Remix OS for PC - Unable to connect to my VGA TV - Remix OS for PC

I have an old laptop IBM T60 with dual boot Windows / Remix OS 32 bit.
The laptop has just a VGA port which works fine when connected to my SAMSUNG TV via a VGA cable when running Windows: in this case i see on the TV the same content of the laptop monitor.
When instead i'm running Remix Os the TV screen remains completely black.
Any idea?


Multi Monitor problem!

Today I have installed Remix OS on my PC. I have a PCI Graphics Card AMD R7 250 with 2 monitor connected. The second monitor (HDMI) is the Primary for Remix OS. I want set my vga monitor as primary and see the desktop from him. On vga monitor, appears a black screen, similar to a terminal, but without anything written.
What can I do for make VGA monitor as primary?
I am Sorry for my English

Mirrored output from HDMI does not work

I have a Tablet PC Samsung XE700. I am not connected in HDMI directly from my Tablet PC. This tablet is placed on a support and this support is connected to the external display.
I removed the old version and formatted the hard disk and I installed completely Remix OS V2.0.403, but HDMI resolution is still not correct and it is not full screen on my 24 "screen. :/
What is the solution?

Android on laptop to TV

Is there a way I can install Android to my laptop and move it to the TV. I install Android to my laptop a long time ago and I try plug it though a HDMI and all I get is a black screen on both of them but when I unplug the HDMI it shows the Android Operating System. So I put Linux back on it. But is there a really away to move Android to my TV screen and make my laptop a black screen

Disable laptop native monitor on Remix OS standalone system

I have two laptops running Remix OS now being used as HTPC's. One is dual booted with windows 10 and Remix OS. This one I was able to disable the native monitor so that it would only display on the TV via HDMI. By booting to Windows and adding this: video=LVDS-1:d to the menu.list file. Well after making the second laptop single boot only on Remix OS I can not figure out how to disable the native display to display the HDMI alone to achieve 1080p. How can I go about doing this and maybe switch back if needed(not priority but would be nice).
Thanks for your expertise in advance
The laptop is a HP 2000-2b22DX
What I have tried.
First I attempted to find the menu.list file. In Remix OS worth a try no luck. Pulled HD and docked via USB to my desktop and had no access to the HD. Then since I have my other laptop running Remix. I used my USB dock and was able to access the HD and the RemixOS folder, but menu.list was not there.
Next I thought maybe is I disconnect the native LCD screen from the laptop motherboard it would run 1080p to the TV without the LCD keeping it at 720P. It did increase the resolution, but only to 1920x800 if I remember right.
Hopefully this information will help save others some time that are trying to achieve the same thing.

External resolution (hdmi output) problem

hi i just recently installed remix os on my Intel Classmate netbook, i used to use my netbook for content streaming and youtube, but i wanted to use for remix os becouse its way to good for me at the moment.
this little pc has a 10.1 display resolution on its own, i have a 42 inch TV where i used to watch content with windows on the same PC, on windows it displayed a 1920x1080 resolution on that screen
but in remix os when i connect via HDMI to it shows a 1366x768 resolution (with black spaces)
how can i make remix send the output resolution to 1920x1080p?
thank you.

