After JTAG, SIM Card Not Found! - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey Guys..
So I have a LG - P698 (Optimus Link/Net Dual)
I had a custom ROM in it.. It was going well but then I saw that battery drains much faster in custom ROM.. so I tried reverting back to stock by using KDZ method.. I followed this guide :
But due to some error.. I can't recall it.. the phone got hard-bricked.. it didn't boot nor did go to emergency mode..
I gave it to a friend who had a RIFF JTAG Box.. and he fixed the boot and flashed again with the above link.. this time it flashed..
But thing is that after flashing, the network never came up.. It showed no SIM Card.. but the SIM was inserted.. I tried the SIM on my old HTC Gene and it worked.. But on the LG it showed No SIM Card..
The strange thing is that SIM Toolkit shows up in the menu and when I open it, it shows BSNL Portal(The Portal for BSNL in India)..
So I think that it detects the SIM.. but fails to contact the provider..
So what can I do?
Thanks in advance and sorry for the long post..

Hello my friend so probability you didn't back up the file where's is the ESN of your phone. So you need to write again. You need to fist this app:

1) Firstly write the ESN of your phone.
2) To do a note in the notes block from your PC with the next:
echo 'AT+EGMR=1,7,"IMEI_1"' >/dev/pttycmd1
echo 'AT+EGMR=1,10,"IMEI_2"' >/dev/pttycmd1
In "IMEI 1" YOU WRITE YOUR ESN. YOU DON'T ERASE THE quotes just erase the word IMEI 1.
(3) the file that you created (can give you the)
name you want) have fun with the memory of your
Android or a Micro SD, the joke is that the
Open in your device.
(4) low the ANDROID TERMINAL application
EMULATOR is totally free in playstore gone
(5) now opens your text file and copy the
first line from echo to cmd1, for that
just select the line and with the radio button
Please COPY or copy
you open the app hits the line you copied and
push enter (on the digital keypad, just copy the)
text, no matter that there is a little character
in the application).
(7) repeat the process with the second line.
(8) restart your device with the SIMS
inside (if before the tapeworms in device not you)
worry doesn't pass anything)
(9) ready and are your IMEI restored! Now already
You can use your lines without problem!
As you can see! in less than 10 steps and less than 5
minutes are going to retrieve your IMEI, is very
simple and don't need much knowledge, more
that the copy and paste text.

Okay.. thanks for showing me that it is because of the IMEI..
Can someone else explain it in an understandable English?
and for LG P698.. No offence though..
Thanks BRO!

Sorry, I view that I 've written very bad. So I said that probably your ESN is erased and if you want to get it you need to have this application
Send from my RCA TAB 7" RCT6378W2
---------- Post added at 05:56 ---------- Previous post was at 05:49 ----------
The apps is called android terminal emulator. I don't offence, cuz I learn for my mistakes to write englhis better.
Many times when you upgrade a new ROM, the folder where is the files of the ESN be erase accidentally.
Send from my RCA TAB 7" RCT6378W2


[Don't steal my phone] Another thief protection software

I've found many software that supposed to help in case your phone get lost or stolen.
Some were expensive, some were free, but none fitted perfectly to what I was really expecting. So I've made my own.
The closest in terms of functionnalities (and price) is Remote Tracker, but it requires .NET 3.5 which is not installed on my WM6.5 phone, and honestly, it's a very fat dependency.
The idea is that you install this software (no CAB, simply copy the 2 files on your phone), and run it once to set up the configuration. Then forget it.
In the case the phone is stolen, the software will send you a SMS with the thief's phone number, it's GPS position, the CellID in case the GPS pos is not available.
You'll then be able to act on your phone remotely by sending it some SMS (described in documentation).
The features that makes this software unique are:
It's possible to destroy all your personal data remotely (call log history, contact, emails, SMS, calendar, owner info, storage card) -> help social engineering to get back your phone.
It's possible to make the phone send you back the call history and the sim contacts.
Slut mode (see the documentation for details).
WOULDYOUSHUTUP mode (where the phone is very very nasty).
All other tracking software features...
This software is open C++ source (GPLv3), small (75ko with no dependencies), and free.
You'll find it at (documentation on that page)
Or the direct link is attached.
Beta tester welcome (I've tested all functions already, but, you know what software development is....)
Some remarks for those who don't read threads:
whereRU: requires you to have at least a .wav file in your windows ring folder. I thought all phone had at least one .wav based ring. In 64kb, I haven't included a MP3/AAC/MP4 player.
owner: This is what I said in my first posts. Microsoft didn't feel it was interesting to document how to retrieve owner info. So, almost all manufacturer have made there own proprietary stuff. I've a HTC phone, so I've checked the code work for HTC. If you have more information about where your phone store its owner information in registry, I can add your phone support.
contact: On the main config dialog, in the combo box where you can enter the phone number to contact, you'll have a phone number list. It's the same list as returned in the "contact" command. So if you don't have such list in the config dialog, then this means that either you don't have any contact on your SIM card, or it's not working (in that case PM me).
