[Q] Request: Microsoft Future Vision Themer - Themer General Discussion

A few years ago, Microsoft released a vision for their future design ascetic. While being lucky enough to rock a GPE HTC One there is no denying the absolute elegant UI design in this concept video. Has anyone created a Themer for this? I have searched the app but have not come across anything that really matches.
Ps. In an unrelated note, Sony really missed the boat by not releasing a theme for Skyfall.

JamesMM said:
A few years ago, Microsoft released a vision for their future design ascetic. While being lucky enough to rock a GPE HTC One there is no denying the absolute elegant UI design in this concept video. Has anyone created a Themer for this? I have searched the app but have not come across anything that really matches.
Ps. In an unrelated note, Sony really missed the boat by not releasing a theme for Skyfall.
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Hi James,
There is no theme for this yet, but if you could send us some more design of what you'd want the theme to look like, we could make a plan


Confirmed by htc, jetstream not getting ics.

Hello everyone!
Please see the link below which confirms our agony! HTC is dead to me!!!!
Never buying HTC ever again.
thats a stupid move....on both the jetstream (which was very expensive) and the flyer (which was very popular after the price cut)
damn it.
at least we got an answer.
never touching HTC again after this.
Also, now is the time to put some money to our ICS bounty...since it is the last hope for this device.
guru_shastri said:
damn it.
at least we got an answer.
never touching HTC again after this.
Also, now is the time to put some money to our ICS bounty...since it is the last hope for this device.
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Not to rain on our already rainy parade, but that's not much of a hope. With Honeycomb being closed source, and everything HTC (except the kernel) being closed source, there's pretty much zero chance this device will ever see ICS.
I love my One X, but I really wish I could go back in time and get a Galaxy Tab.
I am very dissapointed. I was bought my jetstream off contract from at&t last october 910usd include taxes and unlock. Very very expensive. And no update? HTC is a shame!!! Today I got my galaxy tab 2 p3100 which has 4.0.3 factory loaded. Great speed and usage. Dual core processor and lot of memory. And cost me 350usd factory unlocked. So thats what I call money steal.
Tapatalk 2-vel küldve az én HTC PG09410-ről
we are the biggest suckers of the android world...
But - for the right amount of money we just might be able to recruit a developer to release us from the htc choke hold.
And also, russ said he's working to get htc to cooperate with him on building a rom for us.here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1651651
There is still a tiny shred of hope.
craig0r said:
Not to rain on our already rainy parade, but that's not much of a hope. With Honeycomb being closed source, and everything HTC (except the kernel) being closed source, there's pretty much zero chance this device will ever see ICS.
I love my One X, but I really wish I could go back in time and get a Galaxy Tab.
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why is honeycomb closed source? the source was released the same day ICS source was released. HTC sense for tablets i don't know about the source but for phones it is fairly open + its not like htc are done with tablets for good. when the next bunch come out im sure someone will port something over for you
wish the jetstream came to the UK but thats a long gone wish
I dont understand why HTC will not update the rom. I will be happy for honeycomb update too. Honeycomb 3.2 update and sense update will be greathful. Why want htc to kill this good tablet.
Tapatalk 2-vel küldve az én HTC PG09410-ről
HTC really should release an update. i'd say more yet....... you know.
just cause a riot on their facebook page like the desire owners did with gingerbread...making htc retract their statement
there's not enough of us.
every post here gets hundreds of views but no one seems to actually respond..IDK if its because they don't own a jetstream or just won't help
there's not enough of us.
every post here gets hundreds of views but no one seems to actually respond..IDK if its because they don't own a jetstream or just won't help
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Agreed. Been away for a week and I return to see not much improvement with the bounty or anything else. There is still always hope..
Sent from my HTC PG09410 using XDA
Jumping ship as they say...it's a shame and there will be a ripple effect.
From a hardware perspective it is still an incredible device. It is truly a shame that HTC has pulled the plug on it and is washing it's hands of what were very likely highly committed HTC users. It was a premium device with a premium price and devoted HTC fans were confident it was a worthy purchase. Although the device did not see extensive penetration, the customers the company will lose as a result (including myself) were valuable voices in the marketplace as champions of the company among other consumers. Though small, there will be a ripple effect. People look to their tech savvy friends and family members for buying advice and I am certainly sharing my experiences openly and honestly.
I have always previously trusted HTC to keep capable devices relevant. Unfortunately, the Jetstream's honeycomb software seemed like an interim OS until HTC had time to get 4.0 up and running. HTC Sense on the Jetstream experiences frequent reboots, the pen gets laggy, the stock notes app hangs up and fails to recognize pen movement at times and the device certainly does not run like it should with this hardware....the processor could still hang with the best of them if it was properly supported.
The HTC One X was going to be my next phone. I've been a fan of the company since it's Windows Mobile days. This experience both from a device standpoint under the current software and the lack of commitment from the company to adequately support the device moving forward (which in my humble opinion includes ICS support) has me waiting for the GS III or other flagship device. Jumping ship as they say.
Jetstream upgrade project
I would really like to upgrade my HTC Jetstream, I would like to start an upgrade project for this lovely tablet, I have $150 bucks to make the upgrade project interesting for our fantastic developers. Any other support?
thank you.

