Why no WM6 by microsoft? - JAMin, XDA Neo, S200 ROM Development

Somebody knows to tell me, what is the reason that Microsoft will not go to lunch an official rom wm6 for yours prophets!? they are envious what!? -. -

Normally its the responsibility of the hardware builder to release roms for a device.
And offcourse there are several reasons not to do so:
- Licensing, OEM licenses cost money too.
- Develop hours, it cost time to make proper dirvers etc for your hardware
- reason, why would they want to spend above investments on old devices they dont sell anymore
- marketing, why would people by the touch for example if you can do the same with your old prophet

It's funny that some hobbyist people can make an almost stable ROM, without all the resources that HTC has, but HTC does not want to give the ROM to the users. It should take then like 1 month to do a fully functional ROM, given that Wizard "oficial" one was almost perfect.
But you know, it corporations only want your money, and they will only get it if they sell you new phones. I would be happy to even pay a fee (like 50$-100$) for a full ROM, but hey, they earn more on a new phone than on an upgrade ROM.

But still we all want to buy the newest phones not only for the rom.
So for a hardware manufacturer to spend 1 month resources on something else then new phones it can loose them their market share.
So yeah, they will spend their resources on new stuff and keeping old stuff live and kicking.

yeah,thats is stupid,htc have to provide updates and fixes for their devices,and marketing tactics sux.thanks pdaviet pdamobiz gullum and all other rom developers.you are the best,respect for all of you.my device would not be the same without you.keep making roms,keep making people happy

Kaoh said:
But still we all want to buy the newest phones not only for the rom.
So for a hardware manufacturer to spend 1 month resources on something else then new phones it can loose them their market share.
So yeah, they will spend their resources on new stuff and keeping old stuff live and kicking.
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I'm sorry, but it wouldn't imply HTC to stop developing new phones just to make a ROM for Prophet.
I guess it is easy to get that done by one experienced developed in one month, with full access to hardware details.
Most parts are already developed, like the drivers. He would only have to fix the small bugs that are remaining.

Sure it does, most companies are lacking good staff to develop anything, so you wont spend your limited resources to enhance old stuff.


Roms will disappear from FTP.. time for torrents??

Hi all,
I read the thread about M$ that wants xda-developers to take the htc roms from ftp. One more time M$ disappoint their customers that just want to take the max from their htc pockets (We paid 500€ more or less for a pocket, I thing is legitimately that we want to take the max from our pocket).
So I think that htc roms must be available in torrents using public trackers and publish in mininova.org, meganova.org or other torrents sites available. If everyone seed some roms they will always be available for public.
What you think about this?
I am down... just don;t know how to package them up or else I would. I get a new pc this week and have though of making my other one a file store...
We must build a private network for Forum users, We can use KDX a multi platform peer to peer client/server app, it is like Hotline.
boycott microsoft!
i was thinking of upgrading to Vista. now i changed my mind! u dont piss off your customers that supporting u!
Since i have a hermes and i live for xda, I'm backing up the ftp and i'll store it. Possibly setup ftp access for requested users.
I think we should tell M$ to ........................................KISS OUR A$$..............................OUR...................................."ENTIRE......A$$"...............That's what "I" think............................
That being said........ start backing up the ROMS etc...... we'll figure out how to get them out to users.......... if you can download the things from HTC.......why does M$ have their panties in a bunch?????????? Sheeesssshhhhhh what a bunch of CRY BABIES!!!!!!!!
Why is it that Big corporations treat their customers like dirt!
Its the enthusiast that keeps them making money! I am constantly "selling" the merits of M$ powered PPC's to anyone who will listen, I am in the IT industry and have in the last 3 or so years been responsible for over 50 sales of M$ based devices to customers and friends. Because of XDA Dev I will buy a WM device again and again. But if M$ plays the Bully and forces the demise of XDA Dev I will have no reason to by a WM device again. I will then look into other devices such as Sony etc.
I'm sure you are all the same as me, its the the amazing endless customization options that XDA and WM devices offer you that keeps you coming back, without that its no better than any other device.
But sadly Big Corporations don't care, even if we could get a petition signed by 10 000 users they would just shrug and say "So what, there are millions of other users"
What I would like to know is what possible damage can be done by having M$ roms available to M$ customers. Its not like someone can make his own device and then download a rom here. If you use a rom from XDA Dev then you own a M$ device! and you have paid M$ for the rom, Why then are you not allowed to make it better!
No if/when we can get a working Linux solution we can once and for all "dump" M$.
Maybe HTC will bring out a device running Linux in the near future.
Yours in Hope
As annoying as it is this is the right thing for MS to do to protect themselves.
If it was a little company would you feel less angry?
The only reason you feel angry is due to them being a multi billion dollar corporation beating down on "the little guys" aka us.
How are they loosing revenue from XDA Dev?
If they were charging users for updated OS versions then I could see their point of view. But I can't see how XDA Dev can have any negative impact on M$. If I am missing something here then please inform me.
The way I see it, allowing people to down load different ROM's hurts no one. Al they are trying to do is fix up the defective software. If MS spent more time fixing the defects in their software and less time with lawyers people would not need look around for other ROM's. There is prima facie a very powerful case for a class action against MS for the defects in WM5.
We are talking about tracking down a solution to hacking WM6 to run on a Hermese for starters and I know they will charge for that.
ZaJules said:
How are they loosing revenue from XDA Dev?
If they were charging users for updated OS versions then I could see their point of view. But I can't see how XDA Dev can have any negative impact on M$. If I am missing something here then please inform me.
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Frustrating thing is its not about profit etc... i read that IP (Intellectual Property) law in US states that if you knowingly let ANYONE (not just in US) use your IP without correct license you stand to let anyone do that. Since you have willingly let someone get away with IP infringment you couldnt claim say if the vista source code was used without permission!??
A simple agreement between xda-devs and MS would get passed this but i guess the boffs in the MS law department arent willing to listen. We are possibly the best source of FREE testing and debugging they have!
And may i remind everyone we have ALL paid for a WM license, this is not (as some idiot has said in the "sign the petition" thread) software piracy, it is FREELY available from operators and HTC!
Well, for what I read M$ says that many customers are pissing of their mobile phone providers with roms that are unsupported by that provider.
And for that reason, they say........, roms must not be available here.....
It's fine we can put them elsewhere.
This saves the forum from being shut down or having any legal problems at all. This ensures a long lasting community without having to go underground.
suineg said:
We are talking about tracking down a solution to hacking WM6 to run on a Hermese for starters and I know they will charge for that.
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I will pay for an upgrade, but if they don't make it available I have no moral problem of using a hacked version for the Hermes. It's not that M$ will loose any revenue if the product isn't available to buy. Not having VM6 will not make me buy a new phone faster either. As most of us I guess we're stuck with a 2 year contract or so anyhow.
It seems like a really bad thing on MS' side but really its not that bigga deal.
With so many of us here it is easy to build another database at other places and even servers like rapidshare, megaupload etc. They might take them down but they will be back up very quickly. That being said once the network is made all we need to do is get the word around via PM's as to keep it off the boards to keep MS from being able to do anything. Simple
Upload the roms, have in your sig you have links, give out the links in PM's and we are all good to use xda as the great community it always has been
vador said:
Hi all,
I read the thread about M$ that wants xda-developers to take the htc roms from ftp. One more time M$ disappoint their customers that just want to take the max from their htc pockets (We paid 500€ more or less for a pocket, I thing is legitimately that we want to take the max from our pocket)....
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Actually; it's HTC we should be mad at... If they would release some decently functioning firmware for our devices in the first place, there would not be any need for a ROM archive so we can cook up our own ROM sets...
And i really supect HTC has also triggered this M$ action, because of the appearance of diverse test-ROM's for Trinity and Hermes among others...
Just like someone said before: why do these multi-billion-dollar-bohemoths of companies piss on their customers like this ??? It's truly shocking how they crank out half-working product and kick them on the market, and forget about them instantly (support for existing customers? what's that ...?).
They should better concentrate to work with us, and create a better user-experience for all their customers... But since we have a thing called "world-economy", don't count on it to happen....it never will...
Makes me sad....
ZaJules said:
Why is it that Big corporations treat their customers like dirt!
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Not that I like that the ROMs were removed, it was a very helpful service.
But this anti-MS ranting does not help. MS is not the salvation army, and they do (and have to do) what is legally possible to protect their business interests and that of their customers. The free download of one of their OS is not something to can seriously expect them to tolerate in the long run.
Wiki's are editable by everybody... especially the place were "links to roms" are.
XDA will fight any m$ attempts to have us remove links to roms. That amounts to web censorship.
Well I had just made an excalibur torrent, but I like hermes better, I should have everything down tomorrow and a torrent ready then, sucks Im not gonna be able to use orb. if you havent I suggest you register at demonoid.com. there are other torrents there you may find interesting.

