Uninstall hang problem? - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

When I uninstall some of my software the units displays this round thing in the middle then nothing happens...it hangs....but when i open the sim card bay it restarts.....then when i Wninstall it then it will.....
What do u think about this problem?

the uninstall app hanging is common in PPC 2k2 OS. Before attempting to uninstall, reboot the device first then uninstall the app. Also, the spinning cursor thing is called the "wait cursor". It's the same thing as the 'busy' cursor you see in desktop Windows apps.
As for the SIM door, you don't need to open it at all. Anytime you open the SIM door the device automatically reboots. This has nothing to do with the other problem listed above.


[Q] Unfortunately, setting has stopped

Hi all gurus, need your helps.
I have just upgraded to 4.1.1 via Kies, XXDLJ1, on I9300.
Whenever I go to Applications Manager, it will has that error or auto exit.
1. I have tried wipe, it is fine, no more issue.
2. I restored all apps from titanium, it comes back
3. I uninstall apps by batch, it turns ok after some number of apps uninstalled. it is not related to particular apps but apps count matter as i tried install n uninstall a different batch of apps, same observation.
4. It always error or exit after i am in the application manager for a few seconds, it seem failed to get apps size successfully counted.
5. I have about 200 apps
Pls help, very frustrated and i tried google for long time but no obvious solution
any tips please?
Same thing with me on Samsung GT-I9300 with Android 4.1.1
I came across this problem 2 times.
The first time it happened when I installed a game "Waking Mars". The game was working fine, I played for around 20 minutes and then wanted to check free storage left after installing. But when I opened Application manager swiping was very laggy and after a few (5-10) secs it crashed with "Unfortunately, Settings has stopped" error or just closed. At that time I didn't know that it was because of "Waking Mars" and started to delete unnecessery applications I installed that day and yesterday, but problem vanished only after uninstalling "Waking Mars". Also, while this app was installed, phone's screen was glitchy and became bleached (the glitch disappeared after rebooting), like when "Natural" screen mode is activated, but it wasn't. When I had tried to install the game again, the problem came back.
The second time it was because of "Galaxy On Fire 2" installed. Same problems appeared: crashing Application manager and glitchy screen.
So I'm pretty sure the problem is because of some exact application, not because of the number of apps installed.
Both games contained their data in ".apk" file, but another Waking Mars version with separate data (cache) caused the same problem too.
By the way, funny thing is that both games are about space
P.S.: Sorry for my English, it isn't my native language.
hi casper1, did you solve the problem? how? same problem here and still persisting, after many many attempts

Says "Android is starting..."

So I used the debloat thread to get rid of a lot of things (uninstalling stuff through adb shell). Only problem is I got an error randomly/occasionally that said "Galaxy apps has stopped..." and required me to press a button to get rid of the message. Things were fine so I lived with it, but recently I decided to try and uninstall some more stuff and hopefully get that message to go away.
Now my phone shows my background and says "Android is starting...". It just sits there with a loading bar moving.
I can swipe down the top of the screen and go into settings, then apps, and I can access all my apps, then view on Google Play store.. so I am able to open all my apps just fine, with a bunch of extra steps to get them open. I tested the alarm clock so I can wake up in the morning and it works fine also.
I tried booting into safe mode. I understand I may need to do a factory reset, but I was hoping to avoid going through that.
Any suggestions?
To add insult to injury as I sit here typing this the "Galaxy Apps has stopped" message popped up again! I wasn't even touching my phone lol.
Well, I figured that out.. I must have removed whatever Samsung uses as a launcher. I downloaded another launcher and instantly the "Android is starting" message went away.
Any way to get Samsung's launcher back? I kind of started to like it.. or is there another one you recommend I try?
Reload the firmware via odin

Android drivers causing issues with Windows File Explorer scrolling

So I don't know if anyone else has been experiencing this but when I have any Android mobile driver installed, Explorer.exe returns the scroll position to the top every couple of seconds while I am scrolling further down. It makes it next to impossible to read all the filenames in time, short of using the down key which jumps the view back to the cursor. This happens with LG, Huawei, Motorola, and CWM drivers. It goes away as soon as I uninstall the only Android driver. But I need the drivers for some things so it's inconvenient to have to uninstall them until I need them again. Windows 10 Pro.

hwhiaidsengine causing full screen pop up ads - help with removal

hi all, i'm about to drive to a phone shop and buy my wife a pixel 4. Somebody please save me some money!
She has a huawei p20 pro and has some bloatware or something causing full screen pop up ads. Pushing the app switcher button doesn't identify the culprit but using recent services in developer mode showed me that i think the culprit is hwhiaidsengine
I've followed several guides online, installed Debloater which recognises the phone but only recognises one package on the phone where it should show a huge list.
I've downloaded ADB and it has recognised the phone however I do not know the command to bring up a list of packages or the command to disable/remove hwhiaidsengine.
If anybody can offer any help whatsoever it would really be fantastic.

Copied a very long string to the clip tray, phone restarts every time I open the keyboard

Alright, so I copied 1 million digits of Pi to my v60's clip tray (for educational purposes), and now it restarts when I open the keyboard. I have uninstalled or disabled every clipboard/keyboard related app I can find, including the stock LG keyboard (using adb shell pm uninstall --user 0 com.lge.ime). I have restarted the phone, used the Smart Cleaning app to clear memory and temp storage, and copied other (much shorter) phrases to the clipboard in an attempt to clear Pi from the clipboard history.
Evidently, something in the phone has stored Pi in some sort of history or backup, and now every time I open the keyboard (now using AnySoftKeyboard), it waits about 15-30 seconds, then stutters, freezes, crashes, and restarts.
What can I do, barring a factory reset?
Edit: I tried rebooting into safe mode, and it still crashed upon clicking a text input field, even though AnySoftKeyboard didn't come up (since it's not a system app).
This is probably to late as you probably have figured it out by now, but for the next person who has this issue , try this. Go to settings, then apps, find the keyboard app , and go into storage and delete all its data.
I actually believe I tried that, and it didn't fix the issue. Eventually, the issue just went away - I think I had copied enough unique strings in normal usage that it just pushed Pi out of the clipboard history.
Any update to this at all?
Welcome to XDA
I've seen this happen. Been a long while. Clearing the cut/paste data using the Edge Clipboard may be how I solved it. It wasn't anything drastic. Also try clearing the system cache from the boot menu as that can resolve many strange issues.
How would I clear the system cache, and what exactly is the Edge clipboard?

