O2 XDAIIi - Upgrade ROM & Radio, remove SimLock - How2?? - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

hi, im total newbie and my english stinks i need to unlock my XDA IIi for another operator-WM2003SE installed. I try xda2unlock over USB cable step by step with directions from xda-developers forum - it connect with device and read first sector very long time - 9 hours over night and nothing. . When i try 2 update ROM and other in XDA, only one version work - officialy downloaded from O2 site(Xda_IIi_LaunchROM_v1.10.124.exe-on site is nothing more). Now i have ROM 1.10.00 WWE, Radio 1.00.00,Prot. 1337.39,Ext. ROM 1.10.124 WWE. Another ROMs write(for example Xda_II_Upgrade_v16050) error " its not for this device" and display is gray with "serial" or "usb" and "v 1.01" and i cannot turn on or HR. When i try create log file with htcpocketunlock.exe-it write: error #1 connection problem. have andybody same problem and is here someone who knows where is another ROM-radio for XDAIIi and HOW 2 remove F*****G simlock :?:


Dead xda2 stuck in seril v 1.06

Hi ,
I had 1.72.00wwe on my phone but i was tryin 2 upgrade it further but it got stuck while upgrading and its showing seril while not on cradle and while on cradle its showing usb 1.06
plz hlp me iam newbee and not good in programmin .I also have asecond Xda2 with 1.66.00wwe plz tell if it can b of any help
Reset your device, place it in the cradle and re-run the upgrade.
thanx i tried it already from 2 computers in one its showing error 103 no rom image found and in another its showing error 101 country code problem
Which ROM are you attempting to upgrade to? Which one exactly had you previously upgrade to? What operator do you use?
I'm asking all this to try and get a better picture. Normally, people in your situation can recover by applying the same upgrade again, or, at worst, re-applying the one they are upgrading from.
Make sure you are in bootloader mode (by pressing Jog button and Power button at the same time as pressing reset) before retrying any upgrade. Also make sure the USB cradle is plugged directly into a USB port on your PC and not through a hub and that the power supply is connected to the cradle. It may help to make sure that Activesync isn't running also.
active sync
in the active sync tray it shows that not connected
Well i had 1.72.00wwe rom image 1.14 earlier and iwas tryiong to upgrade to 1.72. something can't remember exactly but it was with rom image 1.17 it was downloaded from t mobile and my current phone is from o2
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Activesync is not needed for upgrades. The upgrade process looks after its own connection. I suggest you follow the procedures in my post here to overcome the Country ID error problem. You will need to know what the device's operator and language IDs are currently set to, which is why I asked you above. I suspect you won't have Devicedata.txt, so it becomes necessary to know what operator and language the previous upgrade was.
to revive your XDA2 again
The main point is what is ROM 1.66 come from (e.g. i-mate ot T-mobile)
If you doesn't upgrade 1.66 ROM by yourself or it came from factory ,you must tell us which operator did you buy from.
If you try upgrade across operator ,it will hang on boot loader screen.
And again, which 1.72 ROM did you try to upgrade from?


