[SOLVED]Xperia Mini won't open due to misscalibrated batterystats - Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini, Mini Pro, Xperia Pro, A

Hello I'm new here. Sorry if i broke any rules with regarding to posting threads. I have a xperia mini who can't operate without the charger. This happened last night when i calibrated my phone then it suddenly shuts down. I think i miss calibrated it that much that it reads my battery percentage as 0% even when the battery has some juice in it. Pleas help me guys I'm new on this kinds of stuff. Thanks

freckleness said:
Hello I'm new here. Sorry if i broke any rules with regarding to posting threads. I have a xperia mini who can't operate without the charger. This happened last night when i calibrated my phone then it suddenly shuts down. I think i miss calibrated it that much that it reads my battery percentage as 0% even when the battery has some juice in it. Pleas help me guys I'm new on this kinds of stuff. Thanks
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install this app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nema.batterycalibration&hl=de
charge your phone to 100%
use the app to recalibrtae battery stats

sir i can't use the app because if i remove the charger the phone suddenly shuts down

freckleness said:
sir i can't use the app because if i remove the charger the phone suddenly shuts down
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i dont understand your problem.... again, do this:
plug charger & boot phone.
install that app & load your device to 100% (or just for 1-2 hours)
open that app. (DONT REMOVE CHARGER!!!!!) then press on calibrate battery.
power off phone normally. NOW UNPLUG
try to turn on that phone.
also maybe your battery is dead. so need a new one....

Sir the phone needed to be connected to a charger before I power it up because if I power on the phone by itself it won't open

Why is my batterstats like this?

freckleness said:
Why is my batterstats like this?
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if you charge it (power up with charger) does it go to 100% ???

bejunk said:
if you charge it (power up with charger) does it go to 100% ???
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I think I encountered this kind of problem once. It happened when I swap my empty battery with a new one. Difference are, mine still manages to turn on without charger but battery meter shows almost empty (it actually had full juice) so the phone shuts down after homescreen. Try wiping dalvik, somehow it fixes the calibration for me.
Or look for DisableCriticalBatteryShutdown on xposed installer downloads.

fundre said:
I think I encountered this kind of problem once. It happened when I swap my empty battery with a new one. Difference are, mine still manages to turn on without charger but battery meter shows almost empty (it actually had full juice) so the phone shuts down after homescreen. Try wiping dalvik, somehow it fixes the calibration for me.
Or look for DisableCriticalBatteryShutdown on xposed installer downloads.
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I tried the xposed with the module but it seems not to be working on my phone it still shuts down when i unplug the charger.

freckleness said:
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then, if its full on 100% use the battery calibration app (leave it on charger). after using it, reboot via reboot menu. if the phone vibrates once, pull off charger. take out battery. put it in back & try to start the phone. if still not starting i think you have some HW damage... or maybe just battery dead but if you say its charging normally till 100% i guess its more a HW damage

bejunk said:
then, if its full on 100% use the battery calibration app (leave it on charger). after using it, reboot via reboot menu. if the phone vibrates once, pull off charger. take out battery. put it in back & try to start the phone. if still not starting i think you have some HW damage... or maybe just battery dead but if you say its charging normally till 100% i guess its more a HW damage
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Got my phone fixed. It's just a battery problem. I replaced the old one. Thank you guys