Cingular getting in on the Game and Shutting us Down

The Cingular forums are now shutting down discussion re the new ROMS ... nice ... just trying to keep us from helping each other out (you would think it would be to their benefit, so folks don't bug their non-existent customer service)
see here for all the gory details.
This is getting more and more ridiculus by the day
Hallllllo M$ and providers. when we buy a device we ALREDY get a licenced WM, what's your problem???????????????????????????????????????
weinson said:
The Cingular forums are now shutting down discussion re the new ROMS ... nice ... just trying to keep us from helping each other out (you would think it would be to their benefit, so folks don't bug their non-existent customer service)
see here for all the gory details.
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the thread has been resurrected for the time being...no idea how long that will last though.
This is just like Cingular, I have been told that this update would be out since Dec. by Cingular sales and it never has. We cannot help it if Cingular is so slow on getting updated services out. If they would put more effort in service and less on what they are going to call them selfs maybe they could supply better service. I have 19 cingular accounts and may move all of them if they don't get there act together.
Steven -
Do what my wife did, she is part of the State of FL gov contract on Cingular and she has a fair bit of power in moving accounts so she basically said if you can't support your gear with updated ROMs maybe she would move accounts somewhere else.
I doubt they care but who knows...
so many dumb-ass flashed their phones w/o reading the instructions, bricked their phones and start to call Cingular/ATT for help/repair/replacement. Next thing we know, MS is trying to remove all ROMs, ATT removing thread about new ROMs....
That's y we should make this community go underground, ban the suckers who don't read, link ROMs to rapidshare or other similar sites instead of this site's FTP server.
It's sad to see we have to remove the ROMs but I wouldn't blame MS or ATT for asking XDA-developers to do so.
Oh, btw, if you guys care go sign the petition, show us some supports even if we dont get what we want.
It's the War on Common Sense. And since all of us are a minority here, ignorance and misinformation prevail.
The main reason Big Business does this is because the executives are a much older generation that is scared and terribly confused by the Internet. So to them, we're all looking to ruin their business by making their phones work in ways they didn't intend for them to be used. What they don't know is, our solutions are much better than the ones they provide (hence the void we're filling by being here, supporting, and working out their phones for free) and if they were to release even just half of the ROMs the XDA community cooked up, they'd have a much happier customer base.
steven814 said:
This is just like Cingular, I have been told that this update would be out since Dec. by Cingular sales and it never has. We cannot help it if Cingular is so slow on getting updated services out. If they would put more effort in service and less on what they are going to call them selfs maybe they could supply better service. I have 19 cingular accounts and may move all of them if they don't get there act together.
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Cingular/AT&T is pretty much the only carrier with even a _leaked_ rom... so how are you going to say that they're slow? They're actually ahead of the curve, in my opinion.
The 8525 came out in November. I'm pretty sure that there must have been some miscommunication if you recall someone in December told you the Rom would be out tomorrow (or any specific immediate timeframe). "Soon" is not necessarily "one month" or less. I think sometimes we hear and preceive what we WANT to be the truth based on what we actually _did_ hear. I mean, as far as I can tell, HTC just released the 3.3 rom to carriers a matter of weeks ago. Cingular has been working on things other carriers aren't doing, too (PTT, Cingular Video, etc.) So they're putting more into the rom than most of our European counterparts need to (with the exception of video calling... yet.)
I guess what I'm saying is that we, as enthusiasts, expect more than the average customer. And as for Cingular / AT&T, of course they don't want to be providing support for an unofficial and likely unfinished rom. Honestly, having inexperienced and impatient Cingular customers reading about this leaked rom and trying to put it on their devices prematurely would certainly cause a terrible amount of problems. Again... it's _leaked_ and _unofficial_, so they should not feel like they have to support it.
Just my 2/3 of a nickel.
GliTCH82 said:
It's the War on Common Sense. And since all of us are a minority here, ignorance and misinformation prevail.
The main reason Big Business does this is because the executives are a much older generation that is scared and terribly confused by the Internet. So to them, we're all looking to ruin their business by making their phones work in ways they didn't intend for them to be used. What they don't know is, our solutions are much better than the ones they provide (hence the void we're filling by being here, supporting, and working out their phones for free) and if they were to release even just half of the ROMs the XDA community cooked up, they'd have a much happier customer base.
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I disagree. I believe the truth is if they released half the roms on here, they're customers WOULD be confused, scared, and lost because they have no idea what rom they should be running. They'd have no idea why something doesn't work perfectly on one rom and better on another. Or why one radio may or may not be better. Think about how many people on here aren't reading everything they need to and bricking or nearly bricking their devices. And these are the ones SEEKING the information. The average 8525 user on Cingular's network isn't quite as interested in this stuff as we are here.
Knowledge is power, but unstable power is chaos.
Think about it.
Xda-Developers is a great source for those seeking to know more about their devices than just its typical uses. But anyone who really wants the knowledge will seek it out and find it (just as we all did). Throwing an incomplete rom at the average lawyer who needs Microsoft Direct Push and not much more is likely to cause more problems than it's worth for AT&Tingular as well as for us (because we'll be the ones trying to clean up the mess).
I think I should sign off on this before I infuriate some of those out there who just want to vent their frustration. And we all know the company with the dollars is always a great target to do that.
Does't surprise me in the slightest.
I am sure many OEMs and phone companies are sick of people bricking their phones and claiming warranties (of course they never admit to using cooked ROMs or even trying to upgrade them - 'Just woke up one morning and it wouldn't boot up').
I enjoy this forum too but don't tell me it doesn't encourage people to do things they shouldn't, and are not willing to take responsiblity for.
esseff said:
I enjoy this forum too but don't tell me it doesn't encourage people to do things they shouldn't, and are not willing to take responsiblity for.
