Call duration infos... how to reset counters? - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

I installed new roms many times but I dont know how to reset the call duration counter (Settings>Device Information>Call Duration).
Please if anyone know tell me how i can reset it

This has now been officially added to the FAQ
I will give you my answer here :
As far as I know nobody has found a way. There has been thread about the counters jumping to extreme high values. But no clear solution has been given to set them to 0.
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If anybody out there does have a solution, plz enlighten us

there are no tools or something for it still?

what about the "unknown" timer? what rom is that? because I've seen it in several o2 XDA II or XDA IIs..

alimx said:
what about the "unknown" timer? what rom is that? because I've seen it in several o2 XDA II or XDA IIs..
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Yup... my ROM from ZeroX shown 'UNKNOWN' after soft reset.
Not always, but after repeated soft reset.

Very easy.
You can set back call duration as you want
While the phone connected, you set the clock back, save and hang up your phone. Now Outgoing time is changed.
example, Outgoing: 14h32min, and it's 11:30AM, simply set clock to 1:30AM, Your Outgoing will be back: 4h32min
You can do it same with Incoming, but this time you have to use another phone call to your phone
To test Outgoing, you can call to Service center because it's free,
To test Incoming, you can connect to GPRS
If you set back more than your Counter, it will show million hours but you can set it back
Easy Man? <--- Vietnam
Sorry for my poor English

Sorry, I have not login yet.

Try many times, Now I've logged in

thank you very much, Bad..!!
trying to test now, i have :
Incoming---0 hr. 0 min. 42 sec.
Outgoing---0 hr. 0 min. 43 sec.

have you tried checking the call timers from phone/call history/tools/call timers? it didnt clear the "all calls" usage

hi folks,
Just for my curiosity, why would anyone be interested in reseting the calls timers ? .. I couldn't find any "innocent" benefit
If you want to monitor your monthly usage, i believe there are many s/w for this purpose.

call timer
you can reset timers using the registry editors ..
(for the phone \call history\tools \timers problem )

Call Timer Reset on Universal
Have anyone tried resseting the call timer on the Universal, I tried the old method of changing the time while making a call but this doesnt works on Universal or say WIndows Mobile 5. Pls can some help how can I reset the call timer.
Thx in advance urgent help req.

I know for the himalaya there is another way to reset call timers according to the Service Manual XDA II :
bootmenu : Power/Action & Reset, use navigation up/down : Item 13 : CLEAN TALK TIME.
I don't know if this is possible with JASJAR. but my guess is that there must be something similar.


Reset Call Duration

Hey does anyone knows how to reset the Call Duration, you can find it in System -> Settings -> Device Information. Please if anyone have tried it then help me how to reset the call duration.
thanks in advance
You want to reset Recent Calls?
Go to the Phone window (Start/Phone), then Call tap Call Log, then Tools at the bottom, then options, then you get the reset option for recent calls. Hope that's what you're looking for.
It was possible with xda 1 using xda manipulator but not as far as I know yet available for xda2.
i don´t think it´s possible yet... i also wanted to do that...
But i think if we could find the file in which it is stored and swapping it with a file from a new XDA2 it would be possible
Some hackers interested it finding the solution?

Help : how to reset talking time to 0

XDA II how to reset the talking times to 0 in the device information menu ?
try this for outgoing call make a call but dont hang up now change the date and time back for the ammount you have on outgoings calls
now you can hang up set the time and date back for incoming do the same let someone call you and ...
try it works ! :twisted:
marksken said:
try this for outgoing call make a call but dont hang up now change the date and time back for the ammount you have on outgoings calls
now you can hang up set the time and date back for incoming do the same let someone call you and ...
try it works ! :twisted:
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HeHe... :twisted:
Really useful if you want to sell your device on ebay, eh?

