[Q] Need help resetting my tablet (not a novice user) - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello everyone,
First of all, let me tell you that I am very good at android rom flashing and stuff and know these things. Now, here is my problem.
1. I have Aoson M19 tablet, which fell and the lcd screen stopped working.. The touch still work as I can see the output on HDMI by connecting it to an external screen. It lied in its box for sometime before I took it out again...
2. It had a pattern lock, which I unfortunately forgot, so after trying many times, it is stuck asking for my email/password immediately after boot (however the wifi is disabled at start so it never goes anywhere)
3. The tablet does not have a volume button, It has a button for Power, Escape, Home and Menu. I tried all combinations possible (as much as I could) to try and boot it so that it is recognized as an Rockchip 2918 device on my pc connected to it, but it does not work at all..
4. I tried using adb but it never shows it as a device when connected..
So I would like to ask the gurus as xda on how can I get my tablet back by either installing a new ROM (if I can get it to be recognized as rockchip device I can install drivers for it), or some other way to bypass the pattern lock somehow. Maybe some sdcard boot trick which I am unaware of till now..
(Note: this is indeed my device, not trying to hack into someone elses). Any help appreciated...

Maybe this will help: http://forum.gsmhosting.com/vbb/f90...pattern-problem-paswword-without-adb-1717216/
It was mentioned on the last page that Rockchip devices without Volume keys must connect the usb cable to PC and the port on tablet and press the reset button in the hole and the tab will be booted into the correct mode.
Tools: http://www.solidfiles.com/d/747bdce149/Rockchip_Batch_Tool_v1.7.rar
Firmware: http://www.szaoson.com/UploadFiles/Help/20130829102744_71726.rar ( 4.0 ICS v.1 )
My understanding is that the method for flashing Rockchip tablets is essentially the same across the board. So maybe try this guide for some general direction: http://www.arctablet.com/blog/featured/flashing-arnova-g2-rockchip-2918-rockchip-flashing-tool/
I don't know if this will work for your particular Rockchip tablet, but I also found this: http://forum.gsmhosting.com/vbb/f90...re-tool-how-use-guide-share-sonualok-1786042/
Please keep in mind that I do not have said tablet and am only going off of info I have found on the various forums that people reported success with. Also, be sure you do have the RK2918 version as there is a dual core RK3066 model with the same name floating around that I had noticed. The link provided is for a 2918 version. Good luck!

es0tericcha0s, you are a star, let me try and i will be back with the results.. I hope something will surely work..

Ok tried the reset button trick also, pressing it and holding before connecting the usb, and pressing after connecting usb, also tried the same with power button, but it always boots in android. And as usual the device keeps appearing as 'MID' in devie manager...
still stuck

Quick update
Ok quick update, I finally found the way to get it recognized differently (good or bad)
For Aoson M19, Hold the 'Home' key on tablet and then connect the usb cable to PC. However, it still refuses to install the drivers for the device..
See attached picture, still working on it...


New Tablet: broken after fastboot mistake? *solved*

Hello everyone,
I just tried to put CM 10.1 (pollux RC3) on my Z, but I think I made a mistake: I accidently used a fastboot command which was meant for the xperia z phone, not the tablet (something like "fastboot flash boot boot.img"). Now I probably crashed my tablet, didn't I?
First a red light was visible, after 10mins I did a vol.up+power button reset. Now the red light is gone and so is my tablet. I can't get it recognized on the computer anymore, I can't start up the device, nothing.
Anyone has an idea what to do or am I just screwed?
Got it working again, see link in last post.
No you're not screwed. Download your corresponding system dump (do a search in this XTZ forum) eg. SGP311 (wifi 16gb), or SGP312(wifi32gb) and so on. Download flashtool (do a search too). FLASH THAT SYSTEM DUMP WITH FLASHTOOL (sorry for caps). HTH.
cool, thanks for the quick reply. I guess I was a bit fast on the first try...cool someone can help me out
downloading the dump and flashtool right now, gonna take a while, slow connection right now.
Aaalright...*still hoping not to be screwed*
If I plugin the usb cable to the computer, holding the volume button down for flash mode, absolutely nothing happens. I tried windows boxes and linux boxes, neither one of them logs anything happening on the usb ports.
