Wierd wifi, don't think I can fix? - Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime

Ok, thursday I was using my tab like normal, I turned off wifi to conserve battery. Nothing happened to it, I came back a few minutes later, and turned wifi on, it said " wifi turning on" but it would never come on. I rebooted, but it said the same thing upon reboot. After trying for several hours, I finally reset it to factory, but the same thing came up after factory reset. In fact, I reset it 3-4 times, and it still is lock in "turning on wifi". Let the battery drain completely, same thing. think the antenna could have come loose? any other ideas? I am about ready to send it to squaretrade. Thanks for any ideas.

I had a similar issue when I couldn't get out of airplane mode. Try enabling airplane mode and turning on Wifi without disabling airplane mode. If that doesn't work I guess your only option would be to take it to SquareTrade.

Had the same issue...didn't want to connect....Not sure what cured it, but after numerous tries, it finally connected and I haven't seen the issue since. I remember activating different things, including apps....and something made it kick in.
Sorry i didn't document it.


Evo3D problems driving me crazy...

Guys, need your help. I've had this phone since launch day and am way beyond my 30-day return/exchange policy. Completely stock w/ 3 downloaded programs (bank apps) and all updates applied. Here are my problems:
1. Random rebooting or dead phone. This doesn't happen often, but I think I've narrowed it down to the GPS navigation. Sometimes after using the GPS I've witnessed the phone continually reboot every 15 minutes or so. Just laying on the table and it'll spontaneously reboot. The only way to stop it is to pull the battery. Earlier today I used the GPS for a quick trip, ended the program, then turned the phone off. About 1hr later, I tried turning the phone back on... but couldn't power on or anything. The only fix was to pull the battery.
2. The damn GPS program takes SEVERAL MINUTES to lock on. I have to pull the car over or just wait until it locks on. I thought one of the updates was supposed to fix this. WTF?
I've tried factory reset w/ no apps installed. Even took it to the Sprint store but the rep said he couldn't do anything for me since I'm beyond 30 days besides resetting the phone.
I'm really frustrated since I upgraded my plan and renewed for 2 more YEARS.... Any suggestions?
Check out the thread on battery tips. I also posted a thread about how my phone would randomly reboot or shutdown. The problem was the battery was not making full contact all the time, so I put a piece of rubber band on one side of the battery to make a more snug fit and haven't had a random reboot since.

