How do you manage your photos? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi everyone,
I'd like to know how you guys organize your photos, and if what I want to achieve is even possible on Android.
Ideally, I'd like to be able to put my photos into different albums so I can find them easily. And I'd like to view these photos in their respective albums in whichever device I'm on (whether Android or on my Mac).
Right now, I use Google Drive to sync to my Google Photos folder on my phone so that I can view the photos on my Mac. However, the photos are scattered everywhere and they're not in an album, so it's nearly impossible to find that photo.
Has anyone been able to achieve this on their Android device? I'd like to continue using Google Drive to sync between my devices, including my photos.


[Q]Google Drive Photos and Gallery App

Hello all,
I am currently storing all of my photos in a folder named "Photos" in Google Drive. I would like to know if there is a way to bring up those photos in the Gallery app on my Thrive? Also when I upload new photos I would like them to show up in there as well.
It is annoying to view the photos in the google drive app since you can't view all the thumbnails largely all at once and browse quickly.
Any help is appreciated.
I'd like to know this as well.
*bump* I'd love to know this

[Q] Simple gallery sync app for Galaxy S2

Hello guys, one of my friends has a Samsung Galaxy S2 and I am helping him to set up the phone to his needs. He used to have a bulletproof HTC Touch Pro, but since he switched to Android I feel that everytime we try to do something really simple and straight-forward we fail miserably or we spend so much time doing research and trying to find a solution, that we eventually give up in the end and think that our ideas are either ridiculous or there is no application on the market that can meet our expectations. This time we try to do a simple picture syncronisation like it used to be on the old WinMo devices - between a folder, containing all pictures on a PC and the built-in gallery on the smartphone. When you add a picture to the folder on the PC it gets automatically synced to the handheld and when you take a picture with the phone it gets copied to the folder on the computer. In the same way when you delete a picture on the phone it gets deleted on the PC and vice versa. All pictures on both devices must be available when there is no internet connection. We already tried the following solutions:
- Google Drive - pictures that are in the Drive are not listed in the phone's gallery, but in the GDrive app, which is inconvinient, as there is no preview and you must always be connected to internet to view all pics. Besides all that, even being connected with Wi-Fi it takes ages to load a picture properly. You can easily mark a picture to be accessible offline, but try doing that to 22GB of photos. We could not find a way to mark all photos automatically as available offline on adding. There is no two way sync between the gallery and Google Drive - when you delete a picture from the gallery it does not get deleted from the Drive and the other way around.
- Picasa - we tried to use it in addition to the Drive, but it gets even more compicated and laggy.
- Dropbox - there is no two way sync between the gallery on the phone and Dropbox gallery.
- SkyDrive - same here.
Are we missing something or these applications do not offer the features that we are looking for? Can you please recommend a product that does this job as it used to be done in the old days - fast and simple? I am very pleased with Microsoft Live Mesh which I am using to sync my documents folders between my PC, notebook and SkyDrive - it does all of the above brilliantly right up to the moment when you add an Android phone to the mix.
Thank you in advice for your responses!
You can use FolderSync similar programs
FolderSync enables easy sync of files between cloud storage and Android devices.
FolderSync is a application that enables simple sync to cloud based storage to and from local folders on the device memory card. It currently support multiple SkyDrive, Dropbox, SugarSync, Ubuntu One,, LiveDrive, HiDrive, Google Docs, NetDocuments, Amazon S3, FTP, FTPS, SFTP, WebDAV or windows share (Samba/CIFS) accounts, and support for more platforms are planned. Read-only access to protected file-system also supported - requires root.
poroff said:
Hello guys, one of my friends has a Samsung Galaxy S2 and I am helping him to set up the phone to his needs. He used to have a bulletproof HTC Touch Pro, but since he switched to Android I feel that everytime we try to do something really simple and straight-forward we fail miserably or we spend so much time doing research and trying to find a solution, that we eventually give up in the end and think that our ideas are either ridiculous or there is no application on the market that can meet our expectations. This time we try to do a simple picture syncronisation like it used to be on the old WinMo devices - between a folder, containing all pictures on a PC and the built-in gallery on the smartphone. When you add a picture to the folder on the PC it gets automatically synced to the handheld and when you take a picture with the phone it gets copied to the folder on the computer. In the same way when you delete a picture on the phone it gets deleted on the PC and vice versa. All pictures on both devices must be available when there is no internet connection. We already tried the following solutions:
- Google Drive - pictures that are in the Drive are not listed in the phone's gallery, but in the GDrive app, which is inconvinient, as there is no preview and you must always be connected to internet to view all pics. Besides all that, even being connected with Wi-Fi it takes ages to load a picture properly. You can easily mark a picture to be accessible offline, but try doing that to 22GB of photos. We could not find a way to mark all photos automatically as available offline on adding. There is no two way sync between the gallery and Google Drive - when you delete a picture from the gallery it does not get deleted from the Drive and the other way around.
- Picasa - we tried to use it in addition to the Drive, but it gets even more compicated and laggy.
- Dropbox - there is no two way sync between the gallery on the phone and Dropbox gallery.
- SkyDrive - same here.
Are we missing something or these applications do not offer the features that we are looking for? Can you please recommend a product that does this job as it used to be done in the old days - fast and simple? I am very pleased with Microsoft Live Mesh which I am using to sync my documents folders between my PC, notebook and SkyDrive - it does all of the above brilliantly right up to the moment when you add an Android phone to the mix.
Thank you in advice for your responses!
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[Q] Can someone explain how Google+ Photos works?

