Echo to the other phone - Xperia Z2 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi I have Z2 D6503 the European version and recently I realised I have a problem - when I speak with somebody the other person hears his worths like echo. It happens whith every call and various phones. Only the other person hears the echo, I dont hear it.
The phone is with the latest software. Hard reset doesn't fix it.
What could be the problem and how can I fix it?

svetliol said:
Hi I have Z2 D6503 the European version and recently I realised I have a problem - when I speak with somebody the other person hears his worths like echo. It happens whith every call and various phones. Only the other person hears the echo, I dont hear it.
The phone is with the latest software. Hard reset doesn't fix it.
What could be the problem and how can I fix it?
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does the other person struggle to hear you too ? i am sending my Z2 back for so say repair , because i am so frustrated about the amount of calls i make where the other person either gets feedback or just cant hear me . for a flagship phone i think this is such a lack of quality control on sonys side . thing is there are a lot of people with this problem .. so if they just replace the microphone for another .. i cant see how this will fix anything .

strommy1966 said:
does the other person struggle to hear you too ? i am sending my Z2 back for so say repair , because i am so frustrated about the amount of calls i make where the other person either gets feedback or just cant hear me . for a flagship phone i think this is such a lack of quality control on sonys side . thing is there are a lot of people with this problem .. so if they just replace the microphone for another .. i cant see how this will fix anything .
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Just because there are 10people on xda with microphone issues, doesnt mean all devices are like that. I dont see your logic, you seem to ignore all these other thousand users who dont have this problem

The other person hears my voice clear but because of the echo cant understand me. I tested a Skype and Viber calls and there is no echo, so I can conclude this is a software problem.

feis said:
Just because there are 10people on xda with microphone issues, doesnt mean all devices are like that. I dont see your logic, you seem to ignore all these other thousand users who dont have this problem
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well there is a lot more than Ten i can assure you ! when the phone first came out there were a lot of threads about the call quality ! my reasoning is that if it is a software issue ... then just replacing the microphone wont make any difference at all . and if its that the microphone itself, is just crap , changing it like for like wont help either !

svetliol said:
I tested a Skype and Viber calls and there is no echo, so I can conclude this is a software problem.
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Or mobile network, or interference or environment, or anything really. A few VoIP tests don't really result in software issues.
Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk

It's not a network, interference or environment becouse I have tested the phone with different networks and plases. Tell me then why there is no problem on 3rd party apps like Viber and Skype?

o0 Matt 0o said:
Or mobile network, or interference or environment, or anything really. A few VoIP tests don't really result in software issues.
Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk
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well it was also interesting that i went into my local vodafone shop at the weekend as i needed a different size sim card for my daughters new phone . i was chatting to the lady that served us, and i mentioned to her the problems that i was having with the Z2 and the problems with the caller hearing sometimes .. and guess what ???? she had got the Z2 and she said she had had this issue at times too ! like i say its not every call .. but it is a large amount of them that this problem comes up. i certainly cant just wedge the phone under my chin and chat away like i could with my old galaxy S2 .. i have to be so careful how i hold this phone and keep the mic as close to my mouth as possible . and even then it wont always work. Not everybody that owns a Z2 will be members of XDA .. so its hard to asses how many handsets have this problem . but for me having to use this phone for work .. its not fit for purpose !

strommy1966 said:
well it was also interesting that i went into my local vodafone shop at the weekend as i needed a different size sim card for my daughters new phone . i was chatting to the lady that served us, and i mentioned to her the problems that i was having with the Z2 and the problems with the caller hearing sometimes .. and guess what ???? she had got the Z2 and she said she had had this issue at times too !
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Not trying to bait you, I'm just saying, if you are on Vodafone, Vodafone rep on Vodafone, good chance that the complaints Vodafone hears are from Vodafone customers, your daughter is on Vodafone so you call people on the Vodafone network. There is more in common then the software.
Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk
---------- Post added at 08:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:20 AM ----------
svetliol said:
Tell me then why there is no problem on 3rd party apps like Viber and Skype?
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I am assuming you are using normal Viber and Skype. If so, Viber and Skype are voice over IP not gsm!!!!
That's like saying 'tell me how a horse and a car are different, they both get me from a to b'
Gsm and IP work differently. You voice is transferred differently.
Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk

well i use the phone for my business , so i have loads of calls coming in from, and i make to land lines and other mobile networks. and when i rang Sony UK and spoke to them about the problem and they told me to do pc companion repair .. and they rang me back a few hours later to see how the "repair" went , even the lady i spoke to at Sony had said she had heard the feedback ! but when i then spoke to phones 4U the lady i spoke to there .. said "sorry sir could you speak up im struggling to hear you " i said to her "exactly " that's why im wanting to return this phone ! . i used my old galaxy s2 on vodafone .. never had these problems with that phone .

strommy1966 said:
well i use the phone for my business , so i have loads of calls coming in from, and i make to land lines and other mobile networks. and when i rang Sony UK and spoke to them about the problem and they told me to do pc companion repair .. and they rang me back a few hours later to see how the "repair" went , even the lady i spoke to at Sony had said she had heard the feedback ! but when i then spoke to phones 4U the lady i spoke to there .. said "sorry sir could you speak up im struggling to hear you " i said to her "exactly " that's why im wanting to return this phone ! . i used my old galaxy s2 on vodafone .. never had these problems with that phone .
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Please relax, this is obviously a SOFTWARE problem. Proof is, that this problem doesn't happen on calls on Skype and Viber. So hardware is just fine. I don't know if you know, but "phone" is an app aswell. So this is a problem with the phone's "Phone" application and most likely will be fixed in next update. There might be some other applications you've installed on your phone which might cause this problem aswell, also consider this.
Don't worry yourself.

causing Echo while talking to other
Hello Sony
I'm using Sony Xperia Z2 and I have a little problem about the phone, I really appreciate it because it has many cool stuff but my friend keep complain that Xperia Z2 suck because
they hear an Echo voice while talking I hope that you can fix it and if you know how please tell me

Pisces X said:
Hello Sony
I'm using Sony Xperia Z2 and I have a little problem about the phone, I really appreciate it because it has many cool stuff but my friend keep complain that Xperia Z2 suck because
they hear an Echo voice while talking I hope that you can fix it and if you know how please tell me
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you will need to send it back for "repair" i have this recognized call quality issue too. The other problem is getting the other to hear you too ! they often say "your breaking up ,or they say like your across the other side of the room. at the moment im sending mine back to try and have this fault sorted.

strommy1966 said:
you will need to send it back for "repair" i have this recognized call quality issue too. The other problem is getting the other to hear you too ! they often say "your breaking up ,or they say like your across the other side of the room. at the moment im sending mine back to try and have this fault sorted.
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HI guys!I solved this problem ... you have to check noise suppression ...I have another one problem: every person that talks with me:
or hears my voice like it is hoarse or as if I put a hand in front of the speaker . how is it possible???
have you the same problem?

morgy82 said:
HI guys!I solved this problem ... you have to check noise suppression ...I have another one problem: every person that talks with me:
or hears my voice like it is hoarse or as if I put a hand in front of the speaker . how is it possible???
have you the same problem?
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they normally get feed back or cant hear you very well too .. turning off noise suppression wont fix the problem. yes it helps ... but im afraid there are a fair few Z2 out there with this problem. it will need to be returned


[Q] How can I be able to call my wife again?

