internet explorer is not working - P3400 ROM Development

right now i am using wm6.1 by sumit. I have activated GPRS on my phone. Everything is working fine but its just that the internet explorer is not workign. Any one have any idea how to make it work. It gives error like "Page cannot be displayed". Please help me out.

Have you done correct Operator settings for gprs on Settings>Connections?

Please post in the related thread.


Make NEW SoftBank AP setting on ANY Hermes ROM W/O cooking!

After I posted ROM-cooking method to create new SoftBank flat-rate data connection, another Japanese X01HT user has found more easier way today.
I would like to introduce new method with respect for his great work...
Now you DON'T need ROM cooking!
Step 1. Unzip the attached file, and run either ConnSBM.CAB or ConnSBM_noproxy.CAB for your purpose.
ConnSBM.CAB: make a connection, overwrite WirelessMgr_Service.dll and enable hidden proxy (, it is fully compatible as X01HT's standard connection.
ConnSBM_noproxy.CAB: just make a connection (no WirelessMgr_Service.dll and hidden proxy installation).
The connection will be created, however password entry is still empty at this moment.
Step 2. Run (self-signature certificate for WIFIwake.exe).
Step 3. Copy Out.xml and WIFIwake.exe into \Windows folder.
Step 4. Just RUN WIFIwake.exe from \Windows.
The password will be created into the connection made by ConnSBM.CAB.
To confirm whether success or not, check the connection "Internet > SoftBank", and click "Edit -> Next -> Next". If "****************" is shown at the Password field, the password has been successfully created.
EDIT: Updated WIFIwake.exe as self-signed version. I've prepared Hermes and Universal version separately (the difference is internal string for each model name). For Universal, at least I could have successfully made the connection on the DarkForce WM6 for Universal.
Download (for Hermes X01HT) or (for Universal JASJAR) and try it again if the password is still blank.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: It seems to depend on CID...
To make this operation correct on non-SuperCID device, it requires to edit internal device name and CID. The attached file for Hermes seems workable for X01HT(Model: HERM200/CID: VODAK801) or SuperCIDed HERM200 device only, and for Universal, also only for JASJAR (PU10/CDL__001) or SuperCIDed device.
If you cannot create PW, you need to edit CID (01C798h-01C7A7h) using Unicode or UTF-16 mode of binary editor (for non-HERM200 or PU10 device, Model [01C760h-01C76Fh] also), and sign yourself... However, if you burn them into your cooked ROM, it may works correctly without edit binary (I've successed on my JASJAR, using original WIFIwake.exe from X01HT).
You can determine your CID using info 2 command of mtty.exe.
Too bad I alreday cooked mine...
it's perfect work on my x01ht with wm6lvsw edition!!
thank you
WOW! Amazing! Beautiful!
Thank you so much! I love it!
Will you understand the password?
Because it is necessary when using it from the personal computer as a
Doesn't work with Treo 750v
It seems this CAB utilize WiFi manager or something?
When I extracted the files from ZIP and executed the CAB, copy the Out.xml and WIFIwake.exe to \Windows folder and executed WIFIwake.exe, nothing happens. The connection Internet was created but the password is still blank.
Password Not Made in My hTc Universal
Hi Itamae!
Very Very Good Job!!
But Dont Create Password in my Universal.Of course installing According to the procedure.
Please Help.
My Universal is 02 Xda Exec
Nice, I was messing around and the wifiwake will not put the password without the out.xml file but I was able to edit the text in the out.xml (which was about 300 letter As) and add some more random letters in there and it created it. Anyone think they can decompile the exe and look for the actual password?
Succeeded New SoftBank AP!!
VeryVery Thanks Itamae!!
Exec ROM Changed SuperCID,I Succeess Created New AP.
Not only Hermes JPN cross bow has came!
But also Soft bank connection in defualt!
go! go go!
wifi connection problems
i got problems connecting to my station after doing this sb round says connected, but my internet explorer wont...the internet connects with the SB connection, but not with my wifi
please help
Same here.
But you can pass this by unchecking the "Internet proxy" under Setting->Connection->Softbank
You have to do this everytime you use Wifi.
pharoah said:
i got problems connecting to my station after doing this sb round says connected, but my internet explorer wont...the internet connects with the SB connection, but not with my wifi
please help
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Is this guide for fresh devices only, or can I use it on the phone with all my current programs and files intact? I mean, do I need to hard reset the phone to get this to work, or will it work regardless of whether I hard reset or not?
WIFIwake for Athena
Hello itamae,
thank you very nice program!!
I wish ,,,,I have request to you,
Please make WAFIwake for Athena(HERM200,PU10)ATHE100,
sorry bad english,
nevermind... I got it working.. got the username to opensoftbank and lots of * for the password.. thanks..
April's here... is the new softbank AP fix working for everyone of you?
Wifi Problems
s2k7 said:
Same here.
But you can pass this by unchecking the "Internet proxy" under Setting->Connection->Softbank
You have to do this everytime you use Wifi.
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thanks dude....
i had the wifi problem when i flashed the black im using okay...
i dont have to change any internet settings. connects ryt away.
anyway, im just happy that itamae's work around went well since yesterday...
everybody had a connection right?....i hope so.
im just quite worried though, what if, sofbank releases another hurdle for flashed x01ht's? i hope they wont.
auyongtc said:
April's here... is the new softbank AP fix working for everyone of you?
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It is, and I am very grateful for the instructions in the OP. Without them I would be lost.
auyongtc said:
April's here... is the new softbank AP fix working for everyone of you?
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not working with dark force 2.0
It is bad news!
I just think to upgrade to Black v2.0.
Any reason for this?
Waiting for your work-around!
I am using MicorX WM6 which includes this batch in the rom.
It surely works well after April.
Ryuerik said:
not working with dark force 2.0
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I CAN connect to my wifi.. but pages wont load. does this mean my wifi is dead?

