SMS "+ stripping bug" solved :) - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

I had a problem with [email protected], whenever I wrote a new SMS and selected the contact recipient, the phone stripped + from the beginning of the number (all my number are in international format - eg. +420 608 888 888)
it was such an annoying thing...
now I got a workaround, instead of going to Inbox -> New, go to Contacts and from the popup menu on the contact, select Send SMS, the number remains, the + sign remains
Not a definite fix, but made my life a lot easier


Message (SMS) was send from which Nr.?

How do I see from which number a Text Message (SMS) was send?
Here is the problem: A friend of mine wend abroad and is using a different mobile phone number. I saved the new number in the contact file under "Home2 phone". Now, if I recieve a text message I actually dont see were it came from, do I?
(Even after clicking on the Message it opens the contact but shows the mobile phone number, not the one it was send from.)
Thanks for anwser
When receiving the message, all you can see is the name of the sender.
When you click on the contact, it shows you only the mobile phone number because, theoretically you can receive sms messages only from mobile phone numbers. A stationary phone number cannot be used to send sms
Torque77: Wrong. You CAN either send and receive SMS from fixed lines in most EU countries. And Rose can handle it without any problems.
Gipo: Just hit Enter when the received message is selected. Contact card will open with proper sender's phone number highlighted. BTW in threaded messages is enough if you just simply hit "Reply" - it will be sent automatically to correct number. (In fact, every number - even different number of the same contact - creates a new thread).
EDIT: OOPS, you're right. It just shows the card without highlighting the number (having a look I saw a last call, not the message). Then only way is direct reply in the thread then. Nevertheless, it's simple and reliable.
lelopet said:
Torque77: Wrong. You CAN either send and receive SMS from fixed lines in most EU countries. And Rose can handle it without any problems.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sorry then. Guess Moldova is waaaay behind and this chapter.
No problem... Just an reminder. Nevertheless, you can't be sure, if it is a phone able to receive it (again - some operators forwards SMS as a voice message then).
At least at the moment you already know, that Rose can send SMS on ANY phone number stored with contact - if you have somebody e.g. with more mobile phones.
Yes, if you just choose a contact in the list and select "SMS" by right-left arrows, the mobile number is used. But if you hit Enter in Addresse field in empty SMS form, select an user, Rose will show you all available phone numbers for the contact and is able to send the message at any of them.
thanks guys

SMS - Could Not Send 2.1 Update

Hi peeps
In 1.6 i used to get this problem if i sent a single message over the quantity of two message lengths it used to fail sending and state could not send.
in 2.1
if i send a message over the 1 message length (x amount of characters per message) it fails to send.
anyone have any ideas as to why this is or a solution please?
Not sure, but you're not the only one - X10 2.1 sms issue
Same problem here on 2.1 Nordic
More than 1 sms lenght and i get the same error
any solution???
Hi guys,
Try this and let us know how it goes, its worked for me!
Seems to be the SMS Centre number is missing, here's how to set it:
1. Open dialer and dial: *#*#4636#*#*
2. Select Phone Information from menu
3. Scroll down to SMSC
4. Enter SMS centre number given by your service provider in this box
5. Select Update
I got a "update error" message but it still seemed to save the number, but with " and a 3 digit code after it.
I don't know if this helps but I've had this problem as well and I've seem to figure out mine. I use GSM/WCDMA preferred and I also use apndroid and when I disable my data, I can only send a single body message but when I need to send messages with two or more bodies I need to enable my data so I hope that helps everybody. apn droid adds apndroid to your apn name and changes the apn type so I think that's the problem.

[Q] Stock contact/dialer and phonenumbers with pause (,) issue

I have this small but very annoying problem with a stock contacts.
When I have the calling card phone numbers in a single contact that all starts with the same 1800 number and then after the pause (,) the actual number to call, the contacts app shows only the first one.
contact with
Shows only the first entry for the phone available to dial.
Any solutions? I've tried a few third party apps but those that show the numbers correctly don't dial it. They basically skip the , in the dialer.

Google now call contact with several numbers

How can I call a contact that has several phone numbers? I want to do it without having to touch my phone, only through voice but I can't find a way to do it. I tried using the structure call + Contact name + work / main but doesn't work and if I just say the name it opens a window to select the phone I want to call, but I have to select it manually. Any ideas?
PS: the same thing happens sending sms through google now.

Question Google messages RCS chats

So far i like the RCS chat function but facing one issue. My career took time to change my new sim to previous number and google RCS varified ths temporary number. Now everyone I text doesn't know who I am lol. Trying to change number but this is hard af. Tried turning RCS off - restart - on again bit it goes back to old number.... Any solution??
This may help;
if you go to profile your picture in the messaging app then select "Message settings" then scroll down to "advanced" and click phone number then you can edit the number.