Please read the website
To install the software:
1. Extract the zip file (either on your phone, or on the PC, and then copy the 2 files from archive to your phone)
2. Run the extracted exe on your phone. If you have signed warning say yes.
3. Set up your configuration (DON'T check "Don't show this screen anymore")
4. If you have a GPS in your device, go outside to make sure the GPS is working with the configuration you've made
5. Enter a (not yours) phone number in the SMS par edit/combobox
6. Enter a password in the edit box on the bottom
7. Click done => Say yes.
8. Start the software again, enter the previous password in the field on the botton to unlock the dialog, then click on "Configuration done, install now"
9. If you have signature warning for the DLL say yes.
10. It should display "Installation done". You can then send yourself a SMS with the right format to check if it's working.
11. If it's working, delete the SMS you've just sent from your outbox, and trash, and then start the software again and check "Don't show this screen anymore". You'll have to click "Configuration done" again, but this times, you shouldn't have any warning.
12. If it's not working, well post on the forum.
- Added "allow" command so it's possible to use multiple allowed SIM card. Setup the software as described above, and then change your card. You'll get a SMS with the new number (if not, your configuration isn't good). Then reply with the command "dsmp # allow # password" with no space between #. This SIM card is then allowed. You can have up to 4 allowed SIM card.
- Fixed an installation bug on non-french phone. Sorry, I've been lazy, and it should be fixed.
- Added support for "Dsmp" in addition of "dsmp" as trigger code
- More owner info retrieved for HTC phones
Please go to page ( ) if you want to get the debug version or source code.
sounds impressive ! i might give it a try!
good work !
CDMA diamond running a 6.1 rom. got to step 8 and each time I enter in my password and close my keyboard the screen where the keyboard was (touchpal is my SIP) shows the screen behind what it should show. hope that makes sense. how do I uninstall this software?
also, I dont see anywhere where it says what WOULDYOUSHUTUP mode is.
WOULDYOUSHUTUP is what happen when you send a sms with "whereRU". The phone rings at max volume for 60s with no possible way to stop it, even if it was in silent mode.
Useful when you've lost your phone nearby, (it won't stop until you've found it, or 60s later), or, as intended, to become a nuisance to any thief in the middle of the night.
To uninstall the software you must click on "Zap" button, but you need your password for that. BTW if you haven't done step 8, you don't need to uninstall, as the installation proceed only when you click "Configuration done" button.
If the software doesn't accept the password you've set at step 6, then it's likely that it was entered wrong at first? I'll PM you about this, if you don't mind.
installed it, and tested a whereRU with another phone, doesn't work. :\
I've answered with specific details by PM. I trying to understand why installation didn't work for you. I'll update the post with the informations you'll give me.
sounds really nice.
I just see some problems. These problems apply to any anti-theft program :
If you have a pin-lock for the device (not sim card lock, the built-in windows lock), the thief will not be able to change anything (owner, ...). He can only change the sim and try to boot, what will of course fail. As this fails (without unlocking phone-lock, no dialing), he will not be able to establish a connection to his mobile network and you will not get his number (?!)
As hard-reset is always possible (every thief can google ) w/o the program being cooked into rom, this software is senseless if you can't cook roms. I can't
If I understood it correctly, you would need to edit the 2 files to your needs (with numbers aso) at first instance and afterwards cook them into rom. This has to be done by each end-user each time he flashes a new rom and cant be done by rom-chef because he doesnt know your data.
Isn't it possible to make that wireless? E.g. you specify an email there and the programm will at first boot after hardreset (after cooking into rom) establish a connection to a server (or mail to specified mail) to download the details (cell number, pw, ...) you entered in the server? ^^
You only can enter one own cell number. Bad if you sometimes switch the sim's.
Would be better to implement that from remotetracker:
SIM Cards: you can set up to four known SIM cards. If you, or anyone, change the SIM card to an unknown card, your emergency number and e-mails will receive a message alerting you about the change and with the new number
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* If you use this kind of software, you'll want to make your thief believe he succeed owning your phone. If you PIN-lock your device, then the thief will have to hard reset the phone to use it, defeating the whole process.
* In my previous phone (Universal), there was a Extended ROM made by the operator that survived hard reset. I've used that ROM by that time.
Now, you're perfectly right, with a single ROM, the hard reset kills the software. Your idea of using a external server is genius. I guess I'll add this, using your device ID (which doesn't change whatever the ROM) (or IMEI), to retrieve the config for your phone. The config will be saved on a server, and the config can be sent back by SMS (so even if the thief doesn't have network contract, it'll work).
* You switch SIM ? Is 2 SIM okay ?
I wanted the software to be extremely simple to setup, so it detected the IMSI by itself.
Now, if you need to store 2 IMSI, it'll need another edit box to let you enter the IMSI numbers.
I can add a new command "allow" that, when you've inserted your second SIM, will allow the new IMSI upon receiving.
Let me think about this.
Yep, but I won't -of course- disable excellent built-in security mechanisms to make it *perhaps* easier to get the phone back just in case someone steals my phone.