Ok... i flashed over to Custel's WM6... and everything is fine. but.. when I connect to my WIFI, it says im connected. BUT... when i try to connect to a website, a message pops up and says "The page cannot be displayed because the server could not be found or a DNS error occured" Does this mean that my wifi is dead like the problems ive seen on this board?? or is tehre a setting that i am missing?
Check the IP state first; it may be just a matter of proxy, dns, ...
Rawny8525 said:
Ok... i flashed over to Custel's WM6... and everything is fine. but.. when I connect to my WIFI, it says im connected. BUT... when i try to connect to a website, a message pops up and says "The page cannot be displayed because the server could not be found or a DNS error occured" Does this mean that my wifi is dead like the problems ive seen on this board?? or is tehre a setting that i am missing?
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or it could be your carrier settings... make sure that your phone isnt on a setting with a proxy server, you might need to change it to "My Isp" before connecting to WIFI
shogunmark said:
or it could be your carrier settings... make sure that your phone isnt on a setting with a proxy server, you might need to change it to "My Isp" before connecting to WIFI
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sorry, im a total n00bie to all this... how do I check for all those?
Rawny8525;1293828 said:
sorry, im a total n00bie to all this... how do I check for all those?
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Custel has made this pretty easy. He has two cabs located in the windows directory, one that disables the proxy, and one that restores it. You need to run the one that disables it.
In case you cannot find these actual files, go back to Custel's thread, and check, I believe, the 2nd post. He offers a cab to install links for each of them in the programs directory.
Hope this helps. I run his ROM and have no problem at all with my wifi.
Good luck,
pvs said:
Custel has made this pretty easy. He has two cabs located in the windows directory, one that disables the proxy, and one that restores it. You need to run the one that disables it.
In case you cannot find these actual files, go back to Custel's thread, and check, I believe, the 2nd post. He offers a cab to install links for each of them in the programs directory.
Hope this helps. I run his ROM and have no problem at all with my wifi.
Good luck,
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HOLY Shnikies!!!! Thanks so much! i found it and it works now! excellent! thanks!
Hi, Could you post link ?

