Sensors stop working on Lenovo Yoga Book - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

sorry for posting here without being a developer myself. It seems like nobody on the other boards knows enough about android to be able to help me with this particular problem - which is the most strangest problem with electronic devices I have experienced so far:
The tends to "loose" sensors after a while. This mostly happens when in sleep mode, but can also happen during charging, sometimes after half a day, sometimes after a few seconds. The following sensors are affected: Accelerometer (including auto rotation), light, magnetic field, orientation and GPS. The sound and battery sensors keep going.
Now, while this is very annoying, it is not really strange. The strange part is the following: Two times I thought to have found the problem and get it back working normally, only to learn better 2 days later:
1) when I uninstalled the Dolphin browser - which never really worked on this device - the problem disappeared for more than a day and I thought it solved. Alas, it returned about two days later. So, Dolphin may have been a cause, but something new jumped into its place after 2 days.
2) at some point, I decided to uninstall Smart Launcher 3, which I had installed right at the start. E voilà: problem gone, the sensors worked perfectly without a single glitch for 2 days. So Smart Launcher must have been the culprit, right? -> wrong! Two days later the problem reappeared, worse than ever! All it takes now is putting the tablet to sleep for ~ 1 minute and the sensors are gone. If I want to use the sensors, I have to either prevent the sleep mode or restart the tablet whenever I want to use it.
So far, I haven't found another solution to make it work for 2 days (or even longer than a couple of minutes). But anyway, it doesn't make any sense. Why would uninstalling an app make the problem disappear, but only for 2 days? Then the same story again, when uninstalling another app?
Any kind of hint or suggestion is greatly appreciated, I am desperate and have no more ideas what else to try. All pleasure in the device is gone, it's just frustrating.
Thank you a 7'200 times (seconds in 2 hours)!
- spitfire

It just got more weird. I figured out, that enabling the power save mode caused the tablet to work somewhat normally, meaning sensors would still work after sleeping most of the time.
But guess what: 3 days later even that workaround doesn't work anymore. Restarting the tablet brings the sensors back, but switching the screen off (sleep mode) for 5 seconds is enough to disrupt them, always. This doesn't make any sense at all. Why does the device always find a way to counteract my workarounds after 2-3 days? Is the thing alive and doing it on purpose? It starts to drive me really mad :crying:
Please, does anybody have an idea? I am looking for
ways to restart the sensors without having to reboot the tablet. There must be some service to kill and restart, right?
ways to identify the cause of the problem. There must be some kind of event log where the sensor crash and what happened before is recorded.
I am sure somebody must know about those things, at least in this forum. Otherwise I don't know what to do, I run out of workarounds, the evil device wins this battle and will soon target the world - welcome Skynet.
Thanks very much for any kind of help
edit: I noticed that when the problem occurs, it takes the tablet longer to wake up than the few times when everything is fine. This indicates that there is something going wrong with the wake up process. It must be possible to see in some kind of log what exactly happens, but my sparse knowledge of android isn't deep enough. I already tried OS monitor to access the catlog and I do see some warnings (pink W), but they don't tell me much. E.g.: OpenGLRenderer: Failed to choose config with EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED, retrying without. Or: Syste: ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /mnt/expand/.../com.eolwral.osmonitor... (which rather sounds like a problem of OS monitor itself than a problem of the system).

i installed termux... ran top... i see a /system/vendor/bin/sensorhubd
i assume thats the process not "waking up"
is there a way to monitor that? or to tell it to restart? so we dont have to reboot everytime............. said:
i installed termux... ran top... i see a /system/vendor/bin/sensorhubd
i assume thats the process not "waking up"
is there a way to monitor that? or to tell it to restart? so we dont have to reboot everytime.............
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I think i found whats killing it: google play services... disable body sensors permission in settings-->apps-->google play services-->permissions--> body sensors
also uninstall mcafee.


Please HELP with sound problem (logcat attached)!

My audio randomly drops out and requires a reboot to clear. All audio is silenced. For example, pressing the volume buttons do not beep. It happens randomly, but most often after a reboot.