**Bootlooping Network Problem *FIX INSIDE*

A factory reset is NOT needed!!
i decided to do a fresh restart of my phone so i poewred it down, and did a battery pull after the phone was completely off. turned it back on, gets to lock screen, i unlock......sits..loading...screen goes black, and whattya know, white HTC splash screen. a few times. it's bootlooping!
Basically, with the cover off, it stopped bootlooping..therefore, it was a NETWORK ISSUE.
EDIT* this WORKED! anyone who has this issue please do the following: (source http://www.droidforums.net/forum/htc-rezound/184994-rezound-stuck-boot-loop.html)
STEP 1: TAKE BATTERY COVER OFF. this will prevent the phone from trying to connect to the network.
*#*#4636#*#* Under phone info you will find that the network is factory set to WCDMA Preferred... I guess the SIM card decides sometime along the way that it doesn't like that much... Setting the network to CDMA EVDO/LTE - Auto completely corrects the problem
another poster said that after you do this, hit home, power down the phone, pull sim card out, put it back in, then reset it. i didn't do this; i just went back, put the battery cover on, it froze like usual, reset itself, and now it's working perfectly.
**UPDATE** A few people are saying that along with taking off their battery cover, they have to REMOVE THEIR SIM CARD AS WELL! i did not have to do this, but some people did. take that into consideration!
(brockeverly stated:
You may have to take your SIM out for this to work. I did even with the back off. Aside from that, this works fantastic.)
for some reason, this is what happens: under phone info, as it says, it will reset to WCDMA Preferred for NO reason whatsoever! this must have happened when i shut my phone down; other people are reporting that doing "reboot" does this frequently for them! this is the first time in my month of ownership i saw this happen, so this was new to me...but thankfully, we have a fix!
As another way of doing this, Marclile said:
"For anyone interested, you can download this app and get straight into that config menu.
I use it to switch from "CDMA + LTE/EvDo auto" to "CDMA auto (PRL)". The CDMA auto setting doesn't seem to have the reboot problem, so you should be able to put it on that if you don't want 4G turned on all the time."
This happened to me also. Take out the battery, press and hold the volume down button and press and hold the power button. This gets you to the boot leader menu. Use the volume keys to move your selection up and down. Use the power button to select, I forgot if you select clear storage or factory reset. Best of luck.
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
thanks dude.
seems that right now, i can boot it with the back cover OFF.
once i put the back cover on, the phone FREEZES and then reboots itself.
has anyone seen this issue before?!
jayochs said:
thanks dude.
seems that right now, i can boot it with the back cover OFF.
once i put the back cover on, the phone FREEZES and then reboots itself.
has anyone seen this issue before?!
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So freezes once signal is involved? Hmm. Bad sim card? Faulty Hardware?
Sorry to hear about your problem and hope you get it fixed easily.
Good luck Bro.
EDIT* this WORKED! anyone who has this issue please do the following:
*#*#4636#*#* Under phone info you will find that the network is factory set to WCDMA Preferred... I guess the SIM card decides sometime along the way that it doesn't like that much... Setting the network to CDMA EVDO/LTE - Auto completely corrects the problem
another poster said that after you do this, hit home, power down the phone, pull sim card out, put it back in, then reset it. i didn't do this; i just went back, put the battery cover on, it froze like usual, reset itself, and now it's working perfectly. holy hell this god damn phone just gave me a heart attack!
for some reason, this is what happens: under phone info, as it says, it will reset to WCDMA Preferred for NO reason whatsoever! this must have happened when i shut my phone down; other people are reporting that doing "reboot" does this frequently for them! this is the first time in my month of ownership i saw this happen, so this was new to me...but thankfully, we have a fix!
jayochs said:
thanks dude.
seems that right now, i can boot it with the back cover OFF.
once i put the back cover on, the phone FREEZES and then reboots itself.
has anyone seen this issue before?!
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This is exactly what happened to my first Rezound. I tried to reboot, but got stuck in a bootloop. The phone would boot normally with the battery cover off and stay functional until I put the cover back on. After that, it would start bootlooping again. I'm scared to even reboot this one because of this issue.
ppmp, read my first post! there's an EASY fix! it's because the phone sometimes switches network modes when you shut it down or reboot it on it's own....nobody knows why, but i guarantee your old phone was set to WCDMA when it should be set to CDMA/LTE Auto
If you use an LTE Toggle app it will get you to the same menu without having to remember codes.
For anyone interested, you can download this app and get straight into that config menu.
I use it to switch from "CDMA + LTE/EvDo auto" to "CDMA auto (PRL)". The CDMA auto setting doesn't seem to have the reboot problem, so you should be able to put it on that if you don't want 4G turned on all the time.
Had this happen while I was temp rooting Friday. Figured it was a problem with the tool... Factory reset fixed it, but I wish I would have seen this sooner.
has happened to me twice already. first time was the morning after i bought the phone, and the second was a couple weeks ago. both times i had to do a factory reset. NOT happy that it does this, and have expressed this to big red (like they care) for annotation purposes on my account.
good to know there is a fix. next time this happened, i was gonna jump ship for the GN. having doubts after seeing it for myself at the store tho...
personally, i think this should be a sticky....no, not because i'm the OP but because it's a problem a lot of us are seeing.
jayochs said:
personally, i think this should be a sticky....no, not because i'm the OP but because it's a problem a lot of us are seeing.
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Agreed. I would have loved not to have done a factory reset
stickied thanks steve!
i was THIS close to doing a factory reset..this all happened at like 1am one night when i had to be up at 8 for work, and i was so mad lol..i was frantically searching for a solution..and thankfully one was found!
Hey jayochs... Looks like the link got messed up when you quoted me in your OP.
whoops! fixed!
jayochs said:
whoops! fixed!
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cool. thanks for the quote by the way
This seems to happen to me every time the phone dies and runs completely out of juice so for me, the best way to avoid it is just to not let the phone die.
really? interesting. my phone died COMPLETELY last night and thanfully when i turned her back on, she was fine.
i honestly think it is completely random. it happened to me again yesterday. all i did was reboot my phone 2 times in a row. i didn't even change anything or install anything... first reboot went fine, i immediately rebooted again and when it came back up, it started bootlooping.

