Consistent crashes from XDA II i....ROM upgrade suggestions? - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

Having major problems with my XDA II i....any help gratefully received!! I have tried to find similar postings but without much luck...there is lots of talk of ROM upgrades etc etc but no mention of my particular issue.
I must state at this point I am a newbie in terms of ROM upgrades or whatever....but I am desperate to fix this issue as I am left with a dead phone...and sure someone at work can help me if the technology beats me!!!!
At least once a day it will crash and not respond to trying to power up from the on switch. It will only respond to a soft reset. This is intermittent and does not happen after a certain time span, time of day, after x hours in standby or anything.
I am met with a blank screen etc etc BUT the green light on the right hand side keeps flashing when the phone is 'dead'. It also seems to still be connected to the cellular network because if I dial my number from a landline I get a tone on the landline but the handset is dead. Also the
The only time that it started to behave better was when I disabled the Auto Standby function...I killed my battery but the phone seemed to behave much better because it wasn't going into standby from which it seems to not recover.
This is the second handset I have had from O2, the other one failed for the same reason so there is a 'bigger' problem somewhere...therefore I would rather look to you guys for help as opposed to getting the usual run-around from O2 who don't really seem to want to engage in this at a detailed level. I don't really want to give them the handset for another two weeks just to get another one with the same fault on it again.....
I have no other software installed other than the base OS and it still happens.
Details are as follows:
ROM 1.10.00 WWE
Rom date 12/24/04
Radio 1.00.00
Protocol 1337.39
ExtROM 1.10.124 WWE
Model PH10C
THANKS LOADS!!!!!!!!!!


Disappearing radio?

has anyone come across the problem that when you move to say 3g from gsm or back or you loose signal as your in a bad signal area and then get it back, the phone actually looses the radio says "operation failed" and relocks on to the signal?
mine will sometimes loose the signal need restarting and on the boot screen will show NOGSM when its clearly installed as it worked 20seconds ago. i have tried many types of radio rangeing from 1.07 to 1.41 and all their varients. i am at a loss why my phone just looses it and then forgets it has actually lost it untill i try to make a call or send an sms. no calls or sms's can be received by me whilst the phones done this and it does it a hell of a lot.
sometimes it also just looses the radio half way through a call or data call.
anyone got any ideas?
i have a m3100
IPL 1.04
bootloader 2.10oli
and the XDA live OS installed. however it does it on any OS i have tried so far. and thats alot of them.
Same for me.
Same problem for me.
Often I get the message "operation failed" or "the phone is not ready, wait 15 seconds and try again". Thought it was a problem with the new 1.38 radio, but it seems to be something different.
i also get all those error msg's. i have no idea how to fix it either and no 1 here seems to have a clue either :-(
i Had the same problem with mine it due to hardware i guess. Your phone might have fell down or something then this kind of problem starts I fixed mine by opening my phone up and fixed the arial part properly
is there a guide you follow for that or can you give me any tips to do it myself?
Smith2001 said:
is there a guide you follow for that or can you give me any tips to do it myself?
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I fixed my phone almost the same way as Torrentulla did. I'm my case it seems that something was damaged when I dropped my phone a few weeks back. I discovered that when I pushed at a spot right below the flashlight that the radio kept coming up all the time.
These are the steps I took to repair:
Remove all 4 screws (very small torx) at the back of your hermes
Remove back
Put a little piece of paper on the "pressure" spot
Put your phone back together
Turn it on and enjoy!
I hope you'll manage to fix yours aswell!
Phone sometimes shows No GSM, fails to ring
Hey guys, I posted this in the dead hermes thread, but decided to post it here as it's not really bricked. I think it may be a faulty component or something.
My phone was working fine this morning, then in the afternoon I noticed I would have to try to make a call 3 or 4 times before it would go through, it kept on giving me the error (Can't connect, or something along those lines).
Then, I checked my voicemail and found that I had 10 messages from people who had been trying to get in touch with me, but my phone hadn't been ringing.
The kicker came when I soft reset my phone and all of a sudden No GSM popped up! I soft reset it again, and it was gone, and worked fine for a couple of hours. Now its back to not ringing again.
I flashed radio about a week ago, and have been running fine with no problems since. I haven't flashed any rom's in the past week, and this problem just started yesterday. No new software has been installed (except Pimp my black v0.1).
I don't know a lot about the radio, but I didn't think it could become corrupted during regular use, I thought you could only mess it up when you were flashing the phone. I wonder if there is something wrong with the radio? Could the hardware be faulty? This phone is about 8 months old and hasn't had any problems up to this date.
I'm going to flash radio again and see if that makes a difference, but I'd like to know if anyone has any ideas as to what could be causing this.