End of the Road for 6month device ?

Lets not kid ourselves on the 7.8 update folks, as its not going to offer anything more than resizing the tiles.
Now that we have been abandoned, we should demand that HTC/microsoft release the source and unlock the bootloaders so we can flash an OS of our choosing.
I believe that ICS would run smoothly on our radars. If it could be done with HD2, it can be done with the radar.
What do you folks think?
Does ics run smoothly on hd2?
Sent from my Radar C110e using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
From what I get on their site, they have several ics roms that are working well. Having a choice is always nice.
I support the OP !!
cool.gautam said:
I support the OP !!
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i'm sorry for the offtopic, but what that |OP| stands for?
File_Submit said:
i'm sorry for the offtopic, but what that |OP| stands for?
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OP means 'original poster' So here it means i support this guy "ibnturab" as he is the OP
Well, we already have a EOL device at the 6 month Mark, give or take. Microsoft said they didn't want fragmentation like android, but here it comes already. My radar is put back in the box and I'm back to android for functionality. My radar is the LAST WP product I will buy. Look at the poor bastards who jumped on the Lumia 900 just a couple months ago. I'm sorry but Microsoft had to know that all these new devices wouldn't run WP8, but they decided to snow ball their consumers instead of being open and honest.
Now Nokia has all these phones they built that I'm sure people won't buy now with the info just released. Nokia is already hanging by a thread.
End of rant....
My time is now done in Windows phone forums. Good luck guys.
Sent from my AOKP'ed Samsung GS2 with Eugene's kernel
@awrnsmn, I totally agree with you. I'm seriously considering selling it. Its shame thought, I love the hardware, and the battery is the best I've seen yet in a smartphone. And the dedicated camera button is superb. But, in the end, we all want functionality so I'm likely gonna list this on ebay.
I'm considering the HTC amaze but I've read mixed things on battery. I'm also looking into the ATrix 2.
android on htc radar
I guess we have to wait and see if there is anybody clever enough to get ics running on a radar. I guess i will give it a try when its there. Not because i need it, but because it can
I know I said my time was done here but.....well anyway. What bothers me the most about all of this is Microsoft was really on to something with WP, it could of been a fantastic os to rival the big 2, but with the decisions their making they're killing already......sad because I USED to like where they were going with it.
Sent from my AOKP'ed Samsung GS2 with Eugene's kernel
IMHO, after my contact is up I will be switching over to Android. *The next Nexus preferably* unless MS could come with something that will make me want to get WP8. Jelly Bean and Operation Butter literally kill my love for WP7.5. :crying:

Anybody else less than impressed with a lot of CM10.x themes?

I'm sorry, but recently I've been seeing themes that something about them is just ugly to me. All of them that I've seen. What happened to all the cm7 themes that were amazing?
Sent from my N3xUS IV ;D
AW: Anybody else less than impressed with a lot of CM10.x themes?
Make it better by yourself?
Just because a person is not able to make a better theme due to a lack of ability to do so, it does not mean that one cannot have an eye for aesthetics. Many people couldn't design a phone but they can tell that one looks good. To be able to make is very different from being able to criticize.
Likewise, many people cannot cook masterfully but they can tell what is great food just by tasting it. If a person were to comment on the negative quality of food, you would be unreasonable to challenge that person to cook something better.
At that, I agree with the OP that there are some themes out there that just look tacky. Yes, I couldn't create a theme because I don't have the ability or resource to do so. But I can still have an eye for good design and good looks.

