My PPCTechs 64mb upgrade experience - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Probably been posted 10 times, just thought I would share my experiences with my 64mb upgrade for my XDA using
Worked great... before I could only run one app (such as NetFront, Mapopolis, PocketInformant, etc.) now I can easily run multiple apps. If you use your XDA heavily I would really recommend this. Worth the money. I would have loved to skip it and just get an XDA2 but they are quite a bit more $$$ right now.... About twice as much as an upgraded XDA.


XDA suitable for a 16 year old?

Hello there..
I have recently discovered your website and it is very impressive, well done :lol:
In september i am going back to 6th form to complete my a-levels, and i believe that the XDA would be a good application to have....
But i was wondering does any one have an opinion on a 16 year old using the XDA mainly for social reasons? Has anybody had an experince like mine? Is it really worth the money? Also can it be used as an mp3 player?
Thanks very much for your time and effort in advanced.
Yes, it's a fine MP3 player if you have a bigish SD-card for the music, and some better headphones than the junk that comes with it.
yeah im planning on getting the 256mb sd card....
but doesn't the ear phones supplied come with a speaker in it, to use it as a hands free kit?
If you can wait a little, the XDA II will be available before december 2003 , and will be a lot better than the actual one :!: :wink:
XDA 2? is there something i should know about it?
is there a thread? what does it do?
how much do u think the new XDA 2 will cost?
thanks again for ur help
im 17 just finished 6th form and doing year 13 soon ive had an xda since i was 16 tis ok but if u use it for social and daily things expect it to get dents and scratches but other then that tis fine.
mp3 is good on it but movies are alot better lol
people call it a brick but when they see what it can do they love it lol.
other then that some peeps think ur werid holding this slab against your head till they figure out its actually a phone lol
imo get it
lol.....ok thanks :lol:
i really want to get it, but im not sure if i should wait until the XDA 2 comes out....
any suggestions?
well i guess u either work or you are a rich student :shock: so if you are in any of theose catagories id say yeah go for the xda 2 when its out. will be about £600 simfree though :S
(ill have to give it a miss as i need to save for my car insurance ) not that rich
i think i will just by the xda now, beacuse all that i have read about the XDA 2 the main difference i can find is that it has an intergrated camera.....and im not to bothered about that...
I think i will just by the xda now, because all that i have read about the XDA 2 the main difference i can find is that it has an intergrated camera.....and im not to bothered about that...
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I agree with the conclusion, but only because I have a hunch that the XDA2 is still a long ways off. But it has more than an integrated camera: Bluetooth and SDIO. You will really miss these, but then you can just sell it and get the XDA2 later.
it also have a 400Mhz cpu compared to xda1's 206Mhz
and it's cellphone is triband which you of cause dont need unless you travel to us or some other country which use 1900 Mhz
and it got optional Wireless LAN capability
and longer batt time
i'm just getting the xda1 myself since i cant wait for the xda2 which will most likely not come to where i live before Q1->Q2 04
and by then G3 (UMTS) pda phones will be just around the corner and then i could wait for those and end up waiting for ever
Social implications....
....put up with everyone calling it a "brick"... then repeat yourself 100s of times saying it isnt a phone, its a pda with a phone built into it. Then play some sample video, mp3 and start up the Rayman game, and watch them turn green with envy, and walk away saying "theyre glad they dont that brick"...
and show them jpg and avi files of sheep and goat p0rn which when you have a xda you always have with you for your viewing pleasure jk
i told my friend what i was getting, and now he is getiing an XDA now... :wink: lol
thanks to everyone who posted
I'd say it would be perfect if you go to college/uni, as you could fall asleep and record the audio from a lecture!
You could also play games with the atari VCS or Mame emulators, as well as its obvious mp3 capability.
Buy a soft or hard case (see my posts in the Accessories forum)
Great device but dont dare drop it! Its not a plastic nokia!
Dont surf the web or use it for email though, GPRS is damned expensive. Spam can be very pricey!
Sorry for invading this thread seems just like what I was going to say later anyway
Well I Just been searching through for the word camera (wonder if there was a review of the one I just purchased)
Well Tommorow Afternoon Im going to buy a XDA Im not that worried on the new one, and I think its perfectly fine for 16-17 yr old Im 17, I loved it when I had a go of it in herefords o2 shop, the bloke there wasnt saying nowt about XDA 2 and the price drop even though he was trying to hint on things
One thing that made me buy it is it has Excel and Word as Im doing a college course based around Office Software, im going to have a freindly word with one of the college technicians and install the uploading software onto my profile, had a good look around the back of the college computers and they only got serial ports so put in a purchase for a serial cable 2 save me carrying around hundred of floopys to take home
You made some great suggestions for therory leasons, great idea as a dictaphone , and taking photos of the board wont have to write it down, look like a prick but hey who cares
mp3, and games on the way home well I be in heaven, any ideas what type of games are availble for free, and a site?
try emule or kazaa best places for free appz
Well I am 50 years old and everybody that sees the xda young or old are amazed at its capabilities, I have satnav with tomtom 2 voice directions, a whole library of books, some good games, mp3s, codewallet for all my credit card details, wap access, the sky astronomy package which gives me planetary positions and interfaces to my telescope, click on a star/planet and the scope slews to it, and I also carry the odd short film on sd card. How can anybody fail to be impressed. Oh and its a phone too. And a dictionary, and a translator, talk into it in English and it talks in French/Spanish/German, providing the phrase is in its database.
Well on the way down to college on Tuesday few behind me was having a good laugh at this ring tone on this Nokia with a Poilce Siren then a some very desorted lyrics, never heard such good things from a phone, well except Wav files on XDA, its far ahead of that phone
I hope PDA Phones are pushed and marketed to hell, which is looking like they will be
Cant wait to get mine in my hands