Sorry this post was so long,
it seems i don't have a pressure point on mine as the radio is working as and when it likes. which is not alot
gotta sort it out somehow, will take it apart and see if theres anything obvious.
I have the same problem too, phone sometimes shows NO GSM on startup and sometimes it works. Here's where I posted :
Now its not even showing NO GSM it just says: NONE, NONE
Also, I noticed that it will only last about 6 hours on a full charge before the battery is absolutely dead.
I'm beginning to think that it may be my radio
It seems strange that all of these people are suddenly having this problem now.
Whats the warranty like on these devices? Is it a 1 years parts and defects warranty? Or is it some ****ty 90 day warranty?
As it is my phone is a piece of garbage, not worth using at all, I am very disapointed in it.
It's a hardware problem.
Hi guys,
I'm experiencing the same problems since two months and I've been struggling with all kind of OS, ROM, RADIO and bootloader, without even gettin close to solve them.
My phone randomly loads the RADIO (otherwise I get the "No Gsm" message), even when loaded, the connection is not suitable and my phone is often unreachable on the net. The battery life is very short because the phone always looses the signal and then seraches till he find it, before loosing it again.
So I disassembled my phone and did a lot of testing with hardware connections. I have found that the motherboard connection with the flash/scroll module isn't stable at all. You can easily move it and find that this affects the phone ability to load the RADIO. It seem strange but it's true. I can't solve the problem and I'm very upset with HTC because of their hardware components lack of quality. I would like to try to change the module to but I can't find a place where i can buy HTC hardware parts.
So I'm going to change my pda, I'll never buy HTC anymore.
Any help?
Has anyone figured out the problem? If it is hardware, what "pressure" spot is it? I tried, but wondered if I'm not in the right place.
In my case it was a spot right below the flash/scroll-part. As said earlier, i put a piece of paper on the spot and reassembled the phone. It still works excellent after a week!
My dopod can't connect to the mobile network as well, but only with the 3 network. It seems fine when being connected to an Optus network. Have you guys tried using a different network simcard?
I'm not sure if mine is a physical problem but maybe a setting which i need to configure so i can connect to a 3 network. Help anyone?
ROM version : Pro BLACK 3.0
ROM date : 01/04/07
Radio version :
mine also works just under the flash with the cover off, but if i hold it too hard then the screen goes all white and doesn't work, until i can get the case off its a hit and miss game at the moment.
thanks very much for the tips and help
Larrys said:
So I'm going to change my pda, I'll never buy HTC anymore.
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I cannot agree with this more.
I am sick to death of this phone. I had one of the first in the country for normal sales and spent weeks arguing with HTC who flatly denied the screen alignment issue. EVENTUALLY I got them to fix this after referencing posts in this forum.
I continued to suffer the "coma" software issue - why is it so F*((&&^ dificult for a device to wake up when its auto-sleeped?
And finaly, to top it off, I have been suffering this problem. I cannot express how mad I am. Did I buy a cheap phone? NO. I have had nothing but problems with this phone and will NOT buy another HTC.
Oh and if anyone knows how to repair a failed Radio upgrade, please help me! I don't have any choice but to use it until the IMate Ultimates come out.
Due to seeing this radio problem I thought I would try downgrading the radio from 1.4.summint or other (the latest) to a slightly older version. This was of course before I saw this thread. During the downgrade the installer stopped at 15%. Now no matter what I do it sits at the IPL/SPL screen (3 colour bars+white). I have done the obvious i.e. follow the installers error procedure (remove the battery).
Device: HERM200
Please help me be able to use this for another month or two at most - i hope!
Thanks guys
OK Guys
thanks to this thread:
I now have it trying to boot the o/s. I get the message "No GSM" on the boot screen but when it boots up it asks me for my pin number and freezes. I guess its locking up because it has no "phone" part? According to the instructions in the other thread I am supposed to flash it again but I can't as the phone locks on boot.....
Any ideas?
*FINALY* got it back into pre-flash feck up situation. Sadly, this still leaves me with the hardware problem. HTC can go poke themselves until the cows come home. Im taking my money somewhere else.

Radio sudden death issue knowledge consolidation

There have been multiple cases of Radios suddenly stopping to work lately. This is not related to NO GSM error as these occur while phone is in use and not while flashing.
Symptoms are as follows:
- Radio suddenly ceases to work (no signal with any SIM), or its condition deteriorates over the time.
- While trying to flash a different Radio ROM, the upgrade stops at 0% and bricks the device
- Devices can be recovered to operating state, however only OS is intact and GSM radio does not work.
- MTTY gives no feedback
- Information about device resembles these symptoms:
Radio Version : Nothing
Protocol Version: Nothing
IMEI : Nothing
Possible causes of this problem:
- Hardware fault
- Radio ROM corruption
- Bad blocks in NAND
This phenomena seems to be the new source of bricked Hermes devices and the number of occurences is growing.
