[Q] Audio jack problems - Galaxy S III Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

hey there,
sorry for the long post, but I have a few questions and I want to be a specific and clear as I can.
so once again im facing some problems with my 3.5mm audio jack.
last time it happend (over six months ago) I still had the device waranty covering it so I just sent it to the store and they replaced the whole rear speaker part which includes the 3.5mm jack.
now that I don't have waranty covering it im probably facing some high cost for replacing this few dollars part....
I thought maybe I should try replacing it myself but encountered a problem oppening one of the screws in the back panel of the device (even though the screw looks fine, I guess the person who "fixed" my problem last time used too much force to screw/unscrew the screw and messed its head)
any solutions on oppening that last screw?
maybe I should just send it for repair and pay the price..?
or is there a more elegant way of fixing the 3.5mm jack?
also, its preaty annoying facing this problem again in such short term of time...
even though im not using lethal force to connect things to my device, I'm a rather heavy user and I tend to plug and unplug the device alot...
if its in my car when I plug it to the AUX or at my office when I plug it to the stereo or just when im on the train listening to my favorite tunes to pass the time.
what the hell can I do to make the jack last longer??

If you aren't confident then send it for repair, there is no way to repair hardware without disassembling the phone.
My phone is nearly two years old, headphones get plugged in at least two or three times a day and I've had no problems.


[Q] Problems with audio jack

Hi all,
to my great frustration, I've discovered that my SGS2 line-out / headphones jack seems to have a slack joint, i.e. if you turn a connected plug around its long axis, a crackling sound is heared in the speakers and at some angular positions the stereo signal will be reduced to mono (i.e. one speaker gos silent). With one device (mobile outdoor speaker) I even had no sound at all at when inserting the plug with the wrong "orientation".
Did anybody experience the same problem or am I just out of luck here?
I am wondering whether sending back the device to the retailer (Amazon) or directly to Samsung (I'm situated in Germany) will yield the faster round-trip time, any experiences here?
PS: I know this may be a stupid question but can somebody PLEASE tell me how to search for multiple keywords with AND logic in this forum? Tried "+word +word" and "word AND word" (without the quotes) but nothing seems to work.
Are you using the headphones that came with it? My better half went through 4 sets of the stock samsung headphones with her original Galaxy S and all produced the same issue of losing one channel after a matter of days/weeks. having the jack inserted to about 2/3rds is a workaround but not ideal as you still lose some frequencies and it's insecure... They're just a bit pony.
No, I used different kind of headphones, including Sennheiser in-ear headphones and a standard male-male audio jack connected to some bigger hifi system. With some jacks I did not encounter the problem, but most of them lost some part of the signal with some orientations: I persume that the manufacturing tolerance of the jacks also plays a role...
Anyway, it's definitely not a problem of the jacks but of the device since I tried it with the SGS2 of a friend yesterday and it worked with the same jack that made problems with my device.
I will proceed sending my phone to Samsung for repair, I hope that won't take to long *sad looking*, I am so used to it now, it's card to survive to weeks without it.
I had the same problem, all I had to do was insert headphones cable "HARDER" into the audio jack until I herd a "click" sound.
I was way to over protective of this phone when i first had it, and wanted to handle too much with care, forced the dam cable in, and "click", sounded like it snapped into place, the audio worked correctly without cracking noise or without the need to wiggle to cable get clearer sound.
Perhaps your friends SGS2 is already used to headphone being inserted, but yours not. Just add a little pressure until you hear clip into place.
If this doesnt help, then repair or return.
Thanks for the hint, but unfortunately I had the jack inserted to the very end, so this was not the problem... sent in for repair now, let's see what happens.
I have a fix for you i think!!!!!!!!
ok . when i got my s2 like 4 days ago (at&t usa version) i noticed that when i plugged into my aux cable in my car that it was low sound cracking more volume on the left side , very annoying . NOW FOR A SIMPLE FIX FOR SOME TO TRY! PLUG IT IN ALL THE WAY! i noticed when plugging it in i wasnt fully plugging it in . it should go all the way down FULLY! the sound is perfect once this is done . I HOPE THIS HELPS YOU !!!!!! good luck

Headphone socket failed; now no audio at all

My headphone socket failed recently - was only giving audio out of one channel (right ear). I think this was due to it being bent slightly when having earphones in sat in a small pocket.
So I ordered the new headphone socket piece, which also includes the vibrating part (I think) and also speaker for the earpiece. I coudlnt find any decent instructions online for how to remove the original piece so I kind of forced it out, which seemed no problem as there is just one connection which slots on and off very easily (although the earpiece was glued in).
Anyways, I inserted the new one as the previous one was and tried to turn the phone and nothing. I tried several different earphones and one of them (stock) did pick up some audio but was very crackly. I then tried to make call and noticed the audio in the earpiece was completely gone.
Is it more likely the piece I bought to replace was just being temperamental or have I screwed something while removing the original piece? Debating whether to just sell an otherwise great condition phone or trying to order another piece.
anyone have a clue about thjis?
Never, under any circumstances mess with electronics if you dont know what you're doing. Even if its a simpler thing like this.
Especially on an expensive toy like this. I even dont know where did you get the guts to open the phone and mess with it like you're a pro...
Sent from my Galaxy S2 GT i9100

