Blackberry client for Vodafone or solution to email problem - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

Does such a thing exist?
I tried to use the o2 blackberry client but it seems to be operator specific for some reason
I'm basically trying to solve 2 problems by going down this route:
Enables me to use auto-delete messages in server side inbox so your limit doesn't keep stopping you receiving.
Also, I've had a problem from day one sending email from the XDAII and I'm still not sure if its the Vodafone stopping SMTP on the 'internet' ASN to none Vodafone email servers. I can receive email fine.
Anyone help with a solution?

i've had the same problem. Am also on Vodafone and blackberry client wont allow me to register. Furthermore, I have managed to send an email from my XDA, however cannot access full contents of my inbox. Don't have a solution but hopefully more posts will draw attention to this.

Blackberry on o2 XDA 2 with Voda SIM
Same problem guys.
My company has BES v4 in our French office. Was hoping to connect from my XDA2 in the UK after updating to the latest o2 ROM which includes the Blackberry client.
I know my Blackberry PIN and IMEI are registered on our French BES but thats as far as things get.
The Blackberry connect desktop software connects to the XDA and generates a key no problem but sadly can't establish a connection with the BES.
My only guess is that the O2 Blackberry client is coded to only work over the O2 network.
If anyone has any answers I'd dearly love to here them.

not sure which ROM version you're using, but BB will only work with official ROM's- BB server will kick you off if you use a cooked ROM (e.g. WM2003)
Suggest downgrade to most recent official ROM w/ BB (UK 1.72.181) and try again- should work

Yes, I had an xda II and used the O2 1.72.181 with the Blackberry client built in. I used it with my t-mobile sim in the USA with no problems, however, I was using the BWC and not BES... BWC worked great for send and receive e-mail, but I was never able to get attachments to download form the server to the device. So the fact that the O2 client worked with my T-Mobile USA service leads me to believe that its something on the Voda side. Assume that you all have a blackberry data plan and not the regular data plan...? That will require you to use a different APN to browse the internet as well...
Now that I switched to an xda IIs, I can no longer use blackberry, so I switched the the Smartner Push e-mail service ( 2 month free trial, works on regular data plan, almost as fast as BWC, wakes up device when asleep when new mail arrives and attachments download with no problem. I am impressed with it. After 2 month free trial it will be about $5 per month. Good value when compared to blackberry service. Using the web client version here also, but its also available as an enterprise version that is a match with BES as far as I can tell. Give it a try...
Hope this helps.

RIM tie a ROM to the operator - so 172181 is tied to O2 UK. If it works on anyone else it's pure luck, until RIM get around to booting you off.

Hi Southern Man
Well, that's interesting... Guess I was one of the lucky ones... Why would RIM want to tie the ROM to an operator though... Surely if a BWC or BES client worked on multiple operators, that would encourage more people to use the Blackberry service and more money would flow through to RIM as a result...? Is it the operator/owner of the ROM that is getting RIM to restrict access? I wonder if BES and BWC are both restricted in this way. I only ever used BWC on T-Mobile USA....
Well, anyway for all those with issues, Smartner or iAnywhere have options for you.


TMobile in Australia

I just wanted to pass on my experience with a 900/1900mhz device on the Australian Telstra network (900/1800mhz) for any other aussie's thinking of buying a US model to save some cash.
I initially bought this with the expectation that GPRS probably wouldn't work, but I figured this wouldn't matter that much as long as the phone did.
Anyway, after a call to Telstra, they told me it should still work fine on the 900mhz band so I setup my account for access to the network, put in the details and hey presto! GPRS!
I did however discover a missing component. The support guy was walking me through the process and asked me to put in the proxy information....huh? Not there! Is this something that has been removed from the developer rom or is it just the Australian XDA that has this extra tab in the connection settings? Luckily Telstra also offer a non-proxy connection so I was able to get around this anyway.