Threads of people with this kind of bricks:
There also were some threads with this issue in the Hermes WM6 forum.
What we do not know is:
- What was the last radio version those people used?
- Did they use custom ROMs or did it happen with official ROMs too?
- What do these cases have in common?
- Is it really a hardware fault (no results from the service centers so far)?
- Can something be done to prevent this kind of bricking?
- Anything that might help those people recover the phone capability of their devices.
Please share your knowledge about this problem so we can know what kills our device's radio.
Common symptoms:
ROM with radio (both official and unofficial) - flash stops at 12% (magic number?)
Radio ROM stops at 0%
After reading a lot about flashing - upgrading the Tytn, i think the first question to be answered is:
Has anyone with an official untouched device had the radio death situation??
(i.e never had any cooked-baked-boiled rom or radio other than the official flashed on the device)
On every incident i have read, there was at least one mentioning of "Unlock, SuperCID, HardSpl, cooked XXXX-WM6 rom, and so on.
Is it a coincidence?
Dont get me wrong, i my self love this forum and have used tools and roms many times (previously on my MDA Pro and now on my Tytn).
my unit started the NO GSM syndrome just 3 days after i upgrade to 1.54.00 radio..
ROM without radio - flashes 100% working
ROM with radio (both official and unofficial) - flash stops at 12% (magic number?)
everyone else has thier rom + radio flash stop at 12%
I would add:
First post updated with your comments&link.
I opened mine this week, cleaned the inside and also taken the metal covers inside off. One very small chip looks like it has a little brown spot on it, like it has gotten too hot.
Don't know if this is the problem or not, but i think it has to do with the radio and that it's fried
my radio rom was 1.54 something i believe.
and before it broke my phone started to hang short times for a few weeks and when it got back the radio signal was also lost,so i guess it was starting to break down
now it is just a pda, i connect it to internet through my old phone, but it takes 5 minutes after turning on before it will use bluetooth, some programms also refuse to start in the first 5 minutes.
I have been seeing what I think is the beging of this issue. It started about a week or so ago, my phone locked up on a call so I soft reset it. IT cam back and I was able to use the phone again. About ten minutes later it locked again and this time when it came up my passcode would not work. After trying to log in 8 time it hard reset itself. I let it reset and then I upgraded my radio from 1.48 to as I thought the radio was hanging the phone. A few days went by and everything was fine. Then I started to notice the radio was completely loosing signal and seeminlgy locking the phone. The only fix seemed to be a soft rest (at the time) This went on for a few days and eventually my password died again after a soft reset. and it hard reset me. At this point I upgraded from vp3G 3.0 to schapps 4.20 and for the radio. Again it helped for a day or two maybe but it has not started to loose radio signal completely (no service and modem disconted error etc were I always have signal) I have tryed a few diffrent rom and radios in additon to all of these and still get the issues. Last night I got some more clues after installing the new google maps with the my location "soft gps". I was playing with it on my ride home folling my trip etc and about 25 min in my radio started acting up. This time the only thing that fixed the issue was to remove the battery and sim card and put them back in. I am startign to think this is a heat issue in one of the radio components. I also have a ruberized cover which could contrinute to a heat issue. Also for the record I have IPL-1.04 and SPL-2.10-0lipro.
Can anyone comment on ROM botloader etc AT&T would want to see on the phone if I got them to replace it? It is only like 3 months old.
Great idea to open this post. Here's my experience of 2 issues I had this week:
First, I changed the ROM to HC Lite, and the Radio to 1.54.30 last week-end.Before that I never had an issue with GSM.
3 days later I operated a clean-up, using Oxios Close-Apps and Hybernate.1 or 2 hours later, the GSM signal disappeared, and the green button stopped responding. I also noticed I was unable to open "Contacts". Nothing would make it come back, not even a soft reset.
What I did is a Sprite backup, in case, then a hard reset. Everything was then back to normal, so I restored the backup, and it kept working! Now the sad part is that the exact very same event occurred today.
I'm a bit confused whether the issue is hardware related, or is it to do with the radio, the rom..? Anyway, I will right now change the Radio so as to see if any improvement. Your comments will surely be appreciated.
It seems to be related to the newer radio versions. I am running the 1.47 that came with the official Dutch WM6 Rom and have had no problems what so ever with Schaps Rom. So my guess is that it is related to the 1.54 versions of the Radio.
Anyone had these problems with the older radio versions?
Just thought I'd add some info to this topic. I have been running Radio for about 1.5 months with Schaps 4.20 and vp3G's 3.62.3 and have not had any problems with reception, phone use, etc, but I ran radio for 2 days and it was terrible.