xperia z2 - headphone port issues

hi guys, basicallynim wondering if anybody else is experiencing the issues that i am.
Essentially im ecstatically happy with my z2, except the headphone port seems faulty. While driving i use the 3.5mm jack on the z2 to connect tk the car.
This is when i noticed the faults with the headphone port. If i insert a 3 or 4 pid connector, either a 3.5-3.5 cable, a standard 3pin headphone connector, or a 4 pin headset, a slight nudge on the connector disconnects the headphones/cable and music stops. Sometimes, google now gets triggered as well. The same things happen if i twist the jack, whatever is connected. It also seems quite loose, and there is no positive click when a jack is inserted.
I would upload a video showing what happens, but my only video camera is in my z2.........
It has also not been submerged/wet at all, and is kept in a case (i tested the jack without the case as well, but it still happens)
In my brand new Z2 I also don't hear that click when inserting headphones but they are in the deep all the way. I tested 4 different earphones and speakers but none gave me any problems(I was twisting jack and trying to move it but connection was too tight), no loss of sound. I think you should get your Z2 serviced or replaced. Also I have a question. When you plug in normal headphones or speakers(not the noise cancelling ones), do you get a notification saying that you connected them or not? I only get something like this when Smart Connect is enabled...
I have issues with jack too. When you pulg in headphones, it sometimes wont recognize that something was plugged in, but if you try to twist the jack in the phone, it may get working (the sound is clear, no loss). The problem is when you put the phone in a pocket and walk, the jack is moving there so it is very likely to stop working and u have to twist it again.
When I bought the phone, I had no problems with it, but after first water test (which resulted fine, there was no water inside), the problem started.
Got the phone for 2 months and the issue still persists.
My solution is plugging in, search for the right spot before it starts worrking and walk with phone in a hand, holding the cable so it wont move in the jack.
i got it replaced in the end, had the new one for 2 weeks with no issues, so definitely a hardware fault.
Headphone jack not working after submerging in the water
I submerged my xperia z2 last night in the swimming pool. It's been 12 hours since I submerged my phone. Every thing is running perfectly except for my headphone jack. The first time I used my earphone there's small amount of water coming out from the hole. The headphones is not working because it's not fully dried from water? I tried cleaning it up and blowing some air for some particles to get dry but it still not working.
I need help please because my phone is not insured because I bought it online
What should I do?!

