AOSP ROM with Better or "at par" stock camera - Sprint LG G3

I am running Candy and overall I am impressed with AOSP lollipop.
The only and big let down is the camera quality. I have tried couple of camera apps but none are comparable to stock camera.
Also, many times, I have to restart the phone to get the camera working.
Can anyone suggest any ROM or Camera app which utilizes the full capabilities of camera hardware of G3.


Camera good on custom roms?

Hey all,
I have been away for a while using a deodexed stock latest update rom for a while just fine. I continue to use Sense because of the camera app. When I was here last, the camera kind of sucked on custom roms, so I felt like to keep the camera to its best I needed to stay with the stock ROM.
What do you guys think of this? Is it ok to switch to a Jellybean 4.1 ROM or 4.2 when that inevitably gets ported too? Does the camera still record 1080p, and does the camera use the image co-processor for instant burst mode?
The camera is one of the main focus points on this phone for me, and the Sense ROM camera experience has been really good.
The last time I heard was that people say the sense camera is being ported through cm10 though I have yet to see any evidence of it working.
HTC didn't release the driver for the image chip which is responsible for post processing, auto focus, flash level, and noise reduction, white balance, etc...
I heard that porting it is virtually impossible because those stuff are propriety of htc.
The camera on port works, though using the camera would drain your battery life as everything is done on soc instead of the dedicated chip. You would also lose the continuous auto focus and all the pre programmed optimization which would result in worse image especially in low light.
Sent from my EVO using xda premium
Using CM10 + the 4.2 Camera = :victory:
It's wonderful, I haven't had any issues like the stock Sense camera has.
Nice, I thought the sense camera wouldn't work without the sense framework... any info on this trickery?
AnonSVN said:
Using CM10 + the 4.2 Camera = :victory:
It's wonderful, I haven't had any issues like the stock Sense camera has.
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So true. The 4.2 camera is really nice. The images are quality and the camera itself is functional. There's a zip file out there that you can flash. It's named
docblue said:
So true. The 4.2 camera is really nice. The images are quality and the camera itself is functional. There's a zip file out there that you can flash. It's named
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Only issue that I found on the CM 10 4.2 camera is when using the video camcorder I cannot get the FPS past 21. Normal operation for video is 29. Shooting video at 21FPS makes things jumpy..
For taking pictures the 4.2 is passable. VIdeo not so much..
That is why I am also stuck in the Sense World ...

Stock Samsung ROM Camera vs AOSP

Hey guys, I was wondering, how do you compare stock camera vs camera on AOPS (eg: cyanogemmod).
People say that it is way better on stock roms, why? I have a question, if it is better is it only because of the camera APP? So that flashing stock camera app on cyanogem or just using camera zoom fx would take AOSP to Stock level?
fjfcb said:
Hey guys, I was wondering, how do you compare stock camera vs camera on AOPS (eg: cyanogemmod).
People say that it is way better on stock roms, why? I have a question, if it is better is it only because of the camera APP? So that flashing stock camera app on cyanogem or just using camera zoom fx would take AOSP to Stock level?
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No. The problem is with the drivers as far as I understand. The camera in AOSP will never be as good as stock. You can not interchange the camera apps between AOSP ans Samsung base due to different frameworks. You can use 3rd party camera apps for more functionality but it will not solve the basic camera bugs...or picture quality.
Gesendet von meinem GT-I9300 mit Tapatalk
I like clean interface of aosp, but samsung camera
Much more better
GT-I9300 cihazımdan Tapatalk kullanılarak gönderildi
As mentioned previously, the stock camera app will always be better.
Its on you whether you bare with tw but a better camera or go aosp
Yes, stock camera is better... Does that mean AOSP camera is crap? Absolutely not!
AOSP camera suits the needs of the causal shooter pretty well... If you need something more professional you shouldn't be using a phone camera anyway.
TW camera was what kept me from switching to AOSP for a long time, so I decided to make a few tests with a friend, we took the same pics (him with AOSP and me with TW) and compared the results (unfortunately i can't post those comparison pics as i don't have them anymore).
We couldn't find any big differences, and the few we found weren't that important for me.
3rd party apps can produce nice results also, my current camera of choice is A Better Camera, the interface is a bit outdated but I am happy with the quality and features. AOSP is so much better than TW in so many ways that it compensates for the "lesser" quality in the pics.
But don't let me or anyone else tell you what to use, try it for yourself.
As jmvelazquezr, I did the same test a few days ago and the difference is minimal.
The main problem with AOSP camera right now, is that it's buggy (problems with flash and focus). Video recording seems to offer lower quality too, specially the sound.

