Terrible battery life Android L 5.0 - T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S 5

So today I tested VisionX us Tmo android l 5.0 DOB1 and it didn't even last 8 hours to my work day is it the ROM or is there something in the battery settings I need to change or is it the kernel? Any help is appreciated, thank you.
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altoplayer said:
So today I tested VisionX us Tmo android l 5.0 DOB1 and it didn't even last 8 hours to my work day is it the ROM or is there something in the battery settings I need to change or is it the kernel? Any help is appreciated, thank you.
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It is definitely not the rom. You need to find out what's running, app wise, in the background that you are not aware of.


N.E.A.K. Kernel setups??

I am using the NEAK Kernel on the Illusion ROM. Any setup settings for kernel that are incredible? Not new to flashing or romming or rooting just looking for opinions so don't wanna hear none that noob junk.
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nickhex89 said:
I am using the NEAK Kernel on the Illusion ROM. Any setup settings for kernel that are incredible? Not new to flashing or romming or rooting just looking for opinions so don't wanna hear none that noob junk.
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Hey is that kernel overckock capable and can I use it on pac man 4.3?
Nope, 4.2 kernels don't work with 4.3
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NEAK is generally built around installing and letting it do it's thing. The engine app has modes you can select that do most of the work. Honestly I just let it do it's thing and it's fine. Now the sounds app is another story.
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I am running neak on carbon ROM. And let me tell you, its a beast. I installed the uneak engine app and chose the battery saver option and I have been getting at least 7 hours screen time and around 18 hours total time. Thats under heavy use. If into light I'm sure I could get a day or two.
veloct said:
Nope, 4.2 kernels don't work with 4.3
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Actually.....I've got N.E.A.K. running on Paranoid Android 4.3 Alpha without a hitch. I figured I'd give it a shot and see if it boots, and to my surprise, it does and worked. I reverted back to 4.2.2 because of some other graphics anomalies which were outlined in the CM and PA threads.
I just switched to alliance rom recently and and need to find the link to the most updated neak kernel again anyone with link info?
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Go to the thread in my signature, it's in there.
Thanks for your help
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[Q] signal

new to the forum. Hi to all I have just recently installed carbon rom on my note which is build 1.8 and I love the rom very nice but it seems like I am having signal loss.id there a fix for this.thanks
kcmccombs said:
new to the forum. Hi to all I have just recently installed carbon rom on my note which is build 1.8 and I love the rom very nice but it seems like I am having signal loss.id there a fix for this.thanks
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AOSP ROMs show the signal as being less when in all reality its the same.
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shangrila500 said:
AOSP ROMs show the signal as being less when in all reality its the same.
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okay thanks for the reply I could not tell any difference in talking or my data.thanks

4.4.2 ROMS

ok im not very picky with rom features but one feature i want on my rom is active display i was just wondering of which roms that are out that are 4.4.2 that have the feature. thanks in advance for the replies
PSX has active display, I assume cm11 would also.
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Ace42 said:
PSX has active display, I assume cm11 would also.
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have psx now seeing if any other options were available at the time thx tho
dr3adl0ckd said:
have psx now seeing if any other options were available at the time thx tho
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I'm currently using the slimkat beta rom. Liking this but this is my first ROM besides stock and I find the battery gets drained quicker.