Hello, fellow GS2 users! I am in need of help. Unfortunatly, I am unable to call my wife's number anymore (which is a real shame). I am on Cognition 1.30, so I figured I'd restore to the previous cognition where things were fully functioning (1.20). Same thing. I'm not talking about the call going straight to voicemail, as it would do if the recieving end were turned off. When I make an attempt, I hear about a milisecond of the *call in progress* tone, but it then instantly disconnects. I can call other people just fine. It says 'call forwarding activated' or whatever, but it's always said that. Any tips / suggestions? Thanks!
Work out how you did it and post the info, you could make a fortune with this
I would pay
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Maybe someone doesn't want to take your calls?..
I had same thing in that when I called my friend it would ring for a split second then cut off, he changed his rom and I was able to call no maybe it isn't your end that's the problem?!..
Did your wife activate call-forwarding on her phone ? Maybe she redirected all incoming calls to a non-existent number ?
Her phone is kinda wonky... its an x10. I need to put a new ROM on it.
It does sound like the problem is at her end. Check to see if she's accidentally black-listed you, or "accidentally" black-listed you
Xephrey said:
Her phone is kinda wonky... its an x10. I need to put a new ROM on it.
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Or get a new wife who would actually pick up the phone and reply ?
Sp1tfire said:
Or get a new wife who would actually pick up the phone and reply ?
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Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
Try whistling. They are supposed to get you a sammich when that happens.
But yeah, on a serious note;
Try seeing if she's accidentally blacklisted you. And try seeing if the problem exists ONLY between your phones;
(Try calling another number from YOUR phone, try getting another number to call HER, try calling YOUR number from HER phone, and all other permutations and combinations until you get to know where the problem lies)
Thank you all. This thread has been awesome.
try checking if u had install any call blocker or droidwall that can blacklisted some numbers/id
if not do lemme know how you manage to do that so i can have good excuse not to call my wifey when i'm out with friends cycling !
I flashed a new ROM on her phone, which ended up fixing the issue, but a few days later, the same thing started happening.
Can you check whether your number is in her rejected number list?
I'd suggest checking if she blacklisted you.
Seriously, 39482049348 replies with the same suggestion and people are still replying saying the same . Including me, yay!
How does one go about checking that?

Caller can't hear me!

Received a refurbished certified like new Droid Razr and everything is perfect except one basic thing,when I place a call or when I answer a call the person on the other end can't hear me at all. I can hear them just fine but they can't hear me. Can this be fixed or is it a lemon phone and should I return it?
Sent from my DROID RAZR using XDA App
Try a full wipe or a factory reset. If you have still this problem, contact your operator or Motorola...
I took it in...a software upgrade fixed it. Lost my root and no wifi tether will not work....luckily i found the non-rooted wifi app, so life is good.
Sent from my DROID RAZR using XDA App
I've had that problem twice in one day. I found that a reboot of the phone each time fixed it. Haven't had it happen again since. Still not sure what caused it or if it will ever come back.
I have the same problem, reboot didn't solve the problem. Any ideas?
hi , the microphone doesn't work only during a call ?
Did you tried if the voice search and the record voice are working ?
Brahim93 said:
hi , the microphone doesn't work only during a call ?
Did you tried if the voice search and the record voice are working ?
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Hi, I've tried Talking Tom app and it didn't work. I've also made a factory reset with no success.
did you try to put the battery off for a minute and put it back ?
Brahim93 said:
did you try to put the battery off for a minute and put it back ?
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you cant remove the battery
romdroid. said:
you cant remove the battery
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^^^ Lmfao!! ^^^
Sent from my DROID RAZR using XDA
Lol oups i missed that the battery is unremovable
If even with a stock rom the problem persists it's that the microphone is out of service...
I have the same issue with my MAXX... ICS 4.04 went back to stock SAME issue... Went back to ICS 4.04 all fresh installs. Same issue. If i yell into the phone you can hear me, speaker phone you can hear a little more of me when i talk. Other then that the people i call cannot hear a dang word im saying. Stupid stupid cheap Microphones installed in these! Looks like ill be calling Verizon and getting another MAXX to bad i have a limited one right now and wont be able to get a new limited one :-(
Maybe limited means "limited ability for anyone to hear me". Maybe you don't want that 1.
Sent from my DROID RAZR using XDA
I wouldn't call it a cheap microphone motorola has the best microphones for voice quality of any phone today. perhaps you could call it fragile, but i wouldn't even say that, I've seen only one other person report a mic hardware problem on the net. i think maybe you're one of the few unlucky ones who got a dud. just go get it fixed under warranty
Had this problem once, reboot fixed it for me!
You can also try using one of those compressed air cans to blow out the mics and headphone jack.

