[APP] Adjusting WhatsApp behavior to save pictures - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi Everyone,
I am growing increasingly frustrated with WhatsApp and given it's such a popular app I have come to admit the problem must come from me and not the app itself.
Simply put, for any other messaging app (Messenger, Telegram, etc.), whenever someone sends me a message, the experience is pretty straightforward:
1) The image/video is already loaded and visible in the thread
2) I can click on the image/video to go full screen
3) I can click on the 3 dots or equivalent to save the image/video to my gallery
I fail to reproduce the same behavior with WhatsApp. It seems I either get to have all images/videos downloaded to my gallery, which is useless and insanely annoying. Or I get blurred thumbnails for images/videos in the thread and then need to download to see.
FYI, I have a Samsung S9+ with latest updates.
Thanks for your help!


[REQ] FixContactPhotos

Dear Android developers,
Most of you should be aware of this on going issue with Android:
Basically, when you synced with GMail Contacts, the contact photos will be replaced with the low resolution 96x96 pixel resolutions that are stored in the GMail Contacts.
So, is anyone up to an application to workaround this?
I have a very good idea, an application that does this:
- Start the application
- Click the "Replace" button
- Then the application will search all image files in folder /sdcard/ContactPhotos
- For each matching image file name with "<lastname>,<firstname>.png", the application will replace the contact photo with that image file
- Process until finished with all stored image files
- Done
The idea of this application, user could easily replace all contact photos using locally stored high resolution image files, in one go.
Whenever, our contact photos are replaced with low resolution from GMail Contacts or after flashing a new ROM, or other means, we can easily restore them back with high resolution easily!
So, please, if you are capable of making this kind of app, you could be the one who solve this years of Android problem.
just sign in to FriendsStream widget with facebook or twitter, and sync with all contacts!
this will fix this issue and images will be clear and hq
Very nice
Should be said that it's a ICS speficic problem
This is not about Facebook/Twitter contact sync.
This is about GMail Contacts sync.
Those two are different, if you dont know.
And not all people (contacts) are on Facebook/Twitter!
I also heard that even with FriendsStream/SyncMyPix, to sync with Facebook, you will not get high resolution image.
infazz said:
just sign in to FriendsStream widget with facebook or twitter, and sync with all contacts!
this will fix this issue and images will be clear and hq
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No, this is not ICS specific problem.
This problem is known issue since as long as 2008:
Wonder why we don't have workaround like this suggested app ...
jvvpc said:
Very nice
Should be said that it's a ICS speficic problem
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Well would say it is The actual size when people call is decided in the phone and people app. Android other than ICS will still be limited to the small sizes. Only ICS supports 256x256 pictures and will therefore only benifit for a server upgrade / this app
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In GB, I can replace contact photo with high resolution, no problem with that.
But once you sync with GMAIL Contacts, it will be replaced with low resolution.
Have you read the original Google bug tracking started on 2008?
You should, then you would understand.
jvvpc said:
Well would say it is The actual size when people call is decided in the phone and people app. Android other than ICS will still be limited to the small sizes. Only ICS supports 256x256 pictures and will therefore only benifit for a server upgrade / this app
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Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
lufc said:
Questions or Problems Should Not Be Posted in the Development Forum
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If you read carefully, I was not asking to solve a problem as by tweaking or changing configuration.
I was asking someone who could write an application that does specific task, replacing contact photos using high resolution images stored locally.
Got that?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
Did anyone actually do something like this? Or found an existing app that does something like it?
The closest thing I have found is this app: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.eclipson.ContactPhotoFinder
But while it is possible to search your local storage, it doesn't perform a search & match for "Contact Name" and "Contact Name.jpg"...
gogol said:
Dear Android developers,
Most of you should be aware of this on going issue with Android:
Basically, when you synced with GMail Contacts, the contact photos will be replaced with the low resolution 96x96 pixel resolutions that are stored in the GMail Contacts.
So, is anyone up to an application to workaround this?
I have a very good idea, an application that does this:
- Start the application
- Click the "Replace" button
- Then the application will search all image files in folder /sdcard/ContactPhotos
- For each matching image file name with "<lastname>,<firstname>.png", the application will replace the contact photo with that image file
- Process until finished with all stored image files
- Done
The idea of this application, user could easily replace all contact photos using locally stored high resolution image files, in one go.
Whenever, our contact photos are replaced with low resolution from GMail Contacts or after flashing a new ROM, or other means, we can easily restore them back with high resolution easily!
So, please, if you are capable of making this kind of app, you could be the one who solve this years of Android problem.
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This seems to fit the requirements:

Can't find Facebook albums

I hope I'm just being really dumb here, but I can't work out how to view friends' albums on Facebook on my prime (using the official app).
When I browse a profile on my phone using the same app, I get the - About - Friends - Photos - Likes thumbnails, but not on my Prime.
Anyone else noticed this?
facebook seems to update like every three days, honestly your better off making a shortcut in your web browser and using their mobile site, its touch oriented and works better than any app i have used. You can also get your notifications from facebook going to your email so you can get notifications when people message you or whatever in email instead of in the notification bar and it still takes you directly to the content.
Sure its an extra button press but thats what works well for me. YMMV.
Was kind of expecting a 'use the browser' response, which is fair enough I guess.
Just wondered why the feature was removed or if it's just hidden somewhere.
I prefer using apps to browsers.

[Q] Gmail app crops photos from ads etc..