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I have to disagree with that statement... I wasnt aware that giving warnings to the users that flashing their phone could brick it and that they need to read and make sure they fully understand what they are doing before they do it was encouragement... I know that when i came to this board and saw the warnings about flashing cooked roms it freaked me out.. i was registered for several months before i ever made a post, spent countless hours reading all the threads to make sure i fully understood my device before i did anything to it.. its the people that dont read and brick their phone that want to come back and blame us for their mistake.. This is a developers board and quite frankly alot of us go out of the way of development to help people in need... we especially go above and beyond any kind of help that you would recieve from your provider
My 2c
I have to agree with shogunmark. I know I made very sure I read every last thread and wiki before I attempted anything as rash as upgrading a Radio stack. This was because of my fear of bricking the unit, because so many people warned it could. I was even willing to endure the mass "RTFM" and "RTFW" flaming if i wanted to make sure I understood everything correctly before risking my device.
I believe the largest part of this community are users that gather here in the spirit of sharing the knowledge about the device to encourage greater growth of the community- the more people, the more mods & hacks & cracks and experiences will become part of the knowledge base.
yet im still trying to figure out how "MAY BRICK YOUR DEVICE" warnings are encouraging...
Come on guys!
Sure there are countless warinings but simply the enthusiasm and excitement amongst the experienced crew, when a new possibliity appears (GPS, WM6, AKU this, AKU that) causes less experience people to get caught up in it.
I'm not for one minute discouraging XDA developing, just TAKE RESPONSIBLILITY IF YOU BRICK YOUR DEVICE AND DON'T GO CRYING TO THE OEM OR TELCO FOR WARANTY. Pay for your mistake and buy another.
I have seen, on this forum people advising others to go back to their supplier with bricked devices and try to get a warranty. It is hard for the supplier to argue with someone who says their device 'Just stopped working', when infact they bricked it, and in the spirit of good customer relations they often replace it. Why wouldn't suppliers be negative toward forums like these when they are placed in this situation.
Sigh... I've been told that HTC's single greatest returned device is the Wizard followed closely by the Hermes. Reason: bricked.
We post the warnings, but plenty of people don't take the time to fully understand then brick their devices anyway (hermes is especially bad in this respect). Then they try to return them.
In many ways, this is the manufacturer fault b/c they are trying to thwart users who try to upgrade or change their devices. Hermes development feels like spy vs. spy sometimes as we crack something and then the next bootloader/radio bootloader comes out. Consequently pre sspl hermes flashing was damn near rocket science. Problems were rampant. Heck, I even saw one poster try to flash the original signed_nbh into the OS area with the 1.01MFG bootloader
They're all gonna try it. There's no minimum IQ required to be a member here.
Ideally, we need to find a way to bring any HTC device back to life from brick status. It's only corrupted memory after all. If the correct bytes are written, the software works. When I did SE phone hacking, there were such devices. Because of this, users with bricked phones could take them to their nearest SE phone center and they would re-flash and un-brick (for a price of course).
This ridiculous swapping of bricked devices is what needs to change. Posters need to take financial responsibility for phones they brick. HTC needs to make their hardware flashing system available to Operators at phone centers.
Unfortunately, this won't be the case. Instead, they'll go after us because they can see an ROI impact in terms of bricks. What they can't see is the intangible increase in sales that we stimulate or the intangible loss of future revenue that shutting us down represents.
Sign the petition. Get your friends to sign it. Get it posted on other forums. Get it into the news. Operators and M$ need to be able to see this intangible.
on the other hand with the hermes and returns... we just got to a point to where we could brick them less than a month ago... most of the returns before then was by manufacturer fault, i know this because i was one of them, i had a ton of bad blocks in the wrong spot....
its to bad we dont have an easy rom kitchen for these.. something that would make it damn near impossible for the person who cant read to brick their device.. i dont know.. im tired and going back to bad, my post isnt making much sense to me right now
but i do agree with you sleuth!
Wow... check out the attitude here...
Kinda proves my point.
Add a success story here - mainly because I am competent enough to read and ask the right questions when there was vague information.
I am not new to flashing/modding, but the Hermes definately takes it to a new level.
The difference with me, should I ever brick my device - I would just deal with it. I came here with the understanding that the tools available to us come with an increased risk should you not actually understand what you are doing. You need to be aware that you should own up to the possible mistakes and not try to send a bricked device back for warranty....
Two individuals who make this place so great - Pof and Sleuth. Pof has done such a great job with the wiki and his tools - all you need to do is take a few days to read about the device and the steps you need to make. Sleuth brings a different element (and his programs) to the forums and has the patience to point questions to the right areas of the wiki.
My advice - if you plan on unlocking/upgrading take at least a week and read the wiki. Make sure you have all the pieces needed to complete what you want to do. Sync your device and backup all your info - be prepared to hard reset and start from scratch - twice in some cases.
Set aside plenty of time that your phone will be down during this process.
This site is by far the best there is - it's a shame that people rush into things some times.
Sleuth255 said:
Ideally, we need to find a way to bring any HTC device back to life from brick status. It's only corrupted memory after all.
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HTC should put JTAG out in its new models
Seriously, it's a big flaw that every official ROM image overwrites th bootloader, even with the same version. The whole firmware history teaches that the bootloader should not be touched by end user.
So, the solution is to make custom ROMs flashable by parts, w/o affecting the bootloader. This should prevent bricking... does not revive existing bricks though...
But your overall point is good: manufacturers get angry because of a lot of returns, and care shell be taken to calm them down.
on another note about the cingular boards... i got banned there was a thread about the lack of good moderation in the HTC board over there, i spoke my piece and got banned... it wasnt even bad, just offered some suggestions.. so much for contructive criticism and free speech..