Any luck with the snap camera?

Don't get me wrong, I love featured aosp roms but its lackluster camera doesn't sit well with me so I'm on skydragon stock rom right now. I know that LG's camera doesn't work on aosp roms and I read some reviews about snap camera and it seems like the best alternative but I seen some complaints about the 4k feature not working. To the ones who have tried this app, what's your experience?

Best Camera For S4 Mini

Hi i have on my S4 mini 9195 the CyanogenMod 12.1.
I am looking for the best camera that allows you to take pictures in high resolution and full screen.
Thanks in advance :good:
I assume you mean best camera application, try camera 360 ultimate
Im been using Camera ZOOM Fx for years and still find it a great camera app on my S4 mini.
Bjarne73 said:
Im been using Camera ZOOM Fx for years and still find it a great camera app on my S4 mini.
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Using it as well and I am happy with it
Try: Focus or Cyanogenmod camera app, they're pretty similar but I prefer CMcamera.
Open camera is the best by far.
i really like the stock camera. And bec of it i am coming back to stock rom from cm12.1, i really like cm12.1 Rom. i am sometime go for it but come back to stock rom because of camera. Tried alots of cameras some are mentioned here. Which are good but i kinda of not satisfied with them . i wish sometime in future Stock camera come to cm.
syednawaz said:
i really like the stock camera. And bec of it i am coming back to stock rom from cm12.1, i really like cm12.1 Rom. i am sometime go for it but come back to stock rom because of camera. Tried alots of cameras some are mentioned here. Which are good but i kinda of not satisfied with them . i wish sometime in future Stock camera come to cm.
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Will never happen. As source for this has never been released by Samsung. Has been this way for ALL custom ROMs since ever. The camera is the main reason I keep going back to stock. Focus is horrible on pretty much all custom ROMs. But because of major security flaws in stock OS I'll be switching back to CM.
Maybe auto focus is terrible but manual is damn good for macros. I used to make macros of smartphone motherboards, mostly after water damage to show clients that they phones wasn't stop working just by themselves. I can tell You on stock pictures from my phone was a lot worse than my coworker iPhone 5 and now they are a lot sharper and brighter than on his iPhone. I never tested outside photos on CM but I think it's only matter to feel manual focus.
Snap on CM11
Also using 12.1 on s4 mini, I've tried all cameras but have settled on Snap Camera HDR. Focuses fast and accurately, and doesn't lag. Also works well in lower light.
I just came back from CM 12.1 to CM11 in my S4 Mini Duos and switched to snap Camera HDR. Far better than built in CM11 camera app. The only thing I miss is the capturing with on/off button...
I use A Better Camera
Google Camera is pretty fast.
I've settled on A Better Camera (running on CM12.1) as I like layout etc., admittedly auto focus is not as good as CM app in some lighting conditions but a quick tap on the screen and it will focus perfectly.
Try the Ucamera application.
It is very good and it has many effects. It s available on play store
Google Camera is a pretty good choice.
It is not so simple. You can not have the same quality stock cam because any cam app is working with generic drivers in CMs or any other ROM CM based . For the same reason , the audio (mostly capture) also will never have the same quality.
It is a price to pay: Camera and audio quality worse.
Some apps can even do a good job, but difficult to achieve equal quality.
Until the other day I used CM13 and even liked, but needed quality to scan a document on an emergency. I had to restore Stock Backup. I lost the desire to again change the ROM and stayed in Stock. Unfortunately it is a reality.
Some apps can even do a good job, but difficult to achieve equal quality.
One consolation is to use some Xposed Modules and other tools that make Stock ROM ... Less outdated, I would say.
ADR USR said:
It is not so simple. You can not have the same quality stock cam because any cam app is working with generic drivers in CMs or any other ROM CM based . For the same reason , the audio (mostly capture) also will never have the same quality.
It is a price to pay: Camera and audio quality worse.
Some apps can even do a good job, but difficult to achieve equal quality.
Until the other day I used CM13 and even liked, but needed quality to scan a document on an emergency. I had to restore Stock Backup. I lost the desire to again change the ROM and stayed in Stock. Unfortunately it is a reality.
Some apps can even do a good job, but difficult to achieve equal quality.
One consolation is to use some Xposed Modules and other tools that make Stock ROM ... Less outdated, I would say.
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very true. most of the time i go back to stock jelly bean. No kitkat update for i9190
I have Camera Next, CM12.1. My favorite camera app. But it works fine in CM13?

MIUI Camera vs Snapdragon Camera.

