XDA o2 Screen goes crazy? - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Suddenly my XDA o2 screen (with Dev SE1.2) went crazy displaying vertical lines like Niagara waterfalls! A soft reset did not solve the problem. I can hardly see and understand that the software is running correctly behind.
Haven't tried yet hard reset. Any advice would be welcomed.

This happened to me. Mine had to be replaced because T-Mobile USA said it was a hardware failure.

and me,o2 replaced for new

Thank you for coming back to my question. Unfortunately, I am out of warranty. Does anybody know if Expansys in UK, undertakes such repairs?
Many thanks,


XDA white screen after O2 upload gone wrong.

Is there anyone there who knows if there's a repair station in holland.
Ive been downloading teh O2 software pack and during the last pack installation its gone wrong .
I now only have a white screen with an blue edge at the top.
Tried fist soft reset and after this a hard reset.
It doesn't communicate with activesinc.
Anyone ideas???
Same thing happened me on Tuesday 18th. My supplier kindly gave me a new XDA. I don't know if this helps.
phone O2 (previously and soon te be Telfort) and log your problem.
I told them the update from their website had ****ed my XDA
They gave me a reference number to send it back to them (it's still under waranty) and they said they'll fix it. Though I dunno whether that'll be replacement or whether they'll just reflash it.
White Screen of doom
Same thing happened to me. Nothing works. very anoying and the second time i'm going to lose all my contacts and recent notes (travelling so they haven't been backed up for a while =( )
Same thing here too .. radio update killed my XDA
call it in to O2 customer service
they will fix it free if you still have warranty left (as they did for me) otherwise they will send you a bill
Took them slightly over a week to send it back to me. They sent it back to me with all the latest updates.
Check http://xda-developers.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=149

XDA Service Center UK

Hi Folks
Have just recieved my xda2 back from the uk service center. Credit due, they were quick and helpful, but the faults are still the same. Theyd upgraded the extROM but apart from that it appears nothing has changed.
The ROM is o2 1.66WWE and ive been having numberous freezing problems, I thought about upgrading the ROM to 1.72 imate but of course i guess once this is done, if something goes wrong o2 wont support the device any more. The other problem is i cant quite pull enough information together from the thousands of topics on this board to find out how to upgrade, what to use, what to do if it goes wrong, etc. Does anyone know of a recommended guide?
Aside from that, what does everyone think? Shall i continue to send it back to o2 or take matters into my own hands and start upgrading?
For anyone who ends up in the same situation as me, i had the device returned to me recently and the service center had changed the motherboard. Now it works perfectly fine, not problems and chances are if i had flashed to 1.72imate i wouldve had the same problems due to hardware fault and o2 wouldnt have supported me anymore. Tread carefully o2 upgraders


I dropped my phone and now my camera doesnt work. It shows a fuzzy picture like a TV needs tuning in. Any ideas. I already reflashed it following someones advice and it didnt work. can i buy a replacement camera and where?
Where, when, and from whom did you buy your phone?
I bought my phone from t-mobile uk 3 months ago.
Then flash it back to one of the official ROMs, and send it to t-mobile for repair.
software_samurai said:
Then flash it back to one of the official ROMs, and send it to t-mobile for repair.
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I agree. If there is no visible damage then it should be covered under warranty.
thanks for the advice. there are scratches on the outside from dropping it, however something really wierd has happened. I dropped the phone a second time and it seems to have sorted the camera problem!!! spooky
antway thanks for all your help.

Screen Promblem -pink colour distorted ;(

I have brought the GTab 10.1 for 3 months already from a agent in US, and it mailed to Hong Kong to me.
Everything is fine except very little newton rings occur in rare situation.
However, from this week, my LCD screen started with some colour distortion, which white colours all become pink gradually after long term use. It is not fixed and rotate same way with screen position.
I have phoned the agent in US but they refused to help me to send it back to Samsung and stated that Samsung will cost them charge to repair this problems. They just throw me to Hong Kong Samsung Custom Service to repair it which is cost the same.
Did anyone got this problems too? Did Samsung cost repair charge for repairing this problem? I need some evidence to argue with the agent. Please help!!
Thanks for any help!!
I suggest you chat with a live support person. Worked for me.
As an update,
After have a live chat with Samsung US support, they ask me to send the GTab back to have a check. They don't tell me if they charge for repair or not. Since I am sure I haven't drop it or related to software issue, it is almost due to faulty graphic hardware. I will try to argue with the agent again.
Hope all things fine...
simgamer50 said:
I have brought the GTab 10.1 for 3 months already from a agent in US, and it mailed to Hong Kong to me.
Everything is fine except very little newton rings occur in rare situation.
However, from this week, my LCD screen started with some colour distortion, which white colours all become pink gradually after long term use. It is not fixed and rotate same way with screen position.
I have phoned the agent in US but they refused to help me to send it back to Samsung and stated that Samsung will cost them charge to repair this problems. They just throw me to Hong Kong Samsung Custom Service to repair it which is cost the same.
Did anyone got this problems too? Did Samsung cost repair charge for repairing this problem? I need some evidence to argue with the agent. Please help!!
Thanks for any help!!
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Same issue here. I've had my Tab for over a year. lots of use out of it and have taken great care of it, but recently I'm getting the color distortion and it goes in and out. link below is another thread I posted pictures to regarding the 8 bit color bleed.. Any idea how to fix it?

