[Q] Save contact to SimCard - Galaxy S II Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

yeah, i know there are many threads about this topic, below is some of things need clarification and some questions
and just recently paid my attention on this "Contacts" thinggy, and realise that i have tons of duplicate in my Gmail (why the fack its synced to Gmail?)
need clarification:
-so, does newer devices cant save contact directly to SIM?
-we can only use "Export to storage", but that is in vcf (or some format)
-in order to copy all contact from phone to SIM, we must use an app in Playstore (how useful is this app anyway?)
-the contacts in SIM need to be exported to phone
-why do you all think that theres no "Export to SIM" support?
-if i save a contact, does it automatically saved in phone? does it sync to elsewhere? (i dont like this sync-y thinggy)
-what is "phone only, unsynced", does it referred to the phone memory and if i saved a contact it will be in phone?
yes, im asking on how to configure about saving a contact and its relevant question
and sorry if some part is messed up, i got big event next week and kinda nervous about it
Device : GT-i9100G , CM 11 Nightly 20140520


[Q] Beginner questions about contacts

firstly, let me introduce myself:
My name is Tony and from my signature and amount of posts, you can see, I am a very active XDA user and used to do a lot of first and second level support for the blueangel and the blackstone and today my SGS2 arrived, which is my first native android phone. As soon, as i figured out all the tiny beginner's questions, i will start supporting this awesome device for all you fellow users out there.
But for now, excuse me, that I have to ask a few stupid questions that I encountered while setting up the device:
1. My phone is set to English (US) and my keyboard and voice input options are set to German (so that writing or voice inputting sms and german addresses are easier). However, Vlingo does not exactly support the dual language and sometimes produces problems when reading out english information, anybody else experiencing mixed language problems there? any advice?
2. i decided to set my up contacts from scratch. i put in all the correct formal names for my contacts, but when i connect these users to their respective facebook accounts (who are sometimes based on nicknames), the display name automatically changes to the facebook name, while i prefer the formal name. is there a way to change it?
3. contacts allow me to add several im accounts, e.g. ICQ. when i click the icq# of a user, it opens up im and states that only windows live, google talk and yahoo are supported. is there a way to either connect that to the official icq for android, or add other messengers to the stock im? if not, why bother inputting all the information, if one cannot use it?
i wonder why nobody else seems to experience problem #2.
i found it again here: http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=6067
apparently, when you connect contacts through one or more platforms, like facebook, twitter, last.fm, skype... and there names vary, your contacts app will always prefer the last name with the latest letter in the alphabet. in my case, there is one contact first name r. last name b., but one facebook, he goes by another variation of his name, "zu b.", so contacts prefers the facebook name, as z is greater than b. there is no logical reason why facebook names should be preferred to the phone's own stored name. after all, i entered those names because i wanted to find the contacts by that name. why does the phone tell me, my choices are no good and facebook's are better?
strike issue #1 and #3, i will find a workaround some time, but it would be extremely nice, if someone could check if this contacts issue is present in their device and firmware?
i have ke7 dbt (latest german stock rom).
My nexus one does the same thing. If I sync contacts with Facebook it changes to their Facebook displayed name. I'm still not clear on exactly how it does it too.
i tried several ways of bypassing the issue, starting by assuming the sorting of contacts would be determined by the regular ascii order of letters, or linux's, so i tried renaming every contact to minuscules, so R.B. -> r.b. which didn't help and i wouldn't even bother starting any contact with z or any symbol, as that would render the letter navigation bar on the right useless.
so the only way i could bypass the issue was to sort and display contacts by first name. after many years of windows mobile use i'm having trouble getting used to it but apparently, there is no other way so far.
if anyone else has trouble with this, please go to http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=6067 and star the issue and post your experiences.

[Q] Import *.csv - telephone number format

Hi there,
is there a way/app to import contacts into my S3 (CM9) out of an *.csv file, without loosing the telephone number format?
While importing, android currently changes the format of my telephone numbers like:
+49-xxxx-yyyyy --to--> +49 xxxx/yyyyy
or for several numbers:
+49-xxxx-yyyyy --to--> +49xxxxyyyyy
I don't want that!
Thanks for your answers.
1. I know google and I've searched there already.
2. Please DO NOT talk about "Google Contacts"-sh**. I'm trying to avoid google contacts by importing a .csv file directly. I think google does not need to know my relationships and connections. I love my data to be private.
seems odd it does it in two different formats. I thought they have a default format and all numbers are stored the same way even if you put spaces and all sorts
I think this happens when it doesn't know the area code.
+49-37208-yyyyyyy --to--> +4937208yyyyyyy
And it shows up another behavior for the "area code" of cellphones in Germany like 171, 170, 160 a.s.o. In this case it also make something like this:
+49-171-yyyyyyy --to--> +49 171 yyyyyyy
The question is how to switch this completely of. I don't want my telephone numbers to be reformatted.

[Q] Merging Whatsapp history for 2 numbers

Is it possible to merge the chat history for 2 Whatsapp accounts since I have another number?
Even I am looking for this. I have whatsapp on two numbres. One is running on bluestacks on my pc the other on my phone. Both have the same contacts and almost the same groups. But there are many that I only a member of on the PC. I want to avoid asking the admin to add my new numbers in al those groups. So I was looking for a way to merge it.
Bluestacks is really taking a lot of RAM and CPU power so I have decided to use Web.whatsapp on chrome. My main intention of using bluestacks was to be able to save pictures to my PC without having to connect my phone to the PC.
I saw another guy do with with the Web whatsapp extentinos easily.
Now I know I can just change my number on the phone to the one I was using on Bluestacks.
What I am not sure is how will it merge my account.
I know that I can change number. But I fear if I change the number then Whatsapp will overwrite my new account with the old account settings.
If someone could confirm that does not happen and it actually merges both groups and friends then I could go ahead and do that.

Help With Contacts

I have searched and cannot find an answer to this.
How do I create a contact card (either Vcard or CSV) for my own information. What I want to be able to do is NFC transfer my information whenever someone wants my business card or my phone number. I know I can create an NFC tag for this and adhere it to the back of a business card- but if I can do it on a tag, I should be able to create a transferable vcard on my phone for the same purpose.
Any ideas?
p.s. I do not want to create new contacts with my own information- my contact info is already stored on my G+ profile and there should be a way to create a "ME" card like we used to be able to do with older Android versions.

my card in contacts

This is my first android phone for SOME time and for the life of me I can't figure out how to link my contact card with the 'my card' section at the top of contacts
I'm logged in with an uptodate google account which all seems ok and all updated to 146.
Please help me figure this out?
Its a great bit of kit btw and I'm an apple fanboy!
As far as I know there is no way to use a regular existing card for the My Card feature.
To make matters worse you can also not use an existing card or My Card for you Emergency Info. So you end up entering your own details in 3 places.
(Fortunately your emergency contacts do use the regular cards.)
Sent from my LYA-L29 using Tapatalk

