Issues with New Tablet Z - Xperia Tablet Z Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi, I just purchased this tablet and am liking it enough, except for a couple quirks.
1) When I deactivate bluetooth, it never holds that way, and will somehow reactivate bluetooth.
2) The daydream/screensaver thing that turns on when charging the tablet. Daydream is off but I cannot figure out how to deactivate whatever this thing is.


Dock problem (ASUS PRIME)

My dock only connects sometimes, usually after it's been disconnected for a while and i unlock it.
But at times i try to unlock it and it simply won't work at all.
The prime itself has no problem with connectivity it seems, it connects to chargers and to USB for file transfers no problem, it's just the dock it has a problem with.
Also sometimes it'll say it's connected but only the keys will work, not the trackpad or buttons on it.
I have tried 3 docks, one for the tf201 and two for the tf300, all have the same symptom and none offer anything more than a sporadic connection.
Having it charged makes no difference at all.
My prime has been sent back to asus twice now already.
Has anyone had a similar issue?
Running Androwook v2.0, Android 4.2.
I've already asked in the thread and no one has said that they're having anything similar, this problem also was persistent on other versions of android and even on the stock rom.
Any help is appreciated.
I'm having a similar problem. The keyboard randomly stops typing. All I have to do is detach the tablet, and put it back to fix it, but that's very annoying. It happens a lot.
I'm completely stock, and have done a factory reset, but it didn't help.
warlock257 said:
I'm having a similar problem. The keyboard randomly stops typing. All I have to do is detach the tablet, and put it back to fix it, but that's very annoying. It happens a lot.
I'm completely stock, and have done a factory reset, but it didn't help.
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Yea i'm having the same issue kind of, for me if it's on and i disconnect it and reconnect it it will continue to work, if i leave it off for a bit then it might decide not to work, I've already RMA'd mine twice and i simply can't be bothered doing it again.
My mate has asked me to swap it for his Sony tab, not the xperia Z one the one before it, i might actually do it cos this is just getting to be a joke.
EDIT: Just had a look at the Sony tablet S section and it's like a ghost town, i think i'll be keeping my Prime until i can at least afford to buy another one, i'm getting the HTC One next over the s4, Sammy has burnt it's own bridges by not letting the UK have the octa core version.
As far as the prime is concerned, if i send it off again, I have no idea what condition it'll come back in, plus i'm doubting that it will have ICS on it like it did when i got it back this time.

[Q] To buy or not to buy?

So I feel like I need a new toy...I've been tossing up whether to upgrade my phone or maybe get this tablet. Previously I've had all the Samsung phones...S1, S2, Note1 & 2 an now S3. On th3 tablet front though I've only had the TF101 with was OK but now mainly serves as a transfer device between phone and HDD since I dont have an actual PC. The performance issues were probably the most troubling issue I had with it. More Ram faster processor. ..good for its first gen experi3nce but thats it.
So my question really is do you recommend this tablet since time with your purchase? If not why not? I can deal with pesky lil annoyances but as a whole has your experience been enjoyable and not regretful? My purchase is literally a walk across the road...
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda premium
you have to think hard about this actually cause the tablet z is completely different than the tf101 with the dock
you'll need a bluetooth keyboard to retain the physical keyboard if that was something major to you
other than that i love the tablet so far only headache for me is the wireless issue but hopefully when i get back to school it'll work flawlessly with my router at school
I went from a TF101 with a dock myself to an SGP321 and I've got to tell you the performance and screen more than makes up for the lack of a physical keyboard and thus also a shorter battery life.
Remember how you get 16 hours of use at best out of the TF101 with the docking station? My SGP321 does around 8-9 with everything turned on and no power save except for brightness on auto (way too bright for night use otherwise). If I leave it on standby like this it will last for days.
In short, I'm not regretting the SGP321 at all (and LTE is a nice bonus even though my current provider only offers HSPA+).
I'm coming off a tf201 with dock and while there are some things I could miss with that combo the reality was I never really used it the way I thought. I back up all my files to a portable USB drive and the intent was to access that whenever I needed to, the reality is I also back them up to my server and it was almost always easier to log on and download from there. As for performance, there is no comparison, the Sony beats it hands down. I upgraded the Primes ROM to the latest Wookie rev which extended the life but there were so many other issues like lack of GPS, wifi connectivity etc, I've never experienced any wifi issues with the Sony, it is 5G capable and locks on to the AP without hesitation. The HDMI resolution is not as good as the Prime and it is noticeable, the Prime was HD, this is not but I can live with it.
Some of the pita issues are the port covers, I guess but it's still a pain except for the micro sd, it's good to have that covered as I lost a 32gb card out of the Prime. I also like the ability to lock the screen by closing the case like the ipads do, not possible on the Prime so that's a nice addition. The battery is not a big and takes longer to charge but at least you can do that via the usb port with just about any charger, the prime was cable and charger specific. The other pain was getting root and mostly that was my problem, I couldn't get past the ADB server out of date issue and finally diagnosed that to the Samsung adb drivers, I'd always unplug the phone when working on the Z so never saw them listed, only by mistake leaving both in did see it an once updated problem solved so now I have root and can restore via titanium.
I also have accumulated lots of Samsung products and have a SG3 which is the best phone I've ever used so was looking forward to their next generation slates, wow did they miss the mark. Here Sony is trying to give you good value and I think they succeed, it's fast and now fun to use again, highly recommended.

