How to disable a specific place on the screen ? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Good day, I have a problem with the phone of Jinga Basco m500, Sometimes the upper part of the screen is pressed spontaneously.
Is it possible to somehow disable the part of the screen that I need. What would the screen not react to the touch in this part ? How to do it ? with the help of which programs ?


[Q]Screen problem

I'm not sure but i think my screen needs to be replaced. Example: I put my finger on top of the screen trying to select top contact and instead of selecting contacts from top is selecting contact at the bottom of screen. The same problem is with any other apps. To solve this problem I need to switch the screen off and then switch on again. But it's happening very often now and it's pissing me off. Few month ago I have cleaned my screen from inside (there was some dust under the plastic screen. Obviously now i can't send it for warranty. Do I need to replace scr ? Does anyone has had similar problem.

[Q] Sreen freeze? hardware or software problem?

Hi there to everyone, I broke only the glass on my screen couple of weeks ago (it felt face down from about half a meter, thats stupid) and I change only the glass my self but since then i have a problem with the screen like: if I press a bit harder anywhere on the screen for about 2 sec the screen became irresponsible and also the back and menu buttons, home and power button work normal. If I press the home button it react as it should, it goes to home screen, so it's just the screen frozen on touch and I have to lock and unlock the phone to go to normal. On daily use it's not such a big problem as i don't press the screen too hard, the problem mostly occurs when playing games.
I would try a hard reset but I not rooted as I use some apps that don't work if I'm rooted and I can't save all my settings, saves and apps and personally I hate to reinstall everything back again.
I'm thinking this is a hardware problem but why it goes to normal only after lock/unlock procedure and i also find on a forum that this can be from the screen protector. It's something similar with the phone in this video the difference being that mine it freezing and that it moving by itself.
Did anyone also experience this?
PS. I sorry for my english as it's not my own language but I'm trying to make my self clear as best as i can, Thank you

[Q] I9100 Weird Screen issues that make it impossible to use.

Hi everyone. After changing the usb pin of my phone, the touch screen started doing some weirds things. Sliding among desktops is rather laggy. Pressing an icon is not enough to get the app (or whatever) to work, a second attemp is neccesary in any other part of the screen in order to make it happen. The physical buttons seems to be working fine so far.
In further investigations it seems like pressing on the screen is well detected, since i can press an icon and move it around a desktop. But unpressing anything goes undetected.
I see no physical damage on the screen or the flex that connects it to the motherboard. This is not an issue related to any especific rom or kernel since i tried with a couple of them before getting to this point. Is there any app that allows me to monitor what part of the screen is being touch?
Can this be resolved by a firmware update of any kind of just a hardware replacement?

[Q] N9006 Note 3 problem touch-solve for time, return problem

Dear friends, see this, see in the youtube:
I activated the phone in their own settings of android to show screen touches and strokes that you can see in the video above, and installed YAMTT app to better show the problem.
The Problem on mobile touch in the middle of the screen there is a track that is not recognized touch, but if I press the screen sinking, she returns to work temporarily, and now recognizes the touch - but after a few minutes the problem back and touch is not recognized again.
The screen is perhaps dished up, and when I press down her back to be in contact with the part of the cell that recognizes the touch, but with time the screen should be getting back dished up (this is my guess, not i'm sure).
Detail, not always when I press is running, sometimes I press the screen to the center of the touch again be recognized, but it seems that the phone is registering touches alone.
What would be a solution, and change the screen (it does not mean that changing the screen the problem solved), want to try other alternatives before changing the screen.
Perhaps heating up the screen with hot air, in theory it will expand and become more pliable, and then if I press down the center panel of the phone with something for a while until it cools, in theory the screen would remain indefinitely, and if that is the problem could solve -
Anyone have any thoughts, has been there?
Thanks in advanced!

Part of touchscreen bad calibration

My redmi 3s screen was broken and I managed to replace it, altough I found the repair very difficult. The new screen works but the touch calibration is a little off. The bottom part of the screen registers touches about 0,5 cm lower, this makes typing difficult. The upper part seems to be ok so I am typing this with the phone upside down... Is there are way to manualy calibration the touch screen? I already tried the touchscreen calibration app but didn't help, maybe because the app registers touches in the upper part of the screen...
Hello nightraver.
Did you find a solution for that ? I also changed my screen and I have the same problem.