[Q] Android Questions for an android virgin

I've been using iphone for a while but am contemplating getting a work phone so thought I'd get something different. My wife has the nokia lumia and I'm not a great fan, although I do like the dynamic windows tiles.
So I had a quick play with the Galaxy S4 and HTC One. Before I went into the store the HTC was the one I was most interested in, but I didn't like it to be honest. I usually like HTC UI but not on this, plus I didn't like the soft touch keys.
The S4 user experience was much better imo, but the thing that let it down over the HTC was the build quality/materials the phone is made from. For a £500+ phone I'd expect better tbh. I do like the Android home screen(s) though, much more interesting than the iphone imo. I'd personally like it if Apple introduced widgets rather than just having a screen full of icons.
Sorry to compare to the iphone, but obviously that's my benchmark. I did find the touchscreen very good and responsive, but neither are as slick as the iphone when scrolling around etc. At times they were a little jerky/stuttery (only minor but there), also I found that it didn't always click the links I wanted, it would click the link above or below. Finally the web pages rendered far too small for me (especially the S4). It's as though they're trying to cram to much real estate on making the text too small and ilegible. I had to zoom 99% of web pages, whereas with the iphone I can read them without zoomin
So my questions are can these things be altered? When I had my HTC HD2 a few years ago I found similar issues with rendering and area it was clicking, but you could tweak all these things, as well has how quick the screen scrolled etc by tweaking the registry (xda-developers was a great help for this). Can you do a similar thing with android?
Sorry if this sounds like I'm bashing the phones, I'm not they're very good phones. But for me personally I'd need to be able to change the rendering size of webpages at least (if not the other things) as I'd just find it too annoying to use.
You can alter the text sizes on Android browsers, under Settings > Accessibility. See screenshot.
Personally if I had to choose between the One and the S4, I'd take the One without even thinking about it.
Sent from my Evita using XDA Premium
timmaaa said:
You can alter the text sizes on Android browsers, under Settings > Accessibility. See screenshot.
Personally if I had to choose between the One and the S4, I'd take the One without even thinking about it.
Sent from my Evita using XDA Premium
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Thanks for the reply and help. What are your reasons behind you comments of the One vs S4? It's a shame you can't rent phones fro a few days so you can get to 'play' with them properly, as we all know spending a few minutes in store doesn't give you a real fell for them
Like you mentioned earlier, the build quality is better on the HTC. Samsung phones are just too plasticy for my liking, they look ugly and feel cheap. The design of the One is beautiful.
I also much prefer the stock Sense 5 UI over Touchwiz, I'm using Sense 5 on my One XL at the moment. I'm usually an AOSP fan (I've never really liked Sense much) but Sense 5 has won me over. Touchwiz looks so ugly to me, especially the comic-sans kind of fonts they use so often! If I was getting one I'd root it anyway so I guess the UI would be interchangeable.
Lastly, I think Samsung try too hard, yeah they have some cool features sometimes but ultimately I think they're really gimmicky. In fairness the same could be said about the Beats "audio enhancement" found on HTC phones, no thanks I prefer a music player with good built in equalizer (like Poweramp).
Sent from my Evita using XDA Premium
timmaaa said:
Like you mentioned earlier, the build quality is better on the HTC. Samsung phones are just too plasticy for my liking, they look ugly and feel cheap. The design of the One is beautiful.
I also much prefer the stock Sense 5 UI over Touchwiz, I'm using Sense 5 on my One XL at the moment. I'm usually an AOSP fan (I've never really liked Sense much) but Sense 5 has won me over. Touchwiz looks so ugly to me, especially the comic-sans kind of fonts they use so often! If I was getting one I'd root it anyway so I guess the UI would be interchangeable.
Lastly, I think Samsung try too hard, yeah they have some cool features sometimes but ultimately I think they're really gimmicky. In fairness the same could be said about the Beats "audio enhancement" found on HTC phones, no thanks I prefer a music player with good built in equalizer (like Poweramp).
Sent from my Evita using XDA Premium
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Thanks again. I need to swot up on the different UI's as I'm not familiar with all the different Android UI's/OS's eg touchwiz
After researching and playing with these devices again in store I think I'll choose the HTC One. One think that I don't like is the black background when you go to the apps page, or in menus. The blue wallpaper of the Samsung Galaxy looks much more aesthetically appealing to me (see below). I know with android you can customise just about anything, so can you change the app and menu backgrounds on the HTC to anything you want rather than just having plain black? How easy is it to do?
