[Q] re: marshmallow update random reboots - T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S 5

Hey all,
I downloaded and flashed MM this past week. I *did* root my phone using the latest supersu 2.74 from chainfire. Now, I am random reboots. I did use odin for the firmware flash.
I have a G900t1.

Having exactly the same issue, phone will work fine for a day or two , them I will get as many as 5 reboots in a day....

sameog said:
Hey all,
I downloaded and flashed MM this past week. I *did* root my phone using the latest supersu 2.74 from chainfire. Now, I am random reboots. I did use odin for the firmware flash.
I have a G900t1.
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After all the random reboots, I downgraded back to kitkat because it's stable.

im wanting do go back to lolipop because i made a complete nandroid backup not entirely sure how to go about it, since ive switched to marshmallow my call quality and network connections have been crappy. like having make a call several times before it goes through with full LTE signal strength etc.

darthmalus said:
im wanting do go back to lolipop because i made a complete nandroid backup not entirely sure how to go about it, since ive switched to marshmallow my call quality and network connections have been crappy. like having make a call several times before it goes through with full LTE signal strength etc.
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Just a thought.. double check your modem and boot loader are correct. But if your sure you want to go back, there is a couple threads with the roms, bl and modem for download.
I've found this release very stable and solid.


Constant issues with rooted S4.