Does anyone have a suggestion what to do? The tablet seems dead...the only thing is a single quick LED blink if I do a reset with power button + vol. up. So far I can't get it to do anything else besides that.
*New situation*
I plugged in the USB cable while holding power+vol up. Now I got a constant red led...
Trying this right now: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=42003603

[Q] My Tablet AllWinner A13.. Bricked? How to fix this?

Hi guys.
Right now I'm having some issues with my Tablet. It seems to be bricked. I was trying to flashing it and something failed, but now my PC cannot recognize it and when I tried to turn it on or go to recovery mode, it always stays in the Android Logo (Image attached)
What can I do. I was trying to use uberizer or adb but as the tablet is not recognized by my PC, I just don't know what to do.
Thanks for the help you can give me.
abottoni said:
Hi guys.
Right now I'm having some issues with my Tablet. It seems to be bricked. I was trying to flashing it and something failed, but now my PC cannot recognize it and when I tried to turn it on or go to recovery mode, it always stays in the Android Logo (Image attached)
What can I do. I was trying to use uberizer or adb but as the tablet is not recognized by my PC, I just don't know what to do.
Thanks for the help you can give me.
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What brand is that tablet? Specs on it? Looks identical to mine. I got mine to flash by using livesuit and the faaastjb v2.5. Start livesuit, select your rom image that you choose. Make sure tablet is unplugged from usb, but plugged into charger, and it is off. Hold the volume up button, then plug the usb in (computer and tablet). Press the power button repeatedly until you hear the windows sound when you plug in a usb device. Once you hear this, stop pressing power, and let go of the volume up button. You should hear the sound in windows like its disconnected, then reconnected and then livesuit will ask if you want a complete flash (erase and flash) or upgrade. Then just let it go.
Hopefully this helps you, and if you do have the same tablet as me, I would be very grateful if you would send me a factory dump so I can get proper drivers!

GS701B Tablet [ATM7013 CPU] Brick Repair

GS701B [ATM7013 CPU] Brick Repair
In this thread i am going to show you how to unbrick your gs7013b tablet without recovery mode.
Please be aware that i have spent a lot of time researching and sourcing the resources to be able to do this and it may or may not work for other MIPS tablets....
firstly you need to set up your computer environment (drivers etc)
Actions Product Tool 1.02_02 (Developer Edition)
Firmware Files
When you have finished download the above files extract the actions developer tool to a folder on your desktop for easy access and do the same for the firmware files.
Now we need to get your tablet into ADFU Mode (ADFU = Actions Device Flash Utility)
firstly open up your tablet by popping off the rear panel.
when you have opened the tablet up you should have something like the below picture.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Now to get the tablet into ADFU Mode connect your usb cable to tablet and computer and remove any memory card you may have inserted.
now you need to find a tiny flat screwdriver or knife or something similar and we need to short pins 7-8 or 8-9 on the tablets nand chip to force it into ADFU Mode while shorting these pins keep pressing power button until computer recognizes it.
see picture below.
NOTE: i have been informed by some users that the nand chip on their devices is actually soldered on inverted to find pin 1 simply look at the chip and in one corner there will be a little circle which is sort of sunk into the chip this means that pin 1 is on the same corner as the little circle..
when you get the tablet into ADFU Mode your computer will make a sound as if you have just plugged in a usb device. Your computer will now ask for the adfu usb driver which you should have in the Actions Tablet Product Tool 1.02_02(Developer Edition)\Tablet Product Tool(Developer Edition) 1.02\Driver\ folder on the desktop which you downloaded earlier. point windows to he driver and you should now have the device installed...
now goto the Actions Tablet Product Tool 1.02_02(Developer Edition)\Tablet Product Tool(Developer Edition) 1.02\Product folder and run the mainapp.exe
the tool will open and then ask for a firmware file choose the icecream_gl5201_q8_rgb.fw which was in the firmware files zip you downloaded earlier
Now when the tool has read it you need to click the button as in the picture below.
Now on the right of the tool there are a few check boxes etc LEAVE EVERYTHING ALONE apart from the 2 options i explain below
click the image button for FAT_MISC Partition and choose the ACTA.IMG you downloaded earlier in the firmware files.zip
no click the image button for System Partition and choose the ACTB.IMG you downloaded earlier in the firmware files.zip
Now click the big green button as in picture below.
when flashing is done reboot tablet if it doesnt reboot automatically
BOOM working tablet... you should now be able to use your tablet with what you just flashed or you can try a different rom using stock recovery
massive thanks to
Edo2013 (xda forums) for helping me with software and firmware sourcing and flashing.