[Q] SMS Time Error

I am using an unlocked TG01 from Orange (UK) on Rogers in Canada (GMT -5), using the official 6.5 ROM. CE OS 5.2.21840 (Build 21840.5.0.60)
My SMS messages recieved are logged 5 hours behind current time. My SMS messages sent are logged at the current time. My suspicion is that it has to do with the origin of the phone, from the UK.
I have searched xda forums and modaco forums, microsoft, and google.
I have total commander, and have modified the registry in a few was, as described below:
I have added the TrustTimeZoneField field dword (in HKLM\System\Phone Settings\OEM ... or whatever it was.)
I have modifed HKLM\Time Zones to include Eastern Standard Time with the proper TZI file.
I have tried to set the timezone to another setting (like GMT -3) reset the phone, and then change it back, and it doesn't not work.
I have download a cab file that was supposed to fix it too.
I am looking for any other ideas, please, and thanks.
Also, My Voice Mail indicator does not come on when I get a VM, but comes on and stays on when I clear the VM. I get the blank text messages from the system in with my normal texts, that are sent to indicate VM has been cleared
i've been using HushSMS to clear my VM indicator, so if anyone knows how to make this work properly, that'd be great.
Anyone have the sms time issue on this device?
Have you changed the time zone in the clock settings??
On my phone (UK Orange, using O2 UK sim card) when I have my time set incorrectly, the txt message times are correct!
BiG K said:
Have you changed the time zone in the clock settings??
On my phone (UK Orange, using O2 UK sim card) when I have my time set incorrectly, the txt message times are correct!
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Yeah, I've tried that. There's an inconsistency between sent SMS and received SMS of 5 hours. I've tested it by sending myself a text message, and I recieve it 5 hours before I send it.
Thanks for the suggestion.
Dodge0069 said:
Yeah, I've tried that. There's an inconsistency between sent SMS and received SMS of 5 hours. I've tested it by sending myself a text message, and I recieve it 5 hours before I send it.
Thanks for the suggestion.
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Maybe your phone time travels!?
Have you tried a hard reset? (Master Clear) Also the SMS times are received from the network operators, might help to call them?
Hey, thanks for the response Big K.
I'm trying to avoid the master reset.. it's about the only option I haven't tried. Technically it shouldn't make a difference, but .. i know how that works with Windows.
I did call the network and they were useless (surprise!)
Dodge0069 said:
Hey, thanks for the response Big K.
I'm trying to avoid the master reset.. it's about the only option I haven't tried. Technically it shouldn't make a difference, but .. i know how that works with Windows.
I did call the network and they were useless (surprise!)
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Do a full backup of your phone using software like SPB backup, then perform a master rest, see if it works. If it doesn't, then you can simply restore EVERYTHING back
There is a setting somewhere to use network time etc, maybe this is activated in yours?
Seems like the only choice at this point.
I'll probably do it this weekend.
I have no idea where those network time settings are that you're talking about, and google didn't help at all either. Thanks for your assistance.
BiG K said:
Do a full backup of your phone using software like SPB backup, then perform a master rest, see if it works. If it doesn't, then you can simply restore EVERYTHING back
There is a setting somewhere to use network time etc, maybe this is activated in yours?
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Did a hard reset, still no good.
Used Sprite Backup to restore all applications.
Think it could possibly be an app problem? I doubt it, but i guess i should have tested the SMS issue before restoring the apps. Will do another hard reset in the next day or two and keep updated.
Yes, that is what I meant......test the SMS out BEFORE restoring lol
Otherwise when restored, all registry settings etc go back to where it was! lol
If the hard reset does fix it, only restore your user files, such as txt messages, files etc. NOT program files etc and then test. Install a few apps and test. Few more apps and test etc!
Yah, that was silly on my part.
I will retest and repost. I have 2 days off, tomorrow and the next.
I'll let you know.
Ok, so i hard reset the phone today.
Set the time to GMT-5 EST. SPB Mobile shell 3.0.1 Build 136621 is hard coded with the Rom, by the way.
So, i sent a test message. Time sent 17:02, Recieved 12:02
I reset the time to visiting GMT-8 Pacific, reset the phone.
So, i sent a test message. Time sent 14:06 Recieved 09:05
Thoughts? Should i hard reset and try setting it to a different time?
If so, what time?
So I tried setting the time to GMT +2 after a heard reset, and the time was 2 hours behind on SMS messages.
I then set the time to GMT-5 (EST) and it went back to it's normal 5 hours behind.
When I set the time to London (GMT0) it comes in 7 hours ahead.
I'm officially confused.
Now i've hard reset and set it to GMT0 and it is in synch, sent and received.
If i then go into time settings and change it to GMT-5, it still works, in synch.
Ifi change the time to the proper time after changing it to GMT-5, then it doesnt work.. it is 5 hours behind on received texts..
My solution then: hard reset, set it to GMT, but set the time to 5 hours behind GMT... that should work.
What do you mean by,
SPB Mobile shell 3.0.1 Build 136621 is hard coded with the Rom
As the 4 TG01's I have had from Orange UK have never came with any SPB software
Do this.
Hard reset. DO NOT install anything or have the memory card inserted. Have someone send a txt message and see what time it is, don't even bother changing the time as the txts should have their own time.
This is what I did in post #12.
I hard reset - set the time, timezone and date during setup
As soon as it loaded, i sent myself an SMS.
The only way the time is correct is if I leave it on GMT0, set the time to current local time which is EST, but leave the timezone on GMT0.
If I do that, then the SMS sent and recieved times are the same.
I can't leave it like that of course, my comp corrects it on sych, and all my appointments are off by 5 hours.
and SPB mobile shell IS hard coded mate. See post in ROM Development:
I'm getting the same problem too and I'm on Rogers as well.
I bought my hTC TD2 (topaz) in Taiwan but I'm using custom ROMs.
So far, from all the ROMs I've used (custom and official), all received SMS are 5 hrs late but the sent time was correct.
However, if the SMS was sent from Taiwan, the received time is correct!
My cousin's hTC Magic is experiencing the same problem too, so i guess it's Roger's problem.
The SMS are following the network's time (which is set to EST regardless of where you received them).
You might wanna call Rogers to see if they have solutions to this (yeah... it's getting annoyed to see incorrect time when you are having a SMS convo.... sent time are 5 hrs ahead of received time )
Guys If its work with time zone 0 set it in time zone 0. I mean universal time you have 3 different chose one and that is it.
If i set it to timezone0 then every time my computer synch's with my PC it changes it to GMT-5
Plus, all my appointments will be off.
Guys, I found the solution to this problem
Like I said before, the phone is reading the time from the network's tower (for Rogers users, it's EST regardless of where you are in Canada)
Now, if you go and find a cab file called "", it'll fix up the problem.
That cab file was used to fix a known SMS problem which is constantly showing year 2016 as the SMS received time, however it can also fix the time delay problem
It worked on my phone, let me know if yours work too.

