Please Help Find Device ID - Touch Pro CDMA

Hello All,
I know it's a simple question, but I spent over an hour browsing thru the phone and still can't find Device ID # or Card ID #...Do you know how?
I went to Settings > System > about = and my device id name is: Pocket_pc. No #s
I went to Settings > system > device info = Nothing
I went to Settings > personal > owner information = still Nothing
I'm going crazy trying to find this # or the Card ID # for my SD card. I browsed thru everything I can to find the Card ID #, but still nothing.
Help me please.

dont know what device id your looking for but if ur looking for the one to install tom tom ... there should be a file that it puts on ur sd card called ttnaigator that if you open it in wordpad it will tell u the device id ...
otherwise what do u need ur device id for ?

crashelite said:
dont know what device id your looking for but if ur looking for the one to install tom tom ... there should be a file that it puts on ur sd card called ttnaigator that if you open it in wordpad it will tell u the device id ...
otherwise what do u need ur device id for ?
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Trying to install Garmin XT. I can't install it since I don't know my device (card) id.

open the app Skip GPS detect to start with to get to the about screen in Settings/about for your ID number.
post 36



1st. Just Install 1.60a yesterday and :shock: it's amazing (thanx to buzz)
Later, since i didn't backup my contacts i lost it, luckily most of it were saved in my SIM. When i tried to copy them from Contacts > Menu > SIM Manager it says:
"The file 'SIM_Mgr' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of it's components cannot be found. You might need to reinstall or restore this file"
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I've tried to use Asuka SIM Manager, yes it works. Read my SIM Contacts very well, then i copy all in SIM to Phone Contacts, but then what appears is "Unknown" instead of the Contact Names.
Can some1 help me with this ? Is WM2k5 come with default SIM Manager ? how can i install it ? if it doesn't come with SIM Manager, where can i found a good SIM Manager ? a download or threat link maybe ?
2nd. Another problem is I can't manage to find my storage i've try to look at Settings > Memory > Main and what i found is 14 MB of Storage and 120 MB of Program. Yes it's normal according to a few threat that i've read before, but when i'm trying to install program, the option is whether the application will be installed on DEVICE or STORAGE CARD, where is the Storage?
I'm sorry if i ask too much but i really need to get rid of this problem, if it's too lame to be answered, would some1 plz put a link to threats that are talking 'bout this problem ?
make a shortcut to windows/start menu/programs
rename it to "SIM PhoneBook" or "SIM Manager" or "Whatever"
Thanx jojo, now i have my important SIM Contacts back ....
Can u help me with the 2nd question, i just got confused the way 1.6a manage my storage. When i open file explorer, what i saw is just Extended ROM and Storage Card (and other standard folder of course)
I want to use my Phone Memory to install programs which is now only 14 MB available. Also when i try to copy a few files from my MMC, it says memory critically low.
Can u give a light here ... plzzzz i'm in the dark ...
Upss ... sorry, i just found the answer .... sorry again ..
Thanx jojo ... u guyz rulezzzz
did u find your storage problem ,i have the same problem, can u share

Contacts doesn´t show

Hello everybody,
i´ve made an upgrade in my S200 to wm6, everything worked except my contacts in my SIM card. I try to enter in the menu but he doesnt let me, i also tried to install icontac and the numbers and names dont show up, and when i try to put a new contact it is shown a error message.
When im recieving a call from a number that is stored in the SIM card it recognizes the name and number...
Can anybody help me with this bug or error?
go edit registry:
change the ShowSim Value to 1
We should do hard reset before restore the contact. Do hard reset or 'clear storage' soon after flashing a new rom. Good luck.
I think the problem it´s on the ROM, i have the version PDAVIET, and i need the TOUCH, but the link that has rapidshare here on the forum doesnt have the file, can anybody send me a new link to share this ROM?
changhorng said:
go edit registry:
change the ShowSim Value to 1
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Could you explain where is HKCU\ControlPanel\Phone\ShowSim?
go install registry editor~ copy to ur phone and install it~ then run that programe. den go edit the showsim at the location
change the showsim value to 1
HKCU = HKey_Current User

[q] need help devise code hd2

Can you explain me how to find the divise code of my hd2.need it for tomtom map activation
thanks in advance
check in: Settings / Abput phone / Phone identity
I think that you mean this code:
Go to your storage card and open ttnavigator.bif (you can do it in notepad or something like that) And read your device core (for TomTom!) here!
Gr en good luck!