POST #15 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=50938861&postcount=15​
no work for me
Greetings, I did not work after installing the TF-20121031-Q8-0329camera.zip no longer lights follow your tutorial step by step, and if I go into DFU mode, but it marks 98 error (as well try to install the CEMA10S24 . indicates rar Error 8 but I do not know what to do is the tablet of my daughter. beginning for all problems has stopped the process in various applications.
I hope you can guide me
comgunner said:
Greetings, I did not work after installing the TF-20121031-Q8-0329camera.zip no longer lights follow your tutorial step by step, and if I go into DFU mode, but it marks 98 error (as well try to install the CEMA10S24 . indicates rar Error 8 but I do not know what to do is the tablet of my daughter. beginning for all problems has stopped the process in various applications.
I hope you can guide me
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hi at which point in the above process do you get the errors?? i cant help you without a bit more information.. if the errors are during flashing then please try a different usb cable and make sure your in adfu mode by checking device manager.. also if you are using windows vista/7/8 it would be a good idea to run everything as administrator or turn uac off completely. make sure your computer is setup correctly and fully updated with the latest .net framework etc...
Q8 GS701B [ATM7013 CPU] hang on android logo
Very helpfull tutorial. Thank you.
But I've got a little bit different problem with my tablet. When I turning on my tablet during booting it is hang on android logo. I've tried all firmware from ele-china and tried also icecream_gl5201_q8_rgb.fw and CEMA10S24 but no one works for me.
When I use your method upgrade is successfull but it is still the same problem with hang on android logo.
I've tried also check box FLASH READ CHECK see attached screen shot. After that its appear checksum error and error 81.
Do you have any idea what can help wit this issue?
My gs701b tablet is not bricked but its touch screen does not work. I tried to download iccream rom you put here to my tablet and I tried another
Rom but touch screen does not work? Is that hardware problem or software. The problem occurred after upgrading to rom upgrade.fast.fw.
you will have a hard time getting it to work what you need to try to do is pull the ts drivers from your previous working firmware and then insmod them to this one although doing this is not an easy process it took me week to get my tablet working again.. your ts dont work becuase it uses a different driver for touchscreen which is not the same as mine you need to find someone with the same tablet as yours and get them to give you a dump of there acta and actb partitions....
i currently cant give much support as i got rid of my gs701b tablets as it is a mips tablet and the support for mips is almost non existant becuse of its incompatibilty with almost all apps on the market and the lack of firmware for these tabs are almost also non existant..
I have flashed some wrong firmware that was supposed to be for tablet with a home button. Now it does not power on. Screen does not light up. When I plug it in with usb cable I hear windows notification sound. Then I longpress power button and I hear windows notification sound that indicates shutting off connected device. Doing so also makes it to disappear from device manager. As soon as I release the power button I hear a positive notification sound again and it reappears in device manager once more. So I am stuck at this point. I managed to install unsigned Actions USB 2.0 HS driver, this is how it appears on device manager. I have tried to power it on with cable connected while shorting nand pins but same thing happens.
* UPDATE * So I tried Again. Screen lighted up and is white. I opened tablet product tools. Added firmware and two images. Pressed the green large button. Process have started and got stuck at DOWNLOADING ADFUS ... 20% clock is ticking at 19 minutes now and the progress bar wont move.
* UPDATE * After 143 min and 30 secs i checked on the progress of downloading adfus. It was still 20% but I noticed that a small question window popped up "upgrade firmware" pressed OK. Progress bar went to 95% with title UNKNOWN ERROR. The clock has stopped.
* UPDATE * I have tried again. It takes about 60 minutes until I get the UNKNOWN ERROR an the flashing process stops. Maybe Im not getting into adfu mode? The tool program thing the tablet is ready for flashing as soon as I plug in usb cable or hold power button for 10 secs to shut it off and then release it. The screen goes white after download adfus reaches 20% and it takes about 5 seconds.
* UPDATE * Now I understand that small pop up window on tools program actually says "upload partition error".
