I've just manually updated via USB and the mobile internet speed seems ridiculously slow compared to what it was.
Has anyone else experienced this?
Is there a way to speed it up ?
Dunno why it would have slowed down
Have not seen any posts regarding this, so i decided to start my own. Using my phone on its own, i get great dl speeds. when i then tether my phone to my laptop, using both usb and wmwifirouter, my speeds and latency significantly go down the drain. has anyone found anything on this issue? Any help would be appreciated.
It would probably help if you gave some specifics such as, ROM, radio version, software running on the phone, and type of OS you have on your computer. I don't see a difference is speed except that while tethering, I do load pages much faster (due to greater processing power of the computer). I'm running Calkulin's 10/22 23071, radio 1.11.00F, with no additional apps, and tethering on a laptop with xp pro
On speedtest I'm usually in-between 100-200kbps with the upload speeds being much faster. My old G1 kills this phone on internet speeds. I can't even watch YouTube videos on low quality smoothly. I have the newest radio, clarity bootloader Rom, and mdeejayz froyo sense Rom. Tried different roms with the same results. How can I fix this?
Hi everyone. I know download speeds on mobile devices are slower than normal desktop download speeds and have always been. But on my HTC One I feel as if my download speeds have been slower than they used to be. For instance, on the Play Store, installing a 12 MB app would take about 3-4 seconds. But now, it takes 10 or even more. I'm running Stock HTC Sense 6, no root. I have noticed this months ago but never really tried checking it out. Anyone else have this?
Hi, I have 2 brand new Nokia 7.2 and an old (my previous phone) Nokia 5.1 Plus, and I have a problem that it's freaking me out. The issue is very simple, I almost cannot navigate while using a WiFi connection in my main Nokia 7.2, I have to use the mobile data connection so I can watch a video without any lag or resolution issue but that is not ideal.
So, I perform some test and I find out that my 7.2 does have like 50% of speed from WiFi (both in 5GHz and 2.4GHz) compared to the 5.1, and I'm not talking about external speed test, but in LAN (between my phone connected by WiFi, and my computer connected by gigabit ethernet) using iperf3.
After testing I got this results:
(Result's format: '-Band: AVG Speed (Min Speed -> Max Speed)')
Nokia 5.1 Plus:
-5GHz: 241Mbps AVG (214Mbps -> 252Mbps)
-2.4GHz: 41Mbps AVG (31.5Mbps -> 53.1Mbps)
Nokia 7.2 (both):
-5GHz: 116Mbps AVG (85.9Mbps -> 140Mbps)
-2.4Ghz*: 24.3Mbps AVG (18.5Mbps -> 29.2Mbps)
* I did perform like 3 tests in this case, and those numbers are from the best result. The worst result was like 15.6Mbps AVG
And that is not all. The setup is all the same. Same wireless router (I have 2, and I always check that both phone are connected to the best one), same phone position (like 0.5 meters away from the router, even less), the computer (server) is not doing anything that could use the network card or the CPU, and of course testing one phone first then the other one, and then doing the same but swiping the order. Also both phones (5.1 Plus and my main 7.2) show that have the same link speed (433Mbps) and both phones have Android 9 (Android 10 is not here yet).
The only difference between the 5.1 and the 7.2 is that the 5.1 has 802.11a while the 7.2 doesn't, but the issue about that is that standard is for 5GHz (and it's just for 54Mbps), so I don't think that this is the issue, because that should mean that the 2.4GHz's speed should be the same.
Also, is not like a hardware malfunction beacuse, as I said before, I did the same test with both 7.2 that I have and both have exactly the same issue.
I want to know if anyone has (or had) the same issue. I think that this could be a mis-setting or another battery saver package included in the OS limitating the speed just like when 5.1 had a battery saver that limitates the Background processes
Hi. I didn't experience as much as you did but I can confirm the phone is pretty slow on WiFi. My friend's Samsung J7 loads videos easily while mine gets stuck on buffering for eternity. I looked for this problem on Nokia Forums but I couldn't find anyone experiencing it beside me. I did read somewhere that forgetting your network and adding it again might solve it. I know, it doesn't make any sense and I might be delusional but I think the speed is a bit better now!
Anyway, I still believe there's a problem regarding WiFi speed on this phone. Perhaps it's a software thing just like you said. Anyone else who can provide an explanation of some kind?
Hello to everyone. I've been using the S10 Lite for about one month (I received it Oct. 16) and since them I noticed something weird with my Wifi speed. I have a 200Mbps connection and 5GHz wifi, never had issue with internet speed on PC or my other phone (Redmi Note 6 Pro), but I noticed that my S10 Lite is slowing down my internet if I start downloading many apps or games, large files or downloadable contents in games, like PUBG maps, and the phone gets hot. The speed varies between 6-20Mbps, which I think is unacceptable for a phone with high-end hardware. Another weird stuff is that when I turn on the phone's router (don't need to connect any device to it, just turn on) the speed increases up to 50Mbps, but also drops under 30Mbps. I contacted Samsung through Samsung Members and they said it's normal, every phone will slow down when it heats, but I never had issues with my previous phone. I'm afraid that I'd need to get rid of Samsung official firmware to unlock my phone's full potential, because I don't want to. I noticed this phone has some agressive thermal throttling for the GPU and CPU, I think the issue with Wifi speed might be a software limitation too, but it's too anoying. Does anyone noticed something with their phones or know somehow to fix this? Thanks.