from XDA back to a mobile phone

My upgrade t610 will arrive later this week. Must be a good phone, as its been out of stock.. A few instability issues with the XDA have made my mind up. This is what I now choose:
t610 - main mobile (like normal people..)
XDA - as a PDA. (like a posh git!)
Can anybody who has gone this illogical way back in time also, please give some advice, and comments. Is it easy to cope going back to an ordinary mobile handset again? Or did you move back to the XDA . .
All comments very welcomed please.
hi i dunno what id do without my XDA lol
i was like this with nokias when the 3510i was 1st released i had one of the 1st units out i thought it was the dogs bollocks then the 7210 ect.. came out i was like um im bored of this so i was gonna get a big pda phone i though......
7210 i could only just afford, 7650 i want badly and i can only just afford, p800 out my league, spv i want but id like the XDA more but XDA was way way out my price range
so i was going to get the spv as my mate had the spv and another had the 7650 i was impressed by both....
but one day browsing ebay i found an XDA for £190 buy it now so i got it and i was like damn being with nokia all that time and moving to another make is a big step....
but after
nokia are cheaply made peices of ****e :| now campared to the XDA
but now i have kinda like taken a fancy to the 6600 and 3650 but the thing that sucks about them is no SD slot :| only mmc and only 128mb tops which plain sucks.
so i want the XDA 2 when its out but i know im not gonna be able to afford that.
but if the XDA1 had bluetooth i would keep but i really want bluetoohe
this has made me thought of getting a 3650 and then a ipaq 3870 so i can use the net on the move using bluetooth and also have a mobiule phone/camera to take pics and put them on my ipaq.
but im not too sure as i love the XDA lol
sorry for the comfusion just i wont be able to move down from XDA to a normal phone it would have to be PDA style or ahve PDA features atleast
once you have tasted the cream how can you go back to uht long life milk on your corn flakes? just buy jeans with big pockets.
The Xda promises me a mobile office and to a certain
extend it has. I no longer feel guilty sitting in a coffee bar when I should be behind a desk
I can envisage working well into my old age too if it means I can sit in a beach somewhere instead of behind a desk. And when my memory finally goes....
speaking as an XDA newbie - I've had mine about a month now - and not to mention the CPW billing issues :evil: ... I personally have to agree, but that there is a time and a place for each unit. Let's face it there are times when the XDA is just a bit inconvenient and you wish you had a sturdy little nokia in your pocket.
The beach thing sounds great, but do you really want to use the unit in that environment ? that's when your digi fun-cam-fone comes in handy for me.. 8)
I've also suffered a few glitches which make me wonder if they haven't got the application quite "right" yet ? (a la 3..) for true mobile comms - certainly the costs are prohibitively expensive, i.e. the service providers need to drop costs to consumers and speed up the service. But also the phone software doesn't seem to work too well with the PC side ? Or is that me ? :wink:
So in summary I think there's a place for the XDA, e.g if my music career takes off I can be fully mobile with all my demos in tow etc - the possibilitys are endless, but for now I'll keep checking my pop mail from work, playing pacman in meetings, getting annoyed that I can't get through the company firewall to get work e-mails (bugger that one!)
he he I dont actually take my xda to the beach.
What I am trying to say is that I am more in love with the concept of mobile computing and how it can change the way we work.
I mean why retire when you can continue "working" at the beach if you know what I mean.
To free us from the tyranny of being tied to our desk or office thats the promise.
This is very exciting and I am looking forward