The phone-lock is ideal to keep away random access to private and corporate data from other persons (friends, aso).
Despite the lack of some functions I installed the program yesterday and it doesn't work as thought:
The program loads after each reset again with the config screen
The program is active in task manager (dsmp.exe)
The sent commands aren't executed. If I send the commands (e.g. rst or whereRU) to the phone, the display turns on but nothing happens.
(perhaps the first 2 problems are caused because I did not hide the program yet with "Do not show this anymore" Not sure about that )
You could just say at setup: Now turn off the phone and enter your other sim and start the setup again to detect the second sim
hi popol256,
is there a chance for a very thin application, that after installed on a phone (e.g LEO) makes JUST the following:
- receiving a predefined SMS lock's the phone and encrypts the msd card.
To unlock the phone and decrypt the msd card, just a so called "master password" or whatever needs to be input.
That's all
thank you,
Locking the phone is possible (but again, if you lock the phone, then the thief will hard reset it).
Encrypting the microSD card is not, I think.
So far, I think you need to either encrypt it at first use (all WM6 phone have this as a base feature). When you have data on it and want to encrypt, it's almost impossible as you'll need the same free space on your device as your card size to store the encrypted version.
(Or if only encrypting content, you'll need to reserve half your card size for the "possibly" encrypted archive).
I guess the best method for you if to use the storage card encryption feature of WM + pin lock.
bliblablub said:
Yep, but I won't -of course- disable excellent built-in security mechanisms to make it *perhaps* easier to get the phone back just in case someone steals my phone.
The phone-lock is ideal to keep away random access to private and corporate data from other persons (friends, aso).
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You are right. The only way to have both would be to cook your own ROM with the software inside.
bliblablub said:
Despite the lack of some functions I installed the program yesterday and it doesn't work as thought:
The program loads after each reset again with the config screen
The program is active in task manager (dsmp.exe)
The sent commands aren't executed. If I send the commands (e.g. rst or whereRU) to the phone, the display turns on but nothing happens.
(perhaps the first 2 problems are caused because I did not hide the program yet with "Do not show this anymore" Not sure about that )
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Yes the 2 first issues are because the config says to show the dialog.
The third issue means that the software isn't installed well.
I've only tested it on my phone, and I might have done something wrong.
There is a debugversion here
Extract this version to your card, then run the exe in it, and click "Zap". Then wait for few minutes, and reset your phone (this is to make internal mail application to release its lock on the interceptor DLL).
Run the software again, and set the config, click "done" or "ok", and send yourself a SMS (don't need to install this version, it runs from the card).
You should get 2 message box, the first one contains the path to the software (end in .exe), and the message you've sent, and the second only contains the command you've sent. If this work, well, I'll have to double check the release version.
bliblablub said:
You could just say at setup: Now turn off the phone and enter your other sim and start the setup again to detect the second sim
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Yes, it's the basic idea (in fact, as soon as you insert your second SIM, you'll receive a SMS, but you'll then send an "allow" command to add this IMSI in the allowed IMSI list). I'm adding this.
Hehe, got the following error running the debugversion:
CmdLine (OK)
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Can't load DLL (OK)
\Carte de stockage\DSMPI.dll
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Error (OK)
Can't register the message interceptor DLL
Please make sure the DSMPI.dll is in windows folder
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Ok, my fault then, I've used French name for the path. Let me few hours to compile a new version with the regular name, I'll post back here.
Ok, I've added the "allow" command for multiple sim card. The idea is simple, configure your software as said in the first page, then change your sim.
You'll received a SMS to the number you've set up. Then send a "allow" command with your password, and the new SIM is allowed you'll never receive a SMS again.
Please run the version you have on your storage card, and click "Zap" button to uninstall it.
Then delete the 4xxxxxxxxx_dfed_p (xxxxx is a hexadecimal number) from your storage card (file format changed).
Then download the updated version from the main (or the official) page again.
There was a bug with the file path that should be fixed now with the release version.
Thank you for your patience.
popol256 said:
Please run the version you have on your storage card, and click "Zap" button to uninstall it.
Then delete the 4xxxxxxxxx_dfed_p (xxxxx is a hexadecimal number) from your storage card (file format changed).
Then download the updated version from the main (or the official) page again.
There was a bug with the file path that should be fixed now with the release version.
Thank you for your patience.
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I can't uninstall it because it was not installed I guess (debug - storage). See errors on post before
Somehow I managed to uninstall the internal version. Needed several attempts.
Now installed again on phone and again nothing happens with whereRU and any other command except lcd turning on
Does it work fine?
Any opinion?
Nice, nice, nice. Sounds like the app I was always looking for. I will download and try. Thanks
It seems to work fine on my X1.
But gps is not recognized on port 4 baud 4800...

[GUIDE] How to fix "unknown baseband" / "stuck on airplane mode" problem

[GUIDE] How to fix "unknown baseband" / "stuck on airplane mode" problem
Today my friend who has a i9100 as I presented the unit with the following problem: not connected in any way in the mobile carrier, airplane mode was stucked.