Hi all,
Long time lurker of XDA and Android user/modder since before Gingerbread. I want to apologize in advance if this post is either in the wrong section, and/or if something similar has already been answered/solved in another thread. I did multiple searches with nothing coming up as a direct hit, or even close for that matter.
I recently purchased an S4 from VZW (Mid-Late July). I rooted and installed TWRP (Forgive me if that's not the exact version...) and flashed AOSP ROMs here and there. After a month or so, I started coming across an issue within all ROMs where I couldn't receive or make calls without my phone either freezing or rebooting. Anything I flashed, or modded, failed to remedy this. I tried different GApps packages, 4.2.2 and 4.3 ROMs, different kernels, and both radios, and absolutely NOTHING solved this. I searched everywhere (Even rootzwiki, forgive me fellow XDA members!), and could not find anyone with the same issue.
I attempted upgrading to TWRP and even tried CWM, and that didn't help either. Eventually, things got so bad that I couldn't boot into ANY ROM, 4.2.2 or 4.3. After nearly 10 hours of trying to unbrick my phone, I finally managed to install Beanstalk 4.3, and while it was working incredibly buggy (Not Beanstalk's fault, the developer is a great developer!) nor could I make calls, I could still send texts and emails. I was able to FINALLY get the Odin3 application to work when I got home from work, and was able to flash the stock MDK image. From there I followed the steps to properly root and install TWRP I installed Slim's Beta 5 4.3 ROM and GApps and everything was working properly! Calling, everything! However, when I made a reboot, it froze. Stuck in the "Samsung Unlocked" screen for over an hour. I pulled the battery, booted into recovery and did a factory reset/cache and dalvik wipe. It still didn't boot. From there I did a full wipe, and data format, installed Beanstalks newest 4.3 ROM and GApps, and everything loaded properly. Then I couldn't make or receive calls without the same issue. I then did the superwipe/format and installed PAC's newest nightly and GApps package, and was able to make calls, but then got stuck when rebooting, even after factory resets and cache/dalvik wipes. After multiple attempts, I gave up and reflashed the stock MDK Samsung image in Odin3 and am leaving it as is until someone here can help me.
I know this post was incredibly wordy, and I apologize for that, but I wanted to give you guys as much information as possible and explain where this all started, as it may lead to why I'm having these problems. I appreciate any and all responses and I will answer any question any of you have to the best of my ability. Please someone save me from the horror that is TouchWiz!
First, make a NANDROID if it is working perfect on the stock ROM. This is my first step after root and recovery so that I can always fall back on something to check if there is a hardware problem, or just some sort of (system) file problem. Plus, it'll save you time if you have to go back.
Not sure that it matters, but is the stock ROM odexed, or deodexed?
The calling thing reminds me of when you use the phone overseas but it has yet to be unlocked. When you root, do you check with Root Checker? Do you have SuperSU installed? How about BusyBox? I know some items require BusyBox in order to work, but SuperSU should be installed.
As far as SuperSU, do you update it before switching back to the original kernel? One thing I noted is to be absolutely sure you do so in order to not lose your root when completing the rooting steps. I imagine this could cause other problems too.
I also suggest not using TWRP 2.6, which many people will tell you is quite buggy. Best to use the previous version.
The only other things I can suggest is ALWAYS doing a full wipe of everything before adding a new ROM. I used to do this to be sure I incurred no problems on my SGS3, because if I didn't there would always be something buggy happening.
Hope this helps.
Heatshiver said:
First, make a NANDROID if it is working perfect on the stock ROM. This is my first step after root and recovery so that I can always fall back on something to check if there is a hardware problem, or just some sort of (system) file problem. Plus, it'll save you time if you have to go back.
Not sure that it matters, but is the stock ROM odexed, or deodexed?
The calling thing reminds me of when you use the phone overseas but it has yet to be unlocked. When you root, do you check with Root Checker? Do you have SuperSU installed? How about BusyBox? I know some items require BusyBox in order to work, but SuperSU should be installed.
As far as SuperSU, do you update it before switching back to the original kernel? One thing I noted is to be absolutely sure you do so in order to not lose your root when completing the rooting steps. I imagine this could cause other problems too.
I also suggest not using TWRP 2.6, which many people will tell you is quite buggy. Best to use the previous version.
The only other things I can suggest is ALWAYS doing a full wipe of everything before adding a new ROM. I used to do this to be sure I incurred no problems on my SGS3, because if I didn't there would always be something buggy happening.
Hope this helps.
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Thank you, Heatshiver!
I always do a full wipe unless I'm doing a dirty flash for a ROM update. I will try reverting back to TWRP (Whichever version that happens to be, I think it's .0.2) tonight and report my results. Also, just to clarify, I always make sure I have the most updated SuperSU/Superuser (Usually the former) and BusyBox.
I appreciate the suggestion.
teemunknee said:
Hi all,
Long time lurker of XDA and Android user/modder since before Gingerbread. I want to apologize in advance if this post is either in the wrong section, and/or if something similar has already been answered/solved in another thread. I did multiple searches with nothing coming up as a direct hit, or even close for that matter.
I recently purchased an S4 from VZW (Mid-Late July). I rooted and installed TWRP (Forgive me if that's not the exact version...) and flashed AOSP ROMs here and there. After a month or so, I started coming across an issue within all ROMs where I couldn't receive or make calls without my phone either freezing or rebooting. Anything I flashed, or modded, failed to remedy this. I tried different GApps packages, 4.2.2 and 4.3 ROMs, different kernels, and both radios, and absolutely NOTHING solved this. I searched everywhere (Even rootzwiki, forgive me fellow XDA members!), and could not find anyone with the same issue.
I attempted upgrading to TWRP and even tried CWM, and that didn't help either. Eventually, things got so bad that I couldn't boot into ANY ROM, 4.2.2 or 4.3. After nearly 10 hours of trying to unbrick my phone, I finally managed to install Beanstalk 4.3, and while it was working incredibly buggy (Not Beanstalk's fault, the developer is a great developer!) nor could I make calls, I could still send texts and emails. I was able to FINALLY get the Odin3 application to work when I got home from work, and was able to flash the stock MDK image. From there I followed the steps to properly root and install TWRP I installed Slim's Beta 5 4.3 ROM and GApps and everything was working properly! Calling, everything! However, when I made a reboot, it froze. Stuck in the "Samsung Unlocked" screen for over an hour. I pulled the battery, booted into recovery and did a factory reset/cache and dalvik wipe. It still didn't boot. From there I did a full wipe, and data format, installed Beanstalks newest 4.3 ROM and GApps, and everything loaded properly. Then I couldn't make or receive calls without the same issue. I then did the superwipe/format and installed PAC's newest nightly and GApps package, and was able to make calls, but then got stuck when rebooting, even after factory resets and cache/dalvik wipes. After multiple attempts, I gave up and reflashed the stock MDK Samsung image in Odin3 and am leaving it as is until someone here can help me.
I know this post was incredibly wordy, and I apologize for that, but I wanted to give you guys as much information as possible and explain where this all started, as it may lead to why I'm having these problems. I appreciate any and all responses and I will answer any question any of you have to the best of my ability. Please someone save me from the horror that is TouchWiz!