Crackling sounds from call speakers

Got a situation here , after a year or so my X10's earspeakers are crackling, making it almost impossible to hear what people are saying.
Just wondering whether anyone else here has experienced this issue, or already fixed it. If not then maybe I'll send it in for repairs.
Thanks all.
Sent from my wannabe ICS X10
Prodigy said:
Got a situation here , after a year or so my X10's earspeakers are crackling, making it almost impossible to hear what people are saying.
Just wondering whether anyone else here has experienced this issue, or already fixed it. If not then maybe I'll send it in for repairs.
Thanks all.
Sent from my wannabe ICS X10
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I haven't a X10 anymore but this sounds very familiar. I had it also at the end. We have a company here in Holland that will buy your old phone. But they have a few rules for get the most off the money ( I got for example still 80euros for a 2 years old phone, the maximal price that the want to give). So when my phone was back to stock a friend call me. He ask if I had already a new phone because the crackling sound was gone. I don't really know If this story helps you, because I haven't take the time to test it ( I want back then the Arc S so quick as possible). I had a feeling the cause was the ROM. The latest three month I have the same ROM. And the latest two month I had that issue. So you can try to make a backup and flash a stock ROM and try If its gone.
Good luck
Im using wolf's ROM, will try another if I have to... thanks!
Sent from my wannabe ICS X10

