[Q] S3D development help - HTC EVO 3D

Hi everyone,
Im not sure where else to go for some help, as the best development community Ive found I think this is probably the best place.
I am currently trying to develop an application on the HTC EVO 3D for a Hospital to help them test the Stereoscopic vision on children. (so any help you can provide is for a good cause!)
The issue I am having is that there is such a small amount of documentation on the 3D code needed. There are some sample apps that come with the OpenSense SDK but I am having trouble tying to get what I need out of them. I can alter them to maybe display a different image or something, but the actual code needed to split the images and send them to each eye is proving hard to find and pull out of the code so I can use it.
Basically Im looking for any help from anyone who has used this code before and could point me in the right direction as to which parts of the code I need to extract or look at in the OpenSense samples. Becuase at the moment I am really struggling.
Thanks in advance to anyone who helps.
If this is better posted somewhere else I do apologise, I dont have enough posts under my belt to post in the development thread where I would imagine it is better placed.

Development is the last place to post this. Development is for roms and kernels. Maybe try the theme/app section. You might find the help you need there.
"We're coming from a pure power source."


[Q] how to make a apk for my atrix

hello i am i college student who is just getting into developing. I want to someday be a developer but for now i am just trying to access the camera on my atrix through a apk that i have made. i do not know that much about java but i do know a little and i know a little bit about eclipse as well. I have searched and found some stuff bout nothing that just completely helps me.
i need to know what to put in each folder (res,src,xml etc.) of my project.
i am not really trying to do anything new basically just open the camera through something i made.
Since Android is opensource, your best bet is to find source from an existing project and "port" that into your work.
Just moving stuff around in the APK's structure isnt going to work(I may have read your post wrong, you may actually be working in Eclipse). Eitherway, let me help ya out...
more specifically -
or even...

[Q] Point me to the kitchen?

Howdy All,
Well to cut a long story short, I have broken my leg, rather badly, to the point of minimum 6 months in a wheelchair sort of break. No big deal, it will heal, but I figure it gives me a hell of a lot of downtime, which means I may just have time to get into this cooking thing.
I've found a few guides, but they all seem to be device specific, and reccomend further reading without pointing one in the direction of where to do that reading.
Can any one point me to some resources and get me into the kitchen? Any help would be muchly appreciated!
Really? Not one suggestion?
I'm not asking you to do the work for me, I just need a little help in which direction to head. I'm looking for documentation and resources, and after being elbow deep in google searches, the best I can find is some tool that takes a stock i9000 rom and makes it flashable.
I've been playing with roms for a long while, I've dabbled in coding both with android's bastardised java and a few other languages. I'm not here saying please hold my hand, I'm just wondering how the chefs here got started.
There seems to be a distinct lack of documentation or information to bridge the gap from never having cooked a rom to noob chef. Once I get that under my belt I will have a better idea about what I specifically need to learn more about
This is a community yeah? Surely if that's the case, there's at least some advice for someone who is interested in starting development. Give something back and all? I'm not here to take someone elses work, put some themes on top and release it as my own, I'm genuinely interested in learning more about the OS and understanding what makes these things tick.
I'm sure you all didn't fall off the toilet while hanging a clock and wake later with an understanding of the metaphorical flux capacitor that powers custom ROMS, all I am interested in is how to get started, how did you get started, what should I be reading about?
Thanks in advance for any help.
JuzzyDee said:
Really? Not one suggestion?
I'm not asking you to do the work for me, I just need a little help in which direction to head. I'm looking for documentation and resources, and after being elbow deep in google searches, the best I can find is some tool that takes a stock i9000 rom and makes it flashable.
Its the post topic kitchens are in the Dev section
But you want something different to a kitchen to put together a rom you are looking to learn how to build a rom .The route is probably the XDA developers forum front page .
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Down the hallway, first door on your right
But seriously, wouldn't have a clue. Just bumping this for you.
Sent from my GT-I9100T

[Q] S3D development help

Hi everyone,
Im not sure where else to go for some help, as the best development community Ive found I think this is probably the best place.
I am currently trying to develop an application on the HTC EVO 3D for a Hospital to help them test the Stereoscopic vision on children. (so any help you can provide is for a good cause!)
The issue I am having is that there is such a small amount of documentation on the 3D code needed. There are some sample apps that come with the OpenSense SDK but I am having trouble tying to get what I need out of them. I can alter them to maybe display a different image or something, but the actual code needed to split the images and send them to each eye is proving hard to find and pull out of the code so I can use it.
Basically Im looking for any help from anyone who has used this code before and could point me in the right direction as to which parts of the code I need to extract or look at in the OpenSense samples. Becuase at the moment I am really struggling.
Thanks in advance to anyone who helps.
note: This is a re-post from the General forum as I was advised to post it here for better results, if a mod wants to delete the first post, please do. Cheers.
Bump for a good cause
sent from my Verizon Wireless HTC EVO 3D
Sorry, I didn't view your first post.
I found a opengl 3D graphic library (min3d : http://code.google.com/p/min3d/), and I made some changes to allow it to do 3D stereo :
What do you want to do in your application ? displaying 3D pictures or 3D geomertry with openGL ?

[Q] Help with development- Specfic

Hey all! I'm really sorry, I usually only lurk/look around this site, so I don't know if this is the right way to ask for stuff-
To be specific, i'm starting a company project (I run a non-profit organization) that helps people out around the world. I'm trying to change android OS to only do specific things (starting a specific app when you turn it on, etc). I want it to basically be stripped down to only do specific things. If someone wants to help out, can you point me to a place to understand how the OS structure is set up? I saw the programming page, but if it's no trouble, i'd like a little direction. If someone could PM me, that'd be cool, or respond here. I know most of you do this as a hobby, but a small payment for some direction wouldn't be out of the question.
I'm really sorry for the weird request, but i'm just starting this and thought i'd ask here first.

CopperheadOS Port?

I really like the idea behind CopperheadOS, and I would love to have a ROM for my G5 that doesn't have all the "Google Creep" associated with it. Unfortunately, they're only developing for the Nexus/Pixel lines.
Does anyone know if someone plans on taking this on to make a version available for our devices? If not, is there anywhere I could feasibly find enough info to attempt it myself/someone famously patient here that would assist?
Any feedback would be appreciated.
P.S. I hope this is the right place to post this. The rules in the DEV forum seem like this wouldn't be the right kind of post for that particular area.