I had been using Dropbox for Camera Uploads that I take with my phone so that I know I have them backed up, but Dropbox has such a low storage that I wanted to turn to Google Drive/Google Photos.
Ever since I made the attempted change, it's been a huge headache. From what I've gathered, if you use Auto Backup for your phone, photos that you take will be uploaded to Google Photos BUT not into ANY album and simply sorted by date. Even local files that are neatly organized into folders are just thrown into Google Photos, forcing you to hope you can find that one photo you are looking for.
Of course, you can put those photos into albums AFTER you back them up/upload them but that's a huge pain in the arse to do, so why do they NOT have it organized by folders/albums? Is there no way to do this? I also wanted to be able to do that by having my photos from my desktop to backup to Google Photos but it is a hellish nightmare trying to sort through all of them.
I've searched and searched for questions related to Google Photos but almost none of them have been found, thus I am asking here. Does anyone have anything to help me? I just want to be able to organize my photos (around 2k worth) and not have to take a day or two just to sort my photos in albums when they should be in the first place. :/
Never use it myself, but the Help page here: describes how to set up the folders to backup. Maybe that'll do it?

[Q] Sync Picasa albums with multiple accounts

I have my pictures loaded on Google Picasa. I can see the pictures in my Android Gallery app.
Id like to see my pictures also on my wife's gallery app. So far I havent been able to.
Ive tried adding my google account. Tried adding her to My Circles (Goggle++ thing) and having the albums shared to that group.
Anyone know if its possible?
Only way so far is to just give her a link to my pictures, in which she can then use the browser to see them. But sure beats the purpose of having them for offline viewing on her phone. BTW, from what I read, Gallery is going away for 5.0, and offline viewing of online pictures will be removed.

Lots of Qs from Ex Apple user!

Hoping you can help
Ideally I want to be able to fix all issues on the phone itself without the need to connect to a laptop.
1. Phone clone worked but didn't transfer my pictures in album just in one big gallery? How can I get back into albums?
2. All photos repeat in both Huawei gallery and Google photos as default? I only need one. Can you just delete the other?
3. Big issue: all my music artwork shows up in my photo gallery so I have thousands of albums covers mixed in with my normal photos. It takes ages searching through my photos. I don't want to see any music artwork in my photo albums just on the music app when I play music. How can I hide this simply? It's for driving me mad! I don't understand the terminology around creating a no media file etc.
4. With Huawei mail how do you restore deleted emails to inbox. Doesn't seem to give the option but the trash button is where the reply button is on iPhone so easy deleted!
5. I deleted the Huawei alarm and weather by accident and they are no where to be seen in the play store. Surely there is an easy way to restore other than factory reset!?
First of all. Welcome to the android side! I am not too sure of your first few questions as I never had them before.
As for the alarm and weather app. Have you tried finding them on the hauwei app gallery? If it is not there. Then you may have to do a factory reset. Or if there are any ADB methods you can try
Sorry that I am not of much help.
1: I don't know how Albums are organized in iPhone, but in Google photos they are just labels, all photos are present in the gallery, even if they are labeled in an album (I don't use Huawei gallery, only Google Photos).
2: I don't know exactly what you mean, but Gallery and Google Photos are most probably collecting the photos from one location, if you delete the photos in one app, they are most probable deleted in the other one. I backup all my photos with Google Photos. But if you want to get rid of one of the apps, I haven't but I just use Google Photos.
3: an empty .nomedia file in a specific folder prevents the folder to be scanned by the gallery or Google Photos, there is probable a file like this in Local Storage > Android > Data folder, go see File manager (in settings enable hidden files) and look for a .nomedia file and copy it to the Album Artwork folder.
4: I don't use Huawei mail, just Gmail.
5: I know Weather is nowhere available online (had the same issue), hard reset is probably the only way.

