[Q] Help with development- Specfic - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey all! I'm really sorry, I usually only lurk/look around this site, so I don't know if this is the right way to ask for stuff-
To be specific, i'm starting a company project (I run a non-profit organization) that helps people out around the world. I'm trying to change android OS to only do specific things (starting a specific app when you turn it on, etc). I want it to basically be stripped down to only do specific things. If someone wants to help out, can you point me to a place to understand how the OS structure is set up? I saw the programming page, but if it's no trouble, i'd like a little direction. If someone could PM me, that'd be cool, or respond here. I know most of you do this as a hobby, but a small payment for some direction wouldn't be out of the question.
I'm really sorry for the weird request, but i'm just starting this and thought i'd ask here first.


[Q] Point me to the kitchen?

Howdy All,
Well to cut a long story short, I have broken my leg, rather badly, to the point of minimum 6 months in a wheelchair sort of break. No big deal, it will heal, but I figure it gives me a hell of a lot of downtime, which means I may just have time to get into this cooking thing.
I've found a few guides, but they all seem to be device specific, and reccomend further reading without pointing one in the direction of where to do that reading.
Can any one point me to some resources and get me into the kitchen? Any help would be muchly appreciated!
Really? Not one suggestion?
I'm not asking you to do the work for me, I just need a little help in which direction to head. I'm looking for documentation and resources, and after being elbow deep in google searches, the best I can find is some tool that takes a stock i9000 rom and makes it flashable.
I've been playing with roms for a long while, I've dabbled in coding both with android's bastardised java and a few other languages. I'm not here saying please hold my hand, I'm just wondering how the chefs here got started.
There seems to be a distinct lack of documentation or information to bridge the gap from never having cooked a rom to noob chef. Once I get that under my belt I will have a better idea about what I specifically need to learn more about
This is a community yeah? Surely if that's the case, there's at least some advice for someone who is interested in starting development. Give something back and all? I'm not here to take someone elses work, put some themes on top and release it as my own, I'm genuinely interested in learning more about the OS and understanding what makes these things tick.
I'm sure you all didn't fall off the toilet while hanging a clock and wake later with an understanding of the metaphorical flux capacitor that powers custom ROMS, all I am interested in is how to get started, how did you get started, what should I be reading about?
Thanks in advance for any help.
JuzzyDee said:
Really? Not one suggestion?
I'm not asking you to do the work for me, I just need a little help in which direction to head. I'm looking for documentation and resources, and after being elbow deep in google searches, the best I can find is some tool that takes a stock i9000 rom and makes it flashable.
Its the post topic kitchens are in the Dev section
But you want something different to a kitchen to put together a rom you are looking to learn how to build a rom .The route is probably the XDA developers forum front page .
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Down the hallway, first door on your right
But seriously, wouldn't have a clue. Just bumping this for you.
Sent from my GT-I9100T