Hi all,
I witnessed an issue regarding all android phones/versions between 2.1-4.2 without any solution, and I couldn't find any thread that talks about it in the proprietary+google search.
The issue: pic's get cropped, and I'm forced to click the "can't view properly? click here" link to the web page.
Here's a screeenshot:
The issue isn't for all mails, and there are some mail that can be viewed properly within the Gmail app itself.
I'm currently running the latest Gmail app as you can see with the top nav buttons.
Anyone else experiencing this issue ?
Go into : Menu -Settings - General settings - Auto -fit messages. Check it, and back out. The message should now be entirely seen in the screen. To Zoom in just tap the screen, or use the two finger spread method.
Tried that already...just forgot to mention.
any other ideas?
It's something a bit more complicated than a just a setting or wrong usage.
Other than that, the only other thing I can suggest is to unistall mail. Then reinstall.
MikROMs Since 3/13/11
Thanks again for your answer !
Well I've uninstalled the gmail several times when tried the leaked Gmail apps(the first one that supports swipe to archive+pinch to zoom, and obviously the last one who supports the new tabs interface).
I'll just mention it's not a specific problem but cross device and cross android+Gmail versions.
I tried every version of android/gmail combo(forwarding lots of mail to friends etc) but each time they all get the same problem.
The only thing I figured out who kinda gave me an alternative is use the stock mail client and not the gmail one, but in that case I'm loosing lots of the Gmail app functionality.
This is really something that just myself noticed? this is not one mail or a specific sender.
In the OP you mentioned that it does not happen on all your Gmail Email. Is it just from certain People / Companies ?
No, it's usually when I get promotion emails from my bank or some online shopping websites that uses big photos that are basically links.
Moreover, it's always from automated mails BUT I think that's only because I'm not receiving large photos in personal emails.
I would recheck settings. I know sometimes when I'm frustrated, I miss stuff.
MikROMs Since 3/13/11
Thanks again for your effort, I'm really certain that I haven't miss an option as every new app version that releases I'm scanning all of the features.
Here's a screen shot of my settings, I've highlighted the only possible option that can affect this, by my understanding:
BTW In case that I'm not clear enough with the issue I can forward(if you want to PM me with your mail) you one of those mails, I got lots of them. Of course if it's ok by you...
I'd love to hear any other ideas

[APP] Help is required with Facebook (and Whatsapp) apps

Hi everyone,
I made a simple search yet I'm not sure I know how to really pronounce my problem for a good search result
For over 2 months now I've been having issues with Facebook app. I'd like to describe my symptoms and things I've been checking out and I'd be more than happy if you pro's could share your 2 cents.
1) Facebook crashes spontaneously .. and I don't mean FC. It simply "vanishes". The app disappears from main view (I have no ghost of it under "Running Apps"). I have to open it again. When I do, my feed is rearranged as if its the first time I launch facebook after boot. No specific thing I do that does is. I can browse, I can type a comment, I can press a like. I can simply live the screen on (keep awake with power).
2) Faceboot app constantly "disconnects" and denies updating its data. For instance, I may finger-browse my feed and suddenly I get to the bottom of the feed with "Can't Connect" and a sad cloud icon. Same happens if I try to "refresh" the page, search for a user or go into a group - "Can't Connect". I have to manually close facebook (apps-screen and swipe away) for it to get fixed..
Things I've noticed:
1) I'm using 1plus2 oxygen latest (2.2.2?). I've changed app permission to block access to "calendar", "contacts", "camera", "audio", "clipboard", "location"
2) I noticed that when I recoked app permission "Keep Awake" - vids didn't start properly. Some of them crashed my app like in (1) above. I restored "Keep awake" and "Audio" and vids play fine. I restored the rest of the permissions and I still get the "cant connect" issue.
3) I've constantly limited facebook permissions even on my old Nexus 5 phone (using cyanogen privacy default deny any permissions unless specified by me)
1) Whatsapp. My current whatsapp is constantly backed up and the .db file moves between phones I change (for over 3 years now).
2) my db file is ~1GB. I sometimes also copy media/photos and media/videos too .. so I'll always have access to my historic images and videos shared by contacts.
3) Whatsapp, every 2-3 weeks, behave erratically. I may open a message notification from the drawer and whatsapp takes 15-20 seconds to open that chat! I may open a picture in a group (MAINLY in groups) and it would take 15-20 seconds to open. It opens half way, device is "laggy", and after 15-20 image is fully viewable.
Same laggy activity (for both facebook and whatsapp) happened over at my old nexus 5 making me believe I actually had faulty hardware. Now its 1plus2.
Not a lot of rooted apps, other than the obvious (Titanium, SuperSU, Call Recorder - which is currently disabled).
Sorry for the long post, I lack a potato for you. Will be glad for any thoughts.

Media sorting problem on social media apps.

I have noticed this for the gazillionth time now that every once in a while (not sure whether a new app/system update triggers it) my media files (images and videos) are sorted in a messy manner within Instagram and other social apps. It's like when you want to send an image to a friend through Instagram inbox, and browse through the files, you see them arranged in a format whereby old stuff shows at the top and the newer pictures that you just downloaded are either somewhere in the middle (for which you have to initiate a search mission) or located at the very bottom. Either way this is frustrating and I am really looking forward to find a fix for this. It merits a mention here that the gallery app itself does not have this problem as all files are perfectly sorted in there but all social media apps (fb, insta,snap,twitter) mess up every now and then.
Highly anticipating a working solution!
Thank you.