Tonight I was able to reproduce the problem fairly consistently so I was able to get a logcat (attached) of the issue. I was using Rockplayer v1.5.5 with hardware decoding. I don't think Rockplayer is the issue because the problem has happened with other programs, like Angry Birds.
I am not an expert but I see lines like "[FONT=&quot]W/AudioTrack( 927): obtainBuffer timed out (is the CPU pegged?) 0x21a528 user=00033b2a," [/FONT]when the issue occurs. When everything is working normally, these entries are not there. I trimmed the log file to meet the size limitations. I have the whole file if needed. Please help!!![FONT=&quot]
Moved to general
I will try and post a logcat the next time mine does it.
I'm having the same problem. I can hear sound whenever i startup the tablet, but after a while (sometimes it can be less than 1 min sometimes after 5 hours) the sound stops and i only get static noise or no sound at all. Whenever that happens, in the android log appears the following lines repeatedly (with a frequency of 1 sec):
W/AudioTrack( ####): obtainBuffer timed out (is the CPU pegged?) 0x##### user=00######, server=00######
I've tried changing ROMs without success in solving this problem, now i'm using TNTL v4.4.0.
The bug triggers while i'm using sound (games/watching videos on youtube/playng music on winamp/ pressing the battery button on the status bar, triggering that "click" noise).
When this bug is triggered, i get FC from some apps that use sound (Youtube / Winamp / some games)...
Rebooting the tablet fixes the problem untill it triggers again
i've been using adb logcat several times with this problem and the only correlation between the logs is the line described above, i've tried searching on google, but the results i get are for cellphones or pre 2.2 devices... in one of them, they interpret it as a kernel problem (
Any help is appreciated.
Same thing here on one of the woot tablets running Vegan 5.1. 1. Usually happens after coming back from sleep. I asked for a replacement and the new tablet will be here tomorrow.
I really hope this is a hardware problem and not caused by a rom or app. Still interested in finding out what causes this, so I won't have this happen again with my new tab. Did anyone have this issue with the stock rom? Are these all recently bought tablets? I didn't spend enough time with stock to encounter sound problems.
I've been toying around with my tablet to see what is causing the problem, so i started by Flashing all over to stock to find out if at some point the sound problem stops... well... here are my results untill now:
Started at TNTL 4.4.0, Many apps installed and the sound problem appears constantly and is triggered easily. Before starting I backed up everything using Titanium Backup xD.
Part 1: Format + NVFlash to "belkit 1105" + Factory Reset: Problem Still Arround, took me about 3 reboots and 7 minutes to reproduce it by playing a song and randomly click on the battery/wifi/notification buttons with the sound of those buttons turned on.
Part 2: Updated to "stock 3588" (couldn't do it through OTA because it sayed that my tablet was up to date... so I downloaded the update from the NVFlash guide and installed using this guide from the internal SD. It didn't work, it took me about 5 minutes to reproduce the error, no rebooting .
Part 3: Settings > Security > Factory Reset: ... still haven't been able to reproduce the error, i've rebooted it about 7 times and listened music for 3 hours, eventually clicking on the notification/battery/wifi buttons and it seems to work fine... at least this is a checkpoint for me
It would be great if someone with the same problem could confirm that this works, i'm going to leave my tablet playing music during the night just to be sure :9.
Oh, JIC I bought my tablet on 27 Feb from J&R Electronics Inc through Amazon.
I'm having the same problem with mine in fact I have the tablet sitting next to me and the thing just went all static and freaked the cat out and woke my wife up not exactly cool when your in bed! I may have to look into exchanging or return it! I would hate to be at work or somewhere else and have it freak out like that! It's annoying!
I'm having the same problem, I lost all sound once I upgraded to Vegan Tab Ginger. Downgrading, or any changes doesn't do anything
I have a similar issue. I installed Cyanogenmod 7.0.3 and my sound mysteriously goes away. I can easily repeat it by putting the table to sleep and then waking it up. Sometimes, you can hear some static before it goes out.
I discussed this with Gojimi long time ago, but, I dont remember, I think the issue got lost with time. Still happens though

[Q] Auto screen rotation not working after game freeze

Hello guys,
Its my first post here, and my first android phone, and already i have a annoying problem.
