Put word in SD - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

can I put programs like explorer, word and excel on sd - and how do you remove such programs.
cheers dudes :lol:

No, you can't. These are in ROM anyway, so you would have no benefit from doing this.


Program Files on Storage Card

hi everyone, I have a little question,,, when installing programs from ActiveSync to the storage card, the folders are created on the root! is there a way to make them grouped under a specific folder?? "Storage Card\Program Files" for example!
I got alot of programs installed on my MMC, but they are cluttered!!!
Thanks alot
yes, easiest way is to use CABINSTALL. copy installed cab file from programfiles/activesync/... straight to PDA and then run cabinstall..
Thanks alot kavalir :lol: :lol: :lol:

Reformating my minisd

if I have a 1 gb mini sd n I want 2 reformat it do I need a certain program 2 do so or what?
if you got a usb sd adaptor just use windows to format it... like you normally do a flash drive..
no I didn't get a usb adapter I got a sd adapter...maybe I can do something with that?...or maybe I can put it in the phone then format?...any help is appreciated...
What I think he was talking about was a usb card reader. You usually have to put your mini SD card in the SD adapter so you can put it in the card reader so your pc will read it. If I remember right, I think total commander will reformat your card for you while it's in the phone though.
where can I get total commander from?
Google for it, you should find it. Either that, or you could try looking in your start-->programs-->accessories folder. Most of the cooked ROM's here have been including it.
xeno1 said:
Google for it, you should find it. Either that, or you could try looking in your start-->programs-->accessories folder. Most of the cooked ROM's here have been including it.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
thanks alot! i will test it when i recieve my minisd in the mail
I just looked in TC and couldn't find a format feature. I don't need to format right now but I was checking the advice given here and am not sure it's right. Can someone point me to the right area of TC?
I apolgize, somewhere recently I read in one of the forums that I go through on a daily basis that total commander provided a format function and so I passed on the information believing it to be true. Apparently it wasn't. I went through total commander and also went to their website and found nothing even mentioned about reformatting an SD card. Again, I apologize for the misinformation. You'd think I'd learn to check out information before re-posting it.
well its the thought that counts...but a college of mine has a laptop with a slot 4 the sd card so i think i will b able to reformat there
formatting mini sd woes....
you can format ur card in the phone using an app called pocket mechanic pro
get more info on www.wizcode.com
it does a whole lot also check it out
if u like it do a torrent search...
mastertek said:
if u like it do a torrent search...
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Click to collapse
I'm actually speechless. Moderators where are you?
Please replace the above with:
You can buy Pocket Mechanic Professional for $29.95 from here.
Resco explorer
I have Resco Explorer (or whatever the name is). It has a format option. I tried it, but never worked. Was it a fake menu item? Then I formatted it in my laptop. I used FAT format and had to use full format option (takes hell lot of time) . The quick format option made the SD card unreadable in PPC.
Can I also use other formats with PPC? Like Fat32, NTFS?
accessories folder. Most of the cooked ROM's here have been including it.
great help!

[Q] Format SD Card with phone?

I've noticed in a few thread people mention using the phone to format your SD card. Am I missing something? Where is this option?
Never mind, I found the program in the \Windows directory. The shortcut must just be missing in the Settings folder or taken out by tmous.
There isn't. Yo must have one of these:
Spb Pocket Plus
Pocket Mechanic
Resco Explorer
nvm, found it in the \Windows directory, will update OP.

Lost folder on root drive?

Made a folder last night on the root drive and restarted and now its gone! It had a few things in it I'd like to recover that I moved from the SD to keep them safe but turns out its done the exact opposite. Anyone got any ideas on how or if I can recover it?
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
I hate bumping threads but this is fairly important... bump...
One thing though : Since I moved it from my SD card to the internal drive (literally selected move, not copy/paste in Root Explorer) does that effectively copy and delete it off the SD? Ive tried file recovery programs on the SD and it literally finds everything else except the ones I need! Surely "move" is really "copy, paste, delete old one" ?

[Q] Organize The MicroSD

Hello friends,
My phone is a Sony Ericsson Xperia Ray ST18i (2011)....but my question is not related to the phone but all android phones.
I try my best to keep the folders and partitions organized in my laptop. but the same cant be done in the phone's sd card.
if i install a app for an instance, say Handcent app, it creates a folder in the main (root) of the SD card (i suppose /sdcard), with the name "Handcent" and similarly every app i install creates folders and now i have a big messy link of folders.
and also many are uninstalled but the folders are left alone in the card that i need to delete. (which i tend to forget).
Is there a remedy for this matter? anything that will remove the folder and contents (with user permission) when uninstalling the app?
SD card is littered with names and unknown codes that i dont know which app created this.
Please provide a solution that i can keep the card organized well.
Im running ICS 4.0.4 custom rom, with 32GB Class 4 Kingston MicroSD Card.
Thank you all,
Download system Cleanup from market. It will list those folders as "Delete Dead datafolder".
This tool require root I guess.
If you said about this
it is not the one. cause that is something for the data and app folder inside the android box. not on the sd card. i think something is fitting on SD Maid
Will try the maid and give feedback.
Thank you!
Actually both of the apps work good. need to do some work with that SD Maid. very good one. but need patience to work with. And the other one is good but does all in the system itself. good to clean some caches.
Thanks! will be digging for more.