Varnuunas said:
I have flashed some wrong firmware that was supposed to be for tablet with a home button. Now it does not power on. Screen does not light up. When I plug it in with usb cable I hear windows notification sound. Then I longpress power button and I hear windows notification sound that indicates shutting off connected device. Doing so also makes it to disappear from device manager. As soon as I release the power button I hear a positive notification sound again and it reappears in device manager once more. So I am stuck at this point. I managed to install unsigned Actions USB 2.0 HS driver, this is how it appears on device manager. I have tried to power it on with cable connected while shorting nand pins but same thing happens.
* UPDATE * So I tried Again. Screen lighted up and is white. I opened tablet product tools. Added firmware and two images. Pressed the green large button. Process have started and got stuck at DOWNLOADING ADFUS ... 20% clock is ticking at 19 minutes now and the progress bar wont move.
* UPDATE * After 143 min and 30 secs i checked on the progress of downloading adfus. It was still 20% but I noticed that a small question window popped up "upgrade firmware" pressed OK. Progress bar went to 95% with title UNKNOWN ERROR. The clock has stopped.
* UPDATE * I have tried again. It takes about 60 minutes until I get the UNKNOWN ERROR an the flashing process stops. Maybe Im not getting into adfu mode? The tool program thing the tablet is ready for flashing as soon as I plug in usb cable or hold power button for 10 secs to shut it off and then release it. The screen goes white after download adfus reaches 20% and it takes about 5 seconds.
* UPDATE * Now I understand that small pop up window on tools program actually says "upload partition error".
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i have never had this problem all i can suggest is trying to use a different usb cable or maybe even a different computer... i had something simular to this before a while ago an i took it to friends house and used his laptop and it went through the process perfectly..
Would like to say thanks handy trick work wonders, Aoson M723, (Actions ATM7029) was looking at upgrading, flashed incorrectly. Only issue now OTG is still not working and Gsensor is not working now
Just happy to have the tablet working again.
One minor issue, when I plug in the USB, the tablet shows the boot up image, little odd, what could the possible cause be for that ? I can only think of the actions USB driver causing the trouble how do I go about removing the driver ?
Dear sir, any chance that you have tried this one an Ainol Novo 7 Venus Lite. Mine is deep bricked and I can't even get it to be recognized on my Laptop, by holding Vol+ and Power. I got CXZ ADB drivers installed and the Pad tool Ver. 1.05, but nothing happens and I fear I need to open it up and shorten pin 5 and 6 as mentioned by fuser-invent here;
His guide is not for the venus but for the Crystal.
Can you help me out here?
With kind regards
insomniacno1 said:
Dear sir, any chance that you have tried this one an Ainol Novo 7 Venus Lite. Mine is deep bricked and I can't even get it to be recognized on my Laptop, by holding Vol+ and Power. I got CXZ ADB drivers installed and the Pad tool Ver. 1.05, but nothing happens and I fear I need to open it up and shorten pin 5 and 6 as mentioned by fuser-invent here;
His guide is not for the venus but for the Crystal.
Can you help me out here?
With kind regards
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i know this might not be the right place for this but maybe some one can take me to the right place i have a Proscan plt4311 and useing this same way i can restore my firmware so my question is this my tablet does not have gapps on it and i want to put it on there i have found a way to root it but now is the problem i just cant find anyplace that has a way to flash gapps to it if i could install the files useing root explore how can i do that ect thanks
message: "Encryption unsuccessful"
Everything went perfect with update with no errors. But after the android logo, when system is starting, I see message: "Encryption unsuccessful" and than folowing text: "Encryption was interrupted and can't complete. As a result, the data on your tablet is no longer accessible. To resume using your tablet, you must perform a factory reset. When you set up your tablet after the reset, you'll have an opportunity to restore any data that was backed up to your Google Account". There is a button "Reset tablet". After the reset, tablet starts I reach again the message above.
Any ideas what's going wrong? After update tablet did not starts alone, but I manualy press power button and it starts. Before power on, I see that update proces in MainApp.exe was finished.
And also I have no recovery options by pressing Volume UP + Power buttons.
And finaly: can I put other firmware to upload using that application, and should I use acta.img and actb.img whith any other firmware?
Thanks in advance!