So well know that MIUI has a decent camera app and it works really great. But as it's a closed source app,**it's not possible to port for AOSP/LOS.
Now my question is,**Is Snapdragon camera a better alternative for MIUI stock camera ?
Though enabling camera api2 on snapdragon camera gives FC. And I didn't found any long exposer or full manual control**on Snapdragon camera.
Actually I wanna run AOSP but again I need a good camera.
So what should I do now ?
rhrokib said:
So well know that MIUI has a decent camera app and it works really great. But as it's a closed source app,**it's not possible to port for AOSP/LOS.
Now my question is,**Is Snapdragon camera a better alternative for MIUI stock camera ?
Though enabling camera api2 on snapdragon camera gives FC. And I didn't found any long exposer or full manual control**on Snapdragon camera.
Actually I wanna run AOSP but again I need a good camera.
So what should I do now ?
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Change phone lol
There is no solution
Philb90 said:
Change phone lol
There is no solution
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I can't afford ?
rhrokib said:
So well know that MIUI has a decent camera app and it works really great. But as it's a closed source app,**it's not possible to port for AOSP/LOS.
Now my question is,**Is Snapdragon camera a better alternative for MIUI stock camera ?
Though enabling camera api2 on snapdragon camera gives FC. And I didn't found any long exposer or full manual control**on Snapdragon camera.
Actually I wanna run AOSP but again I need a good camera.
So what should I do now ?
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Works for me on both camera api v1 and v2...
Im interested in the comparison between miui cam app and the above camera app
i see people complaining that no camera is better than stock camera.. but for me stock camera is quite bad? aosp or snapdragon camera from above work wayy better
I overall prefer MIUI camera. It has clean interface with balanced features without much of any cons. Everything works well.
But for normal pictures Snapdragon Camera is good enough, may be even a bit better than MIUI or may be not (never properly compared). It is more or less on par with MIUI. However, one think I noted is that Snapdragon Camera v3 apk that is found here in a XDA thread for snapdragon camera...has some trouble with macro focus.....generally it works fine...but it had trouble focusing certain objects like a decorative fake flower in my house. It doesn't always perform bad in macro focusing. But the Snapdragon Camera that is the stock cameras in lineage OS, RR, Slim Rom (IIRC), AOSP rom (IIRC), works perfectly in that issue focusing. However that camera again have a bug which is that preview pictures appears in portrait. Not a big deal but a bit annoying. Also many 3rd party cameras I found to be working fine in general situations but pictures with flash was not totally fine. But you find more manual control and ways to capture better non-flash pictures using certain 3rd party cameras. Snapdragon Cameras worked fine with flash. In case of videos, I don't know which is better...I am not much of a video person...just need something decent and snapdragon videos looked decent. But I found that the audio recording in the videos recorded from Snapdragon Camera were a bit low. But the audio was distinctively better in Footej Camera...(It may be better in other 3rd party cameras too).
I couldn't get HDR to work as good as in MIUI camera (though I haven't really investigated much in that area).
Snapdragon Camera HDR works but pictures appears a bit too bright for my taste.
And camera 2 works fine for me with snapdragon and other 3rd party cameras.
Using latest developer and stable Miui rom, I can say that stock camera performs better.
Snapdragon camera is awesome, I'm talking of the 3.0 release, you can tweaks a lots of parameters, but most of them still in Miui rom and probably in AOSP do not work properly.
Try for example the auto HDR, does not work well.
I've made a comparative of the same picture taken by those two camera, and stock Miui is better.
It's not a big deal, but it's clearly visible.
JRC1995 said:
I overall prefer MIUI camera. It has clean interface with balanced features without much of any cons. Everything works well.
But for normal pictures Snapdragon Camera is good enough, may be even a bit better than MIUI or may be not (never properly compared). It is more or less on par with MIUI. However, one think I noted is that Snapdragon Camera v3 apk that is found here in a XDA thread for snapdragon camera...has some trouble with macro focus.....generally it works fine...but it had trouble focusing certain objects like a decorative fake flower in my house. It doesn't always perform bad in macro focusing. But the Snapdragon Camera that is the stock cameras in lineage OS, RR, Slim Rom (IIRC), AOSP rom (IIRC), works perfectly in that issue focusing. However that camera again have a bug which is that preview pictures appears in portrait. Not a big deal but a bit annoying. Also many 3rd party cameras I found to be working fine in general situations but pictures with flash was not totally fine. But you find more manual control and ways to capture better non-flash pictures using certain 3rd party cameras. Snapdragon Cameras worked fine with flash. In case of videos, I don't know which is better...I am not much of a video person...just need something decent and snapdragon videos looked decent. But I found that the audio recording in the videos recorded from Snapdragon Camera were a bit low. But the audio was distinctive better in Footej Camera...(It may be better in other 3rd party cameras too).
