my phone only gets to the se logo , and stops there :\ i have been able to safe mod-ing it by pressing left key or after turned on... because when i press the tree buttons below the screen, not anything at all happen before i release them i cant turn the phone on having buttons pushed down. have to release it to get any kind of start logo. that sony ericsson mobile in the first when turn off phone. second one is the se logo.. plz help me. i got the safe mode once in a 20-30times. but now i have the cable so when im in safemode im gonna repair
try to go to recovery and factory reset all setting
i wiped all partitions of x10 in xrecovery and since thn i am stuck on the sony ericsson logo.
When i power on the device, it vibrates and get stuck on the logo.
Cannot go to xrecovery using the back button.
Tried using SEUS stuck at the point where it asks to press and hold the back button and insert the cable.. tried multiple time.. still stuck there.
Tried using flashtool..6.8.. it gets detected
29/027/2012 16:27:13 - INFO - Device connected with USB debugging off
29/027/2012 16:27:13 - INFO - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
but when i try to flash any firmware.. again stuck at the place where it asks me to disconnect.. power off..hold the back button and connect the cable. i do that.but still remains on the logo and nothing changes.
Device is not detected by adb .
and only way to power off the device is by taking out the battery.
any!!.. can it be an issue with the back button as well?
issue solved.. tuk it to a sony erricson service center. they flashed orignal firmware back on.. got it home.. buttons stopped responding again.. disassembeled the fone.. reseated the flex cable for keypad.. buttons started workin.. flashed Donut ICS .. evertyhin working fine now..
hey all, i have a small brick with my x10 mini
currently the phone it stuck at the sony ericsson screen
and when i connect my phone with SEUS, it just tells me to mount the phone but since its stuck on the sony ericsson screen, i can't do that
what do i have to do to restore the stock 2.1 onto my x10 mini?
Listen tu me...
Do you have installed flashtool, if you have then you must go to the Drivers folder and install the gg-setuup... something like that is called... Install it... then put the phone into flash mode with two buttons... middle button below the keyboard where the three keys... button to turn on the cell phone... These two buttons are pressed and keeps... pres the thanks button if i helped you...
well the problem i'm having is that the phone will not turn off since its stuck at that screen
so i can't boot it into flashmode @[email protected]'
lil-devil said:
well the problem i'm having is that the phone will not turn off since its stuck at that screen
so i can't boot it into flashmode @[email protected]'
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Not sure tho.. Connect your phone to pc.. Then give adb reboot command ( considering you know what ia adb ) your phone will reboot ( as u mini.,i guess u cannot pull out ur phone battery )
Sent from my U20i using xda premium
no i can't pull the battery out, or i would of already >.<;
and i can't give it adb commands because during the bootup screen the adb function is not enabled yet otherwise i could use the flashtool to do it =/
Listen tu me...
put the phone into flash mode with two buttons... middle button below the keyboard where the three keys... button to turn on the cell phone... These two buttons are pressed and keeps... pres the thanks button if i helped you... I had the same problem... I solve it so I put cell phone in flash mode with two buttons that I have mentioned...
i took the phone a part slightly so i was able to access the battery to disconnect it
and i tried to boot the phone into recovery or flashboot and i wasn't able to
i tried power + down volume key
and power + home key
wasn't able to get in
does anyone have any idea?
I'm with the same problem, but the recovery nor flashmode is accessible :/
follow this step..
I'm pretty sure I'm posting an extremelly noob question-cry for help.
Two days ago I tried to change the rom on my X10 mini pro. the bad thing is that I used wrong rom file possibly a rom file for the X8 and after that I'm stucked in an eternal loop sequence. The device dispays SE logo on boot and after a couple of seconds starts to load the ROM however since the rom is failed to load the system reboots after few seconds.
The bad thing is that the back key compination (five times back) doesnt obey and I can't enter to xRecovery.
I also tried SE PC Companion and Flashtool but the loop sequence disconnects the device before I try to send any command.
Any Ideas to save my phone?
In order to enter flashmode, do he following: Press the Power, Home and Back buttons simultaneously. as soon as your screen goes black, release the Power and Home buttons and keep backbutton pressed.
If you want to repair with PC Companion, keep your phone disconnected from the pc until it asks to connect it in flashmode
I really want to thank all the members here on the community.
After of few (maybe lot of) tries I managed to restore my device back to its original stock ROM.
Many Thanks
Hey buddie use the SEUS (Sony Ericsson Update Service).
I also made a similar mistake.
don't worry just use seus n it'll solve ur problem
Hit thanks if it was helpful
Hello, I have looked a lot around here but didnt find the solution
I was touching "the "android.policy.odex" for a mod and phone rebooted into sony logo all time. With CWM recovery I tried to restore a backup but It failed
Phone still on sony logo, not boot, the only thing I can do is turn it off by pressing power + volume up a few seconds. It turns off but now, what to do?
I have locked bootloader.
If I try to turn on, it remains in sony logo... recovery doesnt work too
Javi22 said:
Hello, I have looked a lot around here but didnt find the solution
I was touching "the "android.policy.odex" for a mod and phone rebooted into sony logo all time. With CWM recovery I tried to restore a backup but It failed
Phone still on sony logo, not boot, the only thing I can do is turn it off by pressing power + volume up a few seconds. It turns off but now, what to do?
I have locked bootloader.
If I try to turn on, it remains in sony logo... recovery doesnt work too
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You can repair from pc Companion, SEUS or using flashtool and after this, root, CWM and restore backup.
I am silly, damn I didnt realize I could flash with flashtool, I am sorry, thanks a lot men, Im doing it now, thank you....
Javi22 said:
Hello, I have looked a lot around here but didnt find the solution
I was touching "the "android.policy.odex" for a mod and phone rebooted into sony logo all time. With CWM recovery I tried to restore a backup but It failed
Phone still on sony logo, not boot, the only thing I can do is turn it off by pressing power + volume up a few seconds. It turns off but now, what to do?
I have locked bootloader.
If I try to turn on, it remains in sony logo... recovery doesnt work too
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First of all you must hold power+volume up keys till you recieve 3 times vibrate ( after first vibrate you continue holding till it happens )
In this time your phone goes off , and then flash a new official ROM by useing a flashtool if you rooted your phone otherwise use SUS or sony pc campanion to repaire your phone.
Attention: After powering off don't power on again because put you back the first situation
Okay so my phone can't be turned on , when i try to turn it on it gets stuck to sony logo. Now i tried everything i could find on net i tried holding buttons until vibrates three times , i tried yellow off button , i tried turning him off and not touching him for a day and then charging for a day and again nothing new. When i connect it to pc via usb it gives a sound and pc see a new device but it stays as unknown i tried sonny companion and it doesn't work for it. I used flashtool and when i have turned flashtool and plug it with holding volume button up it recognize it , but when i try to flash it nothing happens. Basically while it recognize phone without trying to flash when i try to flash nothing happens , holding volume up gives a blue light , volume down a green but with volume down nothing happens at all pc doesnt react to it that way at all. I am probably rumbling but thats cause i don't really have experience regarding this sort of stuff , phone is out of warranty it was my sisters phone she switched to new one and i took this to see what can i do with it but as i said its stuck at that sony logo. I should probably add that is heating up about a finger or two down from camera position, somewhere half way between where camera is and sony logo on the back. Is there anything i can do or is it bricked for good ? As i said before i can't turn it on to give permissions to flash is there a way around that ?