Caller Display - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

My XDA only shows the number of who is calling and not the name. Anyone know how to fix this?

need to add to your contact list

Please... that is not an informative answer.
There is a piece of software you need to download. Unfortunately I do not have the URL, but I believe if you search this forum it has been posted before.

Thanks guys

I think xchange had given enough information. I didn't need any Software to see the callers name.
Just have to sync your XDA with your PC or add the contacs manualy to your XDA and it will be shown on calling.
If you want to see the name at incoming SMS you need a little bit of Software. It's called SMS__Name from Paragon. It can be downloaded for free. Just search the frum to find the link / Instructions....

I agree its simple as Xchange said no need for additional software its a minor setting in the XDA.

Sorry. I misread - I thought this was about SMS


identifying received sms

Hi guys, I am very proud of my new xda, however I could not identify who sent me the sms messages since it does not show the senders names unlike other mobile phones, we cant search by phone numbers too I live in the Philippines where sms is part of our lives! Please help me Thanks in advance
Download the cab-file from the following link, copy it onto your XDA and execute (doubble-click) it. That's all
there is a free utility from paragon software to show names on sms, however it works only for the list view && received sms
take a look at, it's lying there somewhere
ROKO: is it the same? mine is called I think, does it fix sent items etc...?
thank you very muchb
thanks so much guys, now im super happy with my xda, if only they made it a tri band phone so we can also use it in the us, anyways I very happy now, thanks again guys
Zviratko said:
ROKO: is it the same? mine is called I think, does it fix sent items etc...?
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I don't know. You could compare the two by looking into the cab files using WinZip. I wouldn't worry too much about it, there are more way's of doing the same thing. :wink:
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That's funny, I was wondering why I was getting more traffic on that site lately...
The copy I have may not be the most current, though it does seem to work fine. It was not an official release. I can't recall the URL for the official release, but I know you can find it in Google.
SMS Name
Hi, I've followed this subject word for word, but my XDA keeps telling me theres no file associated with the three files you get when you unzip the downloaded file?? can you help?

Software for auto-ignore incoming calls

Hi, I want to know is there any software we can use to ignore incoming calls from contacts in certain categories? I use only 1 number for business and personal things, it would be very useful for me if I can auto-ignore calls from Business category after business hours
Thanks folks...
Just wanted to add to the question. I was using Nokia3650 previously and it came with a utility named "BlackList". You could put in contacts in the blacklist and they woudl always get a message of "The number your dialling is not responding at the moment". Is there any such utility available for the XDA :? ?
I would love to have such a utility.........If anyone came accross it, PLEASE post it
Just set that business number to other short "beep" ringtone and u won't get any attention when te call comes in.
is there already a blacklistprogram?
from this thread
Of course there is such a program. It is called Smart Filter(commercial unluckily). I will post it tomorrow (my network is a bit... down... so I'm writing from my MDA! ). Any way, if you don't wanna wait for me to post it - try google!
Search for CallerFirewall on this forum. It's a freeware
Re: CallerFirewall
Tekflow said:
Search for CallerFirewall on this forum. It's a freeware
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Isn't this CallerFirewall in Chineeze?
SmartFilter is good.
Yes, but it has been translated to English (look further down in the same thread)
CallerFirewall rocks. It's ugly to look at, you need to soft-reset your phone sometimes to get blocked callers added properly, but it's very effective and free. Even though it's clunky to use, it's not like you need to be worried about using this program every day, right?
Hi everybody,
I'm using CallerFirewall for some time now and it works great, no problems so far. But u can't block callers by category, u can do it only individually.