[Q] Call Quality DNA

I'm hoping it's something I'm missing in the set up or some minor other issue but after I finally got the DNA activated I made two calls.
Both calls were choppy on both ends of the call. This phone has gotten stellar reviews on reception quality. Volume and clarity.
I'm being told that the listener hears only bits and pieces of my voice and I hear the same from them.
All my other phones worked fine from my house where I made the calls.
Any thoughts on this from you guys on what might be happening?
Could something be defective on my DNA? Or does this sometimes happen with new out of the box phones?
ScreenSpace said:
I'm hoping it's something I'm missing in the set up or some minor other issue but after I finally got the DNA activated I made two calls.
Both calls were choppy on both ends of the call. This phone has gotten stellar reviews on reception quality. Volume and clarity.
I'm being told that the listener hears only bits and pieces of my voice and I hear the same from them.
All my other phones worked fine from my house where I made the calls.
Any thoughts on this from you guys on what might be happening?
Could something be defective on my DNA? Or does this sometimes happen with new out of the box phones?
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Definitely sounds defective. Sound quality on mine is stellar!
I have to concur.... I've made about a dozen calls so far, and I have had no problems with quality at all.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda premium
If worse comes to worse (I'm hoping this is going to correct itself) can I return it to a local Verizon store for an exchange or do I have to ship it back to Verizon?
I'm going to try the store first on Friday (and I'd rather be shot then to do it on Black Friday).
Are you guys suggesting that this is probably a bad set?
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Questions go in Q&A
Thread moved
Thank you for your cooperation
Friendly Neighborhood Moderator
I'm sure you can exchange in store even if you ordered online. Also, for what it's worth, my call quality has been very, very good. In fact, the clarity, at least on my end, has been noticeably better than the last couple phones I've had so if yours is really that bad when under ideal circumstances, that sounds like it might be a unique issue with your phone.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW
I don't want to leave this post without a follow up.
Yesterday when I (finally) activated my DNA: I then made two new voice calls.
As I stated above the calls were choppy and very bad on both ends.
I waited until this morning and made some more voice calls. Even from the same location.
All calls have been clear, audio R9, and more or less perfect.
I had forgotten that about five years ago also on a new cell phone: I had this same issue when activating and calling for the first time.
Nobody could hear me clearly and I could not hear them. The next day and forever after all was fine.
I am not a mobile device geek but I'm sure there is a deep dark explanation for this anomaly.
My son told me that I don't need to know what was happening yesterday but that today is what counts.
I still wonder.
The end result of this problem is that I did have a defective DNA device after all!
It did not fix itself, as I alluded to above.
The Verizon store gave me a new DNA and all is now good.
So.....for anyone interested, it is possible to receive a defective hardware (reception/radio/speaker/whatever) issue with this set.
At Verizon right now seeing if they give me an exchange on my DNA
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda premium
.torrented said:
At Verizon right now seeing if they give me an exchange on my DNA
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Tell them that a new device should correct it. It did for me.
"Device type guys" might love the challenge of sitting around waiting for a future HTC update fix.
Just get a new set.....and walk away.
They wouldn't exchange it they couldn't get it to replicate the problem.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda premium
.torrented said:
They wouldn't exchange it they couldn't get it to replicate the problem.
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda premium
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The problem is a fact!
Fortunately the employees at my store know me and know that I do not imagine issues.
A new DNA phone (for me) eliminated the problem.
When making calls you will hear the person you are speaking to clear as a bell.
But they are hearing your voice in the following manner:
1. Your voice fades in and out.
2. Some of your words are chopped out.
3. You sound to them like you are talking in a "tunnel".
Call Verizon and tell them that other buyers have successfully returned this set and the new one issued had no problems.
Get a new phone and don't settle for a HDC update.
Yes....some calls are fine. But I don't want "some" calls to be fine!
I want every call to be great on a new phone.
ScreenSpace said:
The problem is a fact!
Fortunately the employees at my store know me and know that I do not imagine issues.
A new DNA phone (for me) eliminated the problem.
When making calls you will hear the person you are speaking to clear as a bell.
But they are hearing your voice in the following manner:
1. Your voice fades in and out.
2. Some of your words are chopped out.
3. You sound to them like you are talking in a "tunnel".
Call Verizon and tell them that other buyers have successfully returned this set and the new one issued had no problems.
Get a new phone and don't settle for a HDC update.
Yes....some calls are fine. But I don't want "some" calls to be fine!
I want every call to be great on a new phone.
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Yeah I told them other people were having call quality issues and were exchanging them. They told me if I could get it to do it again to bring it back so we'll see how it goes
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda premium
I'm not having any issues at all with call quality, but I have noticed that my touchscreen isn't nearly as sensitive as my Rezound was. I am constantly getting missed letters when typing on keyboard or having to double tap 3 or 4 times before my screen zooms. I'm thinking this is also a hardware issue and will likely try to get it swapped out soon. Has anyone else had sensitivity problems?
I need help... I keep getting told that the phone quality on the other end is just terrible that the other person just cant hear me at all. (That I sound like im in a tunnel and far away from my phone) I need to figure out a way to record the proof so i can take it to a verizon and get an exchange. Can someone or anybody give me any suggestions? I need help really bad.
go under phone settings and make sure voice privacy or any other sound cancelling settings are not turned on. Those really screw up call quality for me.
nrfitchett4 said:
go under phone settings and make sure voice privacy or any other sound cancelling settings are not turned on. Those really screw up call quality for me.
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I think you might be right... tomorrow when i can call someone i will see if that was what was causing my problem... can you tell me or someone tell me what that setting even does? i never did figure it out
nrfitchett4 said:
go under phone settings and make sure voice privacy or any other sound cancelling settings are not turned on. Those really screw up call quality for me.
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The store turned off my "voice privacy". That did not fix the problem.
They gave me a new phone and it works flawlessly with excellent voice quality.
.torrented said:
I think you might be right... tomorrow when i can call someone i will see if that was what was causing my problem... can you tell me or someone tell me what that setting even does? i never did figure it out
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Tell the store you want a new phone! Call them from another location and speak to the manager. Ask him or her how well they can hear you.
My phone was so bad that every call I made the receiving party noticed it dramatically.
Send me a PM and I'll identify the store or you can ship the phone directly to Verizon within your 14 day period for a replacement set.
Your phone is defective and it's not going to change.
ScreenSpace said:
The store turned off my "voice privacy". That did not fix the problem.
They gave me a new phone and it works flawlessly with excellent voice quality.
Tell the store you want a new phone! Call them from another location and speak to the manager. Ask him or her how well they can hear you.
My phone was so bad that every call I made the receiving party noticed it dramatically.
Send me a PM and I'll identify the store or you can ship the phone directly to Verizon within your 14 day period for a replacement set.
Your phone is defective and it's not going to change.
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To me it almost seems like a distance thing. If I call people that are in the same house as me it seems to be working ok but for some reason making longer distance calls is where the problem is... I'm being told that I sound super muffeled and very distant. When I switch over to my speakerphone Mic they can hear me with no problem
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda premium
I know this is a double post but I found a dead pixel so screw it I'm exchanging it
Sent from my HTC6435LVW using xda premium


