My LG G5 went back to LG. WIFI bluetooth dead - LG G5 Questions & Answers

always leave wifi on over night. woke up and wifi and blue tooth dead. bluetooth turns on then turns off 2 seconds later. wifi hangs the phone and forever stays turning on wifi.
then i searched for att update and there was one little over 600mb. to bad i couldnt download it without wifi.
reset phone several times and restored to factory a few times and would never change. Reset the phone to factory final time before shipping and bluetooth actually turned on and worked. Wifi still dead
any history or this issue?
I had the phone for a whooping 2 months. I miss it. on a sony for now

Having The same issue with WIFI


WiFi will not stay on

Atrix 4G 4.5.91 rooted
Nothing else done to it.
I have been using my WiFi, along with the AT&T Smart Wi-Fi app for a couple weeks with no problem at all. I have not installed anything new or changed anything at all.
For some reason today, my WiFi will not stay on. I turn it on, it brings up the "Wifi networks found" and then Wifi just shuts off. I can no longer connect to WiFi because the service itself just shuts off.
And when I try using the AT&T Smart Wi-Fi it won't connect at all. Just hangs for a while and then says it cannot connect (because WiFi shuts off.)
Please help! I am now the victim of the AT&T "unlimited" data plan BS where they slow me down if I use too much data, so I have to use WiFi.
About the only thing I can think of that has happened in the last day different than normal is that I had the juice run out of a battery. But WiFi worked fine after putting in a new battery. I have no idea why it just all of the sudden will not stay on.

Wierd wifi, don't think I can fix?

Ok, thursday I was using my tab like normal, I turned off wifi to conserve battery. Nothing happened to it, I came back a few minutes later, and turned wifi on, it said " wifi turning on" but it would never come on. I rebooted, but it said the same thing upon reboot. After trying for several hours, I finally reset it to factory, but the same thing came up after factory reset. In fact, I reset it 3-4 times, and it still is lock in "turning on wifi". Let the battery drain completely, same thing. think the antenna could have come loose? any other ideas? I am about ready to send it to squaretrade. Thanks for any ideas.
I had a similar issue when I couldn't get out of airplane mode. Try enabling airplane mode and turning on Wifi without disabling airplane mode. If that doesn't work I guess your only option would be to take it to SquareTrade.
Had the same issue...didn't want to connect....Not sure what cured it, but after numerous tries, it finally connected and I haven't seen the issue since. I remember activating different things, including apps....and something made it kick in.
Sorry i didn't document it.

Stuck at turning on wifi

My prime has just arrived, I've charged it and turned it on, its been stuck at turning on wifi for around 30 min. Any ideas or is it a dud?
Edit. Factory reset seems to have solved it sorry.

[Q] tf201 turns off by itself, several times a day

Hi guys. For some time now, my ASUS TF201 has began turning off by itself several times a day. I have searche high and low for a solution, to no avail. Has anyone experienced this problem and could give me some advice?
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Forgot to mention: my ASUS was originally delivered with ICS. It worked without this problem for a few month and suddenly began with it. After updating to JB, nothing changed. Thanks again.
amarch said:
Forgot to mention: my ASUS was originally delivered with ICS. It worked without this problem for a few month and suddenly began with it. After updating to JB, nothing changed. Thanks again.
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I had a very similar (exactly the same) problem.
When I got my TFP it worked fine (normal issues aside), but a few months down the line, I would come to it and it would be turned off. After a week or so, it got worse and it was turning itself off while I was using it.
It ended up that if I had left it alone for a while, it would start up and run for a bit - but eventually it would shut down on me randomly... and once it had done that, it would shut down after a few seconds of booting.
Leave it alone (for a day or so) and it would turn on again, only for the same to happen eventually.
I RMA'd it once, and they said it was fine and had run it for 2 hours... lone behold when I got it back, I used it for a while, and it shut down again.
I've just got it back from the second RMA and they replaced the mainboard - now it's working like it's meant to again.
So... I'd definitely recommend an RMA!
Remove any/all extrnal memory cards you might have in it and monitor for reboots then.
I have the same problem! Except with me, the tablet only seems to turn on if it is NOT connected to the dock. In addition, if I try to connect the dock after the tablet is turned on, it automatically shuts off. In fact, it shuts off even before the tablet is completely connected to the dock. I'm trying to find a solution myself... anyone?

WiFi and Bluetooth will not turn on

Hello all,
So this morning I woke up to my phone saying that at some point in the night it had gotten too hot, so it powered off. I didn't really think anything of it until I got to work and realized the WiFi wasn't on. So, I attempted to turn it on, slider goes right back to off.
Restarted the phone, same result.
Started in safe-mode, again, same result.
Factory defaulted everything, same result.
Then I noticed that the bluetooth and GPS were acting the same way, but I eventually fixed the GPS, and still the WiFi and Bluetooth will not even turn on.
The phone is not rooted, so that's out of the question. I am hoping when it got too hot it didn't fry the components or something, any ideas/ similar situations? Thanks !!
loganwaters said:
Hello all,
So this morning I woke up to my phone saying that at some point in the night it had gotten too hot, so it powered off. I didn't really think anything of it until I got to work and realized the WiFi wasn't on. So, I attempted to turn it on, slider goes right back to off.
Restarted the phone, same result.
Started in safe-mode, again, same result.
Factory defaulted everything, same result.
Then I noticed that the bluetooth and GPS were acting the same way, but I eventually fixed the GPS, and still the WiFi and Bluetooth will not even turn on.
The phone is not rooted, so that's out of the question. I am hoping when it got too hot it didn't fry the components or something, any ideas/ similar situations? Thanks !!
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I have the same problem with my V10 H961N20K i tried to flash a fresh frimware with LGUP nothing changed same problem still looking for fix
Did you find a solution ? same issue here. My phone ran out of battery, and after charging it the wifi is stucked in "Turning on..." mode, no bluetooth connexion. I already factory reset the phone, but it didn't solve the problem. Hardware related ? Should I try to flash a modem ?
edit : H960A (european 32GB). Was rooted.
edit : my phone ran out of battery. When I put it on charge, it rebooted, with a date 6 months ago. I had to manually set the date to december 2017. I use this phone as a media player, usually there is no SIM card in it. So it could not automatically set the date at reboot. I see now that others did solve the issue with changing the date, and for them it solved the issue (they could get wifi)... but the issue was back in a matter of days (and again they solved it by changing the date).
In my case, changing the date did not solve the issue, and as of now the phone is factory reset, and has no connexion whatsoever with no sim card inside. It wants me to put my google account, but I cannot. I'll try later with a SIM card.
Any ideas though ? was my modem software corrupted ?
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