Well, looking on the internet and especially this forum, I found several solutions to make the flash the original rom to accept that his incredible Samsung Galaxy SII had become an amazing Samsung Play SII. As I'm Brazilian and never give up, here's what worked for me.
Most importantly, use at your own risk. If you are unsure of the steps below, do not do or have someone who has more experience. The procedures worked for me, but does not mean it will work for you.
Special care was always doing this kind of operation in any type of phone: use good quality cables, make sure that there is no bad contacts and preferably make the flash operations with a notebook with the battery at 100% load and phone with 100% load. After all, nobody wants the operation is interrupted and you get a plastic brick.
Here are the steps:
1) Download this application: EFS Pro serves to backup / restore partition EFS.
2) To use EFS Pro, your phone must be enabled with the root. To do this, follow:
2.a) Paving the way for SuperOneClick:
2.b) Using SuperOneClick to "open legs":
2.c) Now, some screwdrivers and screws inside your device:
3) Now the easy part, get another Galaxy S2 to be the "donor" baseband. You do not? Download mine by this link: or If you use my baseband, skip to step 3.b.
3.a) Pick up the phone "donor", run the EFS Pro and select the backup option. To accelerate the process, ask to put the backup on the sdcard. There, he set up and placed in the / sdcard / EFSProBackup.
3.b) Copy / Create the folder / sdcard / EFSProBackup problem to the phone with the same path.
3.c) EFS Pro back in, ask to restore the backup from the device (will find the file you copied) and ready.
4) Give the problem phone a boot and see the problem disappear.
This is my first post and hopefully it will be useful. Pay me a beer if you like it.
Hi, ljlima,
thanks for your report, I'am Brazilian too, but I'm almost giving up
Completely disappointed with this ****ty problem... Made a hard reset typing a code in phone keypad (since I could not access ID samsung in factory reset) and nothing...
Very afraid of following your instructions since I'am totally newbie and there is no replies confirming your method.
Is there a chance of solving this by upgrading android version (although KIES is crappy as hell) or other non invasive and easier method ?
thank you!
Samsung Galaxy SII
kernel version [email protected] #2
ljlima said:
4) Give the problem phone a boot and see the problem disappear.
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But the IMEI will be 0049...
Also, sometimes, if your /EFS is not totally corrupted, you can just reflash your modem. I had issues with this on CM7 nightlies, and my problem was always solved with a simple reflash. Its easier than restoring your whole /EFS backup, and a lot quicker. But, mind this is only if your /EFS isn't done for.
Thnx a lot. for refreshind download links.
any one confirm the success of this method?
Confirmed Solution
This worked for me!!! You can find this software on net. Search with GSII_Repair. This works for sure!!! This can be downloaded from Google Play Market also. Available for free!!!
ghassir said:
Thnx a lot. for refreshind download links.
any one confirm the success of this method?
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"lambergino" user tryed on january and works. And I wrote this post after resolve my friend problem.
"Unknown" baseband on a non-rooted SGS2!
My SGS2 suddenly would not recognize any SIM after a failed attempt at backing up my files using the sh!tty Kies software.
All I did was make a backup using Kies and somehow it got stuck "Preparing". I left it overnight and in the morning, when I checked, it still didn't go through the backup process - just kept saying preparing. Anyway, I decided to cancel it as I needed to use my phone already. I clicked on the cancel button and guess what? It also got stuck in cancelling! I left it and went to shower and when I got back after about 15 minutes (probably longer), it still didn't cancel. Frustrated, I plugged the USB cable out. Later that day, I noticed that I didn't receive any SMS/call. Then, I noticed that the notification bar displayed the "no signal" icon. I rebooted my phone, hoping the signal would return. But, I still got no signal after it switched on.
I did a factory reset, hoping it will put everything back to normal. I used the volume+power key combination as the factory reset option under Settings, somehow, would not work. Anyway, after doing the factory reset, it still wouldn't connect to the network.
I then noticed that the About screen displayed an "Unknown" baseband version.
From what I read from this thread and several other forums, this could be due to a corrupted /efs partition, which could have resulted from improperly rooting/flashing the device. However, I never rooted my phone in the first place!!!
And I heard the ICS update is rolling out now but I can't update because, somehow, Kies won't connect to my phone anymore!!!
My phone now is practically a very expensive music player. THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING!!!
Please help, anyone!
Hi there
I have a I9100G with missing IMEI and Baseband. Can I use your I9100 EFS file on my I9100G ?
Or is there someone who can provide EFS files for I9100G?
Thanks in advance!!!
Please try one these solutions
ljlima said:
Today my friend who has a i9100 as I presented the unit with the following problem: not connected in any way in the mobile carrier, airplane mode was stucked.
Well, looking on the internet and especially this forum, I found several solutions to make the flash the original rom to accept that his incredible Samsung Galaxy SII had become an amazing Samsung Play SII. As I'm Brazilian and never give up, here's what worked for me.