Outgoing calls counter

what im looking for is a really simple app that would count the minutes for my outgoing calls per month. (or until id reset the statistics manually)
important is that it should count every call that is <60sec as one minute too, instead of adding up seconds from several calls. thats it
sadly, all the apps linked on the forums didnt work for my phone or were not what ive been looking for
bugmetnotter said:
what im looking for is a really simple app that would count the minutes for my outgoing calls per month. (or until id reset the statistics manually)
important is that it should count every call that is <60sec as one minute too, instead of adding up seconds from several calls. thats it
sadly, all the apps linked on the forums didnt work for my phone or were not what ive been looking for
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Yeah me too!!!!!
maybe this... software...don't bother downloading it)
does it really work? I removed Call Timers half year ago, because it didnt count corectly
I have no idea...I have never tried it..
ok guys I found what you were looking for...and it is perfect!
btw the link I have given at post #3 is a totally wrong softare...i doesnt ressets the timer it is a fail

how get rid of annoying ussd balance msgs after sending an sms

i text(sms) quite frequently, and one thing which annoys me a lot is the ussd notification from my phone carriers after every sms is sent pertaining to my a/c balance,i googled to find a hack,to prevent it from displaying on my screen,but I found no help,though theres a hack for this on wm,i hope xda could help me,n many others,
galaxy s2
from raj's s2
from raj's s2
Yet another thread in the wrong place...
sorry to offend u, but i first posted it on the question n answers section but to no help, i also googled a lot for relevant help but found none, so xda is the only place where i think i can find some help, again sorry to all
from raj's s2
If you asked and got no reply nobody knows .
Try your network or its forum as its the network settings not the phone .
i dnt think its just a network issues, there's an app called ussd checker, which automatically triggers any set of ussd codes on given intervals n display the results in the form of widgets, so if anybody can catch the script which triggers the ussd code i think it will work
from raj's s2
sanghaviraj said:
i dnt think its just a network issues, there's an app called ussd checker, which automatically triggers any set of ussd codes on given intervals n display the results in the form of widgets, so if anybody can catch the script which triggers the ussd code i think it will work
from raj's s2
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hoping for some one to work on this it really sucks to see those pop ups also the vibrations takes the juice out,,,
Can anybody tell me the right place to put this request, I dnt think its getting noticed here bcoz I know more than a hundred people in india suffer from this problem, or what ever
from raj's s2
Call up your telco and complain, It's their problem
There's a fix for this in windows mobile, can any body do this in android
ickyboo said:
Call up your telco and complain, It's their problem
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I found this in xda windows mobile segment
After much searching and tinkering I finally found a simple way to disable the annoying balance notification message that arrives after every data connection on the AT&T Pay As You Go service with a data package. This fix involves adding a single registry entry and it suppresses all USSD messages that originate from the carrier, even those that you might request manually.
Here is the registry change:
New value: SuppressUSSD := DWORD(1)
Add this value and (probably after a soft-reset) you will not be bothered with the $0.00
sanghaviraj said:
I found this in xda windows mobile segment
After much searching and tinkering I finally found a simple way to disable the annoying balance notification message that arrives after every data connection on the AT&T Pay As You Go service with a data package. This fix involves adding a single registry entry and it suppresses all USSD messages that originate from the carrier, even those that you might request manually.
Here is the registry change:
New value: SuppressUSSD := DWORD(1)
Add this value and (probably after a soft-reset) you will not be bothered with the $0.00
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whats the solution for samsung galaxy s 2 ?
its jst become battery killer for my mobile,daily 100 times vibration alone for sms is there way to completely remove the vibration frm the system i can live with silent mode no problem...
It is at the operator end to stop sending USSD popup.
But can stop the vibration in Galaxy
1) Enable "Settings-> Sound -> Haptic Feed Back"
2)Vibration Intensity-> Set it to zero but scrolling left.
3)Disable Haptic feedback
Vibration gone!! But for the beep set media volume to zero or have root the phone and replace the sound with silent.
I alwAys disable heptic vibration to save battery,thnxs though for pointing,n as far as the operator is concerned, I was on the same carrier when I was using windows mobile,and some one from xda brought a tweak which solved my problem, so if it can be tweaked in wino I think it should be possible in android as well
from raj's s2
Thanks to xda member talkative
His app quiet balance has solved my problem
Here the
from raj's s2
changed mine just for this issue
anything is possible hacking will neva stop....he makes a point wen on win y not on android....there's no device or os thts 100% hack proof and it will neva b.....

