Android remote control apps? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Does anyone know if there are any good apps out there for remotely controlling Android devices from a Windows PC via the USB connection? The only good app I've found so far is Mobizen, however it has one major issue that makes it useless for my requirements, it requires that the Windows machine have an active internet connection. What I want is the ability to remotely control the Android device from a Windows PC when the android device has a data connection, but the windows machine is offline.
My device isn't rooted (I lose more than I gain by rooting) and it's not Samsung, which seems to matter to some of the apps I've found.
Does anybody know of such an app?

Lagamorph said:
Does anyone know if there are any good apps out there for remotely controlling Android devices from a Windows PC via the USB connection? The only good app I've found so far is Mobizen, however it has one major issue that makes it useless for my requirements, it requires that the Windows machine have an active internet connection. What I want is the ability to remotely control the Android device from a Windows PC when the android device has a data connection, but the windows machine is offline.
My device isn't rooted (I lose more than I gain by rooting) and it's not Samsung, which seems to matter to some of the apps I've found.
Does anybody know of such an app?
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Bus or from Koush is excellent.
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[Q] remote desktop for wp8

I am looking forward to getting my hands on wp8 most likely a lumia 920. My question is does anyone know of remote desktop software? I was really dissapointed that wp7 did not have one that was as easy as teamviewer. I have emailed teamviewer with the usual reply " if something is developed we will let you know." I have tried all the remote apps onn my wp7 to log into my work pc and no success. I have to resort to teamviewer on my laptop or my tablet. Does anyone know any inside knowledge or is it due to fact that I had a wp7 rom on my hd2 that prevented the remote control apps to work?
jpneves1978 said:
I am looking forward to getting my hands on wp8 most likely a lumia 920. My question is does anyone know of remote desktop software? I was really dissapointed that wp7 did not have one that was as easy as teamviewer. I have emailed teamviewer with the usual reply " if something is developed we will let you know." I have tried all the remote apps onn my wp7 to log into my work pc and no success. I have to resort to teamviewer on my laptop or my tablet. Does anyone know any inside knowledge or is it due to fact that I had a wp7 rom on my hd2 that prevented the remote control apps to work?
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I'm currently using PC Remote. It can found in the App store. has a 4.5 star rating from 3277 people.
shindou26 said:
I'm currently using PC Remote. It can found in the App store. has a 4.5 star rating from 3277 people.
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I have tried pc remote but my works ip address is hidden. I need something that works like teamview where you just log in and connect. I may try pc remote again and see what i can tinker with
I'm looking for something as well. The RDP metro app on Windows RT is really neat, I don't know why they just don't have it on windows phone 8. The thing that is killing me is the lack of VPN. Even Windows RT has built-in VPN and it works great.

Q - App query/request/suggestion

Ive tried to look at how to create such a thing but im stumped at the first hurdle to be hoest.
Are there or is there anything available or under developemtn to control wifi enabled lighting that is not phillips HUE?
I have Easybulb lights at home which use an iphone/android app to control them. Currently im using my work tablet (android) orthe Mrs' iPad.
some kind developer has made a windows app (non windows 8) which is pretty good for my pc and my windows tablet, but i cant seem to get anythign on my phone to do the job.
'Apparently'.... all the coding is available online for what is needed - it needs to send UDP data to an ip address of the wifi bridge via a GUI.
any suggestions are most welcomed?

Looking for Android app for Remote Control PC (Windows)

1) Working through Local Network (preferably). I need this for fast connect to my PC. Apps like TeamViewer or Google Remote Desktop has to long connect to my PC (probably because of connection through Internet)
2) Picture of desktop from PC in real-time (like in TeamViewer)
3) Easy mouse control
I'm using android OS.
GuitarFan said:
1) Working through Local Network (preferably). I need this for fast connect to my PC. Apps like TeamViewer or Google Remote Desktop has to long connect to my PC (probably because of connection through Internet)
2) Picture of desktop from PC in real-time (like in TeamViewer)
3) Easy mouse control
I'm using android OS.
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I use Windows Remote Desktop-
If you're having issues with two of the best apps that do what you want, you have other problems causing the slow connection. Using TeamViewer & Google Remote Desktop always work well for me.
I use Windows Remote Desktop-
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I tried this, but it asks some username and password.
I don't have password on my PC account
If you're having issues with two of the best apps that do what you want, you have other problems causing the slow connection. Using TeamViewer & Google Remote Desktop always work well for me.
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This is not 2 best app that do what i need.
Probably you can't read what i need.
TeamViewer is ****. It has bad picture from PC (it updates to long, work like ****)
Google has to long connection because it work throught internet but not local lan.

USB over TCP tool that will allow me to repair ppls phones remotely?

I recently purchased uni android tool and am wanting to know if there is a solution that will allow clients to connect their phone to their computers via usb and then some how have it show up on mine as if it was a connected usb device? I have a few friends that have phones and dont want to have to mail them out so this would allow me to work on them remotely.
Not exactly what you are looking for, but you could just use rdp or vnc to remote to their desktop, then use a link to your Google drive or drop box to download your software. You could then have then plug in at their end, you fix the phone, them clean up your downloaded files and uninstall the program.
Not a great business model, but would probably work for friends.
Another options is to build a small virtual box with all your tools and such on it. Then you connect with rdp or vnc, install VB, and so the work. The plus side to this is, your VB can be encrypted and password protected, so no one can "steal" your tools, and everything would be set up and ready, and you would have your preferred operating system, in case they used something else, like a mac/Apple product.
Thanks for the response.... that idea would definitely work except the tool I use hardware locks itself to my windows machine.... I had to install windows 10 via bootcamp on my macbook just to run the software as it wouldnt even run in a virtual machine.
I am looking into just writing my own custom software that will handle the usb over tcp via a server and clients.
If anyone else knows any solutions that are already available please let me know.
Thank you for that information you article

Using an Android device solely as a client for Android running on a virtual machine

For a few years now I've been wondering whether there is some app or guide for that would allow to use your Android phone only as a client for accessing a virtual Android device running on a Windows/Linux PC. I have a decent PC with a few spare GB of RAM, a good internet access, and a crappy Android phone, so I thought this would be a great thing if some solution that works properly existed.
I know you could for example "just" start an Android emulator with Android Studio on a separate account on Windows, make it fullscreen or near fullscreen, and use something like Microsoft Remote Desktop or TeamViewer to access it, but then the emulator wouldn't have access to the real device's sensors. Is there something that would also let the emulator access my device's camera, proximity sensor, GPS, NFC, connect to bluetooth devices via my device, etc.? Or at least some of these.
Also it'd be important for everything on the "real", client, device to feel as native as possible. For example when I swipe from the top it'd be nice to get the notification bar from the virtual device, not the real device. But I'd be happy to try to find some solutions for issues like these myself if no one tested anything.
I'll be grateful for any ideas or links.
Have a nice day