First Name, Last Name in Pocket Outlook

Can anyone tell me if there is a way to default Pocket Outlook to display First Name, Last Name.
I have set all my contact on the PC to First, Last, but if I create a new contact on the XDA or I edit the name of any contact on the XDA it reverts to Last, First.
I have tried this on a Dell Axim X5 (PPC2003) and this seems to be the same.
Yep got that same prob!! But I got around it by saving the contact to SIM then copy to phone and from there add any additional details.
Hope this helps.
If anyone has an easy answer to this one, I'd be very pleased.
I've been fighting with this one for months.
max me up said:
Yep got that same prob!! But I got around it by saving the contact to SIM then copy to phone and from there add any additional details.
Hope this helps.
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This will work but as soon as you edit any part of the name in the address book it reverts to Last, First again and you have to repeat the process again!
When you sysn to Outlook 2002/XP go to contact select the contact name you want to edit their is an option called "File as" which is drop down menu. it will display the First AND Last Name . Save AND Close repeat step for other contacts.
Hope this helps :wink:
This doesn't help when you add a new contact on the XDA, it files it LAST, FIRST, until you get a chance to sync the XDA and change it back in Outlook.
Can anyone tell me if there is a way to default Pocket Outlook to display First Name, Last Name.
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Oh boy, my favorite Pocket Outlook annoyance, one of many, since I use the GroupWise 6.5 client with IntelliSync to synchronize. What can I say: masochism, a way of life?
Anyway, I solved it by cutting the last name and appending that to the first name for all (250-300 ) my contacts. Only takes one night and is a real good practise for getting used to the touchscreen.
I have searched on a lot of forums, and only 1 tip can be read time after time: get a different PIM, even if you don't have the issue we're discussing right now.
Really, why Microsoft didn't put an option to change the View in there will probably never cease to amaze me :shock:
xda-rocks said:
This doesn't help when you add a new contact on the XDA, it files it LAST, FIRST, until you get a chance to sync the XDA and change it back in Outlook.
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I understand your point but it all depends how often you sysnc your XDA and use Outlook 2000/XP as you PIM . Well it's one soultion..... :?
X-Ray said:
Can anyone tell me if there is a way to default Pocket Outlook to display First Name, Last Name.
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Anyway, I solved it by cutting the last name and appending that to the first name for all (250-300 ) my contacts. Only takes one night and is a real good practise for getting used to the touchscreen.
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The best solution for me is to change all contacts to First Name only containing all full name, but as I am a lazy software engineer I wrote some software to do it. I also wrote it to change any (UK) mobile number it finds to +44 at the start so the caller ID appears when then send sms.
I don't have an ftp site so if anyone wants to e-mail me I can send them a copy - runs on the PC with Office 2000 or greater installed and you can preview what changes it will do before altering anything.
Usual disclaimer applies - Don't blame me and make a back up of your contacts in Outlook before you start.
Files are available at the following http download site:
Please cut and paste the link into a new browser window.
Let me know if anyone has any problems.
I can not download the file.. I'm getting this msg:
HTTP1.1 STATUS 403 Remote Access to this object forbidden This file cannot be directly accessed from a remote site, but must be linked through the Brinkster Member's site.
So, please advice,,,
Best regards,,,
If you cut the address and paste it into the address bar of a new explorer (or other browser) window it should work. :wink: If not mail me and I will e-mail you.
Can you mailit to me as well? I too couldnot access that website.
me too.. 8)
could u pls mail it to me too. thanks
Name Converter Software
Converter First Name Last Name entries to All First Name in Outlook on the PC.
Thanks 8)
wtf does
"A Man said to the Universe, Sir I Exist..
But this never created in him the Sense of obligation.."
mean ?
something along the lines of.
"This man felt compelled to create an irritating signature and succeeded"
Mr Web.. Hey up Matey.. You Again.. !!!
Thanks for the CD's Which I haven't recive (Yet.. ).
By The Way.. Have you found Something about the eVC (and/or) eVB.. ??
And the 22Way Conn. ??
And for the Signature.. :roll: No Comments.. !!
Hey up Matt..
Guess You've "left" That Same Frame that Reminds of the Something we used to Call "TimeBomb" Expiry.. !!!
I Can't Wait for Alan anymore..
Just Die'ng to Get my XDA..
T H A N X Matt..