Converting from T-Mobile to AT&T

I have a friend that has a T-Mobile XDA and wants to change to AT&T.
She took it to the local AT&T office and they said they cound convert the phone but they would not be able to give her the capability to brouse the internet.
Can the phone be changed over to AT&T without loosing any of the online capabilities?
Rick Opp
Rick Opp said:
I have a friend that has a T-Mobile XDA and wants to change to AT&T.
She took it to the local AT&T office and they said they cound convert the phone but they would not be able to give her the capability to brouse the internet.
Can the phone be changed over to AT&T without loosing any of the online capabilities?
Rick Opp
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I've never heard of either carrier being receptive to SIM unlocking, even when they're the "gaining" carrier, so I'm a little suspect of this. That being said, I moved from ATTWS to T-Mobile and had no trouble connecting to GPRS on the T-Mobile side, I suspect it will be the same for you. I would use the tools here to unlock the phone and just keep ATTWS's hands off my device.
Yup, unlock it with the tools here, find the AT&T GPRS settings, and go for it. I'm not sure if loading the AT&T Radio Stack would be good, maybe someone else knows? Mad Max, did you change to the T-Mobile radio?
Carlos said:
Mad Max, did you change to the T-Mobile radio?
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I have not. Am curious about other's observations. I'm running ATTWS's stack A.20.10 with no problems on T-Mobile, including full GPRS access. Only thing unusual seems to be that my signal meter always reads very low when I'm on T-Mobile, even in places where my other t-mobile phone is almost maxed out on signal strength. Others on the board have mentioned this, so I don't know if it's linked to my cross-carrier configuration or not.
All you have to do is get ahold of T Mobile USA's Customer Care Department and as long as you have had your account with them for at least 3 months and don't have any past due charges on it, they should be able to get you the SID unlock code. Just tell them you're going to be going overseas and one of the GSM carriers over there is giving you a prepaid SIM to use while in their country and they need you to have your Pocket PC Phone Edition unlocked. I had an unlocked one and used it just fine with the T Mobile OEM software in it. The only thing strange I guess is you'll be using ATTWS service with a T Mobile USA device. LOL! I won an SX56 from Siemens so now I'm using it. Bought my T Mobile one for $200 on eBay and resold it for $320. Talk about profit. I hope the IRS aren't reading these forums. LOL! 8)
So if I understand correctly, if I just unlock the SIM and take it into the local AT&T store they should be able to get it set up with both AT&T phone service and Internet, Right?
Thanks for the info
Rick Opp said:
So if I understand correctly, if I just unlock the SIM and take it into the local AT&T store they should be able to get it set up with both AT&T phone service and Internet, Right?
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You are correct sir. It will take a couple of minutes to set up the GPRS dial string and settings, but otherwise it will work perfectly.
Thanks for the help. I have already ordered the connector to make a serial cable.
One other thought before I do this...
Is there someone out there that has a Siemens with AT&T they want to trade for a T-Mobile ???
Rick :lol:
Rick Opp said:
Is there someone out there that has a Siemens with AT&T they want to trade for a T-Mobile ???
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It really is the exact same device inside: just burn a new ROM and you'll have the same device. That simple...
no prob
last weekend i went to t-mobile with my att xda and ordered service since att in so cal is beyond horrible. I signed up with a plan which gave me a free phone. He pulled the sim card that came with the phone out of the box and put it in my xda. in 1 minute i receved a sms that said "OTA OK" and my phone worked (with a full signal). I dont use internet but all you have to do is ask for the gprs connection string and type it in.
Apparently the phone was unlocked when they took it to the AT&T store. The tech said they could set up everything but the internet access.