It would hunt forever for a signal. If I went into a building and lost reception, I would have to soft reset to get a signal (after I left the building). I figured something was gonna get damaged(too much heat).
I don't know if anybody's experience with that version was as bad as mine, but I hope this problem can be narrowed down to a particular radio rom.
sbrown138 said:
I have been seeing what I think is the beging of this issue. It started about a week or so ago, my phone locked up on a call so I soft reset it. IT cam back and I was able to use the phone again. About ten minutes later it locked again and this time when it came up my passcode would not work. After trying to log in 8 time it hard reset itself. I let it reset and then I upgraded my radio from 1.48 to as I thought the radio was hanging the phone. A few days went by and everything was fine. Then I started to notice the radio was completely loosing signal and seeminlgy locking the phone. The only fix seemed to be a soft rest (at the time) This went on for a few days and eventually my password died again after a soft reset. and it hard reset me. At this point I upgraded from vp3G 3.0 to schapps 4.20 and for the radio. Again it helped for a day or two maybe but it has not started to loose radio signal completely (no service and modem disconted error etc were I always have signal) I have tryed a few diffrent rom and radios in additon to all of these and still get the issues. Last night I got some more clues after installing the new google maps with the my location "soft gps". I was playing with it on my ride home folling my trip etc and about 25 min in my radio started acting up. This time the only thing that fixed the issue was to remove the battery and sim card and put them back in. I am startign to think this is a heat issue in one of the radio components. I also have a ruberized cover which could contrinute to a heat issue. Also for the record I have IPL-1.04 and SPL-2.10-0lipro.
Can anyone comment on ROM botloader etc AT&T would want to see on the phone if I got them to replace it? It is only like 3 months old.
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I had the same kind of behavior with mine. Radio was 1.47
After a few days of similar misbehavior... the radio died
sdemon said:
It seems to be related to the newer radio versions. I am running the 1.47 that came with the official Dutch WM6 Rom and have had no problems what so ever with Schaps Rom. So my guess is that it is related to the 1.54 versions of the Radio.
Anyone had these problems with the older radio versions?
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Nope, I had it with 1.47 back 6 months ago...
By the way
To me it is obviously hardware related: if I try to flash the radio 5 or 10 times I end up managing in flashing it (I have to try, retry, etc...) with another radio. However... I still have the No GSM issue, even after the new radio has been flashed
It's the best proof soemthing is broken inside, not just the radio
Alcibiade said:
I had the same kind of behavior with mine. Radio was 1.47
After a few days of similar misbehavior... the radio died
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I've had this issue with every radio after 1.47, and multiple cooked ROMS, I've tried every radio newer than 1.47 with a bunch of different ROMS. My phone hasn't died....yet but I wouldn't count on it in an emergency or any urgent situation.
I haven't even had this phone 1 year, no way I'm going to spend 300+ AGAIN because of a ****ty HTC product.
What error messages are you guys getting?
I get (not verbatim) the following very often:
phone not ready, wait 15 seconds
answering modem has disconnected
(not a message) searching for signal
(not a message) no signal, just a ! in the signal meter
call not completed
(not a message) phone hangs when dialing a call
(not a message) received calls sent straight to voice mail when I have full signal, either a soft reset or attempt to make a call fix the problem. The attempt to make the call fails and the phone reconnects to the network.
I have noticed lately that I have less problems in 3G areas.
eagercrow said:
I've had this issue with every radio after 1.47, and multiple cooked ROMS, I've tried every radio newer than 1.47 with a bunch of different ROMS. My phone hasn't died....yet but I wouldn't count on it in an emergency or any urgent situation.
I haven't even had this phone 1 year, no way I'm going to spend 300+ AGAIN because of a ****ty HTC product.
What error messages are you guys getting?
I get (not verbatim) the following very often:
phone not ready, wait 15 seconds
answering modem has disconnected
(not a message) searching for signal
(not a message) no signal, just a ! in the signal meter
call not completed
(not a message) phone hangs when dialing a call
(not a message) received calls sent straight to voice mail when I have full signal, either a soft reset or attempt to make a call fix the problem. The attempt to make the call fails and the phone reconnects to the network.
I have noticed lately that I have less problems in 3G areas.
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I have the EXACT same problem as eagercrow. The only difference is that I HAVE NOT *repeat* HAVE NOT mod, or use any cooked ROMs. When i'm using WM5 and radio 1.04, the problem did happen very often. Then when the official WM6 witn radio 1.47 release by HTC, i flash it straight away. It clears all the problem for a few month but some of the problem start to appear since last month:
answering modem has disconnected
call not completed
(not a message) phone hangs when dialing a call
(not a message) received calls sent straight to voice mail when I have full signal, either a soft reset or attempt to make a call fix the problem. The attempt to make the call fails and the phone reconnects to the network.
