Android drivers causing issues with Windows File Explorer scrolling - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So I don't know if anyone else has been experiencing this but when I have any Android mobile driver installed, Explorer.exe returns the scroll position to the top every couple of seconds while I am scrolling further down. It makes it next to impossible to read all the filenames in time, short of using the down key which jumps the view back to the cursor. This happens with LG, Huawei, Motorola, and CWM drivers. It goes away as soon as I uninstall the only Android driver. But I need the drivers for some things so it's inconvenient to have to uninstall them until I need them again. Windows 10 Pro.


Uninstall hang problem?

When I uninstall some of my software the units displays this round thing in the middle then nothing hangs....but when i open the sim card bay it restarts.....then when i Wninstall it then it will.....
What do u think about this problem?
the uninstall app hanging is common in PPC 2k2 OS. Before attempting to uninstall, reboot the device first then uninstall the app. Also, the spinning cursor thing is called the "wait cursor". It's the same thing as the 'busy' cursor you see in desktop Windows apps.
As for the SIM door, you don't need to open it at all. Anytime you open the SIM door the device automatically reboots. This has nothing to do with the other problem listed above.

[Q] Prevent Force Stop

I have a security application that I wrote to run on our sales staff tablets. We have several hundred sales people in the field and they are going to use tablets instead of laptops (once we get it done). Here's the problem. The Application cannot be deleted so we root the device and move the application to system/app and the manifest auto starts the program. Now, the problem is we just discovered that you can force stop the application and it does not restart when rebooting the tablet. It only restarts if the user selects it from the apps, until then it stays off (very bad for us). Unfortunately, we cannot have the application turned off, we always need the application to run especially after rebooting. We don't care the force stop stops the program, but it has to restart on boot.
Currently I'm testing on an ASUS TF101 but the same behavior is seen on other tablets.
I have deteremined that I can adb shell and run am startservice -a android.intent.action.MAIN .... which gets it going again, but I don't seem to be able to get this into any startup scripts. The .rc scripts seem to be on the ROM and don't stay modified after you reboot.
So, does anyone have any ideas on how to solve this? I would like to root the device, install our app, unroot it. I would also like any updates not to undo it if the MFG pushes an update. I really don't want to make custom boot images either nor install another app. I could write another app that checks app_1 and restarts it etc etc, but then again all you have to do is force stop them all. I would just really like to remove (disable) the force stop button on our application which runs only on devices we own.
Did you find any solution for this one?

Help with app cannot launch from launcher but can run from market and recent

I made my first android app, it seems to run on most phones no problem
but one phone my bud has he installs the app no problem but the app will not run from the app launcher no matter what
when you click the app it just goes to the home screen.
However if you goto google play and click OPEN it runs fine
or if you hold HOME and goto recent Apps it opens right up, what could possibly make it not open from the launcher?
it only happens on HTC Thunderbolt works fine on 10 other phones so far.
I know this isnt the development forum but it said i had to post here until i had 10 posts.
Okay so i got it to do the same thing on my phone by trying a different launcher... it seems not to work with certain launchers, how can i fix this?
its a pretty basic app i mean what would cause this? it says Application not installed when you click it
Connect the phone to your PC, and open DDMS (AndroidSDK/Tools) or Eclipse. Check the logcat output and you'll catch the error (then you can search a way to fix it).
Okay i narrowed it down a bit more, when my app installs through google play it sticks on a white screen and crashes with a activity not found exception
(the activity in question is being called from the main activity onCreate method)
However after the program crashes it runs perfectly fine other times you open it.
its almost like the oncreate is trying to launch the activity before it registers with the operating system or something.

[Feedback/Testing] Acer C720P

I've been running Remix OS from my USB 3.0 stick on a Acer C720P Chromebook. The most recent installer in the download on your website works fine when installing the contents to a USB stick, but my Chromebook wouldn't recognize it what-so-ever in the legacy boot menu. I had to extract the .iso and use it with Linux Live USB creator for my chromebook to finally recognize it as bootable. Once I got it booting, the touchscreen and touchpad both work great, but doesn't recognize the "F" keys, which is a bummer for trying to turn up/down brightness and volume. When closing my chromebook, and then opening it back up again, I sometimes lose my touchscreen function. Not sure what would cause that. Also, I'm able to place all of my widgets where I want them in the widgets app, but the only button I see is a + at the bottom, and then the grid for placement. After I place everything, and go back to the home screen, none of my widgets are there, but the app itself still has all my widgets there and where I've placed/resized them when I pop open the app again.
Apps that require a lot of input and manipulation like chrome, facebook, etc. constantly time out and pop up with a "Wait or force close" box. I suspect this is because I'm running the OS on the USB stick. Chromebook users have been begging for more of an android experience on their chromebooks for ages now due to Chrome OS's.... limits. Your OS so far has been very promising! Games from the app store run very smoothly, and work great with the touch screen. My only hope is that you guys create an install-to-hard drive option in the future as an option on USB keys... Hopefully with a easy-to-understand for-dummies partitioning interface for easy dual booting installation with other OS's.

Windows 11 - Some System Tray Icons Don't Ever Appear

Windows 11 has not quite had all the bugs ironed out yet. I have successfully installed Windows 11 (upgrading from Windows 8.1), and I've noticed one quirk: one app in particular doesn't appear in the system tray, even though it is supposed to. This app happens to be the AMD Radeon application, and it doesn't appear at all even though I've allowed it to appear in settings.
Researching this a bit, I've found that not only have other people been experiencing this issue with other software, but it also existed in Windows 10. Is this going to be patched in a later update, or am I missing something that could fix it?

