CopperheadOS Port? - LG G5 Questions & Answers

I really like the idea behind CopperheadOS, and I would love to have a ROM for my G5 that doesn't have all the "Google Creep" associated with it. Unfortunately, they're only developing for the Nexus/Pixel lines.
Does anyone know if someone plans on taking this on to make a version available for our devices? If not, is there anywhere I could feasibly find enough info to attempt it myself/someone famously patient here that would assist?
Any feedback would be appreciated.
P.S. I hope this is the right place to post this. The rules in the DEV forum seem like this wouldn't be the right kind of post for that particular area.


Looking for direction

I'm going to be purchasing a Samsung Showcase aka Mesmerise aka Fascinate through a carrier called Cellular South. I see this thread is heavily geared towards VZM and am wondering where I should look for rom developments and such. Are there others using these roms on none VZM carriers in the US?
The Mezmorize has its own Forum that includes a Development section.
But, are they not all SCH-I500 type devices?
I think I might have to find other users of that carrier and see what they have done. Unfortunately, I've looked every where I can and can not find that info. I was hoping to find some that may have already been down this road. Ohh well, time to keep searching until more info arises. ^_^
UPDATE: LMAO, less than a min after posting this I got a txt from a friend who I had also asked and was told to check out the Mesmerise for the Showcase roms. They are universally compatible. So, if anyone else looks for this info, hopefully they will find this post if they find themselves here.

[Q] request to talk with dev

hey people,
Im looking for an app programer for a few questions to answer.
due to the nature of this app, and info it has the potential to gather,
i need to talk directly with a dev about the possibilities of this particular app actually working.
not a hell of a lot i can tell you besides that really, exept it could be really useful pared with wifikill, and a name will probably be if its developed would be wasp.
if any devs are interested, please add me on skype:
or PM me for more info. (not sure what else i can say, as i need to tell you, its a but fiddly...)
shadow mckay

[Q] S3D development help

Hi everyone,
Im not sure where else to go for some help, as the best development community Ive found I think this is probably the best place.
I am currently trying to develop an application on the HTC EVO 3D for a Hospital to help them test the Stereoscopic vision on children. (so any help you can provide is for a good cause!)
The issue I am having is that there is such a small amount of documentation on the 3D code needed. There are some sample apps that come with the OpenSense SDK but I am having trouble tying to get what I need out of them. I can alter them to maybe display a different image or something, but the actual code needed to split the images and send them to each eye is proving hard to find and pull out of the code so I can use it.
Basically Im looking for any help from anyone who has used this code before and could point me in the right direction as to which parts of the code I need to extract or look at in the OpenSense samples. Becuase at the moment I am really struggling.
Thanks in advance to anyone who helps.
If this is better posted somewhere else I do apologise, I dont have enough posts under my belt to post in the development thread where I would imagine it is better placed.
Development is the last place to post this. Development is for roms and kernels. Maybe try the theme/app section. You might find the help you need there.
"We're coming from a pure power source."

[Q] SEAndroid? Adding some security features?

Hi Everyone,
I´m just asking if anyone has either made a SEAndroid for the galaxy s3 or some other high security rom? I don't know enough about development to compile. I would like to develop a rom for high security but wouldn´t know where to start.
So please if you know some apps that work, a rom that has been created, or even advice on how to compile? add in apps? or anything else you think can help.
If you don´t have time to answer pleas don't.
I would love a discussion properly so other people can do it. Even if its just links to all the relevant thing.
Thank you for your time
Or what would it cost to get someone to do it as i am a novice. Do you think they will have guys to do it on peopleperhour or something?
Im not advertising just if i ask where to find someone all people tell me are the developers here are busy and not give me location.
All the best
Did you ever make any progress with this? This is something I would like to start doing in the near future but I am starting with very little experience.
If any developers are familiar with SEAndroid (, would/could you explain the process needed to develop/package this for the S3?

[Q] Help with development- Specfic

Hey all! I'm really sorry, I usually only lurk/look around this site, so I don't know if this is the right way to ask for stuff-
To be specific, i'm starting a company project (I run a non-profit organization) that helps people out around the world. I'm trying to change android OS to only do specific things (starting a specific app when you turn it on, etc). I want it to basically be stripped down to only do specific things. If someone wants to help out, can you point me to a place to understand how the OS structure is set up? I saw the programming page, but if it's no trouble, i'd like a little direction. If someone could PM me, that'd be cool, or respond here. I know most of you do this as a hobby, but a small payment for some direction wouldn't be out of the question.
I'm really sorry for the weird request, but i'm just starting this and thought i'd ask here first.