[Q] steps for android development

hello every one!!!!
i am proud owner of SGS from last one year.
no of times i flashed custom ROM and researched for info on internet
got almost all the information from this forum but still got some question.
i got the tutorial for setting up the development environment.
but still not got the satisfactory ans/tutorial/guide for android development.
i am not from programming background but still i am very much interested in android development and i know that with interest i can learn any thing.
i am very much interested in ROM development.i know it involves very much knowledge/patience/coding etc.
could anybody tell me what are the steps involved to develop for android platform so i can research and learn to do it.
help will be appreciated!!
other than searching on google for code sample/example, i refer to the following to answer some basic information: http://developer.android.com/index.html just one thing to note is...the code they provide on their website may have bugs ( i have run into a few myself as i was starting to code on android platform)...
You probably know this one, but maybe not
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=17254660 via http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=816994
Hi swapk007,
Setting up an android development environment is a little complicated, so instead of trying to list the steps here, I'm going to give you some advice. This is coming from someone who also started android development about a month and a half ago, so the following advice is something I'll stand by.
If you don't have a programming background, try and tinker around with some basic Java. I've gone to school for Computer Science, so I got enough Java experience that I could jump right into Android, but it is something I would recommend to others who don't have that exposure.
Next, check out Commonsware. It is a site/service/set of online books run by a guy named Mark. I purchased the books back when I started and they have been HUGELY helpful. He explains in detail how you should set up your development environment, and then walks you through the different parts of the development process. Furthermore, he does "office hour" chats once or twice a week, so if there is something extra complicated that you can't figure out you can talk with him. He is really friendly and helpful.
Once you get a handle on developing some apps, be they basic or advanced, then you'll be able to get into Rom development.
If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.
fastindy said:
other than searching on google for code sample/example, i refer to the following to answer some basic information: http://developer.android.com/index.html just one thing to note is...the code they provide on their website may have bugs ( i have run into a few myself as i was starting to code on android platform)...
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Janzomaster said:
You probably know this one, but maybe not
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=17254660 via http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=816994
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bkensey said:
Hi swapk007,
Setting up an android development environment is a little complicated, so instead of trying to list the steps here, I'm going to give you some advice. This is coming from someone who also started android development about a month and a half ago, so the following advice is something I'll stand by.
If you don't have a programming background, try and tinker around with some basic Java. I've gone to school for Computer Science, so I got enough Java experience that I could jump right into Android, but it is something I would recommend to others who don't have that exposure.
Next, check out Commonsware. It is a site/service/set of online books run by a guy named Mark. I purchased the books back when I started and they have been HUGELY helpful. He explains in detail how you should set up your development environment, and then walks you through the different parts of the development process. Furthermore, he does "office hour" chats once or twice a week, so if there is something extra complicated that you can't figure out you can talk with him. He is really friendly and helpful.
Once you get a handle on developing some apps, be they basic or advanced, then you'll be able to get into Rom development.
If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.
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thank you all...will definitely go through all this n reply..
I´m not a android developer, sometimes i do some OOP in C#, and I would suggest you should start coding some apps (games, toys etc.), maybe just for PC´s, before even start thinking about developing custom rom´s - just start reading JDE stuff and if you finaly know what your doing, you will not have to ask for thinks like "how to code ROM´s", but just start coding...
...would you start building a house, if you even didn´t know how to do a wall?
will definately do it tomrof!!!

[Q] SEAndroid? Adding some security features?

Hi Everyone,
I´m just asking if anyone has either made a SEAndroid for the galaxy s3 or some other high security rom? I don't know enough about development to compile. I would like to develop a rom for high security but wouldn´t know where to start.
So please if you know some apps that work, a rom that has been created, or even advice on how to compile? add in apps? or anything else you think can help.
If you don´t have time to answer pleas don't.
I would love a discussion properly so other people can do it. Even if its just links to all the relevant thing.
Thank you for your time
Or what would it cost to get someone to do it as i am a novice. Do you think they will have guys to do it on peopleperhour or something?
Im not advertising just if i ask where to find someone all people tell me are the developers here are busy and not give me location.
All the best
Did you ever make any progress with this? This is something I would like to start doing in the near future but I am starting with very little experience.
If any developers are familiar with SEAndroid (http://selinuxproject.org/page/SEAndroid), would/could you explain the process needed to develop/package this for the S3?

CopperheadOS Port?

I really like the idea behind CopperheadOS, and I would love to have a ROM for my G5 that doesn't have all the "Google Creep" associated with it. Unfortunately, they're only developing for the Nexus/Pixel lines.
Does anyone know if someone plans on taking this on to make a version available for our devices? If not, is there anywhere I could feasibly find enough info to attempt it myself/someone famously patient here that would assist?
Any feedback would be appreciated.
P.S. I hope this is the right place to post this. The rules in the DEV forum seem like this wouldn't be the right kind of post for that particular area.

New guy here, new guy trying to learn Android Development

Hey guys, I am a new guy here. I am wondering roughly how long does it take to be able to make your own first and usable android application? Not just a 'Hello World' application, but one that you can actually lol....
Can anybody please assist me with a few questions I have.
I do not have any cash to sink into any college course, and I have very very limited experience with programming in any language. I very quickly delved into Visual Basics back in the yahoo messenger booter days. but all i really did was copy source codes and edit them and release them as my own (I know, noobish) but I was young lol.
1. Is there a website that i can start learning java and android languages?
2. what all applications will i need to get started? I am in the process of installing the android studio application right now.
3. does anybody have any suggestions or tips before i get started?
4. what websites will help me the most?
5. is it only java and android language i need to learn? or are there other languages that i must learn to get past the beginners stage?
I appreciate everyone that assists me. I have always given up in the past when it comes to learning something like this, but this time i really would like to succeed and prove to myself that i can do it if i put my mind to it.
Hope everyone has a wonderful day, and i will see everyone around the forums, as i will most likely be frequenting them to learn more things and to interact with other programmers and people in the android world!
Have a great day,