T9 search in stock dialer

Hi everyone,
I hope to consider this post in the good section, because I think this problem could be solved by a developer.
So, what's about?
I'm coming from a WM device (HTC Touch HD) and, having a huge amount of contacts, I discovered a problem with the stock dialer.
In my old phone dialer, when I searched for (by example) letters JO it returned all the contacts containing these string in name, surname or company name, like this:
Doe, JOhn (Acme Inc.)
JOhannes, Mike (McNeill Co.)
Power, Paul (JOss Ind.)
In my SGS2 (as well as in the Galaxy Tab) stock dialer, the results returned are only the contacts where the name starts with JO: JOhannes, Mike.
Also, the stock dialer isn't showing the company name and, because I have more persons with the same name, I often make confusions and call the wrong person.
Question: can anybody correct this problem and/or modify the stock dialer in order to return all the relevant results?
A related problem is with the anwer screen where only name and surname are shown. Will be great if could be shown the company name also.
P.S. there is a dialer who already can do a real K9 search and snowing all the relevant results: aTAKEphONE. But I prefere to add as less as possible other application to my phone. Also, the above mentioned dialer does not make video calls.
So, what do you think guys ?
Could we have a real K9 serch in our stock dialer ?
Regards to you all !
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
Same problem as you mate, the dialer sucks due to this fact. I went for go dialer instead. Works well and has video call (i think...?) And nice grouping of contacts if you have lots...
At least it gives the correct search if nothing else
I'd too stick to the default dialer if it actually worked.
Good luck, and please post here if you find a hack for it.
if you mean t9, try dialer one from market.
sent from my SGSII via T*patalk
Yes, sorry...
I wanted to say t9
To reply to the other posts, neither GO contacts nor Dialer One fits my needs. I've tried almost dialers...
And want to have the t9 for the dialer section and not for it's contact section.
So, I also hope that some skilled developer will find a solution for us.
I'll keep posting any news anyway.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
I'm curious but what about dialer one isnt meeting your needs? It searchs first and last name and by number, in both contacts and call logs, all similtaneouly. Brings most often contacted to the top, etc. I'm wondering if its the company name? Not sure as that gets included in the return as I have my contacts set up by name except where then company is the name itself and then I have different numbers set up under that contact. Just curious as I'm always looking for a better mousetrap. I'm sure someone will be along to point at that requests do not belong in this section as stated in the faq above.
krabman said:
I'm curious but what about dialer one isnt meeting your needs? It searchs first and last name and by number, in both contacts and call logs, all similtaneouly. Brings most often contacted to the top, etc. I'm wondering if its the company name? Not sure as that gets included in the return as I have my contacts set up by name except where then company is the name itself and then I have different numbers set up under that contact. Just curious as I'm always looking for a better mousetrap. I'm sure someone will be along to point at that requests do not belong in this section as stated in the faq above.
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Yeh Dialer one searches business name and just about everything in the contact info. I wouldn't go back to stock even if it did search properly, even though that is why I left it. I personally don't see whats missing in Dialer one either so curious what the topic author finds is missing.
Edit: Except he DOESN'T want T9 when searching contacts and only in the dialer. Not sure of the reason for this but hey. He could always use the stock contact manager still and only use the dialer for making calls.
Oh, I assumed he was using T9 search. I dont even have a contact shortcut on the home screen. A lot of people don't realize its actually less clicks to get to a number through T9 on the dialer than any other search method.
krabman said:
Oh, I assumed he was using T9 search. I dont even have a contact shortcut on the home screen. A lot of people don't realize its actually less clicks to get to a number through T9 on the dialer than any other search method.
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I agree. Pretty much all contact methods are easily accessable in Dialer one by entering just a few numbers for detailed t9 prediction then clicking on their contact photo choose call, sms, email, video call, full contact info, facebook, google maps.....
Jus thought I'd say I have no affiliation with Dialer one, just a happy user
I hear you. The stock dialer is woefully inadaquate in terms of enhanced functionality and search. Was used to much better before I got to android. Like I said though, always looking for a better mousetrap or just learning something new that makes things either easier or faster.
I have been using Rocket Dialer. its the best i saw amongst all T9 dialers
First of all, this post was intended to rise a challenge for developers for finding a solution to have a real T9 search on the stock dialer.
Second, I agree that there are many other dialers out there, most of them better than the stock dialer.
Third, Dialer One does not show the company within the returned results. So, if you search JO and you have more "Doe, JOhn" you will see these results without knowing who-is-who. Will you going to open each one in order to find the right John that you want to call?
Anyway, the discussion slipped to a discussion about different dialers, as I can see. All right, maybe this could give ideas to a good developper for implementing the best funtions in a new dialer... or to modify the stock one.
Keep posting, maybe will improve our Android smartphones.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
try youlu address book from the market... its has the best t9 search and interface.
stefanjadex said:
Hi everyone,
I hope to consider this post in the good section, because I think this problem could be solved by a developer.
So, what's about?
I'm coming from a WM device (HTC Touch HD) and, having a huge amount of contacts, I discovered a problem with the stock dialer.