Petition for XDA-DEV ROM library_Pls SIGN

ORIGINALLY from this thread: ( i just want to help to have more signature )
To: Microsoft
This Petition aims to show the support for xda-developers.com's archive of 'ROM Images'
The Undersigned wish to notify Microsoft Corp. of their strong feelings against the recent demands to remove the 'ROM Images'. We feel that they bring more publicity and support to the 'Windows Mobile' platform and device: without this we feel they would not be as popular as they are to this date.
Please think rationally Microsoft!
The Undersigned
This is an old and sensitive issue. This is not solely Microsoft's decision. Microsoft's Windows Mobile is bundled with Manufacturer's device under operators/distributors specification. This is a three-way agreement. Microsoft can not sell you the OS, because the device drivers is built by third party.
The reason for its removal from this site is the consequences of flashing an unofficial ROM. Some damn users don't know what they are doing... Flash their devices with custom ROMs, brick their devices unnecessarily, claims warranty to operator/distributor, and even sometimes demand support to an unofficial ROM.
Simply stated, if your were in their shoes, what would you do?
In the same manner, we, the users who understand the situation, are left with devices with very little or no support when new devices come out. We were sold with devices that cost like a PC, and NO OPTION to buy an upgrade from them.
And what are we supposed to do? buy again another device with the new software? That's plain bull.
So, your campaign is pointless! In the end, what really matters to them is the bottom line.
jiggs said:
This is an old and sensitive issue. This is not solely Microsoft's decision. Microsoft's Windows Mobile is bundled with Manufacturer's device under operators/distributors specification. This is a three-way agreement. Microsoft can not sell you the OS, because the device drivers is built by third party.
The reason for its removal from this site is the consequences of flashing an unofficial ROM. Some damn users don't know what they are doing... Flash their devices with custom ROMs, brick their devices unnecessarily, claims warranty to operator/distributor, and even sometimes demand support to an unofficial ROM.
Simply stated, if your were in their shoes, what would you do?
In the same manner, we, the users who understand the situation, are left with devices with very little or no support when new devices come out. We were sold with devices that cost like a PC, and NO OPTION to buy an upgrade from them.
And what are we supposed to do? buy again another device with the new software? That's plain bull.
So, your campaign is pointless! In the end, what really matters to them is the bottom line.
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bro this is not my campaign, im just supporting this.
Thanks for the explanation,.
Feh, Microsoft just doesn't want unsupported devices floating around. <_<
And seriously, the custom ROM excuse is... crap.
It's similar to the case of a laptop owner having his warranty voided because he ran Linux instead of Vista (he later got his warranty repair anyway).
I know it's a PDA but I expect the folks who make the stuff to be better than trying to lock people down into a walled garden. -.-"
Especially a brand such as O2 who sell the product then dont provide a decent OS or service to go with it! These are our devices we paid for them we extracted the OS's to build or rebuild a better quality rom, from what I have seen nobody has asked for money or otherwise! Lets face it MS arnt going to break their budget over a handful of ppl cooking and sharing a few upgraded roms.
This was an old thread.. Feb.
It now really does not or really concern as all the rom is for evaluation and testing. As long we agree to flash it to the so-call required version, and even it spoilt, we fix ourself
Mine's out of warranty. The only thing I wish right now is that O2 actually releases the service manual.
Dont forget someone needs to pay for the software
post removed because of my employer
homer285 said:
Especially a brand such as O2 who sell the product then dont provide a decent OS or service to go with it! These are our devices we paid for them we extracted the OS's to build or rebuild a better quality rom, from what I have seen nobody has asked for money or otherwise! Lets face it MS arnt going to break their budget over a handful of ppl cooking and sharing a few upgraded roms.
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Let's see, I have setup the download center for the XDA Atom WM6 AKU0.7 to see the statistics... as of this date, there are 3,349 downloads....
jiggs said:
Let's see, I have setup the download center for the XDA Atom WM6 AKU0.7 to see the statistics... as of this date, there are 3,349 downloads....
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briliant jiggs,.
Hi Guys,
Don't forget that windows mobile is a copy written bit of software. Someone needs to pay for it. Normally the vendor pays Microsoft for the license for your device. That's fine for the initial release. However notice that only products that are still being sold get an updated rom? Why's that.... Because the vendor still wants to sell that device. Once its out of production no rom upgrades... funny that. Its the trend for all consumer electronics. Its all about pushing sku's or stock unit items. Remember that all these company's are in the game to make money.
How can o2 make any money by making a rom upgrade available to a new OS when they need to pay Microsoft for the OS and they cant make any more money as the unit is out of production.
I think the whole thing is silly. I have an atom exec that is still faster than many of the "new" mobile 6 devices with older processors but no officially upgrade option. I am not going to dump my perfectly good atom exec to something else for no reason but I want mobile 6.
What needs to happen, so everyone is happy and gets their $$ is that o2 should offer an upgrade service. I'd be happy to pay for an upgrade rom that way both O2 get their slice and Microsoft get their $ for the software.
*We should be pushing o2 to offer an upgrade service with a price tag to produce the new roms. Its never going to happen for free.* Microsoft don't give software away for free if you haven't noticed. It should be much cheaper than buying a new PDA with pretty much the same(or lower) specs as they haven't really moved in hardware they just keep moving buttons around.....
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Boy. HP used to do this before wm2k3se to wm5. How I wish it existed, then I didn't get to waste 5 mos of my life just to make the upgrade myself. BUT, the bottom line is much better with the new devices...
How much percentage of users really do flash their devices with the 'test' ROMs?
Just that the guy who quoted the above would know... the official wm5 ROM for the Atom really sucks!!!