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sorry for your troubles, but I am always baffled the way people just toss that word "brick" round
Your phone was no anywhere NEAR being a brick...
You simply are playing with fire flashing AOSP ROMs and not knowing how to fix the issues.
AOSP ROMs aren't technically "made" for our phones, the developers do a great job at making it seem like they are, though.
On the SG3 we had an EFS backup that Synergy discovered incase you flash an AOSP and get stuck in roaming which was quite often at first with AOSP, that was easy to fix, but with this phone I would be careful with AOSP ROMs, even myself, with a locked bootloader wouldn't flash anything besides TW, although I am biased as AOSP is my flavor.
I am sorry if this post comes off harsh or any other bad word. It's not meant for that..
Just to kindly ask you to do some research on what a "bricked phone" truly is.
it's a brick.. meaning won't power on, won't get a light when charging, nothing, your phone is just that, a $600 brick. and the only way to bring back to life IIRC is Jtagging the phone.. which requires taking the phone apart and jtagging the motherboard.
I hope you the best my friend.
As much as I love AOSP, I would have to agree with the poster above. I know TW is a pain but there are some pretty good ROMs in that flavor that you shouldn't have any problems with. I've had the no call issue on AOSP, and even though they are nice and free up quite a bit of room it's not worth missing calls over or constantly flashing. Maybe once our bootloader is unlocked things will become different but I'd stick with TW until that happens. I can confirm that TWRP 2.6 is very buggy...you'll have to download the 2.5 version and flash it instead of goomanager they install they latest version everytime I believe.
andybones said:
sorry for your troubles, but I am always baffled the way people just toss that word "brick" round
Your phone was no anywhere NEAR being a brick...
You simply are playing with fire flashing AOSP ROMs and not knowing how to fix the issues.
AOSP ROMs aren't technically "made" for our phones, the developers do a great job at making it seem like they are, though.
On the SG3 we had an EFS backup that Synergy discovered incase you flash an AOSP and get stuck in roaming which was quite often at first with AOSP, that was easy to fix, but with this phone I would be careful with AOSP ROMs, even myself, with a locked bootloader wouldn't flash anything besides TW, although I am biased as AOSP is my flavor.
I am sorry if this post comes off harsh or any other bad word. It's not meant for that..
Just to kindly ask you to do some research on what a "bricked phone" truly is.
it's a brick.. meaning won't power on, won't get a light when charging, nothing, your phone is just that, a $600 brick. and the only way to bring back to life IIRC is Jtagging the phone.. which requires taking the phone apart and jtagging the motherboard.
I hope you the best my friend.
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Next time, I'll just say "Soft-bricked". Thank you for your reply.
You also may want to try CWM recovery if everything else fails. I like TWRP but I kept having the exact problem you have. I switched and haven't had a problem since.
Sent from my SCH-I545
slim6596 said:
You also may want to try CWM recovery if everything else fails. I like TWRP but I kept having the exact problem you have. I switched and haven't had a problem since.
Sent from my SCH-I545
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Would you mind telling me which version of CWM you're using? I haven't gone back to CWM since I went back to stock two nights ago.
Thank you for the idea!
I also forgot to mention that I haven't been able to connect to 4G radios since before I started having issues with AOSP ROMs. Currently I'm on Eclipse's TW (With AOSP Styling) ROM. Everything appears to be working fine, other than 4G.
I've tried the SIM pull and reset, and nothing. I've tried manually setting it to LTE only, at least when I was able to do so when AOSP ROMs would boot for me, and nothing. I have a Galaxy Nexus that I booted up with this SIM in and I get 4G signal. Any Ideas?
Also, when I was on the stock image (MDK) I didn't have 4G either.
Has anyone else run across this issue? (MODS: Let a me know if I should create another thread, or search more intensively. I haven't seen a thread with this exact same situation. Plenty of 4G issue threads, but none with the same issues I've previously had, and I think it may have something to do with my past modding.)
teemunknee said:
Would you mind telling me which version of CWM you're using? I haven't gone back to CWM since I went back to stock two nights ago.
Thank you for the idea!
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Philz touch modded CWM. Don't have a link though. Sorry.
Sent from my SCH-I545
slim6596 said:
Philz touch modded CWM. Don't have a link though. Sorry.
Sent from my SCH-I545
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Thanks! I installed CWM Touch and flashed Eclipse's TW/AOSP ROM and everything works well, but it's still no AOSP ROM.
Hi all,
I'd like to thank everyone for the suggestions.
An update: Currently I'm on Eclipse's TW v2.0 ROM (TW, with AOSP Styling) and everything works properly. My current recovery is CWM Touch, and I'm not experiencing any booting or calling issues. 4G is the only thing I don't have working.
I'm hoping that someone with my same problem can give me another idea so I can get an AOSP ROM working, preferably with 4G. I'm sure some, if not most, understand my dislike of TouchWiz and strong preference towards stock Android/stock Android based ROMs. Slim6596 said that he uses Philz Modded CWM Recovery and has no issues anymore. Could that really be my solution?
Again, thank you all for your help and ideas. I love XDA for this reason.
slim6596 said:
Philz touch modded CWM. Don't have a link though. Sorry.
Sent from my SCH-I545
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Hi Slim,
Sorry to bother, but I was curious if you were specifically using the LOKI patched version, or just the regular version?
teemunknee said:
Hi Slim,
Sorry to bother, but I was curious if you were specifically using the LOKI patched version, or just the regular version?
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Loki patched, I believe.
Sent from my SCH-I545
slim6596 said:
Loki patched, I believe.
Sent from my SCH-I545
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Thanks!! I installed the Loki-Patched version last night.
I tried flashing two AOSP ROMs, but have no radio signal at all. I'll experiment.
teemunknee said:
Thanks!! I installed the Loki-Patched version last night.
I tried flashing two AOSP ROMs, but have no radio signal at all. I'll experiment.
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I have stuck to TW ROMs. Pretty soon I'm probably not going to be flashing anything. Switching to Motorola and giving Vz my MDK S4 back. (Reception and dropped call issues.)
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 2
teemunknee said:
Thanks!! I installed the Loki-Patched version last night.
I tried flashing two AOSP ROMs, but have no radio signal at all. I'll experiment.
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I believe you have to do the extended phone function. Its a code on the dial pad and select cdma. I have read this but don't recall where.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 4
egore93 said:
I believe you have to do the extended phone function. Its a code on the dial pad and select cdma. I have read this but don't recall where.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 4
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Are you referring to the *#*#4636#*#* dialer code? I didn't even try that because in my settings, everything was set to CDMA, but that's something I can try. I have everything backed up, so I can just wipe, install, and try that. If it doesn't work, I can always revert back.
Thanks for the suggestion!
teemunknee said:
Are you referring to the *#*#4636#*#* dialer code? I didn't even try that because in my settings, everything was set to CDMA, but that's something I can try. I have everything backed up, so I can just wipe, install, and try that. If it doesn't work, I can always revert back.
Thanks for the suggestion!
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Yes that's it give it a go.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 4