Bajarom vs hyperdrive

Which one do you guys think is better and why.
Give me details on
Battery life
The most customizable
With most features.
What settings do you guys have to help the battery. ?
Thanks guys
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zagan131313 said:
Which one do you guys think is better and why.
Give me details on
Battery life
The most customizable
With most features.
What settings do you guys have to help the battery. ?
Thanks guys
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I'm sure someone will give those answers but usually those things are subject to however the individual sets up their ROM.
Both are TW 4.3 so all the same mods can apply. All the same xposed. I'd say since Mr Reggie Cheeks is theming the hell out of Baja ROM its definitely worth checking out. And Surge1223 is one of the Devs... he's done so much for our phones. If I go back to Touchwiz I'm definitely trying Baja.
Not to knock Hyperdrive either cuz SBreen is also the man!!
Guess all I'm getting at here is they're both awesome. And like I said I'm sure someone can give you their opinions too.
Happy flashing!
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zagan131313 said:
Which one do you guys think is better and why.
Give me details on
Battery life
The most customizable
With most features.
What settings do you guys have to help the battery. ?
Thanks guys
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Try both out...
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That is something that you have to try yourself, everyone setup the phone different, the best judge is you, try both and choose the best you liked.
zagan131313 said:
Which one do you guys think is better and why.
Give me details on
Battery life
The most customizable
With most features.
What settings do you guys have to help the battery. ?
Thanks guys
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I've tried both and agree, it depends on how you setup your phone and what you like. Both are good ROMs. However, I have to make a plug here for Eclipse. Eclipse doesn't have as many "bells and whistles" as either of the other two, but in my opinion it is the most stable and smooth ROM available right now. Anyone looking for a fast, smooth, stable ROM with great battery performance should give Eclipse a try. My hats off to all three developers/teams that have provided us with these ROMs...Great Job.
jpcalhoun said:
I've tried both and agree, it depends on how you setup your phone and what you like. Both are good ROMs. However, I have to make a plug here for Eclipse. Eclipse doesn't have as many "bells and whistles" as either of the other two, but in my opinion it is the most stable and smooth ROM available right now. Anyone looking for a fast, smooth, stable ROM with great battery performance should give Eclipse a try. My hats off to all three developers/teams that have provided us with these ROMs...Great Job.
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Agree, all have great Roms.
Now at this moment Baja rom is at 4.4.3 KitKat and HyperDrive is not.This makes deciding easier for now. However, on jellybean I personally preferred the clean / fast HyperDrive. Once HyperDrive has kitkat , I will def. jump back to it.
Things I noticed about Baja final rom (4.4.2l;
1.) The phone doesn't seem to shut down.
2.) I already received a message saying not enough space on device to install new apps.
3.) Start up time takes longer than HyperDrive
HyperDrive (4.3)
1.) quick boot up
2.) extreemly fast
3.) Has great added tweaks/apps I use
Wilsonb said:
Agree, all have great Roms.
Now at this moment Baja rom is at 4.4.3 KitKat and HyperDrive is not.This makes deciding easier for now. However, on jellybean I personally preferred the clean / fast HyperDrive. Once HyperDrive has kitkat , I will def. jump back to it.
Things I noticed about Baja final rom (4.4.2l;
1.) The phone doesn't seem to shut down.
2.) I already received a message saying not enough space on device to install new apps.
3.) Start up time takes longer than HyperDrive
HyperDrive (4.3)
1.) quick boot up
2.) extreemly fast
3.) Has great added tweaks/apps I use
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BajaROM is on 4.3 MK2 same as Hyperdrive. 4.4.3 KitKat hasn't even been officially announced yet although there are leaks for the nexus 5
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joshm.1219 said:
BajaROM is on 4.3 MK2 same as Hyperdrive. 4.4.3 KitKat hasn't even been officially announced yet although there are leaks for the nexus 5
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Per Sbreen KK (probably will be RLS16) should be on the S4 in a couple of weeks.
cbmggm said:
Per Sbreen KK (probably will be RLS16) should be on the S4 in a couple of weeks.
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Well nc2 was leaked last week a little bit before the official nc5 update was pushed out. He's working on rebasing HD to nc5 as we speak. I'm sure bajasur/surge have similar plans.
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joshm.1219 said:
BajaROM is on 4.3 MK2 same as Hyperdrive. 4.4.3 KitKat hasn't even been officially announced yet although there are leaks for the nexus 5
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BajaROM w/ Android 4.4 for Verizon Note 3(from leaked);
BajaBaseFinal.zip http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=52164292&postcount=4708
Wilsonb said:
BajaROM w/ Android 4.4 for Verizon Note 3(from leaked);
BajaBaseFinal.zip http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=52164292&postcount=4708
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I know I'm running it on my brother's phone, but this is the s4 forum lol we didn't get 4.4 quite as fast
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Moderator Comment: Though useful information in here, the best rom is that with which you are most happy; thread closed.

What rom are you guys using?

So it's been nearly a month since this beast was released and I was wondering. .. what roms are you guys using? International roms? What are the bugs ? (All questions are aimed more to the t mobile variant )
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Reading will allow you to answer this question.
michael camposs said:
So it's been nearly a month since this beast was released and I was wondering. .. what roms are you guys using? International roms? What are the bugs ? (All questions are aimed more to the t mobile variant )
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Ive tried:
Project infinity Rom
- EDIT: using this rom right now (2.0) very quick and clean. Recommended.
-my personal favorite. Very fast and EXCELLENT battery life.
-best feature is the keyboard IMO
Overall most roms are identical, each having their own unique features. I like my phone to have good battery life, that is why I chose Shohat. But the echoe keyboard looks amazing! Tough choice.
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Hardly any choices
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michael camposs said:
So it's been nearly a month since this beast was released and I was wondering. .. what roms are you guys using? International roms? What are the bugs ? (All questions are aimed more to the t mobile variant )
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Running Infinity now, on the 2.0 version. Very clean and quick. Granted it's the only one I've used thusfar, but I'm enjoying the debloat and additional little perks.
nubsgohard said:
Ive tried:
Project infinity Rom
- EDIT: using this rom right now (2.0) very quick and clean. Recommended.
-my personal favorite. Very fast and EXCELLENT battery life.
-best feature is the keyboard IMO
Overall most roms are identical, each having their own unique features. I like my phone to have good battery life, that is why I chose Shohat. But the echoe keyboard looks amazing! Tough choice.
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where can i find shohat room . and im currenyly running infinity room 2.1 its perfect for my need but somwtimes i need a lil bit more battery. so you think shohat will make any difference ?
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im running infinity 2.0 and I love it I read up on the alliance rom 4.4.2 but im not sure about going that direction yet...I might just to try it out but I want to hear some more reviews about it first.
hondasforlife said:
im running infinity 2.0 and I love it I read up on the alliance rom 4.4.2 but im not sure about going that direction yet...I might just to try it out but I want to hear some more reviews about it first.
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I tried alliance.. Its decked out with customizing options.. Which are really cool. Battery seemed pretty good too. But I had some stutters w the stock browser and idk wasn't really feeling it. But xsterolite had amazing battery for me.. Its just super stripped down
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