No 2.2 for the X10 family at all!

Just read the shocking news that sonyericsson WILL NOT give any update after the Eclair to the X10 family including the X8.
But all the Android phones they release will have the 2.3.
J read that in sonyericsson UK
That is really a bad news :|
and here
Long live SE! had great experience with SE but now its finally over bb SE!! till never!!
Any update on Froyo ROM for Xperia X10 mini pro?
Paid upgrade
I can see why phone makers can't keep on updating their phones to new versions of android or any other OS.
Android evolves quickly and to expect constant upgrades to every new version is a bit much. Also: how long should the manufacturer keep upgrading the phone? 1 year? 2? 3?
I know SE has done many things wrong:
Heavy deep customization of the OS (makes upgrades hard).
Very wide line of hardware and regional version variaition in the same product.
Badly managed software team
I am starting to think of phones as computers. If you want to upgrade from windows xp to windows 7 you pay. If we started paying for upgrades we could demand better faster updates and the company would have a financial reason to do the upgrades. I think this is the most reasonable model. The initial phone cost can't justify eternal upgrades IMO.
Hopefully the x10mini will get ROMs soon. In a perfect world SE would leave the phone truly open and hackable anyway.
I wonder if an unofficial froyo was made for the X10 family ,what would the UI looks like?
I hope this is a rumor anyway or that sonyericsson will listen to the complains.
i wrote a petition... i can't post a link 'cause i'm new but...
the link
yahona3 said:
the link
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Thank you!!
ptpoul said:
Hopefully the x10mini will get ROMs soon. In a perfect world SE would leave the phone truly open and hackable anyway.
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That's something I don't understand. Is it common for other manufacturers too? I guess not. I see absolutely no reason for those obstructions. As always if You want sell Your phone then usualy use tools to reflash it back to original FW. Nobody will buy hacked phone for no reason. Make phone open is not disadvantage. Only reason is that SE want us to buy new phones and FW should be one of many reasons. They know potentional of X10 phones and they know it can run even gingerbread without any hassle. So that's the only reason I see, the business.
ptpoul said:
I can see why phone makers can't keep on updating their phones to new versions of android or any other OS.
Android evolves quickly and to expect constant upgrades to every new version is a bit much. Also: how long should the manufacturer keep upgrading the phone? 1 year? 2? 3?
I know SE has done many things wrong:
Heavy deep customization of the OS (makes upgrades hard).
Very wide line of hardware and regional version variaition in the same product.
Badly managed software team
I am starting to think of phones as computers. If you want to upgrade from windows xp to windows 7 you pay. If we started paying for upgrades we could demand better faster updates and the company would have a financial reason to do the upgrades. I think this is the most reasonable model. The initial phone cost can't justify eternal upgrades IMO.
Hopefully the x10mini will get ROMs soon. In a perfect world SE would leave the phone truly open and hackable anyway.
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SE said they'd keep working on software updates for (at least? im not sure) 2 years. I do agree that a mediascape-update is quite different from an entire OS-upgrade, but still... The X10 Mini Pro is like 6 months old! What are they thinking of updating for 1.5 year?! The Mediaplayer?!
Still, I've read something about the Mini & Pro being able to get some updates the bigger X10 can't. The topic was about 2.2/2.3 so I just hope this particular post was on-topic. Not quite shure though and I can't find it anymore... :S
ptpoul said:
I can see why phone makers can't keep on updating their phones to new versions of android or any other OS.
Android evolves quickly and to expect constant upgrades to every new version is a bit much. Also: how long should the manufacturer keep upgrading the phone? 1 year? 2? 3?
I know SE has done many things wrong:
Heavy deep customization of the OS (makes upgrades hard).
Very wide line of hardware and regional version variaition in the same product.
Badly managed software team
I am starting to think of phones as computers. If you want to upgrade from windows xp to windows 7 you pay. If we started paying for upgrades we could demand better faster updates and the company would have a financial reason to do the upgrades. I think this is the most reasonable model. The initial phone cost can't justify eternal upgrades IMO.
Hopefully the x10mini will get ROMs soon. In a perfect world SE would leave the phone truly open and hackable anyway.
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SE big and rich company, I think that they have enoth money! If we just paid for new update, its not interesting for se. Most interested - to bring new devices with new software! That's all
Sent from my U20i using XDA App
ptpoul said:
I can see why phone makers can't keep on updating their phones to new versions of android or any other OS.
Android evolves quickly and to expect constant upgrades to every new version is a bit much. Also: how long should the manufacturer keep upgrading the phone? 1 year? 2? 3?
I know SE has done many things wrong:
Heavy deep customization of the OS (makes upgrades hard).
Very wide line of hardware and regional version variaition in the same product.
Badly managed software team
I am starting to think of phones as computers. If you want to upgrade from windows xp to windows 7 you pay. If we started paying for upgrades we could demand better faster updates and the company would have a financial reason to do the upgrades. I think this is the most reasonable model. The initial phone cost can't justify eternal upgrades IMO.
Hopefully the x10mini will get ROMs soon. In a perfect world SE would leave the phone truly open and hackable anyway.
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Sent from my U20a using XDA App
ptpoul said:
I can see why phone makers can't keep on updating their phones to new versions of android or any other OS.
Android evolves quickly and to expect constant upgrades to every new version is a bit much. Also: how long should the manufacturer keep upgrading the phone? 1 year? 2? 3?
I know SE has done many things wrong:
Heavy deep customization of the OS (makes upgrades hard).
Very wide line of hardware and regional version variaition in the same product.
Badly managed software team
I am starting to think of phones as computers. If you want to upgrade from windows xp to windows 7 you pay. If we started paying for upgrades we could demand better faster updates and the company would have a financial reason to do the upgrades. I think this is the most reasonable model. The initial phone cost can't justify eternal upgrades IMO.
Hopefully the x10mini will get ROMs soon. In a perfect world SE would leave the phone truly open and hackable anyway.
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Yes we shouldnt expect infinite upgrades but we should get more than 6 months or so. I think that SE should state how long they should provide support for their products with at least 2 years, as a lot of people have to sign up to plans of this length we they obtain their phone. We all know that these phones are capable of running at least 2.2
Sent from my U20a using XDA App