No signal after update

My phone is Note 2 N7015 with TWRP updated
i was using Liquidsmooth 4.1.2 and decided to update it to 4.3.
After flashing I kinda lost signal. I was able to receive texts but i wasnt able to send any.
I had LTE but no GPS
I'm using TWRP the newest I believe
i take a backup at this point and tried to flash different roms to get full signal.
I also had a backup from 1 year ago, Jedi Rom. Which was working perfectly but not anymore.
with that touchwiz rom, still I have no signal
I just realized i can not flash every rom out there. I tried to flash Pacman for n7105.
For some realason with TWRP i'm not able to use every rom. Like Pacman, carbon and many others.
Right now, I'm trying to work Meanbean rom (touchwiz) and i stucks in setup wizard. Says please wait while we activite your phone. For 20 minutes.
I really do not know what to do,
please help me, thank you .
OKAY, i used my really old Liquid backup and its fixed now.
But i still want 2 answers if you can help.
How can i maintain signal after updating LQ or any other rom
also, how can i flash other roms to this device. TWRP always says fail in around 10 seconds
That happened to me as well when I went from CM11 to TW. Please make sure you have an IMEI number by pressing *#06#.

[Q] Problematic s4 (4.4.2)

Hi. I've got a challenge for the experts
I have a galaxy s4 (i9505) and currently on cyanogenmod 11-20140414-nightly so its running on 4.4.2
The minute i got my phone, i put foxhound rom and was on4.2.2 that time and everything was fine. It was about june last year. A couple of weeks ago, i decided to have a go at other roms or update to 4.4.2 so i tried foxhound rom that ran on4.4.2. This is when the problems started. The first problem was the signal was greatly affected that i could not get any signal indoors. So i tried several other roms like omega rom, cyanogenmod, wanamlite, wicked, virgin rom and several others but none of them perfectly worked. I always cleared cache and restore factory settings but still there were problems. On some roms the camera wont work as if there is another app using it. On others, i cant get any signal even though im in an area where i used to get strong signals. Another big problem is that i cant make a call! The screen goes black and can't do anything until the call gets disconnected. I can't use voice services like skype, ym, everything that uses the mic as if there is an app or service using it. When i put the jack to use the headset, i dont get the notification that im on headset unlike before.
So i decided to use stock rom on 4.3. Now i have even bigger problems. In addition to the previous problems stated, the wifi won't turn on but i can get a signal outside. Even though i have already removed the microsd card and wiped cache and restore to factory settings, the phone still says that the device was modified so i can't really return it even though it is still under warranty.
So now i decided to root it again and temporarily use cyanogenmod since the wifi works, texts and the internet works.
Btw, youtube doesnt work also. It doesnt play.
Sorry for the vrry long post but i just want to give much info as possible..
Thanks so much
Noypi14 said:
Hi. I've got a challenge for the experts
I have a galaxy s4 (i9505) and currently on cyanogenmod 11-20140414-nightly so its running on 4.4.2
The minute i got my phone, i put foxhound rom and was on4.2.2 that time and everything was fine. It was about june last year. A couple of weeks ago, i decided to have a go at other roms or update to 4.4.2 so i tried foxhound rom that ran on4.4.2. This is when the problems started. The first problem was the signal was greatly affected that i could not get any signal indoors. So i tried several other roms like omega rom, cyanogenmod, wanamlite, wicked, virgin rom and several others but none of them perfectly worked. I always cleared cache and restore factory settings but still there were problems. On some roms the camera wont work as if there is another app using it. On others, i cant get any signal even though im in an area where i used to get strong signals. Another big problem is that i cant make a call! The screen goes black and can't do anything until the call gets disconnected. I can't use voice services like skype, ym, everything that uses the mic as if there is an app or service using it. When i put the jack to use the headset, i dont get the notification that im on headset unlike before.
So i decided to use stock rom on 4.3. Now i have even bigger problems. In addition to the previous problems stated, the wifi won't turn on but i can get a signal outside. Even though i have already removed the microsd card and wiped cache and restore to factory settings, the phone still says that the device was modified so i can't really return it even though it is still under warranty.
So now i decided to root it again and temporarily use cyanogenmod since the wifi works, texts and the internet works.
Btw, youtube doesnt work also. It doesnt play.
Sorry for the vrry long post but i just want to give much info as possible..
Thanks so much
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So, which type of rom do you want to be on, assuming most of the things work properly? I don't want to try to address all those issues because there are different ones for the different setups and would take forever. Most likely signal issues are from not using a matched modem with the firmware / rom you are running. Do you know the original carrier / region the phone is from so we can make sure you get the right stuff installed?
Please provide details on the the currently installed baseband version. Also, what is the last official version of Samsung's software that you installed via Odin or OTA (not via custom rom)?
es0tericcha0s said:
So, which type of rom do you want to be on, assuming most of the things work properly? I don't want to try to address all those issues because there are different ones for the different setups and would take forever. Most likely signal issues are from not using a matched modem with the firmware / rom you are running. Do you know the original carrier / region the phone is from so we can make sure you get the right stuff installed?
Please provide details on the the currently installed baseband version. Also, what is the last official version of Samsung's software that you installed via Odin or OTA (not via custom rom)?
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Thanks for your reply.
The current cyanogenmod is fine although i prefer the virgin rom. but i can go back to virgin once the problems have been rectified.
I agree that the signal issue has something to do with the modem so i tried different modems using odin but the XXUBMEA wouldnt change despite trying several modems and several times.
The phone is on three network (uk) with its current baseband 19505XXUBMEA.
The official rom i tried was on 4.3 and kies said it was the latest
Thanks again
Alright, I'm with ya so far. I'll look into the rom situation when I get back in front of the PC, but the trick with updating the modem is you gotta flash it twice in a row before you reboot unless you flash official firmware.
es0tericcha0s said:
Alright, I'm with ya so far. I'll look into the rom situation when I get back in front of the PC, but the trick with updating the modem is you gotta flash it twice in a row before you reboot unless you flash official firmware.
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Thanks again for replying.
What i havent actually tried (which i'm reading at the moment) is the formatting of data under the advanced options on twrp. I dunno if it will make a difference say i try a new rom. I don't mind trying and starting from scratch. Like format data then install a new rom. Do u think this will make a difference? (will this be similar to formatting a dard drive on a pc before installing windows?)
What i suspect is there is nothing wrong with the roms i've tried but something in the installation got messed up and remains there even after wiping the data.
I think i have tried doing it twice only to find out that it didnt change the modem despite odin saying pass.
Should i format data then install a fresh rom?
but challeng refused
Ok, so there is something odd here. If you had flashed the official 4.3 via Odin, your modem would have changed to a newer one. The one you have is still a 4.2.2 one. Or were you referring to the last stock rom that you loaded with a custom recovery? Also, which recovery are you using?
Try this modem via Odin:
Install Guide:
Use Odin v3.04
Untick Autoreboot
Flash modem
Reboot once again into Download Mode using (Vol Down plus Home button combi)
Flash Modem once more
Once done,unplug then reboot device manually.
If this doesn't work, try repeating the flash process again while rebooting manually and with auto-reboot option turned off.
Reference thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2192025
Let's see if that doesn't help anything and go from there.
If you have issues with wifi, there is a wifi fix to be had in the reference thread. Remember to flash that through the Phone slot if needed.
thanks again.
i can't exactly remember what modem i had when i flashed it with the official 4.3 using odin. but my guess would be the XXUBMEA. most of the custom roms i've tried had this modem anyway. some had no problems with 3g signal.
i am using twrp.
i don't want to play around with the modem yet as the 3g and wifi signals are working fine on cyanogenmod. its the call and video that's not working that i want to sort out.
do u think if i reflash by formatting data would clear out the problems i specified earlier? i don't mind trying this if u think it will make a difference.. tthanks.
es0tericcha0s said:
Ok, so there is something odd here. If you had flashed the official 4.3 via Odin, your modem would have changed to a newer one. The one you have is still a 4.2.2 one. Or were you referring to the last stock rom that you loaded with a custom recovery? Also, which recovery are you using?
Try this modem via Odin:
Install Guide:
Use Odin v3.04
Untick Autoreboot
Flash modem
Reboot once again into Download Mode using (Vol Down plus Home button combi)
Flash Modem once more
Once done,unplug then reboot device manually.
If this doesn't work, try repeating the flash process again while rebooting manually and with auto-reboot option turned off.
Reference thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2192025
Let's see if that doesn't help anything and go from there.
If you have issues with wifi, there is a wifi fix to be had in the reference thread. Remember to flash that through the Phone slot if needed.
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Noypi14 said:
thanks again.
i can't exactly remember what modem i had when i flashed it with the official 4.3 using odin. but my guess would be the XXUBMEA. most of the custom roms i've tried had this modem anyway. some had no problems with 3g signal.
i am using twrp.
i don't want to play around with the modem yet as the 3g and wifi signals are working fine on cyanogenmod. its the call and video that's not working that i want to sort out.
do u think if i reflash by formatting data would clear out the problems i specified earlier? i don't mind trying this if u think it will make a difference.. tthanks.
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The custom roms you've been using don't install a modem with them, so that would be why you've been on the same one for a bit. Often times the stock rom is a little more picky about which modem it likes best, though this varies by phone and update. What call issues are you having? There were so many issues listed for various things on the first post that I had trouble sorting which problem for which rom (not criticizing, just making sure we're on the same page). And as far as videos go, is it just YouTube that isn't working right or any type of video playback? If it is just YouTube - is it force closing, not loading searches or videos, or some other problem?
es0tericcha0s said:
The custom roms you've been using don't install a modem with them, so that would be why you've been on the same one for a bit. Often times the stock rom is a little more picky about which modem it likes best, though this varies by phone and update. What call issues are you having? There were so many issues listed for various things on the first post that I had trouble sorting which problem for which rom (not criticizing, just making sure we're on the same page). And as far as videos go, is it just YouTube that isn't working right or any type of video playback? If it is just YouTube - is it force closing, not loading searches or videos, or some other problem?
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thanks again for your interest.
the issue about the modem is somehow clear. thanks for clearing that up.
i think it is better to tackle the problems i have in my current setup rather than the previous problems. so, as previously mentioned, i am on cyanogenmod 11 (on 4.4.2). here are some of the problems i am aware of or rather, those that i have experienced:
1. calls - whenever i dial a number, the screen goes black as if the phone is next to my ear (could there be something wrong with the proximity sensor? i haven't done anything to rectify this yet though. when this happens, i can't do anything as the seems to hang although i could see the call timer working. during that call however, i can't hear a sound nor the person i just rang. same thing happens when someone calls me. my phone vibrates (because there is another problem with the sound which i will discuss next) and when i answer it, i hear no sound and the screen goes black and i couldn't do anything with the phone. i have to wait till the caller disconnects before the phone becomes useable again.
i tried calling using viber and the same thing happens.
2. sound - phone is muted even though all the volume controls are midway or almost 100%. i tried changing the ringing tone but i don't hear any sound at all. normally, when i switch to a different ringtone, it should give me a preview of what the chosen sound is like.
3. videos - it doesn't work. when i go to youtube, it opens up the site, opens the selected youtube clip, tries to play it but pauses then tries to play again then pauses until i get a message saying "there was a problem while playing. touch to retry."
