[Q] Storage sizes don't add up - T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S 5

I'm having a very odd problem with my S5. When I go to the storage tab for the internal storage, the bar graph initially shows that I have it about 3/4 full, but it is still calculating the sizes of everything.
When it is done calculating, the bar graph (shown in attachment) is now totally full and numbers for all of the pieces of used storage add up to more than 16GB (16.62), but it still says I have about 3.5GB free. Huh? That would mean that I have more than 20GB in the device...
Is this a problem, or is there just a bug in the way that it accounts for the storage.
Also, if I wait a bit then the bar graph reverts to the uncolored version that shows the memory about 3/4 full.

Well, I think I found one culprit - Google Play Music.
Under the application manager it was listed as having 4+GB of cache. Did I cache all my music and not send it to the SD card perhaps?
When I opened the Play Music app, it showed that I was caching to internal memory so I switched it to external. But, under "manage downloads and free up space" under settings it only showed one album downloaded? I tried clicking on the "Clear Cache" entry in the app's settings, but that didn't seem to change anything.
So, I went back to the application manager and clicked on "Clear Cache" there and after that and a reboot, now the storage counts are adding up again (to 16.11GB, but that seems reasonable, no?)


[Q] Disappearing device storage memory

I have just installed a cab to my device and realised when it gave me the option of Device or Storage Card that the available space on my device has mysteriously dropped by around 13Mb and I haven't installed or moved anything since I last checked the available space! I have had a look through the device folders to see if anything has been creating large caches but can't see anything obvious. I have used Clear Temp to delete anything temporary but that only freed up 536k so nothing there. Does anyone have any suggestions what might be causing this or where I might look?
album cache.
opera cache.
Google Maps cache.
etc etc etc
lude219 said:
album cache.
opera cache.
Google Maps cache.
etc etc etc
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
All cleared with Clear Temp (anyway, I haven't used any of these during the time in question)
With my HD2 I found I would continually run out of space. The culprit turned out to be the Opera Downloads directory (/windows/opera/profiles/download).
If the main space on the device is filling up and you're mainly mainly using your browser and you've already done stuff like moved your Album photos to the storage card then this could be the culprit.
I mention that because although Opera showed no files in the Downloads directory via Opera settings, when I actually inspected the directory there was about 80mb of files in there (I should also note that ClearTemp which I installed to fix the problem didn't identify this either).
Deleted the files and moved both the Opera cache and the Opera downloads to the storage card via the opera:config settings and I no longer have a problem with the main storage space filling up.
The other thing that did make a difference was specifying in the mail app that attachments should be stored on the storage card as well.

[Q] How to pull up low space application manager?

When the space gets low on the Evo, it pops up a message, asking if you want to clear space, allowing you clear cache, multiple remove apps at one time, or multiple move apps to the SD card at one time..
I've only been able to access that, when it comes up.
is there a way to manually bring that app up?
.. I'm low on space, and i dismissed it as i was doing something else.
i've tried searching google. but that didn't do much good. haha.
DevXen said:
When the space gets low on the Evo, it pops up a message, asking if you want to clear space, allowing you clear cache, multiple remove apps at one time, or multiple move apps to the SD card at one time..
I've only been able to access that, when it comes up.
is there a way to manually bring that app up?
.. I'm low on space, and i dismissed it as i was doing something else.
i've tried searching google. but that didn't do much good. haha.
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Click to collapse
There is two ways to do this one is opening your app drawer and click menu you will see "remove app" click that and it ill automatically pop-up on a tab called "Downloaded" click on an app and it will give the screen that I believe you are looking for.
Another way to pull this up is go to your settings and click "Applications" and then click "Manage Applications" and it will take you to the same screen.
Sorry if this is not what you were looking for.
Thanks for trying. but thats the Android Application manager..
The App i'm talking about, wasn't on my EVO4G, so i'm sure it's an HTC App. Made to clear space easier.. it's almost like a low space wizard. haha. hmm.
Aha. Found it on the HTC Site.. Finally..
From the Home screen, press , and then tap Settings.
Tap SD & phone storage > Make more space.
On the Clean cache screen, choose whether to clear the cache of rarely used apps only or all apps.
On the Application storage screen:
Tap Move to SD card if there are apps that you can transfer to the storage card.
Tap Uninstall if there are apps you'd like to remove.
On the Mail & Messages storage screen:
Set fewer days of mails to download so that older mails will be removed from the storage automatically.
Lower the number of text and multimedia messages per conversation.
Tap Finish.
Sorry, but thanks I did not even know about that feature haha.

[Q] Device Memory showing wrong in Storage App ??