Hey, same thing
bastunbastun said:
Everything went perfect with update with no errors. But after the android logo, when system is starting, I see message: "Encryption unsuccessful" and than folowing text: "Encryption was interrupted and can't complete. As a result, the data on your tablet is no longer accessible. To resume using your tablet, you must perform a factory reset. When you set up your tablet after the reset, you'll have an opportunity to restore any data that was backed up to your Google Account". There is a button "Reset tablet". After the reset, tablet starts I reach again the message above.
Any ideas what's going wrong? After update tablet did not starts alone, but I manualy press power button and it starts. Before power on, I see that update proces in MainApp.exe was finished.
And also I have no recovery options by pressing Volume UP + Power buttons.
And finaly: can I put other firmware to upload using that application, and should I use acta.img and actb.img whith any other firmware?
Thanks in advance!
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I have been working on this tab for days, and I have the exact problem as this dude mentioned. I can't get into ADFU when I short the pins anymore, and i've been trying for over an hour, which means I can't flash again. No recovery options, no way to access USB debugging on the tablet, I can't figure this thing out. I think the cause might be manually restarting the device once it appears to be done but it really is not. Perhaps our impatience got the best of us.
Trio Stealth Lite 4.3 GS701b without home button. Please, please help us. Willing to donate a handsome amount, and i'm completely serious.
WeActOnImpulse said:
I have been working on this tab for days, and I have the exact problem as this dude mentioned. I can't get into ADFU when I short the pins anymore, and i've been trying for over an hour, which means I can't flash again. No recovery options, no way to access USB debugging on the tablet, I can't figure this thing out. I think the cause might be manually restarting the device once it appears to be done but it really is not. Perhaps our impatience got the best of us.
Trio Stealth Lite 4.3 GS701b without home button. Please, please help us. Willing to donate a handsome amount, and i'm completely serious.
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hi sorry for my ignorance i have been away on holiday...
the picture in the OP of the nand chip is a little misguiding.. i am guessing you have both tried pins 7-8 and 8-9 if so an its not working try the pins on the other side of the nand chip as some model version differ from others i have had 3 of these and had the same issue although i solved the problem by getting a thin sharp blade eg, craft knife blade and i pressed it onto all the pins on one side of the chip and this worked for me although be aware of the fact that you could possibly permanantly damage the nand by doing this... (but i have not ever damaged a nand chip or tablet doing this and this is now my preferred method..
Also try pins 5 - 6
and when shorting the pins also try to push the vol- or vol+ and the power button
there is no other way to get the tablet into adfu mode the only way is by shorting the nad and while you have the pins shorted turn the tablet on..
if you have any questions or need more info let me know..
Inside 4ndroid said:
hi sorry for my ignorance i have been away on holiday...
the picture in the OP of the nand chip is a little misguiding.. i am guessing you have both tried pins 7-8 and 8-9 if so an its not working try the pins on the other side of the nand chip as some model version differ from others i have had 3 of these and had the same issue although i solved the problem by getting a thin sharp blade eg, craft knife blade and i pressed it onto all the pins on one side of the chip and this worked for me although be aware of the fact that you could possibly permanantly damage the nand by doing this... (but i have not ever damaged a nand chip or tablet doing this and this is now my preferred method..
Also try pins 5 - 6
and when shorting the pins also try to push the vol- or vol+ and the power button
there is no other way to get the tablet into adfu mode the only way is by shorting the nad and while you have the pins shorted turn the tablet on..
if you have any questions or need more info let me know..
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That was genius because it worked. I just pressed a cream cheese knife against the opposite side and it booted into ADFU mode, first try. Thank you. here's some images, maybe you can include this in OP for future reference if the same thing happens, because after the flash it switches which pins need to be pressed.
Problem is, though, that I still get the "encryption unsuccessful" message after a successful flash. I can't access USB debugging, a factory reset doesn't get rid of the message, and I can't seem to find the recovery menu to flash a different ROM. Perhaps you know how to get into recovery/download mode? Or is that ADFU and I should find a different ROM to flash with that program? Here's a video if you want to see exactly what's happening. (It has my beautiful voice, lol.)
Thanks again.
At my tablet the flasher is getting stucked at 20% .
Is there any solution ?
Thanks !