Not a big thing I know, but aesthetics is important to me
Galaxy S4
On the stock ROM I don't believe you can change the app drawer background. But, if you decide to root the device there will most likely be ROMs available that will have that as an option, plus many more.
In terms of how easy rooting is to accomplish, I believe if you can read and have a basic understanding of technology then it's pretty straight forward. It's daunting at first, I researched quite a lot before attempting it, which is always the best way to go about it.
You're in the right place. XDA is a brilliant community, with a wealth of information, and it's full of like minded people who are willing to lend a hand. If you do decide to root your phone, just go to the XDA home page, use the drop down boxes at the top to find your device forum, and start learning about the true capabilities of Android.
Sent from my Evita
snerkler said:
So my questions are can these things be altered?
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Most things on android can be changed which is what what makes it so great.
Thanks for the replies guys. When you say root the device is this essentially hacking the device, such as jailbreaking the iphone? If so does it cause any performance issues/glitches, and does it effect warranty in any way?
As for the forum, it is truly staggering the knowledge base on here. I used the site many moons ago when I had the HTC HD2 and the info was invaluable.
snerkler said:
Thanks for the replies guys. When you say root the device is this essentially hacking the device, such as jailbreaking the iphone? If so does it cause any performance issues/glitches, and does it effect warranty in any way?
As for the forum, it is truly staggering the knowledge base on here. I used the site many moons ago when I had the HTC HD2 and the info was invaluable.
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Yeah rooting is like jail-breaking, essentially it's hacking your phone in order to give it access to the root directory of your device (where the cool stuff is), hence the term rooting.
There is usually a warning that it will indeed void your warranty. In terms of glitches, newer ROMs can have bugs, it's a matter of testing them out and finding which one works for you best. Most of the stuff available is good for daily driver use though :thumbup:
Sent from my Evita
Thanks again. I assume if you root your phone there is a way to restore it to it's original condition should you have any warranty issues, or wish to sell it on when you upgrade?
snerkler said:
Thanks again. I assume if you root your phone there is a way to restore it to it's original condition should you have any warranty issues, or wish to sell it on when you upgrade?
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Yes you can run an RUU (ROM update utility) which takes it back to a completely stock state. Your bootloader will have flags which say "tampered" or "unlocked" or both, but I believe the One has s-off now so I think removing them is possible, best to check at that forum though.
Sent from my HTC One XL using xda premium
timmaaa said:
Yes you can run an RUU (ROM update utility) which takes it back to a completely stock state. Your bootloader will have flags which say "tampered" or "unlocked" or both, but I believe the One has s-off now so I think removing them is possible, best to check at that forum though.
Sent from my HTC One XL using xda premium
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Many thanks.
No problems :thumbup:
Sent from my HTC One XL using xda premium

Are there any plans to make this launcher better?

As per topic title.
Do not get me wrong but it feels this launcher is at a stop. No big updates or new functions have been added for a pretty long while now.
I really like this launcher, and I would love to see it evolve more besides looks.
I wish I had some ideas for it but I am really bad even at making themes...
Just wondering nothing else.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA Free mobile app
Wow...the silence is deafening. I used Themer for about one year and loved it (still do), but recently tried Nova (due in part to the greater support and use) and will use that for now. Wish Themer would add support for live wallpapers (not to mention a few other things).
Buzz devs are way better, themer is clearly a dead project
joshm.1219 said:
Buzz devs are way better, themer is clearly a dead project
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Maybe (though their page says it's still in Beta). I'm thinking of giving Buzz a try, but it sounds like both battery and RAM usage is an issue...what's your experience?
New version just released (ver. 1.91 on 3-27 p.m.)...let's see how it runs...
So new theme store... Yes it looks much better, absolutely! Yet the silence from developers is somewhat sad. Been a week now, no reaction. It be nice to know if they have moved on to another discussion area, away from XDA (which I could totally understand).
Anyway, slowly getting a little annoyed by the fact that I bought several apps (zooper for example) to support the development. But hey maybe one idea: some sort of road map for themer users be cool.
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