I have searched these forums and many others but didnt find any similar problem or solution for it so here it is:
I bought Samsung Galaxy S2 15 days ago, from the local mobile service provider with contract. It runs OS Gingerbread 2.3.3 (adjusted to my mobile service provider settings), not rooted, under warranty.
Ive downloaded and installed many apps. Among them some free games from android market - demos, lite, free.
Sometimes, while i play, not often, game freezes. When it does only thing that is lest working is sound, and home button. Than i go to home screen, kill the game via android task manager, and than i see that screen auto rotation isnt working. Its stuck in landscape mode mostly, or portrait, even the auto rotation option is on. If it is in landscape mode, when i uncheck auto rotation then it goes to portrait mode. If i try some other game that supports sensor controls, like driving (accelerometer?).... u know...... when u tilt the phone to turn right or left......... and its not working.
Ive discovered 2 possible temporary solutions for the problem:
1. Turn off and on the phone, and its back to normal;
2. Wait for a 10 min or so, and its back to normal by itself;
I have one year warranty and i took the phone to service where they assumed that it is a software problem and flashed OS (ive recorded the behaviour of the phone with camera and showed to the service guy).
Ive got the phone back after a day with flashed OS. On a fresh instal of OS ive installed just one app, one game that it tends to freeze and cause problem - "Cordy" free trial. After just 20 sec of playing problem occurred again. It happened just that one time in last two days.
Any opinion on this matter is most welcome.
Tnx in advance.
If the phone is stuck then Restarting it is the option, not a temporary one. Now what's causing the freeze? I don't know.
Tnx for answering. Im a bit disappointed with lack of answers because it just saying that my problem is not something common and with easy solution.
Im saying that restarting the phone is a temporary solution because i want find one that will prevent the problem for happening at all. Game freeze and accelerometer not working r connected in this case
It happened just now.
After that I checked in the app called sensor test that i instaled ffrom android market, and also that testing menu typing *#0*#.
in both cases it shows that acceleration sensor is not working. It came to normal by itself after 5 min or so.
What do u think? Software or hardware problem?
OK, update.
Its not caused just by the games, it happens even when not using any apps.
Accelerometer, orientation sensor and magnetic field sensor just stop working for a 5-10 min. Dont know whats causing this.
Tommorow is going back to service and im afraid that guys there r clueless.
Anyone have some suggestion pls.
Update on a problem.
My friend bought same phone from same service provider 3 days after i did and he is having exactly same problem.
He didnt had time before to test it but we did it yesterday, and after a hour of so trying to reproduce problem we succeded.
My phone is at service and i called today and the service guy said that the work on my phone is completed, they replaced sensors part (which apparanty comes with touch screen).
Im picking it up tommorow and i will test it and see if the problem is solved. But, im pesimistic.
How likely is that me and my friend have same hardware problem?
Here it is on video. Pls watch it and give any kind of oppinion, im getting desperate.

accelerometer off by 5 degrees

Anyone else have issues with their accelerometer being off. I was trying to play temple run and noticed I had to hold it at an angle for the player to stay in the middle of the screen. Then I loaded up bubble level and it shows it being 5 degrees off. I tried to calibrate it from the screen menu and a factory reset neither of which helped. Should I send to Samsung for repairs?
Hmm, no clue. Have you tried Googling "how to calibrate android accelerometer" or similar?
Sent using Tapatalk
Me too
Man, that's so weird. I had almost the same problem on the same day. Suddenly, my player's accelerometer freaked out. The x axis keeps showing -9 at horizontal position. I have tried calibrating it many times and also tried lots of wipes and even 2 flashes using odin and nothing seems to solve the problem.
My player was bought 2 months ago in Brazil and I have never let it fall or suffer any kind of physical shock. Now I don't know even how to send for repair cause I only have rooted roms to flash on it and support may discover custom roms through CWM recovery on boot.
I'm still pretty sure it's not hardware malfunction. Something has happened and I can't find out how to reset sensors the hard way.
Strange that happened to us on the same day (at least, with me was on 21st).
I'll keep searching for a solution. It's horrible to use the player with this issue. (Not to say, almost impossible.)
Best regards.
I have found this and it seems to work for many ppl. I'll try it later, when I get back home (I'm at work).