It happen in any area with weak network (less than 4 bar/full), either 2G, 3G or 3.5G.
For answering modem disconneted, i have to shut down the phone and remove the battery to solve he problem. I must say that the problem may be due to heat. Since when i using it as a modem, the phone gets pretty hot.
I wonder why since i'm using the official ROM only (i've never use any cooked ROM). Even HTC servrice center can't really solve the problem. (my phone board controller was faulty and HTC changed it for me. After that all those problem just vanish for a few month). HTC says its normal!. I paid almost USD600 for the phone. I'm thinking of getting O2 but my friend says he had almost similar problem.
Wonder why......
I forgot to add one more problem to the list, phone sometimes will not disconnect from a call, I have to soft reset
eagercrow said:
What error messages are you guys getting?
I get (not verbatim) the following very often:
phone not ready, wait 15 seconds
answering modem has disconnected
(not a message) searching for signal
(not a message) no signal, just a ! in the signal meter
call not completed
(not a message) phone hangs when dialing a call
(not a message) received calls sent straight to voice mail when I have full signal, either a soft reset or attempt to make a call fix the problem. The attempt to make the call fails and the phone reconnects to the network.
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I get most if not all of these 'errors'.
eagercrow said:
I forgot to add one more problem to the list, phone sometimes will not disconnect from a call, I have to soft reset
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I get this one alot! But first it drops the actual call then just hangs the dialer.
two more to the list:
- long error message about the number not being right or something
- call not completed
sbrown138 said:
I get this one alot! But first it drops the actual call then just hangs the dialer.
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Yeah that is what is happening with mine, the phone call is ended but you wouldn't know it by looking at the phone.
Well i didn't do my searching right, so i posted my issue in a new thread...
My issue is almost the same...It all started with BT getting disconnected from headset, and only soft reset will connect again...and then, radio started to act up. Phone went to sleep one night, and the next stay when i tried to wake it up, it wont wake up. Had to reset it to wake it came back up, but when i plugged it to the puter, the puter wont recognize it. Here is what has happened so far...
1. GSM works after soft reset, and when on phone the phone freezes. Soft reset is the only option...(call is continued until soft reset)
2. BT will disconnect and will take forever to start up
3. Phone will not be recognized by PC (USB device not recognized error)
3. Can flash OS, Splash screens, ext ROM using SD flash method, but will not flash OS with GSM...hangs about as soon as it starts GSM (about 12%)
4. GSM, protocol numbers are still intact
My phone is less than 2 months old and i didn't get my phone through AT&T, so no warranty...kinda screwed eh I think this is a hardware problem...

WM6 Upgrade on my hermes.. call delay problems..

Hi there all,
So I finally got around to flashing WM6 onto my hermes... to give you a bit of background; I had completely stopped using my hermes and had gone back to my ancient (in tech terms) Nokia 6230i after WM5 had become perishingly slow. It had become so much of a pain to connect to my parrot handsfree that I had stopped using that too... (£114 wasted). Also on every phone call there was at least a three ring delay from someone calling me, to my phone realising it should be ringing... not impressed.
So I thought that a flash to a WM6 rom might help, after having a look around for a little while, I went for Schaps 4.31, initially, its a massive improvement, the phone is quick and responsive, and generally runs much quicker, plus there are lots of nice little things like HTC home...
However the delayed phone ringing still seems to be an issue... when I am in the middle of using the phone or if the phone is out of standby and I receive a phone call, it seems to react much quicker than WM5 ever did, almost instantly realising that it should be ringing, much better. However, if the device has gone into standby, then it will completely ignore that there is an incoming call... It simply does not ring... I have just tried 3 or 4 times and my phone hasn't rung once, after I have hung up on my home phone I have been bringing the device out of standby to see if it has registered the call at all, as soon as I turn the device on there is a missed call on it...
This is so intensely irritating! As I am sure you can appreiciate! At least with WM5 there would be a wait of 3-4 rings beofre it brought itself out of standby and then it would ring, but with WM6, nothing! Surely I can't be the only one experiencing this? I can't even say that this might be just my hermes, as I had it replaced by vodafone about 2 months ago...
Sadly... I will be reverting back to my Nokia after I have written this, at least it is able to send/ receive calls without falling over... I cannot belive that I have a piece of hardware sitting on my desk that is, after all the bells and whistles, supposed to be a phone, and doesn't work as one!!! If an old Nokia can manage it why cant my hermes? At this moment there is a hermes selling on ebay of £139, I am very tempted....
Annoyingly my friends iPhone seems to do all the phone functions flawlessly along with lots of lovely web and data integration... It is still apple though..