Not sure if anyone has noticed this, but the storage app is showing Pictures, Videos as 8GB+ but when I select that entry, it shows up a few MB of files (DCIM, camera phone pictures). there's nothing on the internal memory in terms of pictures and videos.
Also Total Space is 11.35GB, and Available is 9.87GB with 1.31 GB taken up by apps.
so I'd say the Pictures, Videos entry is just plain wrong, not that it's counting random images stored in the memory.
Tried clearing cache, dalvik etc, but no joy, it just won't show properly.
Anyone notice this problem or have a fix handy ?

[Q] Memory showing as full but it's not

A number of my apps won't update at the moment because the phone is advising that the memory is full. However, when I go into the storage settings it advises that there's 1.08gb free on the phone an 0.99gb free on the SD card. The odd thing is that at the top under App Storage it advises that 2.78gb of 2.91gb is used, with 'other' taking up 1.83gb and apps only 0.95gb.
Despite much research on the Internet and playing around I can't identify what this other 1.83gb actually relates to and the phone won't let you tap on this part (as you can do with the apps). Viewing the internal and SD storage via the computer advise the same free space as above. I have tried clearing out the caches and using the Make more space without any luck.
It appears that there is some type of temporary file but I just can't find what it is.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Many thanks.
Odbod22 said:
A number of my apps won't update at the moment because the phone is advising that the memory is full. However, when I go into the storage settings it advises that there's 1.08gb free on the phone an 0.99gb free on the SD card. The odd thing is that at the top under App Storage it advises that 2.78gb of 2.91gb is used, with 'other' taking up 1.83gb and apps only 0.95gb.
Despite much research on the Internet and playing around I can't identify what this other 1.83gb actually relates to and the phone won't let you tap on this part (as you can do with the apps). Viewing the internal and SD storage via the computer advise the same free space as above. I have tried clearing out the caches and using the Make more space without any luck.
It appears that there is some type of temporary file but I just can't find what it is.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Many thanks.
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Click to collapse
that "other" is apps that comes preinstalled, you can't do anything about it unless you are rooted,,& as per your full memory problem, there might be several things causing it, one is if you have used lucky patcher to patch some apps you won't be able to update them unless you remove the odex file created by it..or maybe your memory is actually full, in that case you must transfer some apps to sdcard...

Play Music save to external storage - can't play offline?

So I was excited like many others a few months back when Google Play Music was updated to support external (SD) storage. However I don't know if it is actually being used? I'm hoping someone can tell me more or if they see the same behavior.
If you look at app data for play music, it APPEARS to be saving music - I currently show over 700MB of data for the app. However if I open the app and select "On Device" instead of "All Music", I there is never anything listed (In Listen Now, My Library, etc).
So it appears to me that songs are cached but never used for anything, meaning I'm re-streaming every time I listen to something. It definitely appears that way when I re-listen to playlists.
Anyone else notice this?
Digging around the filesystem a little I see a few interesting things to note:
At the root level I see: "sdcard -> legacy"
Looking here: /sdcard/Android/data/com.google.android.music is only 36 bytes in size.
At root I see: "extSdCard -> sdcard1"
Looking here: /extSdCard/Android/data/com.google.android.music" is 234 MB in size.
Also interesting, the remaining data of the app reported ~700 seems to be in local storage as album artwork, as it's almost all in:
I'm on CM11 Nightly if it's relevant.
Play music caches the music while you listen to it that's why you're seeing all that data. There's an option in music to clear the cache and there's an option for downloading music for when your offline.
Hit thanks if I helped you out. Doing a little bit of reading goes a long way. Sent via tapatalk.
hexitnow said:
Play music caches the music while you listen to it that's why you're seeing all that data. There's an option in music to clear the cache and there's an option for downloading music for when your offline.
Hit thanks if I helped you out. Doing a little bit of reading goes a long way. Sent via tapatalk.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Right, but after you have listened to a song and it is cached, it should then appear if you switch from "all music" to "on device". That doesn't happen.
As a different test I just pinned a play list. It took 5 minutes to download everything. If I select something else in the app, then come back to that playlist with "on device" selected, even though it still shows as pinned, it says "0 songs on device".
Just to close the loop on this:
I changed GM back to internal storage,
Renamed /extSdCard/Android/data/com.google.android.music to /extSdCard/Android/data/com.google.android.music_orig.
Tried to change GM back to external, and got a FC
At that point the option to switch was greyed out
I rebooted the phone, was able to switch to external and now it works like it's supposed to again.
So something about the external storage location must have been corrupted. I think it may stem from using the Music2SD Xposed module before GM was updated to support external.
Anyway, all fixed!

