Ext Rom - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 ROM Development

Is it necesary to update the phone with ext rom also?? Coz i read on the faq that the ext rom has preinstalled programs and i want a fresh new windows that will run smooth not a slow one with all kind of programs. Ive seen some roms that don't come with ext rom so thats why i ask this.

you can always unlock and unhide
the extented rom and remove all cab files you dont want
and hardreset

Ok i sorted it out but i have another dilemma: first i had wm5 with 128ram, then downgraded to wm3 where all the settings were fresh. After wm3 i updated to wm5 with 96 rom but i had the settings and themes from my old wm5 with 128 rom. I repeated the process and it still does the same. How can i get rid of the settings and get a fresh clean start???


New O2 UK rom Downfalls

Hey guys, I have just upgraded my rom and found a couple of downfalls with the new version.
1) the extended rom tools to unhide and unlock no longer work - extended Rom now seems inaccessable
2) the internal memory area called 'Storeage' has disappeared also, leaving me with 16k less memory than I had before the upgrade!!
Any ideas how we can get these back??
I don't think it is to do with the ROM upgrade specifically.
Have you installed any other software?
I had this a couple of times a while back whilst I was experimenting with different ROMs and BT stacks, doing backups and restoring, etc.
Have you tried a hard reset?
Also, look at this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=10473 where other people had same problem.
Thanks for the info; your'e right:
I checked the other thread you mentioned, and have given it a go...
If you perform a hard reset my device with the new rom has the storeage available and the extended rom unlock tools work again. Restoring a backup and they both disappear.
Looks like I am going to have to rebuild my system :-(
I suspect that restoring an old backup replaces lots of windows related files and registry settings. I tried to install the fonix voicedial from the ext rom post-restoring and it claimed i had the wrong ROM version!
So yes, a rebuild is necessary
Certainly seems that way. Oh well, good luck!
Running new upgrade over unofficial upgrade
Just being lazy here - can you just do a hard reset and run the new 02 update over the 1.72.126 ver. as it says wrong version when you attempt to run it from after a normal reset (incorrect language error)?
Ste G.
As a general rule it is never a good idea restoring a backup over a different ROM version - bit like restoring a W2K backup over an XP install. That said, the latest version of Sprite is supposed to be ROM upgrade safe.
I always use the opportunity to clean out all the crap by doing a full reload - bit like the twice yearly Windows rebuilds on my PC.

2003 se Ext rom

Need a non branded extended rom with no additional programs than the basics. I tryed geting one from the original qtejk rom but the programs are not compatible and after a soft reset it freezes when it starts to personalize. All rom makers put there idiot programs that we can add later but they just don't understand . Plz can anyone suply me a ext rom for 03se that will work good??
why not just unhide and unlock the ext rom and remove the stuff you dont want ?
I saw that in my rom but where do i go to remove them??? ANd i need a list of programs that are vital... I like wm03se but the fact that i can't find an extended rom like i did for wm03 kills me. In wm03 i used the original qtek ext rom and it worked like a charm.

What happens to the Ext ROM when shelltool is used

Hello all,
Thanks to that make this site available to people like me.
I have a Cingular branded phone (IPL 2.25.0001) that is considering using the shelltool. But before I do I want to make sure I don't lose functionality. It is my understanding that the Ext ROM is untouchable even if you pay to have the CID lock removed. How does this affect the new ROM put on the phone? It is my understanding that there are register tweaks etc that are placed there by vendors?
Thanks in advance
Hi there,
First of all, welcome
Now, the CID lock has nothing to do with the Ext Rom. The Ext Rom is sometimes part of a ROM. Shelltool only flashes OS part of the ROM, so your already existing ExtRom is not modified.
And yes, the vendors put there all the .cab and fixes needed (which might not be all the fixes there is )

how to flash a CLEAN ROM?

