All media stop playing requiring reboot - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Recently I bought a Samsung Galaxy A7 2017 running on Android 6.0.1. My issue is: during the day, at some points my phone stops playing videos from youtube, snapchat, music, even adds. The only way to make the phone play media again is to reboot, which starts to get really annoying after doing it several times a day.
Is there anyway to solve this problem?


youtube show different things :eek:

Hello guys
Every time I want to watch something in YouTube and we I click on the video that I want it show different one. I do factory reset and still the same
Anyone can help
I know this is an old topic, but I recently got a tab and I'm finding the same issue. I've searched this here internet, but I can't find an answer anywhere.
It doesn't happen on every video - sometimes I can go 5 or 6 vids without a problem.
When it does happen, it's basically like this - I select a video, and Youtube shows me some other video. The most common ones are:
a grainy boxing video
a clip from a Rob Schneider movie
some guy loading a machine gun
a group of women doing aerobics;
Others include
a baby watching TV
2 hot girls dancing
2 hot girls kissing
I can get rid of them by hitting the 'back' arrow and then re-clicking the video I wanted. It works the 2nd time.
Additional info:
There's no repeatable pattern. I can select the same video on different occasions - sometimes the problem happens and sometimes it doesn't.
Just in the last couple of weeks, I was seeing the same with the Youtube app on my android phone (a flashed Captivate). I uninstalled Youtube (which didn't remove it completely - just reverted to an earlier version) and the problem disappeared.
As there's no option to uninstall Youtube on the tab, I tried flashing a ROM to see if that would help (Starburst). It didn't make any difference - I'm still getting the problem.
It only happens within the Youtube app. If I watch a Youtube video via the browser, the problem doesn't happen.
Anybody have any ideas?
Thanks everyone

[Q] HELP!! Android 4.0 video streaming capability

Hi all,
I have a bit of a complicated, advanced question which i think would also require an advanced complex solution (hope im wrong and there is a quick fix). Basically the problem i am experiencing is with my 7" android 4.0.4 tablet phone and video streaming, whenever i use a video streaming app e.g youtube, hubi etc etc the video wont load in a proper fashion. What i mean by this is even though you have a very fast internet connection e.g wifi, the video wont load properly and i will experience pauses before the video needs to pre-load again but for some reason wont continue to pre-load as it should, it would stop pre-loading after a few seconds then when the play marker reaches the pre-load marker it would stop before it starts to pre-load again which causes video pauses while playing. The video will take unusually long to start up, once started it will play for a short while before it pauses again to load up again. Let me make this clear to all who may attempt to answer this question, it is not a problem of the wifi reception becuase full reception is received and my download rate is 38 MBPs. It's something to do with how the movies are pre-loaded it seems the apps i am having problems with afore mentioned have a technical fault in pre-loading the video streams. Further to help you understand ive realised flash tehcnology movies pre-load beautifully and smoothly e.g the video stream pre-loads quickly in seconds and the whole movie would take a couple of minutes to pre-load as is expected with a 38 Mbps DL rate. The same problem is experienced via 3G high speed connection. I personally think the problem lies within the android OS and NOT with the connection methods e.g wifi and 3G. Any help would be much appreciated.
To help you help me, here is some information about my tablet phone:
The latest 7" dual sim tablet phone
OS: Android 4.0.4
Kernel version: 3.0.13

[Q] Spotify crashing and rebooting S6 Edge

Hi everyone,
Everything seems to work fine in my new Galaxy S6 Edge, however when I try to use Spotify in offline mode (or online but downloaded songs) the phone freezes and reboots (sometimes it just freezes and I have to press pwr+von dn.
Happens all the time after playing 1-2 songs.
Did all the standard stuff like reinstall, reset, remove cache, etc.
Try Pandora?