The other thing that should happen is, if they wont support their phone they should open up the bootloader etc so others like the awesome guys here at XDA can support their phones
Sent from my U20a using XDA App
ptpoul said:
I am starting to think of phones as computers. If you want to upgrade from windows xp to windows 7 you pay. If we started paying for upgrades we could demand better faster updates and the company would have a financial reason to do the upgrades. I think this is the most reasonable model. The initial phone cost can't justify eternal upgrades IMO.
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if we had Windows7 phones then yea, I could agree with you, but our phones are essentially Linux powered and Linux is Open source...
I have been running Ubuntu on my laptop for years now and I always get upgraded to the latest version.. free of charge, all SE needs to do is lose the SE bull****, make the phones stock Android (I mean no one buys the phones for timescape) then updates would be easy. (I think thats what they plan to do on their 2nd generation Android phones, I suggest if you want 2.2 or 2.3 you will need to buy a new phone.. the question is wether SE has learnt their lesson with the X10 range.. or if they continue to shoot them selves in the foot with customizations.. I for sure am going to wait a few months before replaceing my X10.. see how the new SE phones are (re bootloader and software) then make my decision on what phone to buy.. I quite like the SE hardware and design (and I was a nokia fan before, but I was sick to death of Symbian) so I have no problems buying an HTC or Samsung next if SE doesn't sort their ****.
anyway.. peace, and hope the our bootloader gets cracked soon.
so let me get this right my x10 mini pro WILL get 2.3 for real???
No .. future releases of new PHONES will get 2.3 according to SE
I was thinking with all this bashing SE thing with the update.. Have we guys ask our selves:
1. When we buy this phone, do SE promise something other than eclair(2.1)
2. when we buy this phone its already 1.6 and they are very transparent with that.
3. do you think SE will upgrade our phone every now and then.
- Linux(Ubuntu) and other alike, gets updated because it is more of a hobby/colaboration of a group "WITHOUT" string attached than commercially produced product(SE). (Correct me if Im wrong but that is only my opinion).
4. Why would they upgrade their product to froyo? you already bought their product, all they need to do is fix bugs/issues that will be found on their current phone with its current OS, either software or Hardware.
5. Upgrading their phone will only make it harder, since they have to support existing user with 1.6, 2.1 and now 2.2 (if froyo will ever get out).
6. So why not make it hackable or install Basic Android.? They will not. because, it will make it harder for them to Identify who's the culprit if they're product/phone dies. They can do it, but they'll have to remove the "support" for their phone.
Guys, Its not that I don't want Froyo or latest software be pushed on my device, but at-least we should also be reasonable with our wishes.
Do you guys, really want Froyo on our X10 Mini, or Do you want Froyo or 2.3 on next generation X10 Mini?
But still want froyo on my x10 mini. hahahahahah
If you take a look, all most all the manufacturers have updated their sets with Froyo, if they can do it, why can't SE? They are not smaller then others, right?
Also if they update the versions all together than the don't have to worry of supporting an outdated version, which would have well known unresolved bugs
Keeping the system updated should not be such not a big deal! They already have all the drivers and stuffs, They just need to make a build with all the updates and put it up in the server. if the XDA guys can do that without having access to all of the necessary drivers and stuffs, WHY IN THE HELL with all the access they can't do it!??
- Linux(Ubuntu) and other alike, gets updated because it is more of a hobby/colaboration of a group "WITHOUT" string attached than commercially produced product(SE). (Correct me if Im wrong but that is only my opinion).
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Wrong, There are few people works out of hobby yes, but in the core there are dedicated people and groups. For Ubuntu its Canonical who provides commercial support and also have a big community support. Also take a look at Redhat Linux.
PC and Smart phones are not same, yet. In PC you can change the bootloader at your will but in phones you can not as most of the smart phones are locked down (Except Google Nexus series and HTC I think). So you cannot update yourself. If they want to charge for update, they also should free up the boot loaders, so that I can do my own upgrades. But it they are keeping the boot loaders locked, They are bound to give me my upgrades cause they are not letting me do that. Period.
If they decides to dump us then just give us option so that we can get rid of their trash and update our system by ourselves. If they had done that with X10's then I would understand. But they wont do that. And that's why I am dumping them from my buying list next time.
tmahmood said:
Keeping the system updated should not be such not a big deal! They already have all the drivers and stuffs, They just need to make a build with all the updates and put it up in the server. if the XDA guys can do that without having access to all of the necessary drivers and stuffs, WHY IN THE HELL with all the access they can't do it!??
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I think, the answer..its a big issue its because it more of a business thing rather than community work, we here at xda help each other to benefit one another, and but SE as a commercial corporation only goes for the money, other than that they don't have any use for us. yeah, SE might be an evil, but every company is like that, not all company update their phone, actually good phone will never got/or should not be updated. but I guess in android world its different.
Its not that Im on SE side, nor any companies side, but I guess if they always keep up with android, additional man power for development will be needed which equals to extra cost. other business induce this kind of practice to be competitive but in long term it is not very reasonable. android is kind of past phase software evolution.
In reality, X10 mini is a success story which does not really succeed. they fail when they try to copy non-replacable battery of IPhone. same view point that tells you, you will not have the same phone after a couple of years.
But who does not want the next generation x10 mini. if they focus more on current mini they might not have enough people to work for other new device.
Im quite contented with My X10 mini, as long as the phone works upgrade is just a bonus but not a necessity. New update will only make the battery go bad, because you have to explore it again- and again for new thing. heheheheh..
tmahmood said:
Wrong, There are few people works out of hobby yes, but in the core there are dedicated people and groups. For Ubuntu its Canonical who provides commercial support and also have a big community support. Also take a look at Redhat Linux.
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Ok Got it, thank for correction, though on red-hat you need to buy license for support(but not for software), support including updates for issues. our company have these type of license, but there is no real life use for this. some update is only to support new hardware. which is not currently being used by our company.
But In the end, we all want to force SE to give us froyo. but what does froyo have that really worth it.