This Thread is created only for problems after flashing roms.:victory:
:goodon't Forget to Say Thanks if you find working Solutions.:good:
Solution for Invalid IMEI
To set IMEI back using simple method follow th steps given below.
1. write *#*#3646633#*#* on your Dial pad. then an Engineer mode will ope.
2. Go to
Connectivity > CDS Information > Radio Information
3. For IMEI 1 select phone 1
Foe IMEI 2 select phone 2
4. In this window in irst line AT+ is already written,
just write E next to it, various commands will drop down,
5. If you selected phone 1, then select command AT+EGMR=1,7,""
If you selected phone 2, then select command AT+EGMR=1,10,""
6. write yor IMEI no. (you can find it on your mobile box or below battery) betwwen double inverted comma,
example. AT+EGMR=1,7,"911234567894567"
7. click on SEND AT COMMAND button,
8. Reboot your phone.
9. Check your IMEI using *#06# number on dial pad.
If your engineer mode is not opened, then go to settings > Apps.
then select all apps and open engineer mode.apk app
uninstall updates, and again try above steps.
If trick is useful to you then give thanks
Hey guys please help me urgently IMEI is not getting detected and my both SIMS are not working even the procedure above is not working for me please help recomended at urgent basis.
---------- Post added at 03:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:05 PM ----------
Hey any DEV and Professional anyone there please help me out soon its very urgent my sims not detecting pls help what to do
Custom rom s4 chd watsapp tone issue.
I am using s4 chd on my device but seems that no matter what notification sound you set in watsapp you gotta listen to the whole samsung irritating tone. Please help. Also ringtone is also stuck to default but that doesn't bothers much. Thanks in advance.
Hey there is any DEV professional available who can help me in getting the IMEI Invalid error fixed please my whole work is stuck here cos of it
sumit.gore21488 said:
Hey guys please help me urgently IMEI is not getting detected and my both SIMS are not working even the procedure above is not working for me please help recomended at urgent basis.
---------- Post added at 03:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:05 PM ----------
Hey any DEV and Professional anyone there please help me out soon its very urgent my sims not detecting pls help what to do
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Solution of nvram warning in jelly bean
On Mobile : i) it must be rooted ii) it must have root file explorer installed (i used 'Total Commander' - you can download it from Play store).
On Computer (Desktop/Laptop) : A stable Hex Editor Application. I used 'HxD - Hexeditor Ver.' on my laptop running on Windows 8 64 Bit OS.
Step wise Guide
Step # 1 : Switch on WiFi adapter on your phone.
Step # 2 : Go to 'About Phone' from Settings and note your phone's Wi-Fi MAC Address mentioned there. It should lok like xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (xx = value of Mac Add.)
Step # 3 : Switch off WiFi adapter on your phone
Step # 4 : Launch 'Total Commander' application on your phone and navigate to File system root/data/nvram/APCFG/APRDEB and copy one file named 'WIFI' from there to the SD Card of your phone
Step # 5 : Copy this file i.e. WIFI from your SD card to Desktop on your laptop/desktop
Step # 6 : Launch 'HxD-Hexeditor' on your laptop/desktop and click on OPEN or Ctrl+O and select WIFI file (copied as per Step # 6) from desktop
Step # 7 : Refer to the first raw in the opened file and go to column no. 04
Step # 8 : Insert value of your actual MAC Address (as per Step # 2) in column 04 to 09 (Ensure that none of the value is ZERO) and SAVE this change
Step # 9 : Close Hexeditor and copy changed WIFI file from your desktop to the SD card of your phone. Delete older WIFI file from SD Card before copying this file.
Step # 11 : Once the file is copied to SD card,launch Total Commander application and move this file from SD card root to File system root/data/nvram/APCFG/APRDEB
Step # 12 : Reboot your phone
Voillaaaa! Your phone's WiFi NVRAM Error is
gone now. Yes, you solved it.
Please share here in this thread if you find any
difficulties or problems in following these steps.​
I updated my phone to official 4.2.1 jelly bean and set external as mu default write. After 2-3 days i can't move apps to internal SD card!!!! Even if i select internal sd as default it doesn't show in Apps menu as default write and i can't move apps to internal SD???
Plz fix this issue or is it a bug in 4.2.1?????
tejash.my26 said:
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I am having Micromax Canvas HD A116

screen stream mirroring error not enough storage available to process this command

ok so im trying to make screen stream mirroring work and i havent been able too. i downloaded the startup tool for non rooted devices . I followed the instructions and when I run the windows batch file the command prompt window says not enough storage available to process this command . I googled that to see if I could find a solution and it said to do this :
To do this follow the steps below:
1. Click on Start > Run > regedit & press Enter
2. Find this key name HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\LanmanServer\Parameters
3. Locate IRPStackSize
4. If this value does not exist Right Click on Parameters key and Click on New > Dword Value and type in IRPStackSize under the name.
5. The name of the value must be exactly (combination of uppercase and lowercase letters) the same as what I have above.
6. Right Click on the IRPStackSize and click on Modify
7. Select Decimal enter a value higher than 15(Maximum Value is 50 decimal) and Click Ok (i changed my value to 50)
8. You can close the registry editor and restart your computer.
that didnt work and it seems to be the only solution out there any ideas on how to make this work . im running android marshmelon 6 so i shouldnt even have to do that... but i havent manage to make the app work thats why i am trying this .... if any one can help me to make the app work one way or another i would appreciate itr . nb: I am kinda new at this so try to explain it so that is easy to understand thanks