[Q] Jiayu G5 Bluetooth problem

Hello everyone,
My girlfriend has recently bought a Jiayu G5 since she needed a new phone, and I have had a great experience so far with my G3S.
She has been using the phone for about two weeks now, and it is excellent, but it does have one very annoying bug with the bluetooth. She has a pebble smart-watch she connects it to using bluetooth, and this works as it should. The problem starts when the watch has been out of range of the phone. Once it disconnects, you have to turn bluetooth off an back on for the connection to be picked up again (I think this is due to the pebble-app on the phone). However, once you turn bluetooth off, it will not turn back on. You have to reboot the phone. After the reboot it works again as it's supposed to work, until you turn the blueooth off for whatever reason,then it won't turn back on. When you tap the switch, it turns on for like a tenth of a second, and it goes straight back to off.
The G5 is running the because we don't speak chinese
This is android 4.2.1, pretty much vanilla android so far as I can see.
Does anybody have any clue as to what might be the cause of it?

[help]Moto Z rebooting when smartwatch connected

So, I have my Moto Z, I love it. But I have a rather horrible problem. If I connect my Asus Zenwatch 2 to my Moto Z, I get periodic, but frequent reboots. Probably about 2-3 times a day, as well as excessive battery use out of bluetooth.
Both watch and phone are stock, I've performed full wipes on both, but it doesn't seem to help. Ideas?
This may or may not help but I have the same combination Moto Z Droid and the Zenwatch2. I was having a frequent problem where my phone and watch would disconnect from each other and need to be paired again numerous times a day-usually when I walked away from my phone but sometimes with the phone in my pocket. That problem was corrected by going to Settings>Bluetooth>Asus Zenwatch 'wheel' icon and then unchecking the use for Phone Audio box. My guess is that disabling that would make it so I cant talk to somebody through my watch but I don't do that anyway and doing this worked for me. Some of the people running the Motorola forum have also recommended going to Setting>Location and turning off Bluetooth Scanning which can be done from the 3 dots upper right. Maybe one of these can help
Not the problem, if they're disconnecting it would be odd. It's most annoying as frequently it reboots while in my pocket and I don't notice, and because my phone is encrypted I basically go hours at a time without my phone functioning because it won't finish booting until I enter my password