Charging for Roms

Ok, I have a great plan (this might have been discussed already) but here's my suggestion:
All Rom developers should charge for their work. I'm thinking maybe 3-5 dollars. and if its still in Work in Progress we can still be charged but don't charge for upgrades. This way the out of work developers can get something for their hard work. I just create images and that takes time. I can't even imagine how much time is spent on the roms.
Believe me I would pay for all you guys roms. Donations are great but not enough to inspire to create more roms or even spend time on them. I don't know if this is possible but you guys deserve a lot more credit.
thats my feelings on this issue.
I agree with you in principle, but it kind of defeats the purpose of open source and XDA, doesn't it?
johnny quest said:
Ok, I have a great plan (this might have been discussed already) but here's my suggestion:
All Rom developers should charge for their work. I'm thinking maybe 3-5 dollars. and if its still in Work in Progress we can still be charged but don't charge for upgrades. This way the out of work developers can get something for their hard work. I just create images and that takes time. I can't even imagine how much time is spent on the roms.
Believe me I would pay for all you guys roms. Donations are great but not enough to inspire to create more roms or even spend time on them. I don't know if this is possible but you guys deserve a lot more credit.
thats my feelings on this issue.
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That's a flattering sentiment but does rather contradict the core principles behind open source in general. If not for its openness and freely available source I doubt you would see the level of progress there has been in the android community.
I'm sure the devs themselves will chime in. Just my two friendly cents
Sent from my CM7 Tazz using XDA App
its not Necessary but its a nice gesture i dont want anyone feeling obligated ,, times are hard for everyone ,, but thank you
i don't know if you've noticed but most devs have a 'buy me a beer' link where you can donate if you wish. i know if i had a job i'd be donating $20 at a time or so depending on how much i was getting paid. until then its nice to know that even though i can't pay, i can still get the best. Google > Apple. it's not always about the money.
ILikeBubbles said:
i don't know if you've noticed but most devs have a 'buy me a beer' link where you can donate if you wish. i know if i had a job i'd be donating $20 at a time or so depending on how much i was getting paid. until then its nice to know that even though i can't pay, i can still get the best. Google > Apple. it's not always about the money.
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In most cases everything always comes down to money. Unless your living with your parents still or your younger then it's one thing but still at the end of the day most things come down to money.
I'll agree with you on Google > Apple
I own a Iphone4 and the Droid Eris and I still like the Eris hands down no matter what even though the Iphone4 runs everything very smooth the concept of android is far better than most apple users can ever be able to dream about.
Cheatman1 said:
In most cases everything always comes down to money. Unless your living with your parents still or your younger then it's one thing but still at the end of the day most things come down to money.
I'll agree with you on Google > Apple
I own a Iphone4 and the Droid Eris and I still like the Eris hands down no matter what even though the Iphone4 runs everything very smooth the concept of android is far better than most apple users can ever be able to dream about.
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dear god that signature quote made my brain hurt just trying to read it.
Haha your signature is great. It made me laugh pretty hard.
And as for this discussion, I don't think they can MANDATE you pay for anything. Like it has been said, its open source and if people want to donate they will. I wish I had a job so I can donate, and as soon as I get one I know I will be. But for now I'm enjoying the work these guys are doing, and hope it continues.
I mean, we're getting Gingerbread on the Eris thanks to the devs here. That's two versions more than what the Eris was thought to get. That to me is incredible.
Oh yeah, I forgot about the open source. the donate link is nice to have and I am guilty of not using that to show appreciation. I will use it more frequently. The Eris is great but I'm stuck not able to load certain apps because it requires a higher than 2.1 version. I'm up for an update and looking into the Thunderbolt most likely. Hopefully there will be a thread on this phone for Roms in the future.
I agree, there should be a way for ROM makers to get paid for their time. Likely, its illegal or a breach of some sort of contract/agreement/gobbledygook somewhere.
The developer for my favorite Eris ROM's, Tazz is having back issues and can't work, so this very issue is very relevant. I make sure and send him donations whenever possible.
For now, just send your favorite ROM devs donations through the links provided.
It's nice idea that you guys want to give back but honestly if deving was a paid gig I don't think you would have as good as results. I do it myself cause I tinker by nature and like to help other people. You will get a better end product if you have a dev that does this cause he likes it and not just cause he want to make money. Look at the number of useless apps on the market cause people just want to make money. Nothing wrong with making money and I myself sell apps but roms are a different ballgame. Plus rom dev's rarely write code of their own except for the cyanogenmod team. We all use the source available to us or other peoples work. Plus if you got paid for your rom you wouldn't want competition so who would share their work. If work was not shared in this community then android would not be what it is....
GPL violation anyone?
You'd have to include the source code with said paid work, and post said paid work's source code publicly, not disallowing anyone from modifying it or redistributing it. Wouldn't last long.
Plus, if the devs charged, then the CM team would charge them, and the google would charge then......... it would end up being way more than 3-5 bucks.
jadesdan said:
Plus, if the devs charged, then the CM team would charge them, and the google would charge then......... it would end up being way more than 3-5 bucks.
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We'd have to throw some cash at the Hero devs too lol, and pretty much everyone that helped them,and on and on
Sent from my GSBv1.2 using XDA App
Good intentions! I am glad some people still think of the devs.
I have donated in the past, and will continue to do so. We are running GB on an Eris now! Without the devs, we would all be on Cupcake and hating it.
I'd like to take a second to thank the devs and the COMMUNITY as well. I have received lots of help here from regular joe's like me that are just looking for the latest and greatest, as well as the devs that make the magic happen.
We should all thank our lucky stars that we have been provided a place to share ideas, get help and help Android and other platforms evolve into new, fascinating and useful apps/OS's.
Thanks to the WHOLE community! I would pay each and every one of you if I could!
If you like something like this enough, why not do it for free? Especially in this kind of work.
There is not a single thing in open source licenses which prohibits people from charging for services rendered; it is a complete misrepresentation - and frankly a disservice to the Open Source community - to state that open source means "no money involved".