I have a Z2 brand new in box with the seal still on. I loved the feature set and the looks before I stumbled on to this forum. Call quality should be a given on any phone >$50. I didn't even think about it until now. I will not be able to return the phone once I open it. Should I open the box or return it for an M8/S5?
It seems device dependant again, some devices are slightly different because of manufacturing errors so the first few batches have a good chance of being faulty, some faults effect call quality
My Z2 quality is crisp however the volume is low
Check if you can find what batch your device is from it seems anything before week 22/year 14 is problematic
My device is 14w23
Sent from my D6503 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Envious_Data said:
It seems device dependant again, some devices are slightly different because of manufacturing errors so the first few batches have a good chance of being faulty, some faults effect call quality
My Z2 quality is crisp however the volume is low
Check if you can find what batch your device is from it seems anything before week 22/year 14 is problematic
My device is 14w23
Sent from my D6503 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Is it possible to check without opening the box? From the serial number? The serial starts with BH90B. That seems like from an earlier batch going by the Z1 serial number (starting from BH901/2/3...).
Envious_Data said:
It seems device dependant again, some devices are slightly different because of manufacturing errors so the first few batches have a good chance of being faulty, some faults effect call quality
My Z2 quality is crisp however the volume is low
Check if you can find what batch your device is from it seems anything before week 22/year 14 is problematic
My device is 14w23
Sent from my D6503 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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my device is 14w23 and i have the call quality problems ! as in the other party struggles to hear you , or they get feedback. and it makes no difference if that to a land line or another mobile. i have spoken to Sony UK, and they told me to do a "repair" doing PC companion, which i did and all credit to Sony, they rang me back a few hours later to see how the fix went. well it obviously didn't work as the lady i was speaking to was getting feedback, and since then the problems still exist. as i bought the phone from phones 4U and not Sony directly , my next thing is to return the phone to them and let them do a repair . but not knowing if this is hardware or software issue . im not holding out much hope that the problem will be fixed ? all i know as i use the phone for my business i cant keep on using a phone my clients struggle to hear me on
strommy1966 said:
my device is 14w23 and i have the call quality problems ! as in the other party struggles to hear you , or they get feedback. and it makes no difference if that to a land line or another mobile. i have spoken to Sony UK, and they told me to do a "repair" doing PC companion, which i did and all credit to Sony, they rang me back a few hours later to see how the fix went. well it obviously didn't work as the lady i was speaking to was getting feedback, and since then the problems still exist. as i bought the phone from phones 4U and not Sony directly , my next thing is to return the phone to them and let them do a repair . but not knowing if this is hardware or software issue . im not holding out much hope that the problem will be fixed ? all i know as i use the phone for my business i cant keep on using a phone my clients struggle to hear me on
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I didnt read through your other thread completely but did you try to disable the noise cancellation feature? That may help.
seh6183 said:
I didnt read through your other thread completely but did you try to disable the noise cancellation feature? That may help.
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yes i did ! i have had this problem since i took the phone out of its box back in May. its been a problem on and off since then. its not every call i make or receive , but it is a large quantity of them. enough that i had a load of calls earlier this week and one of my clients hung up on me as they just couldn't hear me , but i could hear them really clearly . so the phone is going back
strommy1966 said:
yes i did ! i have had this problem since i took the phone out of its box back in May. its been a problem on and off since then. its not every call i make or receive , but it is a large quantity of them. enough that i had a load of calls earlier this week and one of my clients hung up on me as they just couldn't hear me , but i could hear them really clearly . so the phone is going back
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Man I would have returned it long before now. I would have returned it first week.