Most importantly, use at your own risk. If you are unsure of the steps below, do not do or have someone who has more experience. The procedures worked for me, but does not mean it will work for you.
Special care was always doing this kind of operation in any type of phone: use good quality cables, make sure that there is no bad contacts and preferably make the flash operations with a notebook with the battery at 100% load and phone with 100% load. After all, nobody wants the operation is interrupted and you get a plastic brick.
Here are the steps:
1) Download this application: EFS Pro serves to backup / restore partition EFS.
2) To use EFS Pro, your phone must be enabled with the root. To do this, follow:
2.a) Paving the way for SuperOneClick:
2.b) Using SuperOneClick to "open legs":
2.c) Now, some screwdrivers and screws inside your device:
3) Now the easy part, get another Galaxy S2 to be the "donor" baseband. You do not? Download mine by this link: or If you use my baseband, skip to step 3.b.
3.a) Pick up the phone "donor", run the EFS Pro and select the backup option. To accelerate the process, ask to put the backup on the sdcard. There, he set up and placed in the / sdcard / EFSProBackup.
3.b) Copy / Create the folder / sdcard / EFSProBackup problem to the phone with the same path.
3.c) EFS Pro back in, ask to restore the backup from the device (will find the file you copied) and ready.
4) Give the problem phone a boot and see the problem disappear.
This is my first post and hopefully it will be useful. Pay me a beer if you like it.
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Braidonh said:
Also, sometimes, if your /EFS is not totally corrupted, you can just reflash your modem. I had issues with this on CM7 nightlies, and my problem was always solved with a simple reflash. Its easier than restoring your whole /EFS backup, and a lot quicker. But, mind this is only if your /EFS isn't done for.
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scorypto said:
This worked for me!!! You can find this software on net. Search with GSII_Repair. This works for sure!!! This can be downloaded from Google Play Market also. Available for free!!!
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You need to try one of these.
None of this works for me, I tried everything
Any other advice
Service centre or JTag repair .
ljlima said:
Today my friend who has a i9100 as I presented the unit with the following problem: not connected in any way in the mobile carrier, airplane mode was stucked.
Well, looking on the internet and especially this forum, I found several solutions to make the flash the original rom to accept that his incredible Samsung Galaxy SII had become an amazing Samsung Play SII. As I'm Brazilian and never give up, here's what worked for me.
Most importantly, use at your own risk. If you are unsure of the steps below, do not do or have someone who has more experience. The procedures worked for me, but does not mean it will work for you.
Special care was always doing this kind of operation in any type of phone: use good quality cables, make sure that there is no bad contacts and preferably make the flash operations with a notebook with the battery at 100% load and phone with 100% load. After all, nobody wants the operation is interrupted and you get a plastic brick.
Here are the steps:
1) Download this application: EFS Pro serves to backup / restore partition EFS.
2) To use EFS Pro, your phone must be enabled with the root. To do this, follow:
2.a) Paving the way for SuperOneClick:
2.b) Using SuperOneClick to "open legs":
2.c) Now, some screwdrivers and screws inside your device:
3) Now the easy part, get another Galaxy S2 to be the "donor" baseband. You do not? Download mine by this link: or If you use my baseband, skip to step 3.b.
3.a) Pick up the phone "donor", run the EFS Pro and select the backup option. To accelerate the process, ask to put the backup on the sdcard. There, he set up and placed in the / sdcard / EFSProBackup.
3.b) Copy / Create the folder / sdcard / EFSProBackup problem to the phone with the same path.
3.c) EFS Pro back in, ask to restore the backup from the device (will find the file you copied) and ready.
4) Give the problem phone a boot and see the problem disappear.
This is my first post and hopefully it will be useful. Pay me a beer if you like it.
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YOu are lifesaver, it actually worked after I have tried 100's of difernet thinks. Thanks:good:
need your help
gordskin said:
YOu are lifesaver, it actually worked after I have tried 100's of difernet thinks. Thanks:good:
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please can you share wich way helped you !!!
Your Fix
ljlima said:
Today my friend who has a i9100 as I presented the unit with the following problem: not connected in any way in the mobile carrier, airplane mode was stucked.
Well, looking on the internet and especially this forum, I found several solutions to make the flash the original rom to accept that his incredible Samsung Galaxy SII had become an amazing Samsung Play SII. As I'm Brazilian and never give up, here's what worked for me.
Most importantly, use at your own risk. If you are unsure of the steps below, do not do or have someone who has more experience. The procedures worked for me, but does not mean it will work for you.
Special care was always doing this kind of operation in any type of phone: use good quality cables, make sure that there is no bad contacts and preferably make the flash operations with a notebook with the battery at 100% load and phone with 100% load. After all, nobody wants the operation is interrupted and you get a plastic brick.
Here are the steps:
1) Download this application: EFS Pro serves to backup / restore partition EFS.