Maybe the techs at that office don't know how to do it.
How do you go about finding out what the GPRS connection string is supposed to be? Is it device specific or location specific? Is it something I can get myself or does AT&T have to provide a unique string?
Is the internet access only offered in certain areas?
Or maybe someone can recommend a "qualified" AT&T office to take it to to get the service set up. I am in the Austin TX area.
I'm kinda new to this so bear with me.
Rick Opp :roll:
Rick Opp said:
How do you go about finding out what the GPRS connection string is supposed to be? Is it device specific or location specific? Is it something I can get myself or does AT&T have to provide a unique string?
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I think what they mean is that they don't know how to do it at the store, but you can get the info by calling into ATTWS customer care and asking for data tech support.
Like T-Mobile, the info is NOT device or location specific. Simply set the connection to be "Cellular Line (GPRS)" in the pull-down menu, and the access point name is "proxy". If you're asked specifically for a proxy server name ( I was in version 3, but not in ROM version 4) the ATTWS proxy server is "localhost".
In older ROM versions, there was more to do, but on 4.00.11, that's about all there is to it. If you need the other stuff like IP addresses for proxy servers and WAP gateways, let me know and I can post that two, but doesn't seem to be needed under ROM v4. I have the connection stuff for both ATTWS and Tmobile entered into two connections, because I sometimes flip SIMs between carriers, and it works great.
OK, Great
thanks for the info.
I'll let you know how it turns out.
rick Opp
Making progress but still not quite there
We got the phone working. That was the easy part.
A new AT&T SIM was installed.
We entered the GPRS setup parameters given to us by the AT&T tech.
I was told that when the inverted "G" showed up in the signal strength status window that GPRS would be available. When the G showed up I could connect but IE bombed out saying the page could not be located when attempting to browse.
An AT&T tech told me to do a hard boot. After the hard boot, the G no longer shows up. I can still log on to GPRS but IE still bombs out.
Any suggestions?
The settings provided by AT&T are listed below. Perhaps someone could compare it to their settings ans see if maybe AT&T gave me bad info.
Connection name:
GPRS Connection
Cellular Line (GPRS)
Baud rate = 19200
Use server assigned IP address
Under Modem Tab:
Name GPRS Connection
Number +0 ~GPRS!proxy
Under Proxy Settings:
Both connects to internet and uses proxy server boxes checked
Proxy Server localhost
Advanced Settings:
HTTP localhost : 9090
WAP : 9201
Socks localhost ; 1080
Type = Socks 4
Thanks again for your help.
Rick Opp said:
I have a friend that has a T-Mobile XDA and wants to change to AT&T.
She took it to the local AT&T office and they said they cound convert the phone but they would not be able to give her the capability to brouse the internet.
Can the phone be changed over to AT&T without loosing any of the online capabilities?
Rick Opp
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Since this is not your device I would suggest that you just install the latest official Pocket PC 2002 AT&T ROM and Radio stack which can be downloaded from the below link (she can always later upgrade it to WM2003 if she want to) :
How to convert:
After you have the above needed file run it!.
Once it has finished 'unpacking files', cancel out of it and use Windows Explorer to go to the
C:\Program Files\SX56 upgrade utility folder.
Now download adaptROM.exe from:
and place it in the C:\Program Files\SX56 upgrade utility folder
Then go to DOS and run adaptROM.exe from the C:\Program Files\SX56 upgrade utility folder.
After adaptROM has finished return to the C:\Program Files\SX56 upgrade utility folder and run upgrade.exe .
I'll give it a try tomorrow after work.
The saga continues......
After running adaptrom and installing the Siemens ROM update everything works perfectly.
Thanks for all the help.
These things are pretty cool. Maybe I'll get one for myself.
Glad to hear it worked out and yea they're pretty cool!