[Q] Help! Phone completely dead

So I hopped on a plane today, turned off my phone as required. Landed, and tried to turn it back on, but nothing happened. Thought perhaps I'd not successfully turned it off before and the battery died during the flight, but I got back to my hotel room, connected the charger, and still nothing. Waited for a while to let it REALLY charge, and nothing. Phone is completely unresponsive, will not turn on at all.
I'm going to try to run it by a repair center in the morning since this seems to be a hardware issue, but I thought I'd ask here to see if anyone had any wisdom. Phone is completely stock, unrooted, by the way.
TIA for any insight.
Were you running a custom ROM? Did you flash anything recently? If you plug it into a pc does it try to install a driver for qhusb_dload?
BTW, you don't need to turn it
off completely They just don't want to put in the time, effort or money to figure out what (if anything) interferes with cockpit equipment. I fly a couple of times a month and always just put mine in airplane mode...pretty sure my phone has no effect on anything going on up there from back in row 19.
Sent from my EVO LTE

WiFi and Bluetooth will not turn on

Hello all,
So this morning I woke up to my phone saying that at some point in the night it had gotten too hot, so it powered off. I didn't really think anything of it until I got to work and realized the WiFi wasn't on. So, I attempted to turn it on, slider goes right back to off.
Restarted the phone, same result.
Started in safe-mode, again, same result.
Factory defaulted everything, same result.
Then I noticed that the bluetooth and GPS were acting the same way, but I eventually fixed the GPS, and still the WiFi and Bluetooth will not even turn on.
The phone is not rooted, so that's out of the question. I am hoping when it got too hot it didn't fry the components or something, any ideas/ similar situations? Thanks !!
loganwaters said:
Hello all,
So this morning I woke up to my phone saying that at some point in the night it had gotten too hot, so it powered off. I didn't really think anything of it until I got to work and realized the WiFi wasn't on. So, I attempted to turn it on, slider goes right back to off.
Restarted the phone, same result.
Started in safe-mode, again, same result.
Factory defaulted everything, same result.
Then I noticed that the bluetooth and GPS were acting the same way, but I eventually fixed the GPS, and still the WiFi and Bluetooth will not even turn on.
The phone is not rooted, so that's out of the question. I am hoping when it got too hot it didn't fry the components or something, any ideas/ similar situations? Thanks !!
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I have the same problem with my V10 H961N20K i tried to flash a fresh frimware with LGUP nothing changed same problem still looking for fix
Did you find a solution ? same issue here. My phone ran out of battery, and after charging it the wifi is stucked in "Turning on..." mode, no bluetooth connexion. I already factory reset the phone, but it didn't solve the problem. Hardware related ? Should I try to flash a modem ?
edit : H960A (european 32GB). Was rooted.
edit : my phone ran out of battery. When I put it on charge, it rebooted, with a date 6 months ago. I had to manually set the date to december 2017. I use this phone as a media player, usually there is no SIM card in it. So it could not automatically set the date at reboot. I see now that others did solve the issue with changing the date, and for them it solved the issue (they could get wifi)... but the issue was back in a matter of days (and again they solved it by changing the date).
In my case, changing the date did not solve the issue, and as of now the phone is factory reset, and has no connexion whatsoever with no sim card inside. It wants me to put my google account, but I cannot. I'll try later with a SIM card.
Any ideas though ? was my modem software corrupted ?
source : https://forums.androidcentral.com/showthread.php?t=306730&p=4946079&viewfull=1#post4946079

My LG G5 went back to LG. WIFI bluetooth dead

always leave wifi on over night. woke up and wifi and blue tooth dead. bluetooth turns on then turns off 2 seconds later. wifi hangs the phone and forever stays turning on wifi.
then i searched for att update and there was one little over 600mb. to bad i couldnt download it without wifi.
reset phone several times and restored to factory a few times and would never change. Reset the phone to factory final time before shipping and bluetooth actually turned on and worked. Wifi still dead
any history or this issue?
I had the phone for a whooping 2 months. I miss it. on a sony for now
Having The same issue with WIFI