Does anyone have any suggestions to improve my woes?
Sorry for the massive <\rant>
About half an hour ago I completed a radio ROM update to, I thought that updating the radio stack might go some way to solving my delayed call issues.
Well it hasn't helped at all. The acquisition of signal, and the strength of that signal seems improved, but if my device is in standby then it simply doesn't wake up if there is a call coming in. This effectively renders my tytn totally useless...
Does anyone have any ideas on what might be causing this? I am sure I can't be the only person experiencing this...?
For reference my phone is now running:
Rom: Schaps 4.31 LITE
Any help would be hugely appreciated...
You could try updating the os to fix the standby problem... Schaps 4.31 LITE is fairly old now, If I was you I'd try a wm6.1... They're fairly stable now and are pretty quick too. You could also try to update the .net framework on your PDA to 3.5 but this may require you to do some registry tweaking. Easier to find a cooked os with .net 3.5 already cooked in.
I've always had my phone wake up when a call comes in - even in standby so not sure why yours doesn't. Could be a setting you or your network have imposed.
Make sure you've Hard SPLed your phone before flashing though...
Thanks for your reply ultramag, I think I did at some point have a 6.1 ROM on my hermes, and I don't think it made any difference to the call delay issues. I will flash one again tonight and then report back...
Which 6.1 rom would you recommend?
Why would updating the .net help with incoming call issues?
For the wm6.1 roms I prefer the PDAViet roms and PDACorner roms. Other roms are good too but I like these ones best...
I don't know if updating the .net framework on your phone will speed it up but it does seem to speed up windows. I may be wrong, but if you can speed up the time it takes windows to register the call then wouldn't it speed up the time it rings?
I believe you can change the call forwarding time up to 30 secs if the network only gives you 5 or 10. Its in settings>personal>phone>services>call forwarding.
Hope this helps...
Will upgrade to WM6 lock phone again?
Greetings to All and Thank God For this Forum
I successfully unlocked my Cingular 8525 >year ago. I am still running WM5. I would like to use a micro sd card greater than the 2Gb now installed and believe that is possible with WM6 OS. I'm concerned that I not lock my phone if I upgrade with AT&T's download of WM6. TIA-
docwollf, not sure posting in here will get you very far, try posting in the main forum...
ultramag69, thanks for your suggestion about the PDAviet and PDA corner roms, I tried both, and still my phone doesn't want to work.... Do you think that flashing an "official" rom might help? There has been some mention on here that if your phone starts to become unstable then flashing an official ROM may help, do you think it might help me?
Does anyone have any idea at all why my phone might not ring when it's in standby? Its starting to become intensely annoying to be honest....
Try flashing the official rom first, then flash your phone with hardspl, then try the new rom. That may work, but it almost sounds like you have a hardware issue.
Thanks for your reply backspacepc,
When I said to install an official ROM, I meant one like the at&t one or the dopod aisa one, I don't have a WM6 ROM for vodafone, they never released one... would going back to the Voda WM5, then hard spl, then a WM6 ROM help do you think?
I am thinking the same as you about hardware... is there a firmware upgrade at all? I have tried over 10 different ROM's now, some WM6 some WM6.1, still no improvement on the ring delay....
If I hadn't have voided the warranty by flashing etc, I would be sending it back....
Any help is hugely appreciated, as you can probably tell, getting quite exasperated with it now...
If you downgrade the SPL back to stock and the original os back to stock then you can take it back under warranty. There are instructions in the wiki on how to do this. I believe you may ALREADY have Hard SPL on your Hermes (to check go to bootloader - hold power, OK button above flywheel and reset with stylus, hold in untilyou get to the tri-colour screen. If your SPL is 2.10 olipro, its Hard SPLed) which means you're gonna have to downgrade the SPL. Unless you supercid your Hermes.
You can find the downgrade instructions, I believe, in mr Vanx's tutorials...
Thanks for your reply ultramag,
I do indeed already have Hard SPL on my hermes, I put it there...
I have been looking at downgrading back to stock and then seeing if I can get it replaced, I find it unlikely that voda will even consider it to be honest... HTC might though...
Is there a hardware upgrade that I can try out at all?
If you open it then you will DEFINATELY void warranty... If you still are within the warranty period its better to send in for repairs than to fiddle yourself.
There are manuals floating around (HTC service manual) that tells you how to take apart and put your Hermes back together, just do a search. Or if you want try Mike Channon's webpage, found at the bottom of his posts. However, if you still have warranty, thats the best way to go...
Sorry! I didn't mean hardware upgrade, I meant firmware....
Are there any firmware upgrades around? It strikes me that the phone doesn't know how to handle a call when it is coming in, so it just ignores it... A firmware issue?
