How to root the new Lollipop - T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S 5

IS there a root?

This has been discussed a few times.
Please check the other threads.



possible to use this to get temp root until the devs find a fix?
TEsted and no workie.
Have you visited this thread
All rooting info will be kept in there until a root method is discovered and then a new thread could possibly be created.
Don't post questions in development.

[Q] Note 2 Root Question

Hi guys,
So, I'm not allowed to post in the Developer section yet, but I had some questions about the rooting method described here:
My first issue is that I just want root, that's it. I don't want to unlock the bootloader nor install whatever recovery stuff that it installs. I am just looking for the simplest way to achieve ONLY root there any solution for that?
Also, I just want to leave it as stock ROM and be able to do OTA updates as available. If I root from this method, can I still do that?
And finally, I am on the latest stock software, will root method modify/change that in any way? If so, how?
Thanks for the help and feedback!
I just noticed this statement in the thread mentioned above:
"AGAIN, I will repeat... if you're here to root, you're killing an ant with an atomic bomb. This is not a root, it's a IROM unlock."
So where is the simple root method that just does root access?
Thanks again for any help!
Please read forum rules before posting
Questions and help issues go in Q&A
Thread moved
Thank you for your cooperation
Friendly Neighborhood Moderator
I guess I'll eventually get a reply here, or get my post count up enough here to be able to post in the relevant thread
Another bump...hoping someone has more information on these questions, thanks.
Bump...almost to 10 posts, haha...

Upgrade to GPe

My device is C6802.
I am on 14.2.A.1.136, android 4.3.
I lost previous root upon OTA upgrade.
I tried to search exhaustively and found no good guide to upgrade to GPe 4.4.2.
Can someone kind enough to point the way to me?
Shouldn't have to search as there is a good sticky in the general section on getting root and ready to flash ROMs
Have a read of the TA one and the downgrade one while you are there.
Once you have read them, read them again and then ask any questions you may have

Root help! On SG-M900W8 on 5.1.1

I'm looking for some help to root my s5 modle SG-M900W8 I ran the CF AUTO root but I'm on andriod 5.1.1 an it put it in a boot loop, I heard you need t install a custom kernal before rooting is this true? An how do I root using this method? I have tried everything an kingroot dose not support my device yet
Everything I'm finding that even mentions your device you've already posted in. Please don't post multiple threads for the same issue.
with that being said, the best I can do to help at this point is to have your thread moved to a Q&A forum, maybe you'll get help there. Good luck.

Want to root my S3, I am completely lost. Please help!

Hi, first of all I apologize if this kind of thread is against the rules.
I just made my account here and I want to learn more about rooting, custom firmwares and stuff. I was interested in formatting my phone, and install Android Lollipop (newest version, which is 5.1.1 I think), but searching through the threads in this forum is leaving me confused. Could anyone please point me to the best tutorials on how to root my S3, and how to install Android Lollipop 5.1.1?
Again, I apologize for my noobish brain. I literally just entered into the world of phone rooting xD
Thank you for your time.