so far these are the problems i have faced.
sorry for the long post again.
Hmm. Seems weird that you are having so many issues that most others aren't having, at least not since some of the earlier builds. During the install of CM, did you wipe /system? If not, I definitely would just start fresh. Install the most up to date modem. Wipe everything (system, data, cache, dalvik). Use the most up to date CWM (I like TWRP most of the time, but since CM says you should try CWM before reporting issues, it's one of those things...) Some Samsung proximity sensors aren't that accurate and really don't work well with CM. Other users reported that issue i the main CM thread for your phone, but was definitely not prevalent. I had a Samsung phone that I couldn't use a tempered glass screen protector with as they had an app to install to test to see how sensitive it was and mine didn't pass the test, though it worked for everything else.
As far as the video bug. It affected some earlier builds and other roms based off of CM but I hadn't seen anyone commenting about it for a bit so can't imagine it still being a common issue as that's a deal breaker for most. It might just be easier at this stage to either go back to stable CM 10.2 or try another rom altogether, such as Slim.
es0tericcha0s said:
Hmm. Seems weird that you are having so many issues that most others aren't having, at least not since some of the earlier builds. During the install of CM, did you wipe /system? If not, I definitely would just start fresh. Install the most up to date modem. Wipe everything (system, data, cache, dalvik). Use the most up to date CWM (I like TWRP most of the time, but since CM says you should try CWM before reporting issues, it's one of those things...) Some Samsung proximity sensors aren't that accurate and really don't work well with CM. Other users reported that issue i the main CM thread for your phone, but was definitely not prevalent. I had a Samsung phone that I couldn't use a tempered glass screen protector with as they had an app to install to test to see how sensitive it was and mine didn't pass the test, though it worked for everything else.
As far as the video bug. It affected some earlier builds and other roms based off of CM but I hadn't seen anyone commenting about it for a bit so can't imagine it still being a common issue as that's a deal breaker for most. It might just be easier at this stage to either go back to stable CM 10.2 or try another rom altogether, such as Slim.
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i know. i don't really want to blame these issues i've mentioned to the rom i am using or have tried. perhaps there was something i did not do or overdid that messed it all up. the cynagenmod 10 (the stable version for my s4 model) had similar issues as the cm11. so i suspect the problem i've created still lingers within my phone that messes up a lot of things.
during installation, i did wipe the system, data, cache and dalvik which i found in the advanced menu.
the thing is, everything else worked fine when i was on 4.2.2 (like the proximity sensors, videos, sounds, etc) so as i said earlier, i don't want to blame it on the roms.
i might have another go on the slim rom tonight but use CWM instead of TWRP.
thanks again for your interest and help
Noypi14 said:
i know. i don't really want to blame these issues i've mentioned to the rom i am using or have tried. perhaps there was something i did not do or overdid that messed it all up. the cynagenmod 10 (the stable version for my s4 model) had similar issues as the cm11. so i suspect the problem i've created still lingers within my phone that messes up a lot of things.
during installation, i did wipe the system, data, cache and dalvik which i found in the advanced menu.
the thing is, everything else worked fine when i was on 4.2.2 (like the proximity sensors, videos, sounds, etc) so as i said earlier, i don't want to blame it on the roms.
i might have another go on the slim rom tonight but use CWM instead of TWRP.
thanks again for your interest and help
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Do you have a screen protector or anything like that? Sometimes if it isn't laying on the screen right or dirt gets around it, it can cause issues. There's also a way to pop out the actual proximity sensor and clean between the part and the little piece of clear glass on the back of the front piece of glass that can help too if it ends up being hardware related.
es0tericcha0s said:
Do you have a screen protector or anything like that? Sometimes if it isn't laying on the screen right or dirt gets around it, it can cause issues. There's also a way to pop out the actual proximity sensor and clean between the part and the little piece of clear glass on the back of the front piece of glass that can help too if it ends up being hardware related.
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I put the screen protector when i got the phone and i don't see any visible dirt so i wouldn't want to blame it either. Although i did read about the screen protectors causing problems. But the thing is, even youtube or any videos do not play. Even any sound.
I've tried the slimkat rom by following the developers' instructions and still no youtube, no sound, can't make a call as i can't hear the person i'm calling nor can that person hear me.
Any other suggestions on what to do? I don't mind going back to stock as long as i get all the features back. I went to official 4.3 before but had more severe issues. Or perhaps i did it wrong?
Videos are another issue, but I still think the call problems and such are modem related. What I would do would be to wipe everything, then use Odin to install official Kit Kat, then test this stuff out and see if it works. If so, then you can do a nandroid and redo recovery and try the roms again, then if they still have that issue then your phone just doesn't cooperate with CM roms or something weird like that. If it doesn't work even after official 4.4.2, then there's probably something else going on, possibly hardware related.
es0tericcha0s said:
Videos are another issue, but I still think the call problems and such are modem related. What I would do would be to wipe everything, then use Odin to install official Kit Kat, then test this stuff out and see if it works. If so, then you can do a nandroid and redo recovery and try the roms again, then if they still have that issue then your phone just doesn't cooperate with CM roms or something weird like that. If it doesn't work even after official 4.4.2, then there's probably something else going on, possibly hardware related.
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Got hold of the official 4.4.2 and flashed it via odin. Failed. But tried again and now working fine. Sound is back, video is back as well as calls. Just the annoying google search failing all the time.
The baseband it has is I9505XXUFNC9. i didn't install any modem in odin though. Just flashed in the pda section the tar file
Now i don't know whether to root this again and try custom roms or leave it as it is. I saw knox by the way but haven't installed it. Or is it pre installed? I have little knowledge about knox