First, navigate to /data/system folder and then rename or delete ms3c_yamaha.cfg
Later (you need to have your phone rooted), try this at the terminal:
adb shell
then place your phone horizontally and still and press enter.
Finally, run the Horizontal Calibration from the Display settings and then reboot.
Really hope it helps and work.
I tried everything I could
So, I got back home and started trying many things I saw on the web.
I reflashed again, using odin, different roms (now I'm keeping Eryigit-GB-2.3.6 G70ZCKPA Galaxy Player 5.0 For USA and INT (Rls:3.5) with rotation off).
I also tried what I have posted before and it didn't work, actually I found 2 files similar to the ones posted before: One is caled and the other is (not pretty sure about the name of the second file).
What happened during my attempts was that: before, the X sensor had the problem (value -9 with the cellphone laid on a desk, at horizontal position) and now, surprisingly, the X sensor is OK and now the Y sensor has the failure.
Using the HORIZONTAL CALIBRATION in SAMSUNG 2.3.6 (or 2.3.5, whatever), the ball only stays in the middle of the screen if I keep my phone in vertical position - upside (cause of the Y axis). Even if I rotate the tab in every direction possible, the ball never goes UP, so it only keeps with negative values and never positive ones.
BUT If I shake the phone, not so hard and not so soft, I see the ball of the calibration software moving on all directions. But when I manage to do it softly (as we do with normal use), the ball never goes up.
I have downloaded many sensor programs to test the calibration and after trying about 20 programs, ONLY ONE have showed the exact values as if the accelerometer was normal, but the calibration of the program did not affect the accelerometer on the system and other programs.
So, this is it, of course I won´t give up and try as many things as I can. Here in Brazil we have a saying that is: I'm Brazilian and I never give up.
P.S. I hope someone reads this and give me ideas. hehe
Thanks in advance.
Have a nice day u all.
Great news - a solution
Ok, after lots of attempts here is what I did.
I have downloaded android Froyo firmware from a Korean website (its on a thread of android development from galaxy player). Then I flashed it with ODIN and when it turned on, at first it was discalibrated the same way (Y axis only showing from 0 to -9).
I turned the player OFF and then turned it ON holding vol + button to enter in stock recovery mode. In recovery mode I wiped cache and data. Then I tried to calibrate again, with my device upside down and then voila.
Of course it was sort of a luck, but I had to try everything my mind could guess.
After all, I think that maybe It wasn't necessary to flash other roms (but it would be impossible to solve it using ICS due to a lack of calibrator - without having to use terminal / for curious noobies like me).
Then, I always tried to calibrate my tab laying it in horizontal position and that is the why I never got any satisfactory results. When I tried the calibration with the tab in 'incorrect' positions, the problem was solved. I guess, the calibration program tried to compensate the wrong results cause of the vertical position and then it calibrated itself.
Hope this helps someone someday. (But I really hope you won't have this kind of problem. It's frustrating.
Any device you have, if you have accelerometer problems, you should try this idea: wipe data and cache, and the first calibration you do, do it with your device turned to the side that has the wrong value or to the oposite side. This worked for me.
Best Regards,
Very happy Zilian28.
go to settings>display>horizontal calibration lay it on a flat surface and calibrate it
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA

[Q] Couple Amaze Problems

Howdy! I peruse the forums quite a bit to figure out little fixes for my phone, but there are a couple problems that I haven't quite been able to find proper solutions for.
The first problem deals with the phone randomly shutting down (usually only when it's in my pocket). I've seen other posts regarding the topic, but the OPs usually stated that simply holding the power button would effectively turn the phone back on, or that the phone doesn't shutdown but rather reboots. My phone completely shuts down and requires that I take the battery out, wait 10-15 seconds, put it back in, and then hold the power button for an extended period of time in order for the phone to start up. The battery doesn't get extremely hot. It's usually around ~33-35C when it does this, but when I look at some of the other posts with similar problems, their batteries are ranging withing ~38-42C. I have seen that it may be a faulty battery, as shown in the other posts, but as I mentioned my problem is slightly different.