Cheers, sorry again for the mix up!
1st thing I'd do is to check all my settings. Both phone and volume. Maybe, if you back up and restore the same settings, you've backed it up for silent or vibrate only.
I know that when a call comes through that its slower to wake up from standby when it also has to access the sd card for an MP3 ringtone....
Check out, with Schapps advanced config, how long it takes the battery & AC to resume from timeout. I set mine to about 10 secs.
Also, you should check how much time it takes before call forwarding kicks in. Go to settings>personal>Phone>services>call forwarding. You can set it to a maximum of 30 secs.
These may or may not help, I'm just throwing ideas out.
Hope they help...
Well I didn't back up my settings, it was a brand new phone when I started so I didn't have any settings to restore.
I have mine set to 10 secs too...
My call forwarding is also set to 30 secs...
Thanks for all your suggestions, I think I might downgrade everything back to stock and see what happens from there...
I'm still wondering what exactly is going wrong in my device... It must be some kind of programming setting that has been set wrong... utterly bizzare... can anyone offer any advice to this end?

Hero network bug

Hello everybody,
I own an Orange-FR branded Hero, and it get often disconnected, but doesn't seem to "know" that. The network bars stay stuck, and the "H" is displayed, as if there was a 3G connection.
I still can use Wifi (and enable/disable it), but cannot disable 3G/GSM network, not even going into "plane" mode. The only way to get out of there is to reboot the phone.
Looks like a radio bug for me...
Any ideas ?
Yup. Which radio version are you running?
And, are you running the phone stock or with a custom ROM. If custom, try flashing the latest radio (read up on it before doing so though, as some people manage to brick their phones by not reading the instructions)- ie. don't pull the battery out, just let it do its thing.
Hello, thank you for your answer.
The phone is like new, I didn't try to update the OS neither the radio, because of the warranty...
My radio version is
I'm aware of the flash methods, as I often updated my P3300 with roms found right here
Hello there,
still have the problem, seems it's happening 24h after each reboot of the phone, but sometimes less.
By looking at the message log with the OSMonitor application, I get a lot of "rmnet fifo full, dropping packet", and the time shown in the messages is wrong (near 5h20 instead of 22h40)
Thanks for your help.
Got a new phone from Orange (with a crappy customized rom).
Same problem
what does orange say about the problem?
each ppl I could talk to told me a different thing.
Sometimes they say it's because i'm moving to another cell (aren't they joking? it's the way GSM works...), someone told me it was because of a "localisation" problem. Another time my file was "stuck" or sent to a wrong service...
I don't think they have any return on experience about this phone.
probably it is just sales bull**** they are told to say to you...
it's guys from level2 support, that's worrying
They change my phone tomorrow... again...
i sometimes have a similar problem, phone gets stuck on 3g network and only shows as uploading data, i think it might have something to do with facebook sync. i haven't had this problem for a long time now but back in the day it used to happen alot
third phone, same problem
i don't use facebook sync
Same Problem
I was having the same problem, especially when it came to 3g / wireless usage - the phone would suddenly lose all connection to the masts but be unaware of it.
My solution so far is to downgrade the radio - the latest one is the worst for it, I'm using at the moment and a lot more stable than before...
(using Villains 5.2 rom)
immya said:
i sometimes have a similar problem, phone gets stuck on 3g network and only shows as uploading data, i think it might have something to do with facebook sync. i haven't had this problem for a long time now but back in the day it used to happen alot
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yes I have been getting this issue too.
It uploads data on 3g but doesn't download. I found what appears to be a temporary fix for this issue but it comes back every now and again. I think it is an issue with Orange/Tmobile cell towers.
thanks for your replies,
i'm using the radio
is there other radio firmwares available ?
christophe80 said:
thanks for your replies,
i'm using the radio
is there other radio firmwares available ?
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The one listed in my sig is the latest (and arguably the best) radio.
OMG they locked the recovery mode
im on orange and have no problems?To be honest when you talk to them they read from a script, noone there actually knows anything! just searching through a database kinda like windows help and support. If the problem is continuing with new phones id say its your cell area
I have the problem everywhere in the country, they changed the phone, they changed the sim (i'm trying another one right now), ...
That's what makes me think of a network problem.
Whenever you speak to them about issues like this always ask to speak to "high technical team"
They are the only ones that know anything and won't read of a script. They are usually very very helpful as well (or at least are in the UK)

[Q] frequent crashes + white screen lockups - any ideas as to what to do?

Hi folks,
So I decided to let my old&trusty TYTN2 retire peacefully and be a backup phone - bought an almost unused HD2. Cool, love the phone. Looks good and is reaaally snappy&fast.