My S4 screen stucks after playing a video

Hello guys,
i have bought few months ago a s4 phone i9515 and manually upgraded it from 4.4.2 to 5.0.1. And after two months i started having a problem.
Whenever i try to watch any video doesnt matter where(for example youtube facebook or any other app) my screen freezes after 20-30sec,but the audio continues. If i leave it after 20-30 seconds my screen continues the video,but doesnt sync the picture and the sound and its kinda impossible to enjoy anything like this. I tried by uninstalling youtube and again installing it and the problem is still there.
i hope someone has a good solution for me.
Sry if this is the wrong place for this thread.
thx in andvance. Cheers

LGV30+ video playback problem

I'm looking for a solution for a video playback problem my LG-H930DS (SEA) has after the 8.0 Oreo update. When I start the phone everything is working well, but after a few minutes of normal usage the built-in videoplayer cannot play video recordings made by the phone itself. It says "Cannot play video - This file type is not supported" Then I have to restart the phone to get it working again. But it fails nearly every day. I wouldn't mind this failing because I can choose a different app to play the gallery videos, but the problem is that Snap-chat videos fail to play as well when this happens, until next restart. That's the bug I cannot have. Also when the phone gets into the state of not playing videos, the ringtones and alarm clock make no sound.
To start the problem I only have to open a few random web pages in chrome, open the gallery a few times, play some videos , and in a few minutes of this usage video playback crashes. MX player, VLC and youtube still work though.
I have done a lot of troubleshooting for this problem:
Full restore of the phone
Flashed different firmwares, H930DS20b, H930DS20d, and the european variant H93020d
Tried with no apps installed, other then preinstalled ones
Tried it in safe mode
But the problem always remains.
I always use the same google account. And after upgrading to 8.0 the problem does not seem to start until I restart the phone for the first time, after that it's constantly failing. Don't know if it starts when the memory gets close to full or not, but nothing else is failing on the phone.
I have now downgraded my phone to the Android Nougat 7.1.2 (H930DS10d) and this problem is not there, no matter how hard I try to replicate it.
I can only find one link on google where this problem is reported. (problem #6)
I have contacted LG Support, and they had never heard about this, and wanted me to send my phone in for repairs. But I'm not willing to pay for shipping from Europe to Asia, if this is just a software problem.
Is someone else getting this problem, or does know a fix or a workaround for it? Or is there a way for me to view the errors the phone is running into?
Sorry for the long post, hope someone is willing to read it and give me a little help
I finally found out what the problem is. It's actually just media files in the storage I use every day. These files only contain audio, but have the extension .ts. Video playback on the phone fails because the gallery is trying to create thumbnails of them to display. The workaround for the problem was to place a .nomedia file in the folder containing those files, to hide them from the gallery. After that the problem stopped. I've been using these files for years, and it has never been a problem until Android 8.
have you tried some other video player?
stock one is quite basic and thin.
Hi, yes I do use another players, but the gallery is failing video plaback in snapchat and stopping ringtones and alarms from working aswell, without using the stock player.
Same problem here with LG V30
I have the same problem with my phone I have the T-Mobile V30 and I have the same issue. I figured out not to take videos in 4k [email protected] works fine. But the moment I create a video at 4k it either starts playing and stops midway with sound continuing to play with frozen picture or it just says it doesn't support the video.
I've been using LG phones ever since the G2 and never had any other phone or any problems with them. This one though is getting really annoying.
I hate these Q&A format threads with a passion. I wish people would just open regular threads...
Jopson said:
I have the same problem with my phone I have the T-Mobile V30 and I have the same issue. I figured out not to take videos in 4k [email protected] works fine. But the moment I create a video at 4k it either starts playing and stops midway with sound continuing to play with frozen picture or it just says it doesn't support the video.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Have you tried other video players like VLC, MXPlayer?
Yes sir I did many players and VLC is always on all my devices and it also gets stuck. I'll try the .nomedia file and see how that works
And I have a problem with the smoothness of video playback in gallery, whether it's a bluray movie in mp4/mkv FHD format, or from camera in FHD or in 4k is always on Android 8.0 I have a delicate jam, how would he lose single frames every 0.7sec ~ 0 , 25sec. I came back for testing on 7.1.2 and it is perfectly smooth always, as soon as I updated to 8.0 version 20d or the latest 21h there are jam ... how b was an oreo error, quite a few friends did not catch up with this problem, I'm a perfectionist and I look at every detail whether it's a video or sound, that's why I chose the highest model of the phone.
LG releases more patches (already 4) and as soon as it appears oreo are staples. You can see that this is a pfroblem with support for video caps because MX Player also has micro jams on the hardware codec.
Interestingly, youtube is fluid.
I only hope that the Android Pie will be improved.
I'm having the same problem as well please let me know when you will find the solution to this problem of smoothness of video
At first it was running smooth AF but after some time i noticed the problem after 1 day of use.
Reseting the phone didnt work.