I couldn't get HDR to work as good as in MIUI camera (though I haven't really investigated much in that area).
Snapdragon Camera HDR works but pictures appears a bit too bright for my taste.
And camera 2 works fine for me with snapdragon and other 3rd party cameras.
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Manual Camera gives FC for me. Changed several rom but the result is same.
Camera on LOS/AOSP is good enough but those has more compression than stock.
Again stock has much noise reduction. It helps in low light.
rhrokib said:
Manual Camera gives FC for me. Changed several rom but the result is same.
Camera on LOS/AOSP is good enough but those has more compression than stock.
Again stock has much noise reduction. It helps in low light.
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set picture quality to high
setya5785 said:
set picture quality to high
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Setting picture quality to 100% is well on good lighting conditions. But in low light there's so many noise.
I think 90% quality is standard.
rhrokib said:
Manual Camera gives FC for me. Changed several rom but the result is same.
Camera on LOS/AOSP is good enough but those has more compression than stock.
Again stock has much noise reduction. It helps in low light.
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Hmm IIRC, Manual Camera worked for me in most of the roms I tried.
Note: I think only recent miui dev versions (I can only speak for the and Lineage OS (March 28 and the April (1 or 4 don't remember...are the only versions I have tried so I can't speak for other versions) have camera2api enabled by default. And if I am not wrong the latest RR is in that group too. At the very least I am pretty sure manual camera worked on March 28 Lineage OS version. And in roms which didn't support camera 2 by default, I could edit the build props and apparently some camera 2 api features were enabled in some apps (like manual camera compatibility test was passed, footej camera started showing iso and exposure time all of which wasn't happening before editing the build props). If you are on Lineage OS I don't know why manual camera isn't working for you.
While I haven't made any side by side comparisons, from my testing it didn't seem that the snapdragon camera (the stock version in Lineage OS and RR) were much more noisy compared to miui camera, when noise reduction is on (which is on by default anyway). Only I found that miui camera can make less noisy pictures in low light using HHT (I don't remember a good equivalent to that in snapdragon camera) but that also kind of softened the image. Sometimes I feel that in fact snapdragon camera might be slightly noisy but also sharper and more detailed compared to miui in low light. ..but I can't guarantee anything and I doubt these can be some form of placebo. Also if I am not wrong the stock snapdragon camera in LOS, RR lacked manual ISO, shutter speed control. While those options are available in other 3rd part cameras, all of them had problem with some macro focusing and flash again so I had to keep a lot of camera apps for different situations.
JRC1995 said:
Hmm IIRC, Manual Camera worked for me in most of the roms I tried.
Note: I think only recent miui dev versions (I can only speak for the and Lineage OS (March 28 and the April (1 or 4 don't remember...are the only versions I have tried so I can't speak for other versions) have camera2api enabled by default. And if I am not wrong the latest RR is in that group too. At the very least I am pretty sure manual camera worked on March 28 Lineage OS version. And in roms which didn't support camera 2 by default, I could edit the build props and apparently some camera 2 api features were enabled in some apps (like manual camera compatibility test was passed, footej camera started showing iso and exposure time all of which wasn't happening before editing the build props). If you are on Lineage OS I don't know why manual camera isn't working for you.
While I haven't made any side by side comparisons, from my testing it didn't seem that the snapdragon camera (the stock version in Lineage OS and RR) were much more noisy compared to miui camera, when noise reduction is on (which is on by default anyway). Only I found that miui camera can make less noisy pictures in low light using HHT (I don't remember a good equivalent to that in snapdragon camera) but that also kind of softened the image. Sometimes I feel that in fact snapdragon camera might be slightly noisy but also sharper and more detailed compared to miui in low light. ..but I can't guarantee anything and I doubt these can be some form of placebo. Also if I am not wrong the stock snapdragon camera in LOS, RR lacked manual ISO, shutter speed control. While those options are available in other 3rd part cameras, all of them had problem with some macro focusing and flash again so I had to keep a lot of camera apps for different situations.
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Thanks for such a reply.
Actually I tried almost all the popular ROM like LOS/RR/ASOP/AICP and as well.
For my case Manual camera capabilities test is passed. Then I install Manual Camera and it works well. But when I press the shutter button it keeps Forced Stopping. Every single time in every single rom.
I even tried editing build.prop and the result is same. As a bonus I get front camera flipped as others.