But I'm kind of stirred by its frequent crashing and then getting stuck on white boot screen. It appears on random occasions when the phone has to do some thinking - end call, connect to PC, after inserting PIN, app start. Nothing really intensive going on.
The phone has a custom rom: Elegancia v1.0 Final WWE dating 28.07.2010
Radio version, Protocol and the third number displayed on boot screen is "D 2.13.90963 8G"
The problem could be connected to overheating mentioned in a couple of threads, but nevertheless I have some questions.
1. Is there a possibility of the issue resulting from a faulty ROM so a reflash would do the trick?
2. Apart from getting a new motherboard or improving the cooling system described in the thread - are there any other solutions to the issue?
3. If I need to take the phone to the warranty there is a high chance that they won't like the custom ROM job so I'll have to flash a stock ROM to make it look good. Where do I get one?
4. Is there anything else specific I'd have to keep in mind?
zandhorn said:
Hi folks,
So I decided to let my old&trusty TYTN2 retire peacefully and be a backup phone - bought an almost unused HD2. Cool, love the phone. Looks good and is reaaally snappy&fast.
But I'm kind of stirred by its frequent crashing and then getting stuck on white boot screen. It appears on random occasions when the phone has to do some thinking - end call, connect to PC, after inserting PIN, app start. Nothing really intensive going on.
The phone has a custom rom: Elegancia v1.0 Final WWE dating 28.07.2010
Radio version, Protocol and the third number displayed on boot screen is "D 2.13.90963 8G"
First thing I would do is update this as it is a older rom, Here is a link to the Elegancia thread if you want to just update to the latest version of that ROM. Also update your Radio to a the or the radio linked in the OP of the thread.
The problem could be connected to overheating mentioned in a couple of threads, but nevertheless I have some questions.
1. Is there a possibility of the issue resulting from a faulty ROM so a reflash would do the trick?
Answered above.
2. Apart from getting a new motherboard or improving the cooling system described in the thread - are there any other solutions to the issue?
Nope, not for the over heating problem.
3. If I need to take the phone to the warranty there is a high chance that they won't like the custom ROM job so I'll have to flash a stock ROM to make it look good. Where do I get one?
Go to and enter your serial number (under the battery) to get a list of ROMs for your HD2 and download it from there. Also make sure you or on the HTC site for your country or the country the HD2 originally cam from, there is links to the other countries sites on any of the HTC sites. Also make sure you flash it via SD card as this will revert everything at one time.
4. Is there anything else specific I'd have to keep in mind?
Yes If you have a T-Mobile HD2 you can not flash a 2.04.50.xx, 2.05.50.xx, or any x.xx.51.xx radio to it as it will brick a T-Mobile HD2.
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Hope this helps.
Thanks a lot for a quick answer!
And another question: The phone looks like an ordinary HD2 - non-coloured buttons and no T-mobile signs anywhere. And it was bought in Estonia, albeit imported from Czech Republic - had to DL new soft from czech site. But I'm somewhat puzzled by the Model No in phone identity app: It says "T-Mobile_LEO.."
Now is that conclusive evidence or could it come just from the Elegancia ROM?
How do I make sure if the phone is actually a T-Mo or the ordinary one?
zandhorn said:
Thanks a lot for a quick answer!
And another question: The phone looks like an ordinary HD2 - non-coloured buttons and no T-mobile signs anywhere. And it was bought in Estonia, albeit imported from Czech Republic - had to DL new soft from czech site. But I'm somewhat puzzled by the Model No in phone identity app: It says "T-Mobile_LEO.."
Now is that conclusive evidence or could it come just from the Elegancia ROM?
How do I make sure if the phone is actually a T-Mo or the ordinary one?
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Sorry for the lag in response her just managed to get back this part of the HD2 forums. If you look in your settings>about phone>hardware information and the flash size says 1024 it is a T-Mobile Leo, if it says 527 it is not. Also I am doing this from memory as I am running Android from NAND so it might be under software information, but i am fairly confident it is in hardware information. And yes it probably says T-Mobile Leo because the Elegancia ROM started as a standard 3.14 T-Mobile stock ROM and then the ROM chief modified the ROM.
OK, the hardware information says that theres 576Mb of RAM and 512Mb of flash. So I guess it's a non-T-mo phone. Thanks!
I'll probably be back with more questions, though
Long time no see.
The situation seems to be getting solved soon.
Took the phone to the repairs where they first reflashed it with the original firmware - they had to keep the phone in the *fridge* to do it successfully and avoid overheating.
So it didn't really solve anything and to the mobo change it was - luckily I could cut a good deal and the seller of the phone will pay for the repairs so the thread can be closed as a success story.
Will be back though - boys&toys. Will have to upgrade stuff, y'know.