The second problem deals with streaming videos on browsers. Before the ICS update, I was able to stream videos on any browser, but after that OTA update I cannot. I have tried multiple browsers, including Dolphin, Firefox (my main browser), and Opera. I heard it may have to do with flash not supporting android anymore (after 4.0.x, whereas I'm only running 4.0.3), but I have checked my phone and I have Flash 11.1 already installed. The settings on my browsers are to enable plug-ins on tap (means that I would tap a video to start it, right?).
Lastly, as of now, I'm having a WiFi issue. It's not so much of an issue as a hindrance, though. Basically, I'm pretty much always in a WiFi zone, either being at home or on campus. When I get home from uni, WiFi automatically connects, no problem. When I'm at the uni, it will connect as soon as I get on campus, but when I walk from building to building, it loses connection and makes me reconnect. I go to hit reconnect, and it demands some credential password which I have never set. If I hit forget so that I can forget and reconnect to the network, it wants me to put in my screen unlock pattern. I draw the pattern to unlock it, but then it sort of refreshes and my pattern is gone and it doesn't let me continue with the process, so I have to go back to the home screen, back into settings, and clear credentials. Some posts said to continue to input incorrect passwords to allow a credential storage password reset, but that did not work. Some posts said to clear credentials, so I do that, but then I have to continuously type my login information whenever I move from class to class, which gets pretty irritating. The only way to connect to the WiFi is by disabling and reenabling the WiFi. Like I said, it's not a huge issue, rather a hindrance.
As for my phone specs, I'm not really a super tech so I haven't messed with anything. The phone is not rooted and is running Android 4.0.3. It is, however, unlocked, and I'm running it on ATT's network if that makes a difference.
Let me know if I've posted in the wrong section or anything, and if I have, I apologize. I'm not one for posting on forums, rather one to creep around and hopefully find solutions.
Thanks for your time.
Hi there.
I also want to join this topic:
1. my HTC amaze also shuts down randomly.
2. but the main thing is: can anybody help me with this WiFi issue? I can connect and use WiFi in the street, at McDonald's, at different places with public WiFi, but when it comes to connect to WiFi at my home or at other places where the WiFi is PASSWORD PROTECTED, my phone jams the network and i have to turn off WiFi on the phone and restart the WiFi router to have everything working again.
Somebody, please help
thanks in advance.
Don't know if I'm allowed to do this, but bump!
Powstriker said:
Don't know if I'm allowed to do this, but bump!
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this is out of question phone is good. there must be way to solve this WiFi issue
418 Replies but not a single instance of input? There has to be someone that knows something about this!
Powstriker said:
The first problem deals with the phone randomly shutting down (usually only when it's in my pocket). I've seen other posts regarding the topic, but the OPs usually stated that simply holding the power button would effectively turn the phone back on, or that the phone doesn't shutdown but rather reboots. My phone completely shuts down and requires that I take the battery out, wait 10-15 seconds, put it back in, and then hold the power button for an extended period of time in order for the phone to start up. The battery doesn't get extremely hot. It's usually around ~33-35C when it does this, but when I look at some of the other posts with similar problems, their batteries are ranging withing ~38-42C. I have seen that it may be a faulty battery, as shown in the other posts, but as I mentioned my problem is slightly different.
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Since you are stock, the only thing being that your phone is unlocked, I would say this is either a config issue or a HW issue. The simplest thing to do is to clean the battery contacts, as there is a small chance that something got on them and is causing the battery to drop out. You can also look at the battery meter in the settings menu and see if you have a sudden drop in battery power or if it entirely cuts out. May give some clues to what's going on. Finally the only other thing I can think of is to uninstall any apps that save power or mess with the power settings on the phone.
Powstriker said:
The second problem deals with streaming videos on browsers. Before the ICS update, I was able to stream videos on any browser, but after that OTA update I cannot. I have tried multiple browsers, including Dolphin, Firefox (my main browser), and Opera. I heard it may have to do with flash not supporting android anymore (after 4.0.x, whereas I'm only running 4.0.3), but I have checked my phone and I have Flash 11.1 already installed. The settings on my browsers are to enable plug-ins on tap (means that I would tap a video to start it, right?).
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Streaming video doesn't work for me, it will for a couple seconds and then die. So now I just open all links in the youtube app, which isn't perfect but it's good enough.