Hi guys, I'm VERY new here
I have a UK Orange SPV M1000 with the following details:
Operator Version:
ROM Version: 1.66.00WWE
ROM date: 02/20/04
Radio Version: 1.10.00
Protocol Version: 1337.18
ExtROM version: 1.66.230
I want to upgrade to 2003SE because of what I've read about improved battery, improved BT and widescreen use (and cos I just do )
I've downloaded the ROM and ExtROM from the massive 26 page topic further down the page but ran the .exe and got ERROR 120: country ID error.
I looked through the forum but to be honest a lot of the stuff went over my head and 30 pages of topic is a lot to read through...
Can someone PLEASE put down a step by step 'idiots' guide to upgrading my ROM with links to relevant things i would need to download/install/whatever
I know I'm asking a lot but it would really help me and I suspect many other people who might look at the forum and leave after a few minutes with spinning heads.
Also, I've not been able to find any posts in reference to the M1000, only O2 branded and original HTC devices. Does this mean I'll have problems connecting to Orange and will need to set up GPRS connections, etc myself?
One more thing.... I have an original Orange 1.66 ROM (downloaded from the Orange UK website). If I mess things up, don't like it, have to send it back to Orange, will i just be able to run that ROM update and everything will go back to how it was?
Phew, long 1st post!
Thanks for reading!!!
I upgraded mine yesterday with the help of a post on getting round the country id, however bluetooth and camera didnt work so had to go back to old rom, so yes you can go backwards.
Hi, I'll try to help you.
Now unrar the files you have. There you'll find "HimaGetDeviceData" file. Copy this one in your PPC.
> Then run it from there. HimaGetDeviceData won't do anything.
> then go to Windows directory and search for file called "Device Data". Copy it to your PC and open it.
there you will found data for your USB, Rom version, this meen 1.66.00wwe, PH10, and the last two are very importaint.
They can be ...
first one O2, Qtek, CDL, TMOBILE. Remember your. This is your Operator.
Second one can be ... WWE, ENG, GER. This is your Language.
After this, you need to download ER2003Edit. You can find it in the forom.
When you install this run the program and open ms_.nbf file first.
You will se the operator and Language. Change them if they are different from yours. ( this is the O2, QTEK, and WWE, ENG ).
Save the ROM file ( CTRL+S ).
Do this with the other two NK.nbf and Radio_.nbf files.
Then run " HimaUpgradeUt " and wait for " Congratulations " and you're ready.
Oh, when you get the Congr... Do hard reset.
(dont wory if you see on the screen of your PPC Radio stack or something like this isupgrading "Please wait" do your hard reset. )
Sorry for the bad English.
If have any questions ask
Hope this will help.
Ok, I have ER2003EDIT installed but when i tried to open ms_.nbf and it said i had the wrong password and asked me to enter one.
Any idea what it could be??
I think that you must not use the autodetect ROM, but the specific filetype: ms_.nbf. This worked for me...


hello I´ve recover my m3100 from a dead brick (after used of universal sim lock) to full working phone
Her is my way
1. I´ve first try flashing a windows mobil 5 rom from my qtek 2020 on the m3100 for 2-3 times
2. then I´ve flas it with the new rom from Cingular ther are using bootloader 1,06..... and IT COME BACK ALIVE....
and if you have a HTC HERMES Then you just find a rom with you phons cid her
Good to hear That your device Is up now Congrat's , Wht if it's possible with human being
Why u've instal qtek 2020 on this hermes ?
I´ve just wanted to try somthing after 30 days looking at a £450 brick
I have some questions for you, in order to understand how you fixed it and provide a "solution" for the others:
1) About the Qtek2020 flashing:
- Did the Himalaya flashing process did anything on the hermes?
- Where did the Himalaya flashing process stopped?
- What did you see on the Hermes screen?
- What error did you see on the Himalaya upgrade utility?
- Which rom did you exactly use? (post the ftp link of it please)
2) About your M3100
- Which CID does your hermes have? If it's a M3100 from UK, i guess it is ORANG001, right?
- Which ROM, radio rom and bootloader version did you have on your device when you fixed the problem?
If there's anything else I am missing and you think can be useful, please post it too...
Yes, please fill us in because I'm sitting on a brick'd TyTN
congrads on bringing it back to life
Moreover - does this imply any hope for those of us with Orange SPV M3100s that are stuck on the latest Cingular ROM with no Orange updater?
I do not know what the flash didt to my hermes but it seems on usb monitor like it slowly after trying to flash the old 2020 rom 2-3 times went further and further in to the program. the screen turn silver and read USB like on the 2020. Every time it just stop (frozz).
Then I just try the new cirguler rom.
yes my m3100 is a orange001 cid -bootloader 1,04
I don´t know what the original rom was I think it was on off the first orange releast I got it 20/7-2006
(Do you whant me to upload the zip file containing my windows 5 mobile ?)
P.S. now my problem is that I can´t unlock the phone because imei-unlock do not suport bootload 1,06
Izzard-UK said:
Moreover - does this imply any hope for those of us with Orange SPV M3100s that are stuck on the latest Cingular ROM with no Orange updater?
not for the moment I´am also stuck on cingular rom
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kimbay said:
I do not know what the flash didt to my hermes but it seems on usb monitor like it slowly after trying to flash the old 2020 rom 2-3 times went further and further in to the program. the screen turn silver and read USB like on the 2020. Every time it just stop (frozz).
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OK, but which rom did you exactly use? (post the ftp link of it please)
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Himalaya/
kimbay said:
I don´t know what the original rom was I think it was on off the first orange releast I got it 20/7-2006
(Do you whant me to upload the zip file containing my windows 5 mobile ?)
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It's ok, it was original rom from M3100... no problem, no need to upload anything.
If you have dead Hermes try to flash with Hermes_1.18.416.1_1.18.416.101_1.14.00.10_WWE_Ship.exe For me - it`s work.Regards
SPV M3100 Freez
I have A SPV M3100 anyoane write same ... for unlock and new freez in "Windows mobile"
when i put in 3 color and i see:
And when is in 3 color and connect to PC ActivSync get error cannot recognize this device

[Qtek2020]: Error 112: CE Rom Update Error. PLEASE HELP ME!