For me Open Camera does the job well with all the controls and shooting RAW. The RAW isn't nearly good as compared to other camera api2 supported devices. Even after editing with Lightroom it doesn't look that much better as it should be.
So finally I gave up and trying to be happy with Stock Camera app.
I just wish Xiaomi will add camera api2 on MIUI9 as IMX298 is capable of it and many more.
rhrokib said:
Thanks for such a reply.
Actually I tried almost all the popular ROM like LOS/RR/ASOP/AICP and as well.
For my case Manual camera capabilities test is passed. Then I install Manual Camera and it works well. But when I press the shutter button it keeps Forced Stopping. Every single time in every single rom.
I even tried editing build.prop and the result is same. As a bonus I get front camera flipped as others.
For me Open Camera does the job well with all the controls and shooting RAW. The RAW isn't nearly good as compared to other camera api2 supported devices. Even after editing with Lightroom it doesn't look that much better as it should be.
So finally I gave up and trying to be happy with Stock Camera app.
I just wish Xiaomi will add camera api2 on MIUI9 as IMX298 is capable of it and many more.
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I really have no idea why it's force closing for you. In OP you mentioned that even snap camera force closed on camera 2...that's strange too...especially when the newer Lineage OS roms supposedly have camera2 by default.
I still might have been mistaken in saying that manual camera worked for me, because I was trying lot of things in a short I could have been confused about just now, I again installed manual camera and took pictures with it.
Worked just fine. And right now I am in an (MM version not even the newer one. I enabled camera 2 by editing build props in this version i.e it wasn't even officially enabled yet still even in this rom manual camera worked).
Also, I just noticed your OP is old (13th March)...actually I got my MI 5 quite recently so I don't know but I think the camera 2 feature was being enabled in Lineage OS and RR recently (after 20th march or something, I am not the Lineage OS thread, I think the dev mentioned about enabling camera 2 support around that time (I may be wrong about the time) and it's possible then Xiaomi enabled camera 2 by default only in recent developer (beta) may be it had troubles in older ROMs, I don't know. Camera2api may still be not there in latest global (or china) stable...
Regardless I am still able to use manual camera in my MM with edited build prop.
In the end I still just use the miui stock camera for now, not being any expert in camera department; I don't find much need for manual camera...I am more or less satisfied (improvements are always welcome, of course) with miui stock camera along with its auto HDR, HHT and manual controls. Never tested RAW though.
PS: For manual controls you may also try pro shot.
JRC1995 said:
I really have no idea why it's force closing for you. In OP you mentioned that even snap camera force closed on camera 2...that's strange too...especially when the newer Lineage OS roms supposedly have camera2 by default.
I still might have been mistaken in saying that manual camera worked for me, because I was trying lot of things in a short I could have been confused about just now, I again installed manual camera and took pictures with it.
Worked just fine. And right now I am in an (MM version not even the newer one. I enabled camera 2 by editing build props in this version i.e it wasn't even officially enabled yet still even in this rom manual camera worked).
Also, I just noticed your OP is old (13th March)...actually I got my MI 5 quite recently so I don't know but I think the camera 2 feature was being enabled in Lineage OS and RR recently (after 20th march or something, I am not the Lineage OS thread, I think the dev mentioned about enabling camera 2 support around that time (I may be wrong about the time) and it's possible then Xiaomi enabled camera 2 by default only in recent developer (beta) may be it had troubles in older ROMs, I don't know. Camera2api may still be not there in latest global (or china) stable...
Regardless I am still able to use manual camera in my MM with edited build prop.
In the end I still just use the miui stock camera for now, not being any expert in camera department; I don't find much need for manual camera...I am more or less satisfied (improvements are always welcome, of course) with miui stock camera along with its auto HDR, HHT and manual controls. Never tested RAW though.
PS: For manual controls you may also try pro shot.
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I have all most all the camera app.
Maybe I have a bad luck. Cus I was on RR on previous week.(latest version) Camera api2 was enabled and wroks fine with Open Camera and ProShot. The only problem is the Manual camera.( Probably to best handy camera.)
Used it on my Nexus 5 and it was amazing.
And Now I'm on MIUI 8.3 Beta (7.4.6) by
I update as soon as it appears. Always had the same problem. My variant is Mi5 3/64 White.
Anyway, Thanks for your replies.
rhrokib said:
I have all most all the camera app.
Maybe I have a bad luck. Cus I was on RR on previous week.(latest version) Camera api2 was enabled and wroks fine with Open Camera and ProShot. The only problem is the Manual camera.( Probably to best handy camera.)
Used it on my Nexus 5 and it was amazing.
And Now I'm on MIUI 8.3 Beta (7.4.6) by
I update as soon as it appears. Always had the same problem. My variant is Mi5 3/64 White.
Anyway, Thanks for your replies.
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I also have the same variant.