to seeing what came out in this type of devices.
There is of course a portion of the population (even a majority) that cannot be bother with the complexity
or for whom voice call reliability is absolutely critical and lets face it the xda is not quite "there" yet.
Hi All,
It's an interesting argu ... however, let me remind you all how we can now have a tablet PC instead of the old days when I was lucky to get XT with 20MB HD PC on my desk. I believe the XDA (as a concept) is still a baby. It has its own challenges (battery life for now). Also, the wireless comm is evolving too fast (GSM -> GPRS -> UMTS -> ... ??? ) ... I can see that day comming when you will no longer be able to say is it a phone or computer :wink:
For now, one have to decide: either you need a mobile computer, or a computerized mobile
Hmmmm...something to make you think here:
'tis true alquerty - I myself did a support job where I was laptop based, and found myself working from home due to the timings of various procedures. The line started becoming blurred for me then.. checking logs whilst shaving and all sorts..
Going back to the previous point about the XDA being a baby. Absolutely. The idea of us having a mobile unit that does everything has surely been around for yonks. Thunderbirds, Joe 90 - video watches and all that. We're getting there, that's what I meant about the application, it just hasn't been fully realised yet - give 3G a little while and we'll all be there soon anyway :lol:
Bring the points together and you could end up with this nightmare-ish vision of the future, with no communicative boundaries. You can always be found. But I guess the question you have to ask is "do you want to"? - Which is where I think the doubters come in - I guess they just like their privacy, and regard voice as definitive ? (i.e. "if I'm speaking to them then I'm available")
Interesting debate !
The Nokia Communicator has a good principal. I think these things go back to the nineties? Anyway, the office away from the desk.. You open up the communicator, and there it all is waiting for you. qwerty keyboard, reasonable screen, and some useful apps.
I remember the best thing that nokia did with that was the fax. You were able to send and recieve faxes with that thing superbly.
From memory this might have been the first mobile with speaker phone as well. Stick the phone on the kitchen table and sit round it having a conversation. Pioneering days.
Yes ppc has come a long way. Playing strip poker on the sly and such is great. But the fundamentals of the business users are not forfilled. For this market a reliable functioning piesce of equipment is required. Nokia seem to have this side covered?
Anybody ever seen a nokia communicator (9190 I think...) being used with a pocket pc? How daft would that be!!!
well my XDA is now sold ill miss it getting a 3650 to try out.
if i dont like it then straight back to the XDA but ill get a 64mb version this time round thats if i dont like the 3650.
if i like the 3650 ill get an ipaq with built in bluetooth and a gps unit so that way i can still use the net using 3650's bluetoohte and have a cam and pics in instant + mms and reliable signal on the phone
shame bout it being a sybian phone and not CE
>>shame bout it being a sybian phone and not CE
If its CE then it wouldnt be reliable would it and you are back to square one? HaHa
ok ok its getting better with each rom update
Must be a good phone, as its been out of stock.
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Don't delude yourself. A year ago I wanted a T68 badly to use with my Jornada via Bluetooth. Must be a good phone--it was back-ordered three weeks, right? First one was DOA. Second one lost the "up" direction on the joystick in about a week. Third one went two months before it just started rebooting itself. Replacement for that was DOA.
Meanwhile I moved up to the XDA and cannot imagine going back. I had to use a regular phone for most of a day when I hosed up a radio stack update and thought I was going to lose my mind.