Glad it worked for you..
as for the encryption problem i personally have never come across this and i would defo suggest trying a different firmware or maybe even a different version of the flash tool..
getting stuck at 20% is because you are trying to flash incompatible firmware..
Thanks for the reply but where to download correct flash for my tablet ?
ATM7013 , GS701b without home button .
Thanks !
usernome said:
Thanks for the reply but where to download correct flash for my tablet ?
ATM7013 , GS701b without home button .
Thanks !
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Good question... The answer we all would like to Know but you will find some here these are all that i know of at the moment
let me know how it goes..
an if the link above contains what you need please dont forget to hit the thanks button
My tablet is bricked . I cannot enter recovery menu and flash from sd-card .
That firmware aren't recognized by the flasher .

Azpen A727 Tablet - UnBrick (How to)

{Solved}I have an Azpen A727 i bought from MicroCenter that I bricked.
I found out the solution to unbrick the tablet. First you need the firmware for the version of Android your A727 came with (Jelly Bean or KitKat) which i will provide the links for or you can request from Azpen (which i did and got a response for in 30min), 2nd you need a flashing tool called PheonixUSBPro and a "key" to flash your firmware on the bricked tablet.
1. Follow the instructions on this page for flashing firmware and downloading PhoenixUSBPro here http://www.azpenpc.com/download/detail.php/id-2.html or use the Backup here https://drive.google.com/folderview...JrLUZEYTFjOVF2ajJISy1pdkVCSTgzVlk&usp=sharing
2. a. Firmware and "Key" for A727 Jelly Bean https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B53yZ1fbVqxJVnNFSkY2cjFoRjQ&usp=sharing
b. Firmware and "Key" for A727 KitKat (For some reason we have two different versions. If one doesn't work try the other)https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B53yZ1fbVqxJZGx2SDVPcWhsWmM&usp=sharing
Note: If anyone is having trouble with PhoenixUSBPro detecting your tablet try holding down the power button and plugging in your tablet from the micro-USB side then press the power button 10 times. Then Windows should be installing the driver so PhoenixUSBPro should detect it now. It worked for me in Windows 7.
If anyone has any problems let me know . Thank you @viper2110 for providing the community with the KitKat firmware.
bricked as well
Were you able to get the device working again?
I bricked mine messing with it today and am trying to fix it.
Have the stock recovery so far if you still need it let me know. xda wont let me attach for some reason
buellonsholes said:
Were you able to get the device working again?
I bricked mine messing with it today and am trying to fix it.
Have the stock recovery so far if you still need it let me know. xda wont let me attach for some reason
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Yep i fixed it. I edited the first post with the solution
thank you
treecheetahdolo said:
Yep i fixed it. I edited the first post with the solution
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still trying to figure out adb, livesuit, and eclipse all at once but here we go.
nothing like jumping in and just figuring out whats what lol
no luck
treecheetahdolo said:
{Solved}I have an Azpen A727 i bought from MicroCenter that the camera wasnt working so i decided to install a custom ROM on it instead of bringing back to the store. I was able to root it. But once I flashed a custom ClockWorldMod from http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2532464 i was bricked.
I found out the solution to unbrick the tablet. First you need the firmware which i will provide the link for or you can request from Azpen (which i did and got a response for in 30min), 2nd you need a flashing tool called PheonixUSBPro and a "key" to flash your firmware on the bricked tablet.
1. Follow the instructions on this page for flashing firmware and downloading PhoenixUSBPro http://www.azpenpc.com/download/detail.php/id-2.html
2. Firmware and "Key" https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B53yZ1fbVqxJVnNFSkY2cjFoRjQ&usp=sharing
If anyone has any problems let me know
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Can 't figure out why but after trying many times phoenixpro fails me (trying to use key but red button and green button both arent there)
livesuit wont run either unsure why
only thing i have up and running is sdk manager and im working on learning the steps with it
anyone who can help it would be appreciated. using a windows 8
Very important:
Originally Posted by dsulliii View Post
1) Make sure your A700 is turned off. (Do NOT have the micro-USB end plugged into your A700 at this time, that is for later.)
2) Start LiveSuit on your computer. (The COMPUTER end of your USB cable should be plugged into ONLY your computer at this stage.)
3) Select the ROM that you want to flash to your A700.
4) Hold down the Vol button on your device (I usually hold it down Vol-, not Vol+, but I believe that this device does not matter which.)