2) To use EFS Pro, your phone must be enabled with the root. To do this, follow:
2.a) Paving the way for SuperOneClick:
2.b) Using SuperOneClick to "open legs":
2.c) Now, some screwdrivers and screws inside your device:
3) Now the easy part, get another Galaxy S2 to be the "donor" baseband. You do not? Download mine by this link: or If you use my baseband, skip to step 3.b.
3.a) Pick up the phone "donor", run the EFS Pro and select the backup option. To accelerate the process, ask to put the backup on the sdcard. There, he set up and placed in the / sdcard / EFSProBackup.
3.b) Copy / Create the folder / sdcard / EFSProBackup problem to the phone with the same path.
3.c) EFS Pro back in, ask to restore the backup from the device (will find the file you copied) and ready.
4) Give the problem phone a boot and see the problem disappear.
This is my first post and hopefully it will be useful. Pay me a beer if you like it.
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Will this work in Germany? I have the same problem. Can I use your baseband since I dont have a donor Handy SII? I have been racking my brain for 3 days trying to correct this.
ScottsDesk said:
Will this work in Germany? I have the same problem. Can I use your baseband since I dont have a donor Handy SII? I have been racking my brain for 3 days trying to correct this.
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As I said, try it on own risk. But I think that will work because other international users tried and worked, as you can see in this thread.
Good luck.
Donor EFS backup file needed..
Hi, I need a donor file compatible with EFSPro the links given in OP post have a .tar file whereas the latest version of EFS Pro works with a tar.gz with .img file in it.
I have also tried to replace the nv_data.bin file with the .bak version but the folder is Read only and I cannot over write the original file.
Any help is appreciated.
3) Now the easy part, get another Galaxy S2 to be the "donor" baseband. You do not? Download mine by this link: or If you use my baseband, skip to step 3.b.
3.a) Pick up the phone "donor", run the EFS Pro and select the backup option. To accelerate the process, ask to put the backup on the sdcard. There, he set up and placed in the / sdcard / EFSProBackup.
3.b) Copy / Create the folder / sdcard / EFSProBackup problem to the phone with the same path.
3.c) EFS Pro back in, ask to restore the backup from the device (will find the file you copied) and ready.
4) Give the problem phone a boot and see the problem disappear.
This is my first post and hopefully it will be useful. Pay me a beer if you like it.[/QUOTE]
ljlima said:
Today my friend who has a i9100 as I presented the unit with the following problem: not connected in any way in the mobile carrier, airplane mode was stucked.
Well, looking on the internet and especially this forum, I found several solutions to make the flash the original rom to accept that his incredible Samsung Galaxy SII had become an amazing Samsung Play SII. As I'm Brazilian and never give up, here's what worked for me.
Most importantly, use at your own risk. If you are unsure of the steps below, do not do or have someone who has more experience. The procedures worked for me, but does not mean it will work for you.
Special care was always doing this kind of operation in any type of phone: use good quality cables, make sure that there is no bad contacts and preferably make the flash operations with a notebook with the battery at 100% load and phone with 100% load. After all, nobody wants the operation is interrupted and you get a plastic brick.
Here are the steps:
1) Download this application: EFS Pro serves to backup / restore partition EFS.
2) To use EFS Pro, your phone must be enabled with the root. To do this, follow:
2.a) Paving the way for SuperOneClick:
2.b) Using SuperOneClick to "open legs":
2.c) Now, some screwdrivers and screws inside your device:
3) Now the easy part, get another Galaxy S2 to be the "donor" baseband. You do not? Download mine by this link: or If you use my baseband, skip to step 3.b.
3.a) Pick up the phone "donor", run the EFS Pro and select the backup option. To accelerate the process, ask to put the backup on the sdcard. There, he set up and placed in the / sdcard / EFSProBackup.
3.b) Copy / Create the folder / sdcard / EFSProBackup problem to the phone with the same path.
3.c) EFS Pro back in, ask to restore the backup from the device (will find the file you copied) and ready.
4) Give the problem phone a boot and see the problem disappear.
This is my first post and hopefully it will be useful. Pay me a beer if you like it.
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dud id used your EFS...i did not work for me...i then factory reset my phone., there is an input password when opening the phone! now i totally cant acces my phone because of this code...
SIM Pin or Network Code?
Either way your IMEI must be back.
Sent from the little guy


This Thread is created only for problems after flashing roms.:victory:
:goodon't Forget to Say Thanks if you find working Solutions.:good:
Solution for Invalid IMEI
To set IMEI back using simple method follow th steps given below.
1. write *#*#3646633#*#* on your Dial pad. then an Engineer mode will ope.
2. Go to
Connectivity > CDS Information > Radio Information
3. For IMEI 1 select phone 1
Foe IMEI 2 select phone 2
4. In this window in irst line AT+ is already written,
just write E next to it, various commands will drop down,
5. If you selected phone 1, then select command AT+EGMR=1,7,""
If you selected phone 2, then select command AT+EGMR=1,10,""
6. write yor IMEI no. (you can find it on your mobile box or below battery) betwwen double inverted comma,
example. AT+EGMR=1,7,"911234567894567"
7. click on SEND AT COMMAND button,
8. Reboot your phone.
9. Check your IMEI using *#06# number on dial pad.
If your engineer mode is not opened, then go to settings > Apps.
then select all apps and open engineer mode.apk app
uninstall updates, and again try above steps.