[Q] Uncommon user requests advice (Wooter)

Hi XDA pros,
I've been reading this forum for about a week now browsing the different pros and cons of different ROMs and the pitfalls of rooting without checking your versions, etc.
I know that many of you have seen this questions over a hundred times, possibly more but as a "Wooter" expecting my VS G Tab soon, I'll likely be rooting after I familiarize myself with the native software and perform an OTA update.
Here is my unique user perspective, background:
I'm an active duty military officer and a fiction author so I'll be using the device in adverse environments (anywhere from remote regions to aircraft carriers). I'm looking for something I can install SNES/NES emulators, as I love old(ish) school gaming. I will also need to so some writing on the tablet so perhaps a ROM that is friendly to input devices like bluetooth or USB keyboard would be nice (unless I'm using the screen to type).
The ROM will need to be stable as I'll often be months between internet connectivity. There is no wifi on an aircraft carrier or the desert and the military network admins don't allow connecting hardware to their networks for updates/tweaks.
To summarize/add, I'll need a ROM that:
1. Is stable enough to go months between internet connectivity for any maintenance.
2. Is amiable to SNES/NES emulators/roms
3. Is amiable to writing manuscripts/chapters
4. Can play all forms of video and audio media (within reason)
5. Easy to make VOIP calls (Skype or whatever works) for times when I actually find a hotspot
6. Everything else you'll expect from a tablet
Sorry this is so long, I just wanted some input from you all based on a semi-unique customer needs. Not special, just not your average tablet customer. Thank you for your consideration, if there is another similar thread posted by a military person, please feel free to just post a link as a reply and I'll read up there.
Unfortunately I can't answer most of the questions, but a few suggestions:
- I think a mod like VEGAn might be better for SNES emulators, especially with a Wimote (someone else might chime in on that one, I have limited experience but I know TNT Lite has issues with things like Wiimote)
- BT can be a bit wonky on the device, but a USB keyboard should work on most mods.
- Whatever mod you chose, you should probably install clockworkmod .8 bekit version. That way , you can get the device the way you want and then back it up with cwm as a stable baseline. This would be your backout if the device suddenly became problematic and you needed to restore to a working baseline.
Ahh the famous roebeet! Appreciate the response. -JLB
VEGAn is the best I have found for playing emulators on. Do yourself a favor and download wiimote controller and get a cheep old first Gen wiimote. It is portable gaming heaven. I just finished legend of Zelda link to the past on my gtab with the wiimote and I felt like a kid again.
I would also suggest investing in a skinomi screen protector and protective backing. It adds grip to the back and the protector will actually heal scratches. If you get a scuff pass a hot hairdryer over it for a few seconds and rub the scratch out with a micro fibre cloth. Best 20ish bucks I have spent on my tab. (I have a toddler, it makes Me less nervous about him being near it.)
As for typing Robeet is on top of it. Most newer than 98 keyboards I have tried work great. The mini Bluetooth keyboards look cool but are very cheaply made and fritz out alot.
I would like to suggest you look into note everything as well. It allows you to type, speek or draw notes right from a widget. Helps me keep track of my thoughts while I'm running around all day.
If you decide on vegan use clemsyns new kernel. It peps up the tab quite a bit.
Have fun, good luck and thank you for your service sir.
Sent from my Chromatic Magic using XDA Premium App
Oh yeah. As far as stability its great. But always have a contingency. Make a backup as soon as you got all the apps you want and copy that backup onto a thumb drive. Now you will always have everything you want backed up just in case. You can always start from there if something like needing to repartirion 3 months down the road ... actually I would suggest you add that step into your enitial root and rom opperation so you don't have to deal with it later.
Sent from my Chromatic Magic using XDA Premium App
Hey JLB, no immediate advice but I just wanted to say I've read both Day by Day books and love em.
Can't wait for the next one!
JLBourne said:
I'm an active duty military officer and a fiction author so I'll be using the device in adverse environments (anywhere from remote regions to aircraft carriers).
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THANK YOU (and your family) for your service! We are the Home of the free, BECAUSE of the brave like you.
Thanks for all the wonderful advice everyone.
I ordered a skinomi screen protector and protective backing from Amazon for 24 bucks, free shipping based on the recommendation in this thread.
No G Tab yet but I'm hopeful for sometime this week. I'm thinking Vegan based on the emulator gaming and Wii mote possibilities. Great input.
Oh, thanks for reading my novels robot. Glad you enjoyed them!
I actually dont have a G-tablet yet, but i think roebeet makes the best point. Get it where you want it and back it up. If i were in your shoes, i would even consider a second microsd card as a back up just in case you lose one or it gets corupted some how. That way, if you mess something up or if the rom somehow becomes unstable (not likely) you have something to flash back to.