Powstriker said:
Lastly, as of now, I'm having a WiFi issue. It's not so much of an issue as a hindrance, though. Basically, I'm pretty much always in a WiFi zone, either being at home or on campus. When I get home from uni, WiFi automatically connects, no problem. When I'm at the uni, it will connect as soon as I get on campus, but when I walk from building to building, it loses connection and makes me reconnect. I go to hit reconnect, and it demands some credential password which I have never set. If I hit forget so that I can forget and reconnect to the network, it wants me to put in my screen unlock pattern. I draw the pattern to unlock it, but then it sort of refreshes and my pattern is gone and it doesn't let me continue with the process, so I have to go back to the home screen, back into settings, and clear credentials. Some posts said to continue to input incorrect passwords to allow a credential storage password reset, but that did not work. Some posts said to clear credentials, so I do that, but then I have to continuously type my login information whenever I move from class to class, which gets pretty irritating. The only way to connect to the WiFi is by disabling and reenabling the WiFi. Like I said, it's not a huge issue, rather a hindrance.
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This has got to be either a config issue or a bug in how your phone handles your uni's wifi. Your uni will have multiple wifi APs with the same SSID (but on different channels) so that you can walk around and still remain connected. My guess is that there is a bug in the wifi drivers that don't like what your uni is doing, but it's really hard to say since that stuff is generally pretty complicated...
If you can't get your power issue fixed easily I would recommend you factory reset your phone. Don't install any apps for a couple days and see if your problems persist. If the power one does then take your phone in for warranty repair. The wifi one could be a bug, which would mean a warranty repair isn't going to do anything for that so you may be screwed on that one. Unless you want to hack your phone and load a new ROM; there is a slim chance that an updated ROM will not have the same bug.
gripen40k said:
Since you are stock, the only thing being that your phone is unlocked, I would say this is either a config issue or a HW issue. The simplest thing to do is to clean the battery contacts, as there is a small chance that something got on them and is causing the battery to drop out. You can also look at the battery meter in the settings menu and see if you have a sudden drop in battery power or if it entirely cuts out. May give some clues to what's going on. Finally the only other thing I can think of is to uninstall any apps that save power or mess with the power settings on the phone.
Streaming video doesn't work for me, it will for a couple seconds and then die. So now I just open all links in the youtube app, which isn't perfect but it's good enough.
This has got to be either a config issue or a bug in how your phone handles your uni's wifi. Your uni will have multiple wifi APs with the same SSID (but on different channels) so that you can walk around and still remain connected. My guess is that there is a bug in the wifi drivers that don't like what your uni is doing, but it's really hard to say since that stuff is generally pretty complicated...
If you can't get your power issue fixed easily I would recommend you factory reset your phone. Don't install any apps for a couple days and see if your problems persist. If the power one does then take your phone in for warranty repair. The wifi one could be a bug, which would mean a warranty repair isn't going to do anything for that so you may be screwed on that one. Unless you want to hack your phone and load a new ROM; there is a slim chance that an updated ROM will not have the same bug.
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Thank you very much for the in depth reply. I'll take a look at the battery connections some time tomorrow as it's pretty late today. Do you have any recommendations as what to clean them with? I heard erasers are pretty good cause they have the "stickiness" to pick up grime, but wouldn't the rubber inhibit connectability?
The video thing isn't too big of an issue, but eh, a fix would be nice. If there's nothing that's known of atm, that is fine as well.
As for the WiFi, I didn't know if it was a bug or something I could fix internally. It's good to know, though, that it's not something I seem to have messed up myself haha.
Once again, I greatly appreciate the response!
Powstriker said:
Do you have any recommendations as what to clean them with? I heard erasers are pretty good cause they have the "stickiness" to pick up grime, but wouldn't the rubber inhibit connectability?