5) While holding down Vol, plug the micro-USB end of the cable into your A700. Keep holding down the Vol button.
6) While still holding down the Vol button, WITH the USB cable now connected between your computer and your A700, press and release the A700's Power button 10 times, and wait for a second to a few.
7) The LiveSuit program will detect your A700 going into download mode and begin prompting you for what to do.
8) Follow LiveSuit's recommendations, including formatting. It will take less than 5 minutes.
This wasn't clear to me from the original post.
However I followed the original link and figured it out.
Hope that clears it up for anyone else.
WarezAppz said:
Very important:
Originally Posted by dsulliii View Post
1) Make sure your A700 is turned off. (Do NOT have the micro-USB end plugged into your A700 at this time, that is for later.)
2) Start LiveSuit on your computer. (The COMPUTER end of your USB cable should be plugged into ONLY your computer at this stage.)
3) Select the ROM that you want to flash to your A700.
4) Hold down the Vol button on your device (I usually hold it down Vol-, not Vol+, but I believe that this device does not matter which.)
5) While holding down Vol, plug the micro-USB end of the cable into your A700. Keep holding down the Vol button.
6) While still holding down the Vol button, WITH the USB cable now connected between your computer and your A700, press and release the A700's Power button 10 times, and wait for a second to a few.
7) The LiveSuit program will detect your A700 going into download mode and begin prompting you for what to do.
8) Follow LiveSuit's recommendations, including formatting. It will take less than 5 minutes.
This wasn't clear to me from the original post.
However I followed the original link and figured it out.
Hope that clears it up for anyone else.
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i'm feeling really dumb here i read that too and am pretty sure i have gotten it into this mode. but its the livesuit software thats the problem i cant get that or the other ones i mentioned to even run. anything i do get to run (phoenix and sdk) dont seem to run correctly. windows 8 is annoying me this week. im trying to get one of my old windows 7 computers up and running and ill try again i guess
WarezAppz said:
Very important:
Originally Posted by dsulliii View Post
1) Make sure your A700 is turned off. (Do NOT have the micro-USB end plugged into your A700 at this time, that is for later.)
2) Start LiveSuit on your computer. (The COMPUTER end of your USB cable should be plugged into ONLY your computer at this stage.)
3) Select the ROM that you want to flash to your A700.
4) Hold down the Vol button on your device (I usually hold it down Vol-, not Vol+, but I believe that this device does not matter which.)
5) While holding down Vol, plug the micro-USB end of the cable into your A700. Keep holding down the Vol button.
6) While still holding down the Vol button, WITH the USB cable now connected between your computer and your A700, press and release the A700's Power button 10 times, and wait for a second to a few.
7) The LiveSuit program will detect your A700 going into download mode and begin prompting you for what to do.
8) Follow LiveSuit's recommendations, including formatting. It will take less than 5 minutes.
This wasn't clear to me from the original post.
However I followed the original link and figured it out.
Hope that clears it up for anyone else.
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Im pretty sure LiveSuit wont work on the A727 because the CPU is different. The A727 uses an Allwinner thats why we have to use PhoenixUSBPro. Sorry for my late response I dont have internet anymore so I got lucky today getting online, lol.
treecheetahdolo said:
Im pretty sure LiveSuit wont work on the A727 because the CPU is different. The A727 uses an Allwinner thats why we have to use PhoenixUSBPro. Sorry for my late response I dont have internet anymore so I got lucky today getting online, lol.
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Yeah, sorry I was using PhoenixUSBPro, guilty of not mentioning that.
Anyone else have any luck unbricking the A727 with this method?
Look what I ran across
SDK for Allwinner CPUs?
Now will this aid in someone creating a Android 4.4 image for an Azpen a1023 or at least a custom CWM or TWRP? for one?
answer soon back.
WarezAppz said:
SDK for Allwinner CPUs?
Now will this aid in someone creating a Android 4.4 image for an Azpen a1023 or at least a custom CWM or TWRP? for one?
answer soon back.
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I dont know but BLuFeNiX started this thread where he did a CWM for an A700 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2532464
treecheetahdolo said:
I dont know but BLuFeNiX started this thread where he did a CWM for an A700 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2532464
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Yeah I was aware of that, but that's for an A700
and I am actually interested in A1023, not sure the A700 will work for the A1023
Question. Frozen after reimage.