Hi people,
I'm Luca from Italy, and I'm writing here hoping that You can help me to recover my dead PPC.
My PPC, when living, had Windows Mobile 5 like O.S.
So, As i've some problems with the phone I've decided to downgrade the radio version from 1.17 (people say that it is buggy) to 1.08.
So i run the HimaUpgradeUt_noID (I've also HimaUpgradeUt), but i've forgotten to delete the NK.nbf file from the directory.
I put the PPC in bootloader mode (SERIAL on top and ver. 1.06 on bottom) and then to the cradle directly to the motherboard USB connector
The sofware begin to update upgrading even ROM CE file, but when it arrived at 31% himaUpgrade stopped its work, showing that I need to reset (only normal reset and not soft reset) the PPC From this time until now my PPC show always and only the bootloader view.
When I try to upgrade again, the himalaya soft don't show what my PPC has like rom or radio version. It shows only the Ce rom and Radio that I'm going to ugrade.
It seems that software isn't able to erase ROM IMAGE
Active sync can't identify the device (some time it is indentified as unknown device).
When i start the software for ugrade the Active sync tray icon disappear.
I'm only able to ugrade radio stack or ExtRom.
P.S. The device is unlocked
2 hits
"Edited:- Problem solved, I loaded the upgrade from a different PC. I don't know why my main PC would not work as that is the one I regularly sinc the pocket PC to, but it just kept aborting the upgrade. Anyone else having this problem, try another PC."
if you're lucky
"it was stoping with an upgrade error at the very beggining of the extended ROM flashing no matter which ROM you were flashing to it! At the end they exchanged it for a new one, probably the ROM chip was faulty!"
if you're unlocky
Hi Rudegar,
first MANY MANY MANY THANKS for Your support.
I'm very unlucky.
I'm not able to upgrade my PPC.
The strange thing is that i can upgrade Radio Stack and even Extended Rom!
Only CE ROM wont' update.
Previous CE ROM installed was AKU 3.5 and Windows Mobile 5.0
Everythings worked fine.
Non other way?
I've seen that after launched del himaupgradeUt_noID the Activesync tray icon ho away.
My PPC sometimes ins't "seen" by my XP while other times it is "unknown device"
Why Can I only update RADIO and Extended Rom, while CE Rom not?
... P.S.
evey kind of button that I push the PPC is always in Bootloader Mode!
I'ev tryed: POWER + CAMERA + REC + STYLUS over the hole.
When I put the PPC to battery charger, red led is on until nothing is on the display, while when there is the written over the display, led is off.
No way to help me?
No news? I'm so sad
hello. i have the same problem but i have some suspections: i have 3 wersions of wm6 roms. one weight is 64 mb and others 32. and i tkink we are trying install rom from htc, dell or ipaq to our mda or other... so- **** this wrong rom and search for normal rom for himalaya ->
take this one :
mirror in china ,but very rapid downloading
enter the code e506cd02 then go
thx to c_shekhar
screenshots: wm6 pro. : http://www.engadget.com/photos/windows-mobile-6-professional/

cannot change my rom

i am trying to upgrade from wm2003 second edition to wm2005 or 2006 but when i put the device on boatloader and later on the cradle where usb appears on the screen the installation proccedure stops on the first steps of reaching erasing rom , infact the small window that appears remains for some minutes at 0 percent and later gives an error report and "remove the device from the cradle and reset the device and retry again"
can anyone help?
qtek2020i != himalaya
cant use himalaya roms
if it dident stop it would kill your device
there are no wm5 or wm6 out for apline which is the name for 2020i
thanks a lot for your answer..... i purchased by mistake a rom for himalaya on ebay (by mistake) then.
buying rom is a bad move they are free
somebody rip'd you off
infact LATER the page was removed from ebay and i received an email from ebay that the page was removed .......................{i had already purchased the file}