In my old phone dialer, when I searched for (by example) letters JO it returned all the contacts containing these string in name, surname or company name, like this:
Doe, JOhn (Acme Inc.)
JOhannes, Mike (McNeill Co.)
Power, Paul (JOss Ind.)
In my SGS2 (as well as in the Galaxy Tab) stock dialer, the results returned are only the contacts where the name starts with JO: JOhannes, Mike.
Also, the stock dialer isn't showing the company name and, because I have more persons with the same name, I often make confusions and call the wrong person.
Question: can anybody correct this problem and/or modify the stock dialer in order to return all the relevant results?
A related problem is with the anwer screen where only name and surname are shown. Will be great if could be shown the company name also.
P.S. there is a dialer who already can do a real K9 search and snowing all the relevant results: aTAKEphONE. But I prefere to add as less as possible other application to my phone. Also, the above mentioned dialer does not make video calls.
So, what do you think guys ?
Could we have a real K9 serch in our stock dialer ?
Regards to you all !
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
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dialer from ZSKF4 has that feature. perhaps you can try flashing that rom. bear in mind that's an Asian rom.
stefanjadex said:
Third, Dialer One does not show the company within the returned results. So, if you search JO and you have more "Doe, JOhn" you will see these results without knowing who-is-who. Will you going to open each one in order to find the right John that you want to call?
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Ahh so you want to show the company name in in the results. Now I re read your message its pretty obvious now I think of it... Ooops.
I agree maybe we should list things that people like from all dialers and maybe some devs can add these functions to the stock dialer.
I thought you meant search say "Nike" and show all people who work for Nike.... of which Dialer one does but it will also show your best mate "Nikelodeon Smith" as well... but will not show the company name in the search names....
Thank you for your suggestion. Can you try please to post a screenshot with a search result ?
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
I'm glad that you saw the point. Where I want to arrive is: using our Android handsets also for business, not only for fun.
This is mean that they really should be SMARTphones, helping us to use them better and faster.
Ar regarding your suggestion, let's do it!
I'll start a new post for that purpose and I'll post the link here.
Meanwhile, everybody is welcome to post here their suggestions.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
stefanjadex said:
Hi everyone,
I hope to consider this post in the good section, because I think this problem could be solved by a developer.
So, what's about?
I'm coming from a WM device (HTC Touch HD) and, having a huge amount of contacts, I discovered a problem with the stock dialer.
In my old phone dialer, when I searched for (by example) letters JO it returned all the contacts containing these string in name, surname or company name, like this:
Doe, JOhn (Acme Inc.)
JOhannes, Mike (McNeill Co.)
Power, Paul (JOss Ind.)
In my SGS2 (as well as in the Galaxy Tab) stock dialer, the results returned are only the contacts where the name starts with JO: JOhannes, Mike.
Also, the stock dialer isn't showing the company name and, because I have more persons with the same name, I often make confusions and call the wrong person.
Question: can anybody correct this problem and/or modify the stock dialer in order to return all the relevant results?
A related problem is with the anwer screen where only name and surname are shown. Will be great if could be shown the company name also.
P.S. there is a dialer who already can do a real K9 search and snowing all the relevant results: aTAKEphONE. But I prefere to add as less as possible other application to my phone. Also, the above mentioned dialer does not make video calls.
So, what do you think guys ?
Could we have a real K9 serch in our stock dialer ?
Regards to you all !
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
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Did you ever get any solution for this very annoying problem?
njallotkar said:
Did you ever get any solution for this very annoying problem?
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Are you referring to searching for company names too in the dialer?
After reading this post I found this app that does it well - Eir Fast Dialer.
You do have to go into the settings to enable company names though but it seems to work well after that.
jjdoctor said:
I have been using Rocket Dialer. its the best i saw amongst all T9 dialers
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It consumes memory heavily

Google Now "View email" link opens browser instead gmail app

It's said in the thread name. Is that normal or what should I do to get it right? I tried to search this subject but it's impossible to search as the search words are too common and I can't filter out the results I need. Please enlighten me in the subject matter...
Thanks in advance.
P.S. It was also hard to put this thread in appropriate forum, so if I have mistaken in that regard, mods please relocate the thread.
So nobody even knows is this normal or not?
Nobody uses Google Now?
So, 53 views - from which I guess 3 I can write on my own account - and nobody from 50 people uses Google Now... Really? That can only mean two things. Google has seriously f..ked up with the service, I mean if even one out of 50 people doesn't use it, it's definitely a fail. Or, a more probable reality is that not a single user from those 50 who actually has ever tried Google Now bothered to answer my question. This is EPIC fail, dear XDA-Developers Forum. It's not the community it used to be, where it was meant that users support each other. And that's really sad.
When I say view email it opens the stock mail app.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
Thank You for Your effort! I am sorry, I wasn't being accurate in my original post. I was referring to the situation when I have a "package shipped" card in Google Now and there is a link below that - "View email". When clicking that one, I am redirected to browser instead Gmail app... I have Gmail app set as default for emails.
UP. Please someone test it...