Three Bluetooth issues

Hello. Picked up an Xperia X a couple months ago and have been generally happy with it, though I'm having some bluetooth issues ranging from annoying to infuriating that are preventing me from really enjoying this phone. Hope some of the gurus here can provide a some guidance on what I can do to fix or workaround these issues.
1. After some period of time listening to music/podcasts/whatever, the phone will automatically drop the volume by half and display the message:
Listening to sounds above the current volume level may permanently damage your hearing.
That's fine and dandy, but I'm controlling the volume through the bluetooth device, and the result is that it drops to a volume so low I can no longer hear it, and while it's a simple thing, it's infuriating every time it happens. Based on prior searches, I know this is a built-in "feature" and I know it's been part of the Xperia phones for a while, but is there any way to disable this behavior? I have my phone rooted, so root-level apps, Xposed modules, etc. are all on the table. This is my number one complaint with the phone, so would really appreciate any help here. Note: to clarify, I want to stop this *behavior*. I've found other discussions about killing similar warning messages, but nothing about how to prevent it from actually lowering the volume.
2. When connected to my car through bluetooth, I don't get metadata from the phone (AVRCP?). Bluetooth problems in general appear to be widely reported for Android 7.1.x on this phone, but most people seem to complain about being unable to pair their device at all. I can pair it fine, but I don't get metadata. However, prior to upgrading to 7.1 (while still on 6.0) metadata worked, and when running OmniROM 7.1.2 on this phone metadata also worked. So, it seems to be a problem with this particular version of the stock ROM for this phone.
Any ideas on how I can fix that? Again, maybe an xposed module or something that I've overlooked? or could I maybe swap out the bluetooth stack from OmniROM, which works fine? This is a much lesser annoyance than the above, but still interested in any suggestions.
3. Finally, this is a more subjective issue, but does anyone else have problems with bluetooth performance in general with this phone? On my last two phones, I kept my phone in my left pocket and played through a bluetooth headphones with the receiver on my right ear with generally no problems, other than the occasional hiccups that seem to affect every android device (at least every one I've used). With the Xperia X, however, trying to play with the phone in my left pocket skips so horribly that it's completely unlistenable. Moving it to my right pocket helps somewhat, but it's still flaky - turning my head sideways such that the receiver is over my shoulder causes skipping. I have to move my phone up into my jacket pocket in order for it to play (mostly) reliably.
Does anyone else have problems like this? Again, I never hard this problem with either of my two previous phones on the same set of headphones (have similar, but not as severe, issues in my car as well). I *did* have this same problem with OmniROM as well, and I have the problem with and without a case, so it seems hardware related, but if the bluetooth hardware was truly this bad I would expect to have seen more discussion about it. So, just wondering - is this just me, or do other people have this problem as well? I know it's unlikely, but any suggestions to improve this? Ie., possible to increase the bluetooth transmitter power or something like that?
Thanks, all. Sorry this turns out a little long, just wanted to properly explain. Looking forward to any suggestions.
I can confirm that on my XX Bluetooth signal is also weak, I have same issues at least with two Sony headsets (SBH60 and SBH80). Also with Bluetooth AptX receiver for my (home) audio it is quite similar, just walking behind corner from direct visibility and audio is choppy...
1. This error message appears very rarely, for me, not every 30 minutes. I have this phone for 1 year now and I encountered the warning 5-6 times.
2. Idk
3. True, Im pretty dissapointed by the bluetooth strenght. Also, the WiFi is super weak too. Very dissapointing.
This also happens on the Tablet Z, where I have external speakers connected. Nannytech run amok.
Replying to old thread, but got just new bluetooth headset and noticed also very poor bluetooth performance on my xperia x. Distance between phone and headset cant exceed half a meter, or music starts stopping and skipping. Even with my ancient backup phone, Iphone 4s, distance can be meters... Very poor desing from Sony.
Bluetooth in general eventually drove me away. Only got midling performance at best, but whatever chip or driver or whatever they were using also had performance issues with custom ROMs. Never found a single ROM not based on stock that worked 100% correctly with bluetooth, and given podcasts and music is probably about 90% of what I use my phone for (combined with Sony ending even security updates long ago at this point), that was a pretty big problem for me.
Ended up buying a Pixel 3a to replace it. My main concern about the 3a is that I wish it was a little bit smaller (really my concern with almost every well-spec'ed phone these days), but the bluetooth in that phone is solid. Longer range and better strength than any other bluetooth device I've ever used. Extremely happy with it.