US T-Mobile GPRS/Internet Explorer

I'm using an XDA T-Mobile PPC (SX56 ATT unlocked with 4.01.16 and Radio ver 6.25.02).
I wanted to see if anyone had the same problem and can help getting me back on WAP. Currently not signed up for any data plans, but using the GPRS WAP. Been unable to connect to the internet since last Weds. Antennna confirms that GPRS is connected from the signal using the the standard TM configuration from this site. IE hangs and eventually times out with a page not found. When the handheld is in the cradle, IE connects to the internet without problems.
Prior to this downtime it's been pretty solid, accessed as expected and never had this issue before. Did a hard reset to rebuild, but not fixed, however did notice the network search has recently been slow. Not sure some changes happened since TM stores started receiving the HP6315.
Any suggestions would greatly be appreciated.
Almost the same
I am having almost the same problem, but only with T-Mobile. When I switch to another service (AT&T or Orange) it works fine, but will not work with the OEM service with T-Mobile.
In fact, the only way to get it to work with T-Mobile SIM chip is to use it calling a IP (hence using my minutes)
Anyone know whats wrong

GPRS does not work for my Atom Exec!!!

Hey all,
I am hoping somebody will have a solution to my problem as it is driving me mad.
I have an 02 XDA Atom Exec & am on the T-Mobile network in the UK & I am unable to connect to the T-Mobile GPRS service.
I have put in the correct setting but for some reason it keeps trying to connect then eventually come up with a notice that Cannot Connect & that the answering modem has disconnected.
I do not understand what this means & by the sound of it neither do T-Mobile customer services, but understandly maybe as they don't do it!!!
I hope one of you guys can help me with this problem.
Thanks Guys.
can you check with another sim card?
maby different operator?
If you will have same problem, the source in GSM module, otherwise, go to your operator.
hi, i have the same problem with my atom on UK Vodafone, it says it connects fine, but then cant locate any web pages or anything like that!
I have tried with my vodafone PAYG sim card with the vodafone settings & it works fine, but still having problems with my T-Mobile sim.
I think I may have to phone customer service again & try get a solution from them otherwise I will cancel the web & walk & just keep the free minutes.
Spuddle, I have tried with the Vodafone sim & mine worked fine, Are you sure you have the Vodafone settings on there???
im sure i have, because it will connect, and says connected, just when i go to ie it keeps saying any web / wap page cant be located.
where did you get the settings from??
I got the settings from
Let me know if they are the same settings that you used, If it saying that it was unable to load up the page do a reset ot try closing down running programs & try again.
its still not working!
I have just got a T-Mobile account with the Web'n'Walk and I am experiencing the exact same problems.
I have used my Atom Exec on Vodafone AU, Vodafone UK, O2 UK and they all connect straight away. (and when the SIM is inserted there is a G in the top next to the telephone signal strength)
But as soon as i put in the T-Mobile SIM in the G is no longer there and it is an X and when i try to connect i get the error:
The answering modem has disconnected
faulkss, That is exactly the same message that I get.
Have you tried phoning up T-Mobile at all???
Yeah like 5 times!
And I have even gone in to a T-Mobile store...
They have nothing at all!!! They all say that the settings are all correct, my SIM is GPRS enabled, and that there is nothing that they can do.
I have put my SIM in an MDA Vario and it works like a dream???
So last night I was going through the registry on the MDA and looking for keys that I did not have and then manually entering them... but still no luck.
I am guessing that there is some setting somewhere that the SIM is looking for and does not find, hence the X instead of the G.
To be honest I think that I am in a little over my head.
But I have just signed up to this so that I could use Push email, and it is like 5 days into a 12 month contract, so I really want to get it to work!
Well I have called them again, and they have no idea and really don’t want to find out why as they have never heard of the ATOM Exec (poor them as they are missing out).
So I have just cancelled my contract with them, and since I have only had it for 5 days there is no penalty.
I am going to sign up for an O2 plan and add the blackberry (£10) option on it.
It might be an extra 10er a month on the T-Mobile plan, but at least I will have everything that I want.
Yeah, good on you!!!
If T-Mobile can't be arsed to help you they do not deserve the money you would have given the.
The only thing is that I am on 18 month contract with about 9 months remaining, so the choice for me will be to either sell the Atom Exec ( even though I love it!!!) or go back to my trusty MDA Vario.
Decisions, Desisions!!!!
I have until monday when i send it back to get it working... and i have been looking on the msdn site at programming different settings in the regitry...
if i get it before monday i will let you know
Thanks dude.
did not get it to work which is a shame!
I am sure that it is to do with the settings within the registry, but no matter what i tried nothing seemed to work.
Thats cool dude, at least you gave it a go.
Did you cancel your T-Mobile contract???
yeah ... in time no to have to pay anything
I had problems twice connecting via GPRS. The latest one on the imate JAMin (HTC Prophet). I had to delete the GPRS modem and created new one with different name but same settings and it worked. Good Luck.
it works fine on an imate jam ... it does not work on the atom exec's