Quickoffice Pro - Is it worth it?

So for 5 bucks Quickoffice Pro SEEMS like a steal, but I have two main problems with buying it, and needed help or opinions.
First, how can I get the pre-installed app off my phone (running UnNamed)? Second, is it worth it? What's the best Office/Word Processor app you've found so far?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium
autonomous-inc said:
So for 5 bucks Quickoffice Pro SEEMS like a steal, but I have two main problems with buying it, and needed help or opinions.
First, how can I get the pre-installed app off my phone (running UnNamed)? Second, is it worth it? What's the best Office/Word Processor app you've found so far?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium
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You should be able to use titanium backup to remove the one you are currently running. If not, having both will not cause a conflict.
As far as price... I use pro, and I do like it. $5? I dunno, it may be worth it. It is definitely worth the $0 you will pay for it if you get it from GetJar though.
I got Quickoffice and Documents to Go both from Amazon as FAOTD. I can't decide which one I should be using, though.
My 5 cents worth of wisdom: I used Quickoffice, Quickoffice pro, Documents to Go ( on the Blackberry, admittedly), and OfficeSuite Pro5 on my GS2. Quickoffice pro opens all files without complaining including PDF and PPT/PPTX and displays them correctly. Quickoffice also opens MS office 2010. I got rid of OfficeSuite pro when I found out it did stuff behind my back and caused wakelocks. Documents to Go on the BB was terrible, but I freely admit I cannot comment on the GS2. However, the free BB version would not allow for document editing or download, so I won't even bother getting reacquainted on android.
Thanks for the replies everyone. I went ahead and purchased it, as well got a free "SmartOffice" from the GetJar app store.
Atlan, your post told me more than enough. Glad to know the other Office providers were ****. It won't matter much to me until I have my bluetooth keyboard connected and my phone connected to an HD screen and i'm typing documents for whatever PA school papers I might have.
Gotta day, Quickoffice Pro seems pretty legit so far, just hope it doesn't crap out on me later on in the year.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium

gTablet gMarket no longer works

I just spoke with Viewsonic's third party company for tech support for the gTablet. I noticed the gMarket icon gave me an error. I had not used the tablet in some time.
He informed me that Handango is now supporting Android 2.3 where the gTab is 2.2. The apps will not work.
I guess now I have a large paperweight. What a waste of money.
If you're planning on throwing it out, I would be happy to take it off your hands.
Fact is, any alternative ROM can work wonders on this device. I have never used the stock ROM since it's just so bad.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
JET314 said:
I just spoke with Viewsonic's third party company for tech support for the gTablet. I noticed the gMarket icon gave me an error. I had not used the tablet in some time.
He informed me that Handango is now supporting Android 2.3 where the gTab is 2.2. The apps will not work.
I guess now I have a large paperweight. What a waste of money.
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Hell toss that paper weight my way and I will put it in to some Smooth use. :highfive:
nobe1976 said:
Hell toss that paper weight my way and I will put it in to some Smooth use. :highfive:
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Man, serious "coknbalz" here as they say in my country. I would ask Handango, since they've been jerking us around so rigorously while smiling all the way, if they'd be willing to handle our upgrades gently and gingerly as we told them what we yearned for. And then here at XDA we have 4.0 and 4.1 ROMs circulating? They should be taking it all over their face with glee and happily rubbing in all the extra white-sheet revenue with both their hands as we come down from the exhilaration of newfound support!
I can't imagine an app market wanting to be used so much and so often in this way as Handango tells other device makers they would. They of all app markets seem ready to spread far and wide, caressing the bleeding edge to fever pitch when the time is right for a loud and forthright announcement, for just about any device out there. Why won't they put out for the G-Tablet since they will for just about anything else? Is it something we as a community did?
JET314 said:
I just spoke with Viewsonic's third party company for tech support for the gTablet. I noticed the gMarket icon gave me an error. I had not used the tablet in some time.
He informed me that Handango is now supporting Android 2.3 where the gTab is 2.2. The apps will not work.
I guess now I have a large paperweight. What a waste of money.
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Along these same lines, my GTab running TNT Lite 4.25 still shows the Market, although not all apps any more, and it won't update what I have.
Can I get it to run the new Play Store (or whatever Google calls it)?

