So I bought a new SD. I copied the contents of my prevoious SD to the new one using minitool partition magic. After turning the phone on, it wouldn't boot past the slimbean logo. So I removed that SD card and put the old one back in. Same thing. Cleared cache and davilk and not it goes past it but gets stuck at "starting apps". What could have happened?
Tried wiping cache + davilk + fixing permissions, no luck.
Today I rooted my Huawei U8800, I installed Clockworkmod, made a backup, and tried installing a Honeycomb ROM, I put the zip file in my SD card, and booted in recovery mode.
I did the following things: wipe data/factory reset; wipe cache partition, wipe dalvik cache, and tried installing the rom from my SD card, however clockworkmod didn't see the .zip file in my SD card, so I rebooted my phone and it didn't start. Then I chose recovery (from my backup) in Clockworkmod, still didn't work.
I can see the booting screen (it says IDEOS), it stays there for a while and then it just goes black and boots itself again.
Is there any way to fix this issue?
I'm running Cyanogenmod 7 on an HTC Desire device, with S2E extending the internal storage to the SD card.
As I was facing the "Error 492" in Google Play, I saw a good solution was to wipe the Dalvik cache. So did I.
But now, after the usual HTC logo, I get the Cyanogen animation looping (the round is turning for a few seconds, then the screen becomes black and the animation restarts).
I tried to remove the battery and try again, no way. Also tried to mount sd-ext from the recovery, still the same.
Any tip ?
Hi all,
I have LOST my onboard USB storage. For work, I needed to Encrypt my phone. I was on JellySNAP Rom. I went through the Encryption which then failed. I tried pressing the button to Reset but that didn't do anything. I was System UI Stopped messages. So I tried a reboot which brought me back to the same screen. This time, the phone rebooted and it appeared to be doing it's thing but then proceeded to get stuck in a boot loop.
I tried re-installing the JellySNAP rom which is where things started to go wrong. In Settings > Storage, for USB storage, it said about 7mb used and had the option for Mount below it. No joy pressing it
I tried wiping Cache and Dalvik - nothing
I tried formatting /system, /data, /preload etc .... from the options in Apolo Kernel - nothing
I re-installed a Stock ROM via Odin. I did a Wipe Cache / Factory Reset but the USB Storage now shows absolutely nothing. In Settings > Storage, I just have the USB STorage Heading and NOTHING under it. Directly below this heading is a heading for SD Card.
Any suggestions as to where I go next to reset everything ?
EDIT: I went in to Settings > Backup and reset > Factory data reset
I'm using CM11 ROM with my I9300.
My phone has a boot loop problem. Few seconds (about 20~30) after it turns on, it goes off.
The problem appeared suddenly, after a night that the device was charged.
Tried deleting cache / dalvik cache / data and didn't succeed.
I'm sure it isn't a problem with the button because on recovery mode I can stay for long as I want.
EDIT: I'm not sure I actually succeeded with wiping data/factory reset. when i click on it in the recovery (CWM) it says "wiping data... formatting /data" and turns off 2 seconds afterwards. Is there a way to factory reset the device through PC?
If possible,try making a complete backup on external sd card. Then, wipe data,system,cache and everything else. Next,download a rom suitable for your phone model,copy to external sd card,and then go in custom recovery. There install that rom from external sd card.
Just remember, don't wipe out external sd card,remember to take it out before every wipe. You don't want losing things from your external sd card.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA Free mobile app
Whenever I boot up my phone, it goes through the samsung screens and it gets stuck at the T-Mobile screen. Previously, My SD card caused my phone to reboot, but i formatted my sd card and everything was fine. Now, even if there is no SD card, it gets stuck at the T-Mobile screen. When I tried to format the cache partition, it would look like its clearing the cache, only to show an error screen for about 5ms and reboot. Also, If Possible, I don't want to format my phone. Thanks!