If trick is useful to you then give thanks
Hey guys please help me urgently IMEI is not getting detected and my both SIMS are not working even the procedure above is not working for me please help recomended at urgent basis.
---------- Post added at 03:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:05 PM ----------
Hey any DEV and Professional anyone there please help me out soon its very urgent my sims not detecting pls help what to do
Custom rom s4 chd watsapp tone issue.
I am using s4 chd on my device but seems that no matter what notification sound you set in watsapp you gotta listen to the whole samsung irritating tone. Please help. Also ringtone is also stuck to default but that doesn't bothers much. Thanks in advance.
Hey there is any DEV professional available who can help me in getting the IMEI Invalid error fixed please my whole work is stuck here cos of it
sumit.gore21488 said:
Hey guys please help me urgently IMEI is not getting detected and my both SIMS are not working even the procedure above is not working for me please help recomended at urgent basis.
---------- Post added at 03:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:05 PM ----------
Hey any DEV and Professional anyone there please help me out soon its very urgent my sims not detecting pls help what to do
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Solution of nvram warning in jelly bean
On Mobile : i) it must be rooted ii) it must have root file explorer installed (i used 'Total Commander' - you can download it from Play store).
On Computer (Desktop/Laptop) : A stable Hex Editor Application. I used 'HxD - Hexeditor Ver.' on my laptop running on Windows 8 64 Bit OS.
Step wise Guide
Step # 1 : Switch on WiFi adapter on your phone.
Step # 2 : Go to 'About Phone' from Settings and note your phone's Wi-Fi MAC Address mentioned there. It should lok like xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (xx = value of Mac Add.)
Step # 3 : Switch off WiFi adapter on your phone
Step # 4 : Launch 'Total Commander' application on your phone and navigate to File system root/data/nvram/APCFG/APRDEB and copy one file named 'WIFI' from there to the SD Card of your phone
Step # 5 : Copy this file i.e. WIFI from your SD card to Desktop on your laptop/desktop
Step # 6 : Launch 'HxD-Hexeditor' on your laptop/desktop and click on OPEN or Ctrl+O and select WIFI file (copied as per Step # 6) from desktop
Step # 7 : Refer to the first raw in the opened file and go to column no. 04
Step # 8 : Insert value of your actual MAC Address (as per Step # 2) in column 04 to 09 (Ensure that none of the value is ZERO) and SAVE this change
Step # 9 : Close Hexeditor and copy changed WIFI file from your desktop to the SD card of your phone. Delete older WIFI file from SD Card before copying this file.
Step # 11 : Once the file is copied to SD card,launch Total Commander application and move this file from SD card root to File system root/data/nvram/APCFG/APRDEB
Step # 12 : Reboot your phone
Voillaaaa! Your phone's WiFi NVRAM Error is
gone now. Yes, you solved it.
Please share here in this thread if you find any
difficulties or problems in following these steps.​
I updated my phone to official 4.2.1 jelly bean and set external as mu default write. After 2-3 days i can't move apps to internal SD card!!!! Even if i select internal sd as default it doesn't show in Apps menu as default write and i can't move apps to internal SD???
Plz fix this issue or is it a bug in 4.2.1?????
tejash.my26 said:
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I am having Micromax Canvas HD A116

Need NVRAM.IMG for lenovo s820

I have made a mistake trying to change a rom for my device (Lenovo s820).
I thought my phone was gone, but step by step I was able to bring it back to life.
Now I have a working rom and I set back the IMEI's, but I still have "no service".
After reading a lot, I understand that I need to recover my "NVRAM" and to do so, I need for somebody to send my a file called "NVRAM.IMG" which applies to my device.
I can't find this file anywhere on the net.
Can somebody please send me?
Thanks in advance
aburdo said:
I have made a mistake trying to change a rom for my device (Lenovo s820).
I thought my phone was gone, but step by step I was able to bring it back to life.
Now I have a working rom and I set back the IMEI's, but I still have "no service".
After reading a lot, I understand that I need to recover my "NVRAM" and to do so, I need for somebody to send my a file called "NVRAM.IMG" which applies to my device.
I can't find this file anywhere on the net.
Can somebody please send me?
Thanks in advance
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Nobody can help?
Please, I can't use my phone.
how to did you bring your lenovo phone back to life cause mine get stuck in boot logo
Invalid Imei
aburdo said:
I have made a mistake trying to change a rom for my device (Lenovo s820).
I thought my phone was gone, but step by step I was able to bring it back to life.
Now I have a working rom and I set back the IMEI's, but I still have "no service".
After reading a lot, I understand that I need to recover my "NVRAM" and to do so, I need for somebody to send my a file called "NVRAM.IMG" which applies to my device.
I can't find this file anywhere on the net.
Can somebody please send me?
