I can't get anywhere from here and have no idea what to do. If somebody could please help me, I would be very gratefull! Thanks
jan019 said:
Hi guys,
Yesterday I finally got to instal a new ROM onto my phone. I've done this before so my phone was already rooted and had the bootloader unlocked. I decided t ogo with Cyanogenmod10. My build was 4.1.B.0.587. I used the tutorial on cyanogenmod wiki and done everything as was said, step by step. I wasn't sure if ClockworkMod would be installed with the rom, so I donwload x-tools and isntalled it form there. Once thaat was done I proceeded to installiion. Everything went fine up until getting into CWM. I am now stuck in a boot loop, constaltly showing the xpera free project logo, then the screen goes dark and this all over and over again. So I searched the net and forums, but couldn't find any one with this problem. Most people either get into CWM and from there can't get further, or they turned the phone on adn after using some application theirs system crashes, but nobody seems to have problems with CWM. I can't get anywhere from here and have no idea what to do. If somebody could please help me, I would be very gratefull! Thanks
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Hmmm...CWM is already available as built-in inside the custom need to install recovery using x-tools anymore...just flash the kernel (boot.img) using flashtool...
iPusak Gaoq™ said:
Hmmm...CWM is already available as built-in inside the custom need to install recovery using x-tools anymore...just flash the kernel (boot.img) using flashtool...
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I tried that. I opened flashtool, connected my hpone in fastboot mode, selcted fastboot mode, selcted teh kernel, everytrhign went fine without errors. I then disconected the phone, turned it on and once I reached the logo I kept pressing the volume down button, but it does nothign and keeps looping...
jan019 said:
I tried that. I opened flashtool, connected my hpone in fastboot mode, selcted fastboot mode, selcted teh kernel, everytrhign went fine without errors. I then disconected the phone, turned it on and once I reached the logo I kept pressing the volume down button, but it does nothign and keeps looping...
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you have to wait until the LED appears then you can press volume down (you can also try volume up or power button) to enter recovery....but i suggest you flash stock rom back first and make sure that your phone can boot fine...then flash custom kernel and flash CM10 in recovery...
iPusak Gaoq™ said:
you have to wait until the LED appears then you can press volume down (you can also try volume up or power button) to enter recovery....but i suggest you flash stock rom back first and make sure that your phone can boot fine...then flash custom kernel and flash CM10 in recovery...
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Okay so I flashed back to stock kernel and now i can boot into CWM and even a normal compelte boot. I'll ttry flashing CW again
jan019 said:
Okay so I flashed back to stock kernel and now i can boot into CWM and even a normal compelte boot. I'll ttry flashing CW again
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Hmmm...i said flash stock ROM not stock kernel...if you phone boot fine using stock kernel then you flash fxp kernel (custom kernel) and boot into need to flash CWM separately cause CWM is already inside custom kernel...
iPusak Gaoq™ said:
Hmmm...i said flash stock ROM not stock kernel...if you phone boot fine using stock kernel then you flash fxp kernel (custom kernel) and boot into need to flash CWM separately cause CWM is already inside custom kernel...
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Okay, I'll give it a shot and come back with how I did.
jan019 said:
Okay, I'll give it a shot and come back with how I did.
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WTF... So I charged my phone first so I reach the recommended 85%... Meanwhile I redownloaded the CM10 if it wasn't a bad downnload or something, from the original website. Once that was done, I turned my phone off, turned flashtool on a connected my phone in fastboot mode. I then flashed the kernel with boot.img from CM, unplugged and turned the phone off, waitign for the logo, pressed the volume down button many times and ntohing. I tried multiple times, different buttons too. Still the same. What can I be doing wrong?
jan019 said:
WTF... So I charged my phone first so I reach the recommended 85%... Meanwhile I redownloaded the CM10 if it wasn't a bad downnload or something, from the original website. Once that was done, I turned my phone off, turned flashtool on a connected my phone in fastboot mode. I then flashed the kernel with boot.img from CM, unplugged and turned the phone off, waitign for the logo, pressed the volume down button many times and ntohing. I tried multiple times, different buttons too. Still the same. What can I be doing wrong?
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When I have the phone flashed with stock kernel I can get into the CMW recovery. Trying to install CM with the stock kernel is i guess not a good idea right?
EDIT: So I tried downloading CW9 if that wouldn't make a difference, but it's the same story. Once I boot the phone it just keeps looping from the logo to black screen, no LED lights up, nothing. What if I did a factory reset either from CWM or in the normally booted? Could that help in anyway?
jan019 said:
When I have the phone flashed with stock kernel I can get into the CMW recovery. Trying to install CM with the stock kernel is i guess not a good idea right?