[Q] “Unauthorized actions have been detected. error

Hey guys, I've bought the s6 edge 2 days ago, Im getting this error notification: “Unauthorized actions have been detected. Restart your phone to undo any unauthorized changes.”
how do i get rid of that pop up message? I've tried both soft and hard factory reset, even went to the extent to reflash the phone at the samsung store, even they dont know whats going on.
i also factory reset the phone leaving it with factory apps, ( i did not install any app) just to see if it would show the same error message, which it did again every 5 mins
how do i fix this problem? I've searched online, its like a common problem and it happened before with other guys s4 and s5,
s6 edge unauthorised actions have been detected
hi i have this problem as well on a brand new edge, i havnt done anything to alter phone, tryed factory resets and installing no apps etc and this message keeps coming up in the notification bar, i have spoke to everyone supplier (tesco mobile) manufacturer (Samsung) and security software developers knox and no one will give me any help other than handsets ganna have to go back, which is ganna break my heart installing all apps and spending hours setting phone up, i believe that probably all s6 edge phones have this problem and we need an update to security policy or software anyhow, if someone can help or find out anything let me no please, im not interested in rooting phone and potentially voiding waranty.
Unauthorised action
Hi, I am having exactly the same issue with my brand new s6 edge from within the first hour I had it. It's driving me nuts, can't find anything on the Internet on solutions just that the issue has been around before in the s5. Weirdly my wife got an s6 edge same day as me and doesn't have the problem at all, she didn't activate the knox app. I got a white one and my wife a gold one, not sure if there's anything in that but worth an ask. Come on Samsung sort it out.
mines a uk white too, im trying to hold out a couple of weeks before sending it back as im going away, i just hope an update comes through, cause i dont want the hassle of sending it back.
ok , Mine is happening on the white one is it same as for all of you? ,
My white one 64gb have the same problem!
Is this only a issue by white one?
well its looking that way but i cant believe that the different colours were flashed with software any different, update us samsung please.
Seems related with preinstalled knox.... but maybe not.
I have the same issue. I couldn't find a solution unless to send the phone back or root it.
Is there any diagnostic tool to identify the application triggering this issue?
well got excited this morning got a Samsung software update, but guess what unauthorised actions have been detected still came up i think a security policy update is what we need, im ganna try and message Samsung again.
I have the same problem. It seems there are many phones affected. The Samsung Hotline say: We know it, but we have no solution. Please exchange you phone at your dealer.
I have both the T-Mobile S6 Edge 128GB white and G925I 128gb white I just received this morning. I have this issue within an hour having the G925I but never had any issue with the T-Mobile version since I got that one last week. It's super annoying.
Seems like its an issue to some of us, but not to everyone or else this thread would be flooded
I have the same issue with my s6 edge in white. It's SO annoying ?
does anybody have this same problem in black s6 edge or gold?
DCpro said:
does anybody have this same problem in black s6 edge or gold?
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Same problem here S6 Edge Black... Would love to have an update / fix for this other than rooting the phone and taking it back...
I had the same problem. Spent hours trying to fix it and spoke to Samsung on the phone for quite some time. Apparently there is no fix and I was told to return the phone. I have a new one coming in the mail today and am crossing my fingers that it does not have the same problem.
be really interested leanne to know if your new phone is ok?
So far it seems that this one is fine. I updated to the most recent software, cleared cache and am using smart switch to reinstall all my stuff. It's been going for about 45 minutes and no security issues as of yet.
leanne said:
So far it seems that this one is fine. I updated to the most recent software, cleared cache and am using smart switch to reinstall all my stuff. It's been going for about 45 minutes and no security issues as of yet.
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Please keep us updated some more. by the way , did samsung already released a new update?
Wasn't a new update, but since the phone was made. Still doing well, no problems at all.

