sms linking to contacts - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

i heard that somewhere this ""feature" or lack of it had been fixed by xda developers - can you point to a thread that advises s/w to d/l to remedy this/
or is it going to be fixed in new ROM/Radio that O2 promised for March?? didn't say which year sadly only march maybe 2004.. 2005......

Why don't you try the search Button and search for SMS and Name?
You will get a link to this Thread:
and try this one:

@ lumpistefan
fair play - lesson learned - will look further for s/w next time


Screen not turning on when SMS recieved

I have wm2003 4.0.11 cooked and when i get an sms the screen doesnt wake up, it plays the notification, the screen wakes when there is a call though.
any ideas guy's n gal's
i think its just the wm2003, because - if i remember correctly, in the rom versions 3.xxxx the screen would turn on, but not in this one.
This is a feature. A nice one, I think, but someone came up with some software to remove it. Sorry, can't remember any more details, but some searching in Google ought to find it.
cheers, will advise if i find it.
I have the same thing, apperciate finding solution ...
whilst searching via google have got nothing in return
mine turns on when an sms is recieved, the problem is it doesnt turn OFF after a few min like it should (like it does if its turned on but recieves no sms). grrr.
Check this:
thank you very much for a solution
ROM 4.01.00 does wake up the screen upon receiving SMS
that's good to know ....
that you very much for the info, seems I do need to make an upgrade anyway
regards, monika
again, be careful. The 4.01.00 file contains RSU upgrade as well. It will put you on RSU 6.24.01 which I 'm not sure it will work for you. Try to extract the ROM upgrade files only using Winzip.
thanks for the fix, anywhere i can get a cooked 4.1.0 rom as i am in the uk.
Do a search in the Upgrading and Modifying It section of this forum for 4.01.00. One of the posts has a link to the 4.01 ROM upgrade (~40M). Worked flawlessly for me.
Do a search in the Upgrading and Modifying It section of this forum for 4.01.00. One of the posts has a link to the 4.01 ROM upgrade (~40M). Worked flawlessly for me.

Known Issues with new Cingular ROM (2.06.502.3)

Not to be redundant with other threads, but to compile in one place, maybe we can list in this thread the known issues in the new Cingular ROM, with links to the other threads where solutions/ideas are being discussed. Some of those which come to mind are the following:
Goodlink Integration with Dialer not Working
PIE Proxy Issues (and related VPN troubles)
SD Card Not Reading Correctly
Disappearance of SmartDialer ... which should be fixable with the cab file located here.
Additionally, know helpful registry tweaks are being (and should be) compiled here
And finally, some helpful fixes/mods:
PTT Fix - to take back control over the PTT button (especially useful if you don't plan to use PTT)
BandSwitch - to manage your connections (and thereby increase battery life)
Well, this is just a start.
What are the SD problems? I haven't run into anything yet...
Check the link I provided on the first post.. many folks (myself included) have intermittent problems where the directories on the card are no longer visible (until after a soft reset and/or removal and re-insertion of the card).
Bummer. I hope that doesn't hapen to me. But if this XDA-Lives ROM is released, hopefully I won't be using Cingular's (AT&T's) 2.06 ROM much longer!
Some, including myself, have lost SmartDialer.
I'm trying to find a solution.
berdinkerdickle said:
Some, including myself, have lost SmartDialer.
I'm trying to find a solution.
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Yeah, I have this problem too. Luckily I've been using the E-Ten Dialer, so I'm not used to the Smart Dialer. But it'd be nice if I had it available, since I'm not using E-Ten anymore.
A lot of people use PTTfix. Might want to put a shortcut to sleuth's thread, as his latest release apparently fixes the issues with it. (I'll post it if I happen to stumble across it in my journies of trying to catch up with the latest posts.)
EDIT: Here's the thread:
sk0t said:
A lot of people use PTTfix. Might want to put a shortcut to sleuth's thread, as his latest release apparently fixes the issues with it. (I'll post it if I happen to stumble across it in my journies of trying to catch up with the latest posts.)
EDIT: Here's the thread:
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Yes, but is that really an issue or a feature? I am sure Cingular would consider it a feature, but everyone knows it's total crap.
Smart Dialer coment:
Some are having issues with new ROM and no smart dialer. I had no problems, but I also know that installing ETen Big Button Dialer (available at disables Smart Dialer. So I tested it. Install ETen and as supposed too, no smart dial. Then I unistall ETen and the smart dial is back working ok. Also in the phone screen the right soft key has an option for the Smart Dialer, make sure it is turned on.
Now if anyone can get ETEN to work WITH smartdial, that would be cool.
I could not get E-Ten to work with SmartDial, though purportedly you can... see link here for discussion on this issue.
If you do get it working, an easy step-by-step would be appreciated!
richy240 said:
Yes, but is that really an issue or a feature? I am sure Cingular would consider it a feature, but everyone knows it's total crap.
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Heh.. I definitely consider it an issue.. Cingular does say feature no doubt, but I should still have the ability to remap that button. Hence the reason I suggested it.
I added it to the first page (which I am updating as folks add thoughts) Try this Smart Dial Cab
That fixed it for me.
Thanks Wpbear and MVT.
Updated the Wiki:
Eten Dialer WITH SmartDial Works for me but the ATT name is scrunched up a little.But everything works.
SEE My next post. Soory
Were you intending to attach files to your last post? Not sure I can follow it.
This has Portrait and Landscape Mode w/Smart Dial, Look pretty good.
Excellent -- seems to work .. now I will see if those black glass skins work with it -- thanks
weinson said:
I unzipped it ... just install the cab file, restart, and it should work ... or am I missing something? At the moment I don't have any version of the e-ten dialer installed (do I need to do that first?)
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No the zip with the cab has the smartdialer and the ETEN buttons.