EDIT: So I tried downloading CW9 if that wouldn't make a difference, but it's the same story. Once I boot the phone it just keeps looping from the logo to black screen, no LED lights up, nothing. What if I did a factory reset either from CWM or in the normally booted? Could that help in anyway?
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Click to collapse many times did i have to tell you, you need to FLASH STOCK ROM first...stock rom has stock kernel inside it...flashing STOCK rom will factory reset your should make your phone like new...after your phone boot normally then you can flash custom kernel (fxp kernel) and boot into recovery using that kernel...then only then you can flash CM10 into your phone....
jan019 said:
Hi guys,
Yesterday I finally got to instal a new ROM onto my phone. I've done this before so my phone was already rooted and had the bootloader unlocked. I decided t ogo with Cyanogenmod10. My build was 4.1.B.0.587. I used the tutorial on cyanogenmod wiki and done everything as was said, step by step. I wasn't sure if ClockworkMod would be installed with the rom, so I donwload x-tools and isntalled it form there. Once thaat was done I proceeded to installiion. Everything went fine up until getting into CWM. I am now stuck in a boot loop, constaltly showing the xpera free project logo, then the screen goes dark and this all over and over again. So I searched the net and forums, but couldn't find any one with this problem. Most people either get into CWM and from there can't get further, or they turned the phone on adn after using some application theirs system crashes, but nobody seems to have problems with CWM. I can't get anywhere from here and have no idea what to do. If somebody could please help me, I would be very gratefull! Thanks
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probably bcuz u used CWM located in phone storage & deleted it. happens.
to shorten here all, i advice u to use allways kernels (built in) recovery. (forget about xparts its onlx for locked bl ppl)
also if u want to go for a cm (10+) build try LX from here bcuz FXP is NO longer supported! they kleave us. also its very outdated/old/bad
if u flash (any) kernel CWM is inbuilt, so just reflash the kernel using fastboot (cmd commands) , then on power on press the vol up button moretimes!! to enter CWM (must work) i really advice u to use some LX build. (dont forget to wipe partitions bfore flash)
bejunk said:
probably bcuz u used CWM located in phone storage & deleted it. happens.
to shorten here all, i advice u to use allways kernels (built in) recovery. (forget about xparts its onlx for locked bl ppl)
also if u want to go for a cm (10+) build try LX from here bcuz FXP is NO longer supported! they kleave us. also its very outdated/old/bad
if u flash (any) kernel CWM is inbuilt, so just reflash the kernel using fastboot (cmd commands) , then on power on press the vol up button moretimes!! to enter CWM (must work) i really advice u to use some LX build. (dont forget to wipe partitions bfore flash)
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Okay guys, I'm really confused right now. I just couldn't manage to boot into CWM with CM, I tried many versions, none worked. I then applied the exact same steps onto LX and it worked perfectly, I was in CWM after pressing the volume down butto na few times. Now it's been almost a month since I did this and I wanted to change to a differet version again, so I wanted to try CM again, but it's the same thing, I can't get to CWM. Any ideas?

Is my phone bricked or can someone help?

I followed this video to install Cyanogenmod.
during the install I got a red error stating there was some problem with the gapps zip. Now my phone gives a quick samsung flash and nothing else happens. If I hold power,home and volume up I can still get into the cyanogenmod screen with the option to install. 
I downloaded the files again and tried installing. It got as far as flashing file 1 of 2 and the working bar keeps spinning and doesn't make anymore progress. The screen eventually went black and now I cant even get into the recovery screen. The screen flashed the samsung logo with small blue writing in the top left and then goes black again.
Please help...
Update - If I hold power, volume down and home I am able to get into the downloading screen.
Try to reflash cyanogen mod again but before that format you device completely by going to recovery mod!
Or try to download the cyanogen mod and gapps from xda thread or from somewhere else!
Before flashing any ROM, it is strongly recommended to completely format your device!
Hope it will help you
skiiermike said:
I followed this video to install Cyanogenmod.
during the install I got a red error stating there was some problem with the gapps zip. Now my phone gives a quick samsung flash and nothing else happens. If I hold power,home and volume up I can still get into the cyanogenmod screen with the option to install. 
I downloaded the files again and tried installing. It got as far as flashing file 1 of 2 and the working bar keeps spinning and doesn't make anymore progress. The screen eventually went black and now I cant even get into the recovery screen. The screen flashed the samsung logo with small blue writing in the top left and then goes black again.