Open Source licenses only prohibit distribution of derivative works without also providing source code. As an example, it would be completely legal for someone to set up a paid web site where there is a charge to download the Linux source trees. In this (ridiculous) example, what is being paid for is the service - the license is satisfied because you are providing the source code.
Having said all that, note that "all of android" is not open source; in particular, the Google Apps, (HTC Sense, Motoblur, etc) and certain hardware-specific libraries are proprietary goods - even so-called "Pure AOSP" dev ROMs contain a small number of vendor libraries, which are technically illegal to redistribute.
I suspect that the legitimate owners of those goods turn a blind eye to small amounts of infringement because they can not monetize their legal actions (no blood from a turnip, etc); but also note that when infringement achieves a certain scale (as it did with CM and Google), they will certainly step in - the issue there has little to do with money; it's more about a legal principle of loss of rights due to failure to defend those rights in the face of significant infringement.
Charging people when you are infringing is a pretty sure way to get the attention of the infringed party.
I use KaosFroyo on my Eris; I appreciate all of the work that has gone into it, and I have kicked some $$ back to Kaos for his efforts. That said, officially charging for ROMs sounds like a big mess for a bunch of reasons.
First off, how do you actually enforce it? Are we gonna set up some kind of ecommerce website? Do billing and customer service? It'll generate a bunch of tedious work that has nothing to do with actual ROM development, and paying someone else to do it would probably soak up all of the money. And are you going to sue and go after people who pirate it? But if you don't enforce it, then you pretty much have what you have now.
There's also the different expectations for a paid product. Right now, if some newbie can't figure something out and keeps posting stupid questions without reading the FAQ, then people can tell him to STFU/read the FAQ/release the Kraken/etc because it's a free product being developed by guys in their spare time that doesn't earn them much money. Start charging for it and you change that whole equation around - you now have to hold the newbies' hands or they'll scream for a refund and cause all sorts of trouble if they don't get it. Not to mention the liability - we know every now and then phones get bricked and data gets lost doing this stuff. If it's a paid product, then there may be legal liability for that in some markets. Who's gonna sort that out? Expensive lawyers?
Plus the other objections brought up regarding copyright/licensing of the proprietary libraries that are being used to make these ROMs.
Put it all together, and the current system seems like it's the best solution, even though the devs may not be getting as much money as they really deserve. So throw a few more bucks in the bucket for your favorite ROM.
bftb0 said:
There is not a single thing in open source licenses which prohibits people from charging for services rendered; it is a complete misrepresentation - and frankly a disservice to the Open Source community - to state that open source means "no money involved".
Open Source licenses only prohibit distribution of derivative works without also providing source code. As an example, it would be completely legal for someone to set up a paid web site where there is a charge to download the Linux source trees. In this (ridiculous) example, what is being paid for is the service - the license is satisfied because you are providing the source code.
Having said all that, note that "all of android" is not open source; in particular, the Google Apps, (HTC Sense, Motoblur, etc) and certain hardware-specific libraries are proprietary goods - even so-called "Pure AOSP" dev ROMs contain a small number of vendor libraries, which are technically illegal to redistribute.
I suspect that the legitimate owners of those goods turn a blind eye to small amounts of infringement because they can not monetize their legal actions (no blood from a turnip, etc); but also note that when infringement achieves a certain scale (as it did with CM and Google), they will certainly step in - the issue there has little to do with money; it's more about a legal principle of loss of rights due to failure to defend those rights in the face of significant infringement.
Charging people when you are infringing is a pretty sure way to get the attention of the infringed party.
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Conap said:
It's nice idea that you guys want to give back but honestly if deving was a paid gig I don't think you would have as good as results. I do it myself cause I tinker by nature and like to help other people. You will get a better end product if you have a dev that does this cause he likes it and not just cause he want to make money. Look at the number of useless apps on the market cause people just want to make money. Nothing wrong with making money and I myself sell apps but roms are a different ballgame. Plus rom dev's rarely write code of their own except for the cyanogenmod team. We all use the source available to us or other peoples work. Plus if you got paid for your rom you wouldn't want competition so who would share their work. If work was not shared in this community then android would not be what it is....
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IMHO, though there are many excellent views and points regarding all this posted in this thread, and the original intention was interesting, these two answers are the overall most complete and pertinent.
Way to go, guys!
ufmace said:
I use KaosFroyo on my Eris; I appreciate all of the work that has gone into it, and I have kicked some $$ back to Kaos for his efforts. That said, officially charging for ROMs sounds like a big mess for a bunch of reasons.
First off, how do you actually enforce it? Are we gonna set up some kind of ecommerce website? Do billing and customer service? It'll generate a bunch of tedious work that has nothing to do with actual ROM development, and paying someone else to do it would probably soak up all of the money. And are you going to sue and go after people who pirate it? But if you don't enforce it, then you pretty much have what you have now.
There's also the different expectations for a paid product. Right now, if some newbie can't figure something out and keeps posting stupid questions without reading the FAQ, then people can tell him to STFU/read the FAQ/release the Kraken/etc because it's a free product being developed by guys in their spare time that doesn't earn them much money. Start charging for it and you change that whole equation around - you now have to hold the newbies' hands or they'll scream for a refund and cause all sorts of trouble if they don't get it. Not to mention the liability - we know every now and then phones get bricked and data gets lost doing this stuff. If it's a paid product, then there may be legal liability for that in some markets. Who's gonna sort that out? Expensive lawyers?
Plus the other objections brought up regarding copyright/licensing of the proprietary libraries that are being used to make these ROMs.
Put it all together, and the current system seems like it's the best solution, even though the devs may not be getting as much money as they really deserve. So throw a few more bucks in the bucket for your favorite ROM.
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This was a pretty damn good answer, too, if you don't mind me saying.