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The contacts won't be corroded because they are gold, however it could be either they aren't springy (ie they got bent) or that something is stuck on them. Just take a look, make sure they look fine and that they are making a good connection. It's most likely not the issue but you just want to rule that out, as it would obviously cause problems if your battery was being disconnected
So, as an update, I managed to fix the battery issue by actually turning my phone around in my pocket (Strangely enough, I found that if I keep the screen away from the leg and the power button facing up, rather than the screen towards my leg, the phone does not turn off.). All that's left is to find a fix for the video and WiFi. The WiFi problem has actually started to become more significant, as WiFi is no longer automatically connecting to my home internet anymore. Sometimes at uni, as well, the phone requires a complete reboot before it will reconnect rather than a WiFi off -> WiFi on reset. Any more input would be greatly appreciated ^.^
I had same restart Issue
I don't know why or how it works.
Just put a piece of paper below the battery and the restart problem is solved
Flash a kernel and see maybe the modules are messed up
Sent from my HTC_Amaze_4G using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
I don't know why changing how the phone is situated in your pocket would solve the issue unless you were somehow unknowingly keeping the power button pressed down for long periods of time.
I will say I had the same issue and my suspicions lead me to the battery. Indeed, I bought a new battery and the issue has been resolved. There must have been some sort of short or default in the battery I was using that would cause my phone to randomly shut down or reboot..

Question Random reboot - any Pixel 6 (non pro) users affected?

Over at the Pixel 6 Pro fair, we have quite the number of people having problems with random reboots. We are trying to narrow it in - Android12? Pixel 6? Software? Hardware?
So - anyone here with the same set of problems? Or does the Pixel 6 not have that kind of issue?
For reference:
I have gotten several random reboots as well. 256gb seafoam pixel 6. In particular, I was using "Frep" automation app (unrooted, used pc to start server) to do repetitive image searches in a game. Also the phone was sitting on a wireless charger while doing this. I noticed my phone felt pretty warm, wonder if it could be overheating?
Could be a naughty 3rd party app. Have you tried safe mode?
I posted this here:
P6 Bluetooth Problems
My p6 will see most some of my Bluetooth devices (laptop, tablet, TV, earbuds) . It pairs with the earbuds, but everything else it will try and pair, usually does not. If and when hen it does pair, that pairing is dropped dropped within 5 secs...
My random reboots (or crashes that forced me to reboot) almost entirely stem from the wifi+bluetooth implementation. I found a sure-fire way to crash it during setup. Without word vomiting here, connecting the P6 with and to other devices has proved more difficult than any previous Pixel (for me).
mruno said:
Could be a naughty 3rd party app. Have you tried safe mode?
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Not yet. It's also hard to "force" it (the reboots, I am not able to replicate it manually). Yesterday it just randomly happened whilst the phone laid idle next to me, thrice at the morning, about one time through late afternoon, then one time evening. I just notice the screen lighting up, then the Google logo comes, meaning the phone restarted.
I'm also pretty sure that Bluetooth/Wifi settings differed when the reboots happened, ergo at some times bluetooth was on, then when it rebooted, bluetooth was off. At no time when the reboots happened had I a bluetooth device connected. WiFi was online though, all the time.
What all the reboots have in commong though (at least the ones where I am concerned), is that the phone is just laying next to me, or somewhere, being in idle - doing as far as I know, nothing. It never happened when I used the phone or put it under load, so my P6 never "crapped" out under me. That's why I am not that concerned about this as of now, but it's certainly a nuisance to unlock the phone every time with my darn pin.
(Concerning 3rd party app) - I'd say that's unlikely. I copied my files over from my Pixel 4 XL and have not yet added one singular other app to my P6 Pro, so it should have gone naughty before my transfer over.
Hi! I experienced a big crash on the pixel 6. When I was configuring telegram, the app crashed and then the screen got black. After a minute it rebooted to the Google logo with a loading bar underneath. It was blocked in that state, but I could reboot it with volume up + power button.
I was pretty scared as the usual button down + power button didn't do anything lol
12 (SD1A.210817.036) on my pixel 6, occurred randomly when opening camera app. Happend 7-10 times.
dirtyissa62 said:
12 (SD1A.210817.036) on my pixel 6, occurred randomly when opening camera app. Happend 7-10 times.
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Odd. I never had a problem whilst using the phone, my phone only rebooted when laying idle (even though today I had no reboots at all, alas I didn't use the phone much, maybe 2h SoT without any heavy lifting).
Something in android 12 is bugging around, maybe we have to open support tickets.
dirtyissa62 said:
Something in android 12 is bugging around, maybe we have to open support tickets.