strange things happening with my HD2

hi, i have latest energy rom. since last 2-3 energy roms i have a problem with my battery. it drains very fast and when i charge it, it also charges very fast! in half an hour. for instance,right now, i put it on charge, and it flashes green and yellow, the battery shows 100%. when i take the charger out, it shows me 74%. what can i do?
im also using the same rom, what radio did you use? im using 2.10.50_8.2 also charge fast buat discharge normally
i haVE THE same radio like you
flashing charge light usually indicates faulty battery or charge control circuitry.
any chance of you trying another battery?
you can also try completely draining the battery, get rid of the last dregs by trying to power on a few times, then charge on mains for a good few hours.
BUT draining the battery completely may just result in not being able to use the phone at all till you get a new battery maybe the half hour you are getting now is too important, and you should try another battery first.
samsamuel said:
flashing charge light usually indicates faulty battery or charge control circuitry.
any chance of you trying another battery?
you can also try completely draining the battery, get rid of the last dregs by trying to power on a few times, then charge on mains for a good few hours.
BUT draining the battery completely may just result in not being able to use the phone at all till you get a new battery maybe the half hour you are getting now is too important, and you should try another battery first.
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i have two baterries, one genuine htc and another one bought off ebay, with both of them is the same story. also a couple of time i discharged the battery completely, and then charged, no changes
dimushor said:
i have two baterries, one genuine htc and another one bought off ebay, with both of them is the same story. also a couple of time i discharged the battery completely, and then charged, no changes
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ah well, sounds like an issue with the phones charging circuits then.
Before confirming as a harware issue just try this,
1. MTTY,
2. Flash to stock.
3. Check the battery issue with stock ROM.
have no clue how to work with mtty
same here
Hi similar things happens to my hd2. I try to charge it the entire day, and nothing happens, it goes only for 10-15% up, then after one call or two it goes down very quickly.
dimushor said:
have no clue how to work with mtty
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1. Just download the file.
2. Backup your data in device.
3. Switch off device. Put your device in bootloader by switching on your device holding your volume down key.
4. Connect to PC and wait for serial to become usb in device screen.
5. Run the file & follow the steps.
6. After restart, remove battery.
7. Connect in Bootloader again.
8. Flash Stock ROM.
Just in case, try reflashing HSPL. It matters sometimes
skr_xd said:
1. Just download the file.
2. Backup your data in device.
3. Switch off device. Put your device in bootloader by switching on your device holding your volume down key.
4. Connect to PC and wait for serial to become usb in device screen.
5. Run the file & follow the steps.
6. After restart, remove battery.
7. Connect in Bootloader again.
8. Flash Stock ROM.
Just in case, try reflashing HSPL. It matters sometimes
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it gives me errors
dimushor said:
it gives me errors
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Running as administrator?
Try disabling antivirus & firewall if any installed.
just flashed the stock rom and the light still flashes green and yellow. does that mean that i have a hardware issue?
dimushor said:
just flashed the stock rom and the light still flashes green and yellow. does that mean that i have a hardware issue?
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Seems to be
i noticed that when the phone is on charge, it is not charging. may be if i turn it off it would charge?
i think i solved my problem. when i looked at the phone's battery contacts,they were somehow positioned in a weird way. i fixed them with my fingers and now everything seems to be ok/.

Battery problems from numerous flashes

Because of numerous rom and Kernel flashes my battery behaves erratically.
For example, i am out of battery, my phone died, but when i put it for charging, the battery status indicates 100%.
I have tried clearing the battery stats but no luck there.
How can i solve this problem.
Thanks in advance.
Charge full battery and calibrate it with battery calibration from google play
I can't. I am charging the phone with it off, but it indicates a full charge state. If i try to power it on, after about 1-2 minutes, the phone turns itself off, like when not having enough battery.
I have tried the battery calibration tool, but the problem still persists.
kpyhere said:
I can't. I am charging the phone with it off, but it indicates a full charge state. If i try to power it on, after about 1-2 minutes, the phone turns itself off, like when not having enough battery.
I have tried the battery calibration tool, but the problem still persists.
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I think you should read this tread regarding MAX17040 chip that is installed in your battery and steps to reset it: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1312273. If this doesn't work then I'm afraid that your battery is gone and that needs to be replaced.
I have done the indicated steps and i had no luck.
I have observed that after charging to full ( 100% ) the phone runs ok until about 93-94%. After this, the phone shuts itself down, and if i try to power it on, the display hangs at the Galaxy S2 screen ( the one with the triangle )
What am i suposed to do?
This happened to me before, and i got over it without much hassle, but now i can;t get past it.
kpyhere said:
What am i suposed to do?
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Try a different battery?
ctomgee said:
Try a different battery?
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or u can look at the beautiful triangle
maybe this would help
reboot in cwm,
-factory/data reset
-cache reset
-in advanced menu dalvik cache reset and battery stat reset
-in mount and storage menu format system
-flash custom rom,
-when done ( do not restart system ) do a factory/data reset and battery stat reset again
i know, i can see irony in my advice but can't think of anything else
Try charging it for a while, just to make sure it is actually 100%, then pull the battery and wait 2-3 mins. Plug it back in should be good to go, works every time for me.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA
1) Battery calibration apps/methods are rubbish/placebo & do absolutely nothing. Save your time/money.
2) Sounds like the battery is cactus to me. Time for a new one.
I have managed to get it working by leaving the battery out of the phone, overnight.