[Q] Need Help in a bad way

Ok, I was stock rooted to allow for wifi hotspot. Once I started getting the latest OTA from VZW I decided to try to go back to stock to accept the OTA. I went through all the YouTube video's and loaded the LG software but my phone would never sync to the LG suite software. I ended up giving up and just kept pushing the OTA off. It got so bad that I decided last night to install a recovery and then flash an unofficial CWM rom. So this morning it was working fine and then all of the sudden, I lost VZW data. Couldn't get any signal. So I decided to try to flash the Official Cyanogenmod 11. That blew up during the setup and gave me an error that it could not find any cellular service. I wiped the phone and tried to restore the backup I made of my stock rom with the recovery on it. I made the backup the second the recovery was finished. It's giving me an MD5 error?? I've tried this multiple times with the same result. So, I then decide to flash one of the two roms (unofficial & official) back to see if I can get the phone working again. No such luck.... It keeps trying to set up my "cellular service" and just runs. Nothing ever finishes. I'm really worried at this point. I would be perfectly fine to flash a Verizon image and go back to stock. But I can't seem to find out how to do this or where to find the file. Please help me.. I'm getting desperate.
Edit: I tired to flash the Unofficial Rom again and this time it seems to be working. I would still rather just go back to stock though. If anyone can point me to the correct place I'd be very appreciative.
dbow32 said:
Ok, I was stock rooted to allow for wifi hotspot. Once I started getting the latest OTA from VZW I decided to try to go back to stock to accept the OTA. I went through all the YouTube video's and loaded the LG software but my phone would never sync to the LG suite software. I ended up giving up and just kept pushing the OTA off. It got so bad that I decided last night to install a recovery and then flash an unofficial CWM rom. So this morning it was working fine and then all of the sudden, I lost VZW data. Couldn't get any signal. So I decided to try to flash the Official Cyanogenmod 11. That blew up during the setup and gave me an error that it could not find any cellular service. I wiped the phone and tried to restore the backup I made of my stock rom with the recovery on it. I made the backup the second the recovery was finished. It's giving me an MD5 error?? I've tried this multiple times with the same result. So, I then decide to flash one of the two roms (unofficial & official) back to see if I can get the phone working again. No such luck.... It keeps trying to set up my "cellular service" and just runs. Nothing ever finishes. I'm really worried at this point. I would be perfectly fine to flash a Verizon image and go back to stock. But I can't seem to find out how to do this or where to find the file. Please help me.. I'm getting desperate.
Edit: I tired to flash the Unofficial Rom again and this time it seems to be working. I would still rather just go back to stock though. If anyone can point me to the correct place I'd be very appreciative.
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Here is a link to flash back to stock: http://forum.xda-developers.com/verizon-lg-g3/general/guide-flash-to-stock-10b-kdz-method-t2928140
I know you wanted to take the OTA, but why not download one of the stock based 11c ROM's, like Jasmine 3.0? That way you'll still get the latest version(11c) but you won't lose root and recovery. The OTA patches root, so no recovery either. Here's a link for Jasmine 3.0 stock based 11c if you want to try it: http://forum.xda-developers.com/verizon-lg-g3/development/rom-jasminerom-v1-0-t2904641
Also, there has been issues with data on the CM builds. It seems pretty common right now. Check the CM threads for more info on that. I believe there is a command people have been entering(killall rild in terminal emulator) to get data back, but it seems 50/50 that it'll work.
startswithPendswithOOH said:
Here is a link to flash back to stock: http://forum.xda-developers.com/verizon-lg-g3/general/guide-flash-to-stock-10b-kdz-method-t2928140
I know you wanted to take the OTA, but why not download one of the stock based 11c ROM's, like Jasmine 3.0? That way you'll still get the latest version(11c) but you won't lose root and recovery. The OTA patches root, so no recovery either. Here's a link for Jasmine 3.0 stock based 11c if you want to try it: http://forum.xda-developers.com/verizon-lg-g3/development/rom-jasminerom-v1-0-t2904641
Also, there has been issues with data on the CM builds. It seems pretty common right now. Check the CM threads for more info on that. I believe there is a command people have been entering(killall rild in terminal emulator) to get data back, but it seems 50/50 that it'll work.
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Hey thanks a lot for your reply. I understand what you're saying with going back to stock. My issues with flashing custom Roms is that I have to have my phone work 100%. I've been flashing since the original Droid Incredible. And I've NEVER found a Rom that didn't have minor glitches and issues. Usually those issues affect my daily routine. I'll give Jasmine3.0 a shot and if it works I might just keep it. If not i'll just suffer through VZW's BS! Anyway, really appreciate your input.
dbow32 said:
Hey thanks a lot for your reply. I understand what you're saying with going back to stock. My issues with flashing custom Roms is that I have to have my phone work 100%. I've been flashing since the original Droid Incredible. And I've NEVER found a Rom that didn't have minor glitches and issues. Usually those issues affect my daily routine. I'll give Jasmine3.0 a shot and if it works I might just keep it. If not i'll just suffer through VZW's BS! Anyway, really appreciate your input.
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Glad to help. I'm with you on the 100% functionality too, so that is why I'm on Jasmine 3.0. Don't get me wrong, I love custom ROMs and all the work the devs do, but until all the kinks are worked out I'd rather be stock.
Also, I'm not trying to advertise anything, but flashing the skydragon kernel into Jasmine has helped the speed/lag and battery life as well. Its worth a try - but it only works on stock/non-AOSP based ROMs. If you try it though, also download the stock 11c kernel that the OP put in the thread just in case you have issues. I don't have the link handy, but the kernel is located in the "original android development" thread. Peace
dbow32 said:
Ok, I was stock rooted to allow for wifi hotspot. Once I started getting the latest OTA from VZW I decided to try to go back to stock to accept the OTA. I went through all the YouTube video's and loaded the LG software but my phone would never sync to the LG suite software.
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Which drivers were you using? I had trouble with the Unified Drivers linked in some posts and had to use the Verizon specific drivers. I also had to usually reinstall the drivers each time I tried to use the flash tool to get it to recognize my phone.
BladeRunner said:
Which drivers were you using? I had trouble with the Unified Drivers linked in some posts and had to use the Verizon specific drivers. I also had to usually reinstall the drivers each time I tried to use the flash tool to get it to recognize my phone.
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To be honest, I'm not sure what drivers I was using. I did a Google search for LG suite and found the closest version I could find. They didn't have the VS985, Only P985. So that might have had something to do with it.
startswithPendswithOOH said:
Glad to help. I'm with you on the 100% functionality too, so that is why I'm on Jasmine 3.0. Don't get me wrong, I love custom ROMs and all the work the devs do, but until all the kinks are worked out I'd rather be stock.
Also, I'm not trying to advertise anything, but flashing the skydragon kernel into Jasmine has helped the speed/lag and battery life as well. Its worth a try - but it only works on stock/non-AOSP based ROMs. If you try it though, also download the stock 11c kernel that the OP put in the thread just in case you have issues. I don't have the link handy, but the kernel is located in the "original android development" thread. Peace
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I have a question, what is the "Modem" for? BTW, this Rom is VERY nice. Thanks
dbow32 said:
I have a question, what is the "Modem" for? BTW, this Rom is VERY nice. Thanks
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Modem is the radio. Some people reported better signal strength on the 11c modem versus the 10b modem, but I didn't notice too much of a difference myself.
And glad you like the ROM, but all thanks go to hsbadr who came up with it
startswithPendswithOOH said:
Modem is the radio. Some people reported better signal strength on the 11c modem versus the 10b modem, but I didn't notice too much of a difference myself.
And glad you like the ROM, but all thanks go to hsbadr who came up with it
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You know, it's really odd but the last few weeks my phone's signal has dropped. I listen to Sirius through my phone during the day at work. And I've always received 1 to 2 bars of 4g. But the last few weeks, It's dropped to about 2 to 3 bars of 3G. I thought maybe VZW was secretly throttling me. But maybe it's the updated Radio?
dbow32 said:
You know, it's really odd but the last few weeks my phone's signal has dropped. I listen to Sirius through my phone during the day at work. And I've always received 1 to 2 bars of 4g. But the last few weeks, It's dropped to about 2 to 3 bars of 3G. I thought maybe VZW was secretly throttling me. But maybe it's the updated Radio?
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It's possible the modem could've been causing problems. Is 11c better or worse for you? And its also possible big red was throttling you too. That seems like something they'd do.
If you use/like xposed framework G3 tweaksbox is a good app to get for customizing your phone a little bit. And greenify and amplify are good xposed apps that help your battery life a whole lot. They are worth checking out in the play store.