Headphone jack issue

Hi guys.
I have had this issue for awhile and have put it off thinking it was a headphone cable issue but it's not.
I have already tried cleaning with contact cleaner and rubbing alcohol.
My issue is that my phone will trigger "Google voice" search just by slight movement at the cable /jack junction. This is insanely annoying considering I bought this phone due to its audio prowess.
It will also automatically pause or change tracks with the same jack/cable movement.
I am Canadian and bought this from HK via ebay. I am one of those who almost never bother with warranties but obviously would seeing as I spend near a grand on this thing. How would I begin on a warranty claim?
Seems to be a common issue, unfortunately. I haven't really found a way to fix it yet.
How new is your device?
What type of finish is on the end of the cables ends?
I use this cable with almost no issue. Once in a while it will trigger voice when I plug in. But that's all.
I've also got a phone from HK prior to release in my country and have been struggling with this.
It looks to me that this is because of the way the phone detects your device. I've that the headphones that comes with the device and other earbuds works with no problems, but my bigger M40X for example have this.
The best solution I've found so far is this: plug it and leave it (not moving it at all) for about 10 seconds. After this the problem seems solved most of the time.
Unplugging and re plugging it several times also worked sometimes at the begging, but it was very frustrating and probably not so good for the longevity of the jack.
I'm actually about to make a factory reset for other reasons, but I'll post here if it makes any difference.
UPDATE: The factory reset did not fix the issue, but I have the impression it's triggering the high gain with my m40x as now I've noticed increased volume and no difference to when doing that trick of plugging the detachable cable first to the phone and then to the headset. Don't ask...
I had this issue a few times on my previous phone (Droid Maxx) when in the car, as I was plugging it in (usually when there was turbulence). I thought it was due to the tip of the plug contacting one of the other contacts in the jack. See this link for what the different parts of a headphone/mic combo plug or jack are. I'm not sure if your cable has all of those, but if the wrong ones touch maybe it triggers the mic to listen. Or internally your cable may be shorting between the different signals. Just spitballing ideas.
You know what guys, a friend of mine really liked my phone and got one as well. So when he got it I asked to him to test the jack problem with my headphones and it was simply not there. I do suspect this is a problem with the device. I'll try to get in touch with LG a second time for support (as the first time they asked me to get back to the country where I got it, the Philippines, and this is not really an option).
MrCogito said:
I've also got a phone from HK prior to release in my country and have been struggling with this.
It looks to me that this is because of the way the phone detects your device. I've that the headphones that comes with the device and other earbuds works with no problems, but my bigger M40X for example have this.
The best solution I've found so far is this: plug it and leave it (not moving it at all) for about 10 seconds. After this the problem seems solved most of the time.
Unplugging and re plugging it several times also worked sometimes at the begging, but it was very frustrating and probably not so good for the longevity of the jack.
I'm actually about to make a factory reset for other reasons, but I'll post here if it makes any difference.
UPDATE: The factory reset did not fix the issue, but I have the impression it's triggering the high gain with my m40x as now I've noticed increased volume and no difference to when doing that trick of plugging the detachable cable first to the phone and then to the headset. Don't ask...
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Click to collapse
Funny you mentioned the volume increase. That is a trick I learned from someone in another thread as the standard gain setting for low impedance headphones was too weak. That made a vast improvement in volume and was a life saver because I bought this phone specifically for its audio abilities.
As for the Google voice thing the only thing I found that worked was going under apps and disabling the Google app which is ridiculous considering it kills Google on tap which is a big feature of android.
I am pretty sure this is being trigggered by the jack somehow engaging a contact. Explains why it's triggered when I move.
Drives me nuts. Read somewhere that MM fixed this but not for me. I will try enabling Google app and uncheck all the voice options and see if this helps.
You know what, after struggling long with this I've finally gathered the balls to buy a headphone jack part and replace it myself. I've done it with my old Nexus 4 (the jack actually broke there).
It takes a while to arrive, but I'll perform the change and post the result here.
Where I got it from:
I sometimes have the voice recognition and volume issue, but for me it appears to be an issue with my headphones (Bose MIE2i). I don't have the issue with any other headphone or cable. I have this issue when I fiddle with the in-line controls of the Bose (both this and the 1st pair of Bose). My belief was that it was due to poor shielding of conductors in the controller or shoddy wiring connections.
Did u ever solve the problem with replacement? Im having issues with left and right volume. Like a shorted cable, but bought new phones & still doing that.
Just in case anyone is still suffering from this problem, I made a discovery today. I've replaced the headphone jack in my v10 3 times thinking that they're just ****ty headphone jacks that break all the time, but in my case at least the fault wasn't the contacts inside the jack itself. I found that my problem was actually related to the push-down connector that clips to the motherboard. I had a hunch that keeping the phone in my pocket with headphones connected was slowly rocking it back and forth and would eventually disconnect it. In order to add more clamping pressure to the connector, I put 3 small slices of electrical tape on top of it before screwing the back down. On my walk home today, the left earphone would disconnect with literally every step that I made. After putting the electrical tape in the problem was solved.

Issue with headphone jack connection and a gossip about logic boards

Hello, I'm having some connection issues with the Headphone jack on my Redmi note 4 Global Version (snap), I had the phone for over a year but from 2 weeks ago the phone couldn't recognize the headphone if it's completely in the jack, but it does recognize it nearly at the bottom with some issues (such as missing a channel), but there's a gold spot like 1mm above the bottom where the sound works as normal, but it's not reliable because any movement would take the plug out of that gold spot.
I figured a replacement should work fine and at first I tried to solve this locally, I went into like 5 tech support stores but none of them had a replacement jack, however one of them said that this issue could instead be the logic board, they asked me to let my phone overnight to see if its the board or the piece, and then tell me if the repair is possible. Because everything pointed towards a issue with the piece, as the phone did had a point where it could recognize the headphone connected, I said fine and let it, the next morning they bailed out and said they couldn't fix it because it was an issue with the board, them they spouted something about it being a common issue with a bunch of Xiaomi models having that exact same issue and telling there's no point in changing the jack as it would keep failing.
Honestly I don't believe it, the phone have a year without issues and to me the behaviour in the headphone tells a failure in keeping the connection at the end of the plug.
My idea right now is to buy a jack myself and either follow this tutorial or bring it to a store to change it for me, I'm not familiarized with smartphones and have no experience in soldering, so maybe bring it to a store is a better idea, however i still need to ask, is there a chance it could be the logic board or it definitely is the jack? I should buy that piece from Aliexpress or search another source? That tutorial seems legit enough?
Thanks in advance for any help.
I have two Redmi Note 4s with headphone jack issues.
The headphone jacks don't last as long as other phone manufacturers. Also there appears to be issues with the printed circuit on the motherboard from the headphone jack to the rest of the circuit.
Replacing the headphone jack and adding extra wire from the headphone jack connectors to the associated components should fix the problem. If it doesn't then meh, you've done all you can!
Sent from my Redmi Note 4 using Tapatalk