[Q] Phone Not Getting Past 82%

Previously when I ran into this issue, all I had to do was run this handy program here, but alas, this time it is not fixing my issue, and my phone still will charge no higher than 81%. What should I do next?
jo15765 said:
Previously when I ran into this issue, all I had to do was run this handy program here, but alas, this time it is not fixing my issue, and my phone still will charge no higher than 81%. What should I do next?
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BUMP -- anyone have any experience on how to get this back up and running?
jo15765 said:
BUMP -- anyone have any experience on how to get this back up and running?
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Have you tried draining the battery all the way, then fully charging it?
Sent from my DROIDX using xda app-developers app
palmbeach05 said:
Have you tried draining the battery all the way, then fully charging it?
Sent from my DROIDX using xda app-developers app
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Yep. Tried that also (guess I should have included that in my initial post).
jo15765 said:
Previously when I ran into this issue, all I had to do was run this handy program here, but alas, this time it is not fixing my issue, and my phone still will charge no higher than 81%. What should I do next?
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With that app, check the voltage, should be as close to 4200 mV as possible (mine charges up to 4196 mV but get stuck at 81% ~ 90%) then run the fix (first button) and either reboot the phone or restart the service (I restart the service) and you should see it rises beyond 100%, when you unplug the phone, it downs to 99%
andresrivas said:
With that app, check the voltage, should be as close to 4200 mV as possible (mine charges up to 4196 mV but get stuck at 81% ~ 90%) then run the fix (first button) and either reboot the phone or restart the service (I restart the service) and you should see it rises beyond 100%, when you unplug the phone, it downs to 99%
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Stats read
Power Source - USB
State - Charging
Voltage - 4200mV
Temp - 33.0 C
Percentage Shown - 81%
Actual Percentage - 80%
I just ran the fix and restarted the service (as you suggested), so let's await and see if I will get my bat up any higher
I guess I should clarify so that it is not misconstrued that I didn't do this prior, but each time I ran the fix before I rebooted my device.
jo15765 said:
Stats read
Power Source - USB
State - Charging
Voltage - 4200mV
Temp - 33.0 C
Percentage Shown - 81%
Actual Percentage - 80%
I just ran the fix and restarted the service (as you suggested), so let's await and see if I will get my bat up any higher
I guess I should clarify so that it is not misconstrued that I didn't do this prior, but each time I ran the fix before I rebooted my device.
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Well it's been sitting on the charger since I posted the above post, and battery jumped to 84% but is still not going any higher...
jo15765 said:
Previously when I ran into this issue, all I had to do was run this handy program here, but alas, this time it is not fixing my issue, and my phone still will charge no higher than 81%. What should I do next?
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Please use this battery fix APK.
Thank me if it fixes your problem
guruzen said:
Please use this battery fix APK.
Thank me if it fixes your problem
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That looks like the fix I have already run multiple times...
The problem is the battery wear, buying a new battery will fix the problem.
Feche said:
The problem is the battery wear, buying a new battery will fix the problem.
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Ah, thank you for that info. I will def purchase a new battery
This way works for me to fix this problem
For me, the BatteryFix app works only if I use it this way:
1. In BatteryFix, check "Fix when power detected". (only once)
Reboot the phone, if required.
2. Connect to the power adapter ( the phone must be on)
3. After the notice of BatteryFix shows, turn off your phone. (every time)
For my Atrix 4G, when power adapter is connected,
turning power off makes the phone reboot.
I cannot really turn it off.
I didn't try reboot button, it might work too.
4. Let the phone charge to the maximum percentage.
5. Start BatteryFix, tap "Fix battd" and restart the service. (every time)
No need to reboot for me.
Then, I can see the percentage changes.
I hope this works for you too.
ami.david said:
For me, the BatteryFix app works only if I use it this way:
1. In BatteryFix, check "Fix when power detected". (only once)
Reboot the phone, if required.
2. Connect to the power adapter ( the phone must be on)
3. After the notice of BatteryFix shows, turn off your phone. (every time)
For my Atrix 4G, when power adapter is connected,
turning power off makes the phone reboot.
I cannot really turn it off.
I didn't try reboot button, it might work too.
4. Let the phone charge to the maximum percentage.
5. Start BatteryFix, tap "Fix battd" and restart the service. (every time)
No need to reboot for me.
Then, I can see the percentage changes.
I hope this works for you too.
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If the phone is pwered off and detects charger or usb connected, it will boot up to charge mode (The big battery)
andresrivas said:
If the phone is pwered off and detects charger or usb connected, it will boot up to charge mode (The big battery)
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Correct. It might seem as if it's turning on, but it will instead go to this special "charging" mode. Unless of course there's something wrong with the bootloader and it proceeds to full boot instead (there have been reports of this happening to some people).
ravilov said:
Correct. It might seem as if it's turning on, but it will instead go to this special "charging" mode. Unless of course there's something wrong with the bootloader and it proceeds to full boot instead (there have been reports of this happening to some people).
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Thanks! Now I understand why.
ravilov said:
Correct. It might seem as if it's turning on, but it will instead go to this special "charging" mode. Unless of course there's something wrong with the bootloader and it proceeds to full boot instead (there have been reports of this happening to some people).
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Is there any configuration that we can change to fix this problem in bootloader?
ami.david said:
Is there any configuration that we can change to fix this problem in bootloader?
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Actually, from what i learned on the kernel thread, the chargin mode is rom dependant. If there is something wrong with this charging mode, is rom's fault
Enviado desde mi MB860 mediante Tapatalk
andresrivas said:
Actually, from what i learned on the kernel thread, the chargin mode is rom dependant. If there is something wrong with this charging mode, is rom's fault
Enviado desde mi MB860 mediante Tapatalk
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Ah, I see. Thanks!