tmobile uk users recommend a rom

I'm pretty confident that I can upgrade my tmobile vario rom following the great instructions provided by forum members! the main question I hqve is do any tmobile uk owners have any recommendations on what rom to upload to? I'm fed up with all the bugs in this handset!
For now I'm using the HTC (AKU2.3) ROM
I tried the HTC (AKU3.3) ROM, but there were a couple of little things that didn't work - Windows Media Player wouldn't stream anything for example.
As a T-Mobile UK user who lives and works in London, it was nice to see the little "U" at the top of the screen turn into a little "H" with the AKU3.3 Rom, but I'm waiting for a final release with the bugs ironed out before I go back to AKU3.3.
I've had some irritating issues with my T-Mobile UK Vario II as well.
After I did a hard-reset and the T-mobile crap installed intself I can't for the life of me get the internet explorer to browse over Wi-Fi (even though I can connect to the router just fine).
What is the latest (or best) official t-mobile rom and where do I get it? (the wiki directs me to a blackberry download page).
there is no t-mobile uk rom at present, i am waiting for one myself, after already sending my device back once and getting a replacement as kept dropping calls, and bluetooth is utter rubbish on this device at present. Major problems with bluetooth car kit and this device.people not hearing me speak or in spits and spurts.
I am currently runnning the test aku 3.3 2.05 rom, which is far better than any of the others that i have tried. the 1.35 is also a lot better than the standard t-mobile rom.
my advice is either go for the 1.35 or the test 2.05 rom. you will notice the differnce immediately over the normal rom.
Hopefully it wont be long now before an official rom gets released by T-Mobile. They are seriously dragging there heals on this.
I uploaded this on to to my unlocked HTC TyTN (AKU 2.3), as I'm a T-Mobile USA subscriber & miss two of the MDA (wizard) ExtRom apps -
a. the sign in for TMobile (accesses the secure tmobile1x with a protcol that is not in 2.3 (AKU 2.3), and
b. a TMobile push for pop3 email on their My T-mobile service.
I also cannot send or receive MMS and hoped it might help with that.
It did not add either tool, nor make MMS worked and it stopped the Exchange 2003 push working. It really only adds meta icons for tools already present and a camera patch (not sure if needed).
The other Wizard apps - Instant Messaging and t-zones are available elsewhere.
I flashed it back to the HTC ExtROM & my MS Exchange push works again.
Thanks to the excellent help on this site that I could do this and go back.
Main reason for the post tho is to explain the content & post a warning about the Exchange push.
Do you guys using the original rom also have networking troubles with msn messenger?
Just sits there attempting to sign in?
I also had this on my mda pro and wondered if it was a rom problem or a t mobile specific thing
i think messenger is just slow not sure if the latest version messenger live rectifies these problems! does rom 2.5 rectify the tmobile 3g issue?
T-mobile Rom
I too am having issues with the t-mobile rom. Historically, T-mobile are always amoung the last to fix their bugs. They were very very slow on the universal.
I also really do wonder why operators see fit to include loads of operator branded [email protected] that no one wants!
I have unlocked my device using Pof's unlocker and installed radio 1.27. I mainly use my device on the train with a laptop via bluetooth. Thus far, I am finding that the 1.27 rom is worse than the 1.06 rom. Data does not keep moving as well as before, and I have more black spots on my commute.
I dont have the time, patience or nerve to chop and change roms too often, so I will wait for a AKU3.3 english official rom that has streaming etc working correctly before I upgrade.
I'd love for t-mobile to release on officially, but I doubt this will happen any time soon.
My main issues are with bluetooth and MMS. Bluetooth disconnects and disables itsself randomly (bloody anoying!). MMS does not appear to work unless you install all the t-mobile crap. I tried to install it by cherry picking from the cabs, but unless I install them all then the MMS folders in outlook dissapear on a soft reset.
The device also has a habit of deleting the t-mobile internet settings for the hell of it.
My universal was like this at first, until I shoved a Qtek rom on it instead.