Hi all! I was able to reimage my A727 with PhoenixUSBPro and the firmware and key linked in the OP, but when it reboots and comes up to the initial screen, it's frozen. Won't take any input. The only thing I can do is force a shutdown with the power button. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks.
TMBackstrom said:
Hi all! I was able to reimage my A727 with PhoenixUSBPro and the firmware and key linked in the OP, but when it reboots and comes up to the initial screen, it's frozen. Won't take any input. The only thing I can do is force a shutdown with the power button. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks.
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I dont know. Have you tried pressing the reset button?
treecheetahdolo said:
I dont know. Have you tried pressing the reset button?
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Yup, tried the reset button and resetting back to factory. Still frozen.
I just redownloaded everything from the OP onto a Win 7 Pro x86, instead of on my Win 7 Ultimate x64 system, ran the upload, and it is working fine now. Thanks for all the help. :good:
TMBackstrom said:
I just redownloaded everything from the OP onto a Win 7 Pro x86, instead of on my Win 7 Ultimate x64 system, ran the upload, and it is working fine now. Thanks for all the help. :good:
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Wow interesting. Im surprised it made a difference. Im glad you have everything up and running now
treecheetahdolo said:
{Solved}I have an Azpen A727 i bought from MicroCenter that I bricked.
I found out the solution to unbrick the tablet. First you need the firmware which i will provide the link for or you can request from Azpen (which i did and got a response for in 30min), 2nd you need a flashing tool called PheonixUSBPro and a "key" to flash your firmware on the bricked tablet.
1. Follow the instructions on this page for flashing firmware and downloading PhoenixUSBPro
2. Firmware and "Key"
If anyone has any problems let me know
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I also have an azpen tablet that comes up with the azpen logo when switching it on and it just stays there.
I did try your solution above but does not work. The device does not seem to be picked up in PhoenixUSBPro.
In windows device manager it did pick up the device as "USB Developer". I instlled the Google drives and now it shows as "Android Composite ADB Interface". But PhoenixUSBPro still does nit pick it up.
Any ideas what else I can try.
viper2110 said:
I also have an azpen tablet that comes up with the azpen logo when switching it on and it just stays there.
I did try your solution above but does not work. The device does not seem to be picked up in PhoenixUSBPro.
In windows device manager it did pick up the device as "USB Developer". I instlled the Google drives and now it shows as "Android Composite ADB Interface". But PhoenixUSBPro still does nit pick it up.
Any ideas what else I can try.
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Are you holding down the power button and volume down button while plugging in your tablet like Azpen said?

[Q] Device "soft bricked" - Help needed!

Hi guys, I was trying to flash a custom ROM for the first time onto my ASUS ME301T, as I was fairly sure ASUS was not going to update these devices anymore.
Anyway, now the device will not start. It will power on, and the first of the two ASUS start-up screens will appear (the non animated/static one). In the top corner, it reads "The Device is Unlocked" as was required when attempting to flash the 4.4.4 ROM. Beyond this, nothing happens. If I attempt to power down the device it simply reboots itself shortly after. The only way to turn it off is to insert a paperclip into the physical reset hole, or to let the device run out of battery.
Now before you tell me to go into recovery by holding power and volume down... I've tried that hundreds of times.. As well as power+vol up, although I don't know what that does. I cannot access recovery mode, as far as I know anyway. Further, the device is not detected by either of my computers (desktop or laptop, windows and mac) so I can't attempt to flash it through USB (unless there is a way to do this?).
The device does not heat up, the screen simply stays on the ASUS static logo. It doesn't power off unless I hold the button, and it quickly restarts. To provide context as to what I did to cause this issue.. It was working fine on its factory ROM, no issues, and I attempted to do another system reset to fix an issue I was having with TWRP. However, I accidentally selected the middle open, not RCK, not reset, but something like "boot into Linux" or something, I can't exactly remember. Anyway, like an idiot I freaked and powered off the device.. My guess is that this is was caused the issue?
Anyway, making this post here as this is my first time looking into/attempting to flash a device. Would appreciate some expert help before I use my tablet to prop up the books on my bookcase
Help me try to unbrick my tablet! (I'm not too hopeful though..)