Screen Stays on when Charging

ok ive been dealing with this problem for awhile.
Whenever im plugged in and charging(possibly when im at full battery) either the screen stays on or randomly pulses back on. Tends to be the first which is a big problem
because either with the screen on high it drains the battery to dead slowly or overheats crashes the phone but still continues to drain the battery. Which is a big pain in the ass with
the recharge time when you drain the battery to dead(wall charger)
Its lasted through several different roms and reset tp original rom.
Yes ive turned off the dev setting
bak3donh1gh said:
ok ive been dealing with this problem for awhile.
Whenever im plugged in and charging(possibly when im at full battery) either the screen stays on or randomly pulses back on. Tends to be the first which is a big problem
because either with the screen on high it drains the battery to dead slowly or overheats crashes the phone but still continues to drain the battery. Which is a big pain in the ass with
the recharge time when you drain the battery to dead(wall charger)
Its lasted through several different roms and reset tp original rom.
Yes ive turned off the dev setting
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I'm just guessing but it can be cable fault. Try it with another cable or even different charger to see if the problem is still present. If yes and you are still under warranty i would recommend to take it to the service center.
There is a "developer" option about this on the settings, so you can toggle it on or off while you're charging. Please verify! : )
bak3donh1gh said:
Yes ive turned off the dev setting
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Andre Verissimo said:
There is a "developer" option about this on the settings, so you can toggle it on or off while you're charging. Please verify! : )
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see above
i guess no one reads the entire post.
Well the problem has morphed even worse, if i shutdown the phone and leave it plugged in it wont charge but the battery charging screen will drain the battery.
bak3donh1gh said:
i guess no one reads the entire post.
Well the problem has morphed even worse, if i shutdown the phone and leave it plugged in it wont charge but the battery charging screen will drain the battery.
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Check dev settings or DL factory reset
sorry guys but i really have to say holy **** twice ive said i've checked the DEV SETTINGS.
but i realize im not going to get any actual help with this odd problem here.
As @Jecmenn said earlier, it seems like a broken cable or the connection between the micro USB cable and the phone isn't perfect, like it is connecting and disconnecting over and over. Try another cable, if it doesn't help, the phone's USB is damaged. And easy pal, being rude won't help you.