Thanks in advance
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you can restore with this tutorial, see the link in indonesian language search on google @ key word
i cant share the link do to the policy "To prevent spam on the XDA forums, ALL new users prevented from posting outside links in their messages. After approximately 10 posts, you will be able to post outside links. Thank you for understanding"
neocortex95 said:
you can restore with this tutorial, see the link in indonesian language search on google @ key word
i cant share the link do to the policy "To prevent spam on the XDA forums, ALL new users prevented from posting outside links in their messages. After approximately 10 posts, you will be able to post outside links. Thank you for understanding"
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it is possible to restore imei BUT in there is not only code but some other settings that will be not restored or taken by default values.
in my case i restored it but i cannot connect to GSM operator ((
please share the nvram with me for s820 thx in advance!
it's easy how to do it (contact me if any issues)
thx a lot
Solution of NVRAM.img and no-services Lenovo S820
aburdo said:
I have made a mistake trying to change a rom for my device (Lenovo s820).
I thought my phone was gone, but step by step I was able to bring it back to life.
Now I have a working rom and I set back the IMEI's, but I still have "no service".
After reading a lot, I understand that I need to recover my "NVRAM" and to do so, I need for somebody to send my a file called "NVRAM.IMG" which applies to my device.
I can't find this file anywhere on the net.
Can somebody please send me?
Thanks in advance
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This is the solution....thanks
alaa.hamdy said:
This is the solution....thanks
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How do you apply it, I have the same problem.
The bat file is not working, it says cannot find adb.exe.
I put the adb.exe at system32 folder along with the dll files and still bat is not working
aburdo said:
I have made a mistake trying to change a rom for my device (Lenovo s820).
I thought my phone was gone, but step by step I was able to bring it back to life.
Now I have a working rom and I set back the IMEI's, but I still have "no service".
After reading a lot, I understand that I need to recover my "NVRAM" and to do so, I need for somebody to send my a file called "NVRAM.IMG" which applies to my device.
I can't find this file anywhere on the net.
Can somebody please send me?
Thanks in advance
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hi dear
lenovo s820 imei
Your phone will fix the problem?
I also have this problem.
[Solved] Solution For Recover your IMEI For Lenovo S820
1) You must Root your Smartphone by Framaroot 1.8.1 (Apk for simple usein smartphone)
2) Install Root Explorer
3) Open Root Explorer and go to dev Folder and check pttycmd1 file
4) If "Pttycmd1" not exist ,copy that from "dev/radio" Folder and paste to "dev" Folder
5) Install Terminal Emulator (like cmd in windows but in Linux andorid)
6) open Terminal Emulator and enter "su" then enter (For super user Authentication)
7) in next line enter this codes
echo 'AT +EGMR=1,7,"IMEI_1"'> /dev/pttycmd1
echo 'AT +EGMR=1,10,"IMEI_2"'> /dev/pttycmd1
IMEI_1 , IMEI_2 : you must enter 15 digits for each (For Valid Number use your old IMEI Code and if u want check that in
8) After Each line only Press Enter and nothing more
9) You must Restart Your Phone (not fast booting)
10) After Restart Press *#06# and enjoy your Entered IMEI
11) You can Backup your IMEI ID By Software like MobileUncle (Suitable For Chines Mobile like Lenovo)
12) Good Luck
alaa.hamdy said:
This is the solution....thanks
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nice share,,,
solved s820...
does nvram.img file needed with secro-sign.img to retain lost and imei no mac
does nvram.img file needed alongwith secro-sign.img file to retain the lost imei no mac address and bluetooth settings in meditek 6737m device name moto c plus.

How to recover esn of your phone.

Many times when you install a new rom, can to happen that erase the esn and your phone no can to do calls or send messages. So this is my support to repair ESN. So if you work, let me to know.
1) Firstly write the ESN of your phone.
2) To do a note in the notes block from your PC with the next:
echo 'AT+EGMR=1,7,"IMEI_1"' >/dev/pttycmd1
echo 'AT+EGMR=1,10,"IMEI_2"' >/dev/pttycmd1
In "IMEI 1" YOU WRITE YOUR ESN. YOU DON'T ERASE THE quotes just erase the word IMEI 1.
(3) the file that you created (can give you the)
name you want) have fun with the memory of your
Android or a Micro SD, the joke is that the
Open in your device.
(4) low the ANDROID TERMINAL application
EMULATOR is totally free in playstore gone
(5) now opens your text file and copy the
first line from echo to cmd1, for that
just select the line and with the radio button
Please COPY or copy
you open the app hits the line you copied and
push enter (on the digital keypad, just copy the)
text, no matter that there is a little character
in the application).
(7) repeat the process with the second line.
(8) restart your device with the SIMS
inside (if before the tapeworms in device not you)
worry doesn't pass anything)
(9) ready and are your IMEI restored! Now already
You can use your lines without problem!
As you can see! in less than 10 steps and less than 5
minutes are going to retrieve your IMEI, is very
simple and don't need much knowledge, more
that the copy and paste text.