Back to 4.4.4 from Lollipop

For anybody that wants to go back to 4.4.4 from 5.0 I can confirm it works great, I just flashed back with Odin. The 4.4.4 firmware is at sammobile right below the lollipop firmware. The 4.4.4 flash put it into a bootloop to which I then factory reset and it started up perfectly with none of the completely unusable issues I was having.
Bummed out that I can't use lollipop for the time being, but more than relieved that I have a usable phone again, I thought it was toast.Lollipop made my phone worthless, literally couldn't do anything, major bootloops and constant crashes.
I made another thread about it here
You should retry the upgrade, it's faster and more stable. You just had a corrupted file or something, if you really want the best is worth a try. It's 40% faster. There was just something wrong with your install.
Did you do a factory reset when you upgraded? A lot of Note 4 users who upgraded had similar issues which a factory reset corrected.
I took the upgrade and found it to be faster and more reliable as well. Still fingers crossed for a root exploit. At least we know if an exploit ever happens for 4.4.4 then we can downgrade to get it. Good to know!
Oh really? I thought we couldn't roll back after taking 5.0. I am having a hard time a stable host to download 4.4.4
Can someone help me out with this? <confused>
@ lost perfections:
Success! The 4.4.4 firmware took forever to download but worth it! Thank for this!
KruseLudsMobile said:
You should retry the upgrade, it's faster and more stable. You just had a corrupted file or something, if you really want the best is worth a try. It's 40% faster. There was just something wrong with your install.
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Trust me I really wanted it and tried all the usual steps. I think something is wrong with my phones hardware that works mostly ok on this version. I actually stayed on an old version for a very long time, I rooted "root de la vega" and took one ota using the supersu option to keep root when using an ota. The next update after that would not work for me, I would have had to wipe and odin to update, so I held off thinking I wasn't missing anything. Till about a week or less after 4.4.4 came out then my phone started crashing the moment I received or made a call. I hadn't gotten any new apps or anything like that but just in case I factory reset to see if it fixed with no luck. So I finally upgraded via odin, no root now, but miraculously my phone could make calls again. I am giving you this essay because I have a feeling this issue is related. It seems it's my phones hardware that is messed up and i'm just lucky that 4.4.4 works at all. I still have issues every couple days where I make or receive a call and hear nothing, with a reboot needed to fix, that is confirmed still after a fresh install of 4.4.4 after all the 5.0 stuff I tried. Anyways thats why I think it's my phone. I wish I had an extended warranty so I could just update and make a claim.
As for everything I tried in the update, I took the ota, which was literally unusable by anybodys standard, I could use the phone for about 5-20ish seconds before it would crash, turning the sound to mute would help, but still crash at a couple minutes of use. I downloaded the firmware and flashed via Odin, same exact issues, changed nothing. Did several factory resets between all these steps. I kind of walked through the process on that thread I posted in the OP.
After making this thread I did try it one last time and flashed via odin, knowing that I had a workable fix, but same exact thing again. If they release another update I'll try then, but looks like I'm stuck till then at least.
Reilly1812 said:
Did you do a factory reset when you upgraded? A lot of Note 4 users who upgraded had similar issues which a factory reset corrected.
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Yeah I did anything and everything I could, no luck. I think my phone itself is the problem.
sameog said:
@ lost perfections:
Success! The 4.4.4 firmware took forever to download but worth it! Thank for this!
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Awesome, glad it helped. I'm SO glad they didn't block the ability to do this, I'd have been out a phone if they had.
LostPerfections said:
Awesome, glad it helped. I'm SO glad they didn't block the ability to do this, I'd have been out a phone if they had.
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Can you be more specific? There are two firmware versions that are 4.4.4-NJ6 and NK1. I assume you used NK1? I'm a newb and sort of know how to use Odin/download mode. What version of Odin did you use?
I want to rollback to the previous build until they sort out the radio issues. My phone was fine on NK1 but on lollipop it drops LTE indoors frequently. Aside from the radio issue, lollipop runs great. I factory reset after the update, didn't make a difference.
YayNote said:
Can you be more specific? There are two firmware versions that are 4.4.4-NJ6 and NK1. I assume you used NK1? I'm a newb and sort of know how to use Odin/download mode. What version of Odin did you use?
I want to rollback to the previous build until they sort out the radio issues. My phone was fine on NK1 but on lollipop it drops LTE indoors frequently. Aside from the radio issue, lollipop runs great. I factory reset after the update, didn't make a difference.
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You can use any radio with any rom. Just flash the modem file via flash app or Odin.
thornev said:
You can use any radio with any rom. Just flash the modem file via flash app or Odin.
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Are you certain I can use a KitKat radio on lollipop? Verizon Note 3. If so, I'll do that right now.
Sent from my SM-N900V using XDA Free mobile app
YayNote said:
Are you certain I can use a KitKat radio on lollipop? Verizon Note 3. If so, I'll do that right now.
Sent from my SM-N900V using XDA Free mobile app
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I haven't done it, but I have mixed radios and roms before for example kitkat radio with JB rom.
Well, I'd still rather 4.4.4.. it's too bad. When I have strong LTE it's amazing. Did this speedtest today - kilobytes per sec. Incredible.
Sent from my SM-N900V using XDA Free mobile app
YayNote said:
Well, I'd still rather 4.4.4.. it's too bad. When I have strong LTE it's amazing. Did this speedtest today - kilobytes per sec. Incredible.
Sent from my SM-N900V using XDA Free mobile app
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No matter what....once you go to lollipop, you can NOT go back to any earlier version.
Sent from my Note 3 via Tapatalk
Doesn't the OP state that you can revert back?
YayNote said:
Can you be more specific? There are two firmware versions that are 4.4.4-NJ6 and NK1. I assume you used NK1? I'm a newb and sort of know how to use Odin/download mode. What version of Odin did you use?.
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Yep. The OP did. Hell that's the title of the topic and there's two confirmed posters that did it successfully. I only wanted to know if they flashed NJ6 or NK1 and what build of Odin they used..
YayNote said:
Yep. The OP did. Hell that's the title of the topic and there's two confirmed posters that did it successfully. I only wanted to know if they flashed NJ6 or NK1 and what build of Odin they used..
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Okay, to anyone whose interested: I used Odin 3.09 & NK1 (most current VZW build of 4.4.4) and it worked. Phone went into a bootloop, started recovery did a factory reset an it's back to normal.
Lollipop ran fine on my phone-probably because I reset it as soon as I updated...BUT, my data signal was halved. I get a weak LTE signal at work and by weak I mean 1 or 2 bars 105-115DB at best. Old brick building and I work in the basement. On lollipop, it wouldn't hold onto LTE anymore. It'd flip between 1x/3g..usually settling on 3G. Voice was unaffected. Hopefully they sort this out but this sort of signal performance (especially when it was fine on KK) is unacceptable.
Rolling back to NK1 has solved that. Thanks to the OP!
I can also confirm that flashing 4.4.4 NK1 from 5.0.0 OB6 works.
Tried it myself, but after I got done playing with it I went back to 5.0.0 OB6 afterwards.
I didn't look to see if it kept the 5.0.0 radio when downgrading to 4.4.4, but it kept the 5.0.0 boot loader.
I did not test the radio (as I didn't have a usable sim card at the time.)
Also, don't try to run URDLV on the 4.4.4 firmware before flashing, it will not boot (even with a factory reset.)
But I didn't try to flash a modified 4.4.4 firmware after 4.4.4 was already on there.
so just so I understand there's no root for 4.4.4 or 5.0 but it's possible to go back to 4.4.4 from 5.0 ?