OnePlus One doesnt discharge

I already got this problem and been able to fix it with battery calibration (root) apps. But since about 1 week I cant fix it and I dont know if someone have the same issue.
When I charge the phone to 100% and unplug the power, it doesnt discharge until 3h after unplug. And between 45% and 30% the phone shut off. When I try to power ON, it say battery too low keep charging before power ON (something like that). When the battery is charge enough, its already at 30% and reach 100% very fast (maybe 15-20mins)
I did try to do battery calibration, reboot the phone and use it normally... but no success.. I already did this 5 times
I cant let it discharge to 0% because it automatically shutoff at 30-40%.
I use the "stock rooted YNG1TAS2I3 ROM. Includes root(enable in Developer options) and the rest is untouched, so it's OTA update safe" from Calkulin (thanx to him he does great work)
I didnt want to factory reset because like I said before, its not the 1st time I got this problem but its the 1st time I am not able to fix it !
And please, do not answer to buy the OnePlus 2
Thank you in advance, sorry for my english
bluedry said:
I already got this problem and been able to fix it with battery calibration (root) apps. But since about 1 week I cant fix it and I dont know if someone have the same issue.
When I charge the phone to 100% and unplug the power, it doesnt discharge until 3h after unplug. And between 45% and 30% the phone shut off. When I try to power ON, it say battery too low keep charging before power ON (something like that). When the battery is charge enough, its already at 30% and reach 100% very fast (maybe 15-20mins)
I did try to do battery calibration, reboot the phone and use it normally... but no success.. I already did this 5 times
I cant let it discharge to 0% because it automatically shutoff at 30-40%.
I use the "stock rooted YNG1TAS2I3 ROM. Includes root(enable in Developer options) and the rest is untouched, so it's OTA update safe" from Calkulin (thanx to him he does great work)
I didnt want to factory reset because like I said before, its not the 1st time I got this problem but its the 1st time I am not able to fix it !
And please, do not answer to buy the OnePlus 2
Thank you in advance, sorry for my english
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Hi, definitely sounds like a calibration issue. If possible, can you access the bootloader options, and select bootloader logs? It's an option on nexus, not sure about oneplus. If you can, select logs and reboot. That resets the calibration. Otherwise, it could be a faulty battery.
You can always ask in your device's specific help forum here:
Good luck!
Thanx for your answer, but i cant attach my dmesg.txt neither paste the pastebin url...
Sent from my A0001 using XDA Free mobile app
Evolution_Tech said:
Hi, definitely sounds like a calibration issue. If possible, can you access the bootloader options, and select bootloader logs? It's an option on nexus, not sure about oneplus. If you can, select logs and reboot. That resets the calibration. Otherwise, it could be a faulty battery.
You can always ask in your device's specific help forum here:
Good luck!
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I dont have this option
bluedry said:
I dont have this option
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Then please ask in the link I provided originally.