Please help...
Update - If I hold power, volume down and home I am able to get into the downloading screen.
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Since you can get into download mode and not into the recovery I would try to flash back to stock following the info in the sticky.
Thanks to the both of you for the help.
FireBlazeGT said:
Try to reflash cyanogen mod again but before that format you device completely by going to recovery mod!
Or try to download the cyanogen mod and gapps from xda thread or from somewhere else!
Before flashing any ROM, it is strongly recommended to completely format your device!
Hope it will help you
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Thanks but I can't get into the recovery screen, only the download screen.
Darke5tShad0w said:
Since you can get into download mode and not into the recovery I would try to flash back to stock following the info in the sticky.
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I found this but it is very vague
A soft brick is easily fixed in most cases, here is what you can do to fix your phone!
-Boot into Recovery (Vol Up + Home Button + Power Button) and wipe your data/cache/delvik cache and factory reset and start all over.
-If Recovery fails, try booting into Download Mode (Vol Down + Home Button + Power Button) and use Odin to get into stock firmware and start again.
(if youre using a Mac, Linux or Ubuntu Heimdall can be used to flash stock firmware)
-Also make sure the downloaded ROM/GApps are not corrupt when youre flashing. You can do this by checking the MD5.
-If youre getting a "STATUS 7" error, please update your recovery, or update your bootloader.
I also found this one that I will try an follow.
To confuse things a little, this phone is a telus phone that I had unlocked to use on Bell. I assume I reflash the telus firmware, am I correct?
Bro just download your phone's custum recovery .
Now go to Odin mod in your phone volume down,home,power.then select volume connect your phone in to PC.
Now open Odin select PDA then browse custum recovery. And start button click.
I was able to get my original firmware back with odin.
Can someone link me to the current files for my phone so I don't screw this up again? Its a Telus i747m, which I believe falls under AT&T.
skiiermike said:
I was able to get my original firmware back with odin.
Can someone link me to the current files for my phone so I don't screw this up again? Its a Telus i747m, which I believe falls under AT&T.
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Bro go to this site:
Then create free account select your phone model and download latest firmware.
Then flash via Odin.
Best of luck.
I want to say thanks for all the replies.
I was able to sort out my problem and here is the solution.
I was trying to install the zip files from the micro sd and it was failing every time. I then tried the same sd card in a usb-otg cable and it worked perfectly.
It must have something to do with the built in sd reader.

samsung galaxy in boot loop(twrp)

i installed cm13 custom rom in my s3 then with twrp. it worked fine then i factory reset my phone then it starts with twrp screen and screen flashes and again twrp screen comes(screen with twrp written not options).i can just go to odin mode. what to do now
please help!!!!!
Never factory reset from a custom ROM. It is recommended to do it from recovery. Your reset has wiped too much including important parts of the OS. Flash another copy again.
I tried to downgrade my galaxy r but i cant and i am stuck into twrp.PLEASE HELP ME TO FIX THIS!!!
admirk61 said:
I tried to downgrade my galaxy r but i cant and i am stuck into twrp.PLEASE HELP ME TO FIX THIS!!!
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Go the the forum designated for your device, do not ask here.
As for your question, please flash your stock ROM again. Make sure to follow the steps properly and be very patient.
How to do it
Jericho Arcelao said:
Never factory reset from a custom ROM. It is recommended to do it from recovery. Your reset has wiped too much including important parts of the OS. Flash another copy again.
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Thanks for ur concern but i cannot open my recovery it is just teamwin written on screen any other method plse describe.
Maybe it is just loading? If after waiting for 5 mins. can you enter recovery? If not can you enter download mode? If yes then download a copy of the stock rom from here and flash it via ODIN.
Jericho Arcelao said:
Go the the forum designated for your device, do not ask here.
As for your question, please flash your stock ROM again. Make sure to follow the steps properly and be very patient.
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I tried to restore my stock system that I backed up but when I finish it,it isnt rebooted into system.It reboots into recovery.
admirk61 said:
I tried to restore my stock system that I backed up but when I finish it,it isnt rebooted into system.It reboots into recovery.
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Go ask your problem here:
ive got this problem with my s3 so can i ask on here?
How do I get into Odin mode? Every time I try to hold power, home and volume down it just flashes the Samsung logo and then goes into recovery when I release the buttons, no download mode
EDIT: just solved it. Seems I didn't press the volume button "down" enough.