New AP4 FAQ In the WiKi

Greetings to All,
I have started an AP4 FAQ and want to include content and information that is useful to people that have AP4, Who are considering AP4 or are having issues with AP4. Please have a look and let me know if you things you would like added by posting in this thread.
I hope you will find this FAQ usefull.
Thanks for that, you've immediatly answered one of my first questions about the auto rotate thingy - it is a cool function, but doesn't half cause TT to flip out during use
Digital.Diablo said:
Thanks for that, you've immediatly answered one of my first questions about the auto rotate thingy - it is a cool function, but doesn't half cause TT to flip out during use
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Try reading an ebook with that enabled (I disabled it)
i know in the wiki there is a compatibility issue regarding the igo 6 and htc home.. i disbled htc home and i am still not able to launch the igo application.. solution anyone?
i depend on gps everyday in between clients and i cant really use the google maps one .. help please
dj_gabzz said:
i know in the wiki there is a compatibility issue regarding the igo 6 and htc home.. i disbled htc home and i am still not able to launch the igo application.. solution anyone?
i depend on gps everyday in between clients and i cant really use the google maps one .. help please
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There has been a great deal of discussion about this issue in the Kaiser forums since there is alot of wm6.1 development going on there. here is a very good thread on the topic.

new to iolite, quick question

Hi guys having my touch diamond replaced on insurance with an xda guide looking fwd to getting hold of it was just wondering cant find anything about it but does the guide have an accelorometer on board like my old diamond many thanks look fwd to chatting when i get it many thanks
Not really the best section for that (you are in the rom developement...), but no, it does not have a G-sensor.
many thanks only realised after i posted sorry but thanks anyway
hudytheone said:
many thanks only realised after i posted sorry but thanks anyway
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Not really a problem, happens every other time to someone...
Best regards,
Not sure if this is the correct thread so I appologise in advance.
Bought an Iolite from O2 which and the phone is currently unlocked.
I cannot install some applications (although I've installed Skype for ex). I get "installation was unsuccesful". I thought is all about decertifying so I looked for information about changing registry values and registry editors etc but apparently, values in registers cannot be changed or deleted. Any ideas, please?

Thoughts on camera crashing?

So more than a few times now, and completely random, the camera crashes. I'm trying to take a picture, it focuses and click the picture is taken. Instead of going back to the previous screen to take a picture or select options, it just stays with the image I just took.
The only thing that works is the home key, and not right away. Return, menu and search don't work, just the home key after a delay. Now, if that wasn't enough, once the camera allows me to return home, my media player starts playing! w t f?
Any ideas on what's going on?
Mine does the same thing. Not sure what's causing it, but it's annoying for sure.
Same here. I was going to sprint today to see about my phone but atleast I know I'm not the only one
Sent from my PG86100 using XDA App
okay. Well i'll contact them and see what they say.
Dear xxxx xxxxxxx,
I understand the importance of being able to use the camera on your HTC EVO 3D. I will be more than ahppy to assist you with this. I first recommend performing a soft reset on the device. This is done by powering the phone off and removing the battery for 30 seconds. Then, reinstall the battery and test the phone.
Next, I recommend clearing the data from the camera application on the device. This is done by going to: Home> Menu> Settings> Applications> Manage Applications> All> Camera> Clear Data. Then, press Home and test the phone.
Finally, I recommend performing a factory reset on the device. Note that this will erase all of your personal data from the phone and reset it to the factory settings of the current ROM. Please ensure that your personal data has been backed up prior to resetting the device. To reset it, go to: Home> Menu> Settings> SD & Phone Storage> Factory data reset. Follow the on screen instructions to complete the reset and evaluate the results. These steps should allow your device to function normally. I do apologize for any inconvenience.
To send a reply to this message or let me know I have successfully answered your question log in to our ContactUs site using your email address and your ticket number xxxxxxxxxxx
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I am going to follow up with them since that didn't work for me
Dear xxxxx xxxxxx,
Thank you for your response. Since the troubleshooting did not resolve the issue, then I recommend that you contact our warranty and repair office at 1.877.293.0807. They are open Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM EST. I do apologize for any inconvenience.
To send a reply to this message or let me know I have successfully answered your question log in to our ContactUs site using your email address and your ticket number .
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anyone have any update on this camera issue? mine still locks up if i dont hold it the right way or mess with the 2d/3d switch.....cmon htc come out with an update to fix the problems we have with the camera, this phone is awesome but i mainly use the camera for work and if i cant use my phone's camera to do the job...well i guess im gonna have to look for another brand sorry htc
Don't bother with HTC's troubleshooting. It's worthless and I've done it a bunch of times to no avail. We just got to make this known on both their Twitter and Facebook so that they'll take notice.
Here's my thread from a couple days ago.
chlehqls said:
Don't bother with HTC's troubleshooting. It's worthless and I've done it a bunch of times to no avail. We just got to make this known on both their Twitter and Facebook so that they'll take notice.
Here's my thread from a couple days ago.
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whats their twitter site so i can post there as well, yeah i think im not going to mess with htc trouble shooting since they really dont know what they're talking about sorry to say.
Edit: yeah i also replied on your thread as well. Hopefully htc is working on a fix for this
alanmv567 said:
whats their twitter site so i can post there as well, yeah i think im not going to mess with htc trouble shooting since they really dont know what they're talking about sorry to say.
Edit: yeah i also replied on your thread as well. Hopefully htc is working on a fix for this
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I'm surprised there hasn't been a fix already, to be honest..
yeah the camera app should have been one of the first working apps to go alongside this phone...i had a droid x before this phone and never had any problems with the camera, so hopefully htc can fix this.