I have a problem! My XDA II had WM2003SE, but I've upgraded to WM6.1. I noticed that the SD card wich was working in WM2003SE, with this WM6.1 ROM didn't. So I reinstalled WM2003 and it worked again. The strange thing happened when I've reinstalled again the WM6.1 ROM. The files that I've copied in it's flash memory there were back also, and now I get some errors during startup.
My question is: How can I reinstall a WM6 ROM and also how to clear ALL memory of my XDA II?
Thanks ahead for your help!
on 2003 a hardreset clear the storage and registry
on wm5 and up the txt step by step guide at the end describe how
one clear storage and registry

help!! phone dead after rom update

hi all need urgent advice as ive killed my hd2
i was fearful of upgrading to new rom from htc website (v-1.66...)
was using 1.48.405.2 (71294) wwe
I made sure i researched everything 1st. i downloaded trial of spb backup. installed to phone. did full backup, saved to sd card. closed all progs, phone & pc
opened rom update and followed instructions. update then finished, went through setup on phone.
all seemed fine. basic clock, time settings (few new features etc)
I then went to file explorer/storage card and opened spb backup file. clicked next throughout. device reset on its own and loaded with new rom number on startup.
have my background image up pictures seem to be back, as are messages. cab files ive installed are present but I cant access contacts and a few other features.
repeated messages are 'a problem has occured with cprog.exe' please tell microsoft blah blah!!!
Htc sense will not launch despite how hard i hit the screen.
Ive no signal at all and cant sync with my pc. i guess suggestions of a hard reset will follow this post but will i not be in the same boat as i will need to restore my settings etc from sd card and spb backup.
please help!!!
try to flash the rom again or try to use your old one.
if you dont wanna hear the word "hardreset" i dont tell it to you
DN41 said:
try to flash the rom again or try to use your old one.
if you dont wanna hear the word "hardreset" i dont tell it to you
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
ok. will try
shouldprob mention that i got a strange message when trying to restore
'this device is different from one which this backup was made. please choose upgrade mode'
then a dropdown menu with
'normal mode'
'rom upgrade mode'
'device upgrade mode'
with a check box 'overwrite existing files' (this is checked)
seems strange but the message before states that the backup was created on an t-mob leo device.
something wrong here maybe???
yeah could be.
sorry mate, i'm not very knowledged about spb backup
sp backup has a "rom upgrade" option i'm guessing you usedthat? in which case that's the problem, because it really means upgrade of the same rom, whereas you have a totally new rom, so should use the individual settingsoption, and reinstall your programs manually.
(based on reading, i've never done it myself, nor used sp backup)
re flash your original rom, restore your backup and think again how and what you are backing up.
just tried a 'normal restore' as the description says restore to original device backup was made on.
phone has now turned on with everything the same as i left it but looking at the software description its gone back to the original rom 1.48.405.2
do i have to run the update again?
what the hell is going on with this phone!!!
no, the rom is the new rom, but thats a fine example of whats wrong.
It has restored the rom version info from your registry backup.
The rom version is not a problem, of course, it just says teh wwrong thing, but there are likely to be loads of reg settings that ARE a problem.
Basically, using backup software can be a pain, till you know its pitfalls. Thats why i dont bother. Contacts/calendar via outlook, and thats it. Everything else i setup manually myself. (Well, i dont cos by now i've made cabs for all my tweaks and what not, but tyou get the idea.)
This is one of the main reasons I don't backup Settings and Programs. I only back up my PIM, and sometimes even that plays up.
You are better off just syncing your phone with Outlook, hardreset, sync again to get your PIM information, and reinstalling your programs one by one.
I can tell you this I use SPB backup all the time, but ...
1.) Normal restore is only for restoring to the EXACT same ROM that you had on before ..
2.) ROM upgrade mode is only good for ROMs in the same series*
*ROM upgrade mode only works correctly on "upgraded" version of the same ROM you had on it , for example, in my case I use Energy ROM CHT 23569 JUL 1st, I make a backup, then upgrade to Energy ROM CHT 23569 JUL 16th, then ROM upgrade mode should work, but if you go say from a Stock TMO rom to a custom rom or a 21xxx series rom to a 23xxx series rom you will have "ISSUES".
If you plan on flashing ROMs often , you either need to learn to use something like XDA_UC, Sashimi, or Toms Autoinstall, and make frequent PIM backups ..
As well as keeping all your program cabs in a safe organized place so you can put them back on ...
I hope this helps you get it sorted ....