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I just talked for a while with a Google rep and he said that they are not aware of any reboot problems, no people over at Google Forums have reported such a thing. "We do not monitor Reddit or XDA" - so he said he opened a support ticket to the responsible team and they would look into it, he also asked that I / we report/feedback this under -> Settings -> Tips & Support -> Feedback.
We also talked about a lens flare problem, that at least the Pixel 6 Pro has. If you shot some photos where the sun is directly shining into the camera, you might want to re-check them. Most of mine have either some sort of big circular green dot in them, or a big beam of light like in a phone with a very bad HDR processing. It seems to be some sort of software glitch, he also reported that.
So hopefully those things can get fixed.
This was the follow-up email:
Thank you for contacting Google support.
This email is regarding the chat conversation we had earlier today, I'm sorry we weren't able to complete it. Hence I wanted to follow up via email to ensure all your queries have been answered.
Please re-launch the camera app and check if the issue is fixed.
Please be assured our developer team is working on this to fix it as soon as possible. We would really appreciate your kind understanding as we work on this to fix it for you.
If there is anything apart from this that needs clarification, please feel free to reply back to this email. I'll be more than happy to assist you.
The Google Support Team
I'm having similar restarts while phone is sitting on a table doing nothing. Tried a factory reset and was fine until overnight on charge and it happened again.
Also have had a few times where wifi has stopped working for some reason. Not sure if related.
Not had any reboots but quiet a few app crashes in especially FB will be scrolling away and bang just closes also Amazon app ,
Well that was interesting.. When it rebooted that time, it gave me an error screen saying it could not load and may be corrupt. I had two options, try again and factory reset. Try again got me back running, but I'm wondering do I got as defective device now.. or if it's software related.
So after a lot of messing around, I think I have narrowed down what may be causing my reboots. It only seems to happen when I am using "Frep" to play macros on a game while charging my phone.. the phone gets pretty hot, and reboots when I tap the screen or try to swipe home or recent apps. Maybe its overheating, or maybe its "Frep" playing naughty.. but Frep did work perfectly fine on my old $200 used Nord N10 5g. Will update if it reboots while not doing this.
no reboots or crashes so far, not doing any gaming - but using phone for email, surfing, whatsapp etc and also a work profile for MS outlook and teams.
I have/had similar issues with my Pixel 6 (128GB - europe unlocked).
I was transferring old data via cable from my old (Xiaomi Mi A1) to the Pixel 6. This resulted in sluggish performance, crashes every 15 minutes. The crashes would randomly occur and behave mostly like this:
Try to unlock phone with fingerprint sensor
Fingerprint sensor lights up, nothing happens, no haptic response
Swiping up to the PIN entry. Enter PIN and hit enter. Nothing happens. Now freeze.
Screen turns black and it takes phone to reboot on average ~7minutes
Factory Reset; Installed apps manually (standard messaging apps, no games etc), better performance, problem persists
Factory reset; boot into safemode. It now took way longer to provoke the issue. But it still happened.
After this I contacted the customer service and they will provide me with a replacement. But now after a night of idle, the phone was working for 3-4 hours without any issue at all with most of my apps installed. It just now went into a random reboot (could only notice because it asked for PIN because of the reboot). But not the 8 minute blank black screen type of reboot.
I am really unsure what is the issue at hand here. But have to say that experience is less than ideal.
Mine just happened last night, not charging or running anything 3rd party apps (all from App Store). I tried to use the camera after eating dinner and noticed that double clicking power button doesn't open the camera anymore. After unlocking the phone it appears that the phone has restarted.
Is anyone running Private DNS on their system like Adguard DNS or NextDNS? I did some searching and people reported some private DNS were causing Android to crash. It was suppose to be fixed in previous Android versions but it could be back again.
I haven't noticed any random reboots (and the lock screen will require a pin to be entered after reboot and says this on the screen, so you should know the phone rebooted). I've had the P6 since the official release date. In fact, I haven't restarted the phone in days.
I run a wide variety of apps. Some from the Play store and some sideloaded. I think that any reboot issues are probably app related. Remember that A12 is very new and the are surely still some compatibility issues that app developers haven't found/fixed yet.