List of all operator custom settings

After all those SPL / Radio / ROM flashes have been posted, I know for sure some of us have lost some operator-specific functionalities such as proper MMS sending, VodafoneLive!/Orange access, TV Streaming, etc.
So I thought it would be good if people could post their custom connexion & registry settings here.
I'll start with what I know best : France / SFR
up, does anyone want to post their settings ? it would be in the best interest of everyone !
Anyone using Orange World with his Niki? (Orange F)
I'm also interressed by Orange F settings because I can not connect to the OrangeWorld wap page. I used to have a Prophet with a modded ROM and had the same problem with wap. I used NetFront with special settings to access OrangeWorld but it wasn't perfectly supported.
Pleaaase post your settings
Isn't it easier to just use HTC Connection Setup?
It just downloads the settings automatically from the network.
Greenturtle said:
Isn't it easier to just use HTC Connection Setup?
It just downloads the settings automatically from the network.
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haven't this conn setup tool yet...
Greenturtle said:
Isn't it easier to just use HTC Connection Setup?
It just downloads the settings automatically from the network.
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Isn't it just useful if it knows your operator? I'm telling cause I have two SIMs, Vodafone and Yoigo (both Spain) and it just configures Vodafone...
When I use Yoigo (mainly for data) the tool just says my operator isn't in its database and does nothing...

PPPoE - translating japanese app to english :-0 success !!!

Hi probably not many will take advantage of this app, but it is definitely adding some functionality to WM which normally this system is lacking. Mods please conciser that this topic is not about networking using this program but translating the program (hacking exe file) so in my opinion it should be in this section.
What is it for? PPPoE is an application to connect to wifi network with Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet authentication.
There is no other application like that for Windows Mobile, at least I could not find it The only one that exists is made by NTT DOCOMO in Japan and is in Japanese
Since I'm not a programmer and I simply cannot create application like that I decided to try to translate it to English with help from online Japanese to English translator and BeeGee_Tokyo who helped me by translating parts where online translation failed THANK YOU!
How to start:
Install file on your device, it will create folder inside program files, name of the folder is in Japanese and if you are using wwe version you will see squares, you can safely rename this folder to PPPoE or whatever you want, the same with original exe file (you can delete it if you want). Please put my modified exe inside this folder (it is in file). I'm testing this program on my Topaz with WM6.1 TESS 2.2.1 but program might be device and system specific so it might not work on your device at all. You can also change .lnk file inside \windows\start menu\programs to correspond exe file name change.
Things left to do:
- translate last missing bits if possible,
- find a way to create a cab file with embedded translated exe, till now MSCEinf and WinCECabManager are unable to help me with that anyone can help?
- test the program in real life environment PPPoE authentication over wifi (I don't have access to such network at the moment) and on what devices it works.
UPDATE - Probably final translation, corrected some minor mistakes, still I can't find a way to translate one error page and about page but program is fully functional now, have fun.
I am sure this is not perfect, but it should be good enough to understand the program.
Most of the translation is done by Google I just corrected grammar a little bit and translated Katakana words, where Google usually fails.
Thank you BeeGee I corrected most of the problem I had with online translation thanks to you so program is ready, I will apply some minor changes and upload final version soon.
It doesn't work on my i780 even if i rename it like the japanese one (wich works)
I think it is some kind of problem with certificates or security policies or signing of the program, I'll investigate this and will let you know.
certificate error
shamus said:
I think it is some kind of problem with certificates or security policies or signing of the program, I'll investigate this and will let you know.
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I need this program because my adsl "router" (of Telecom Italia) have locked configuration..
I have htc touch pro with original Rom 5.05.408.1 ITA and when I launch your translated program, Windows return a certificate error!
mmmh I have question for you..
Can you create a PDF with screenShot in English and japanese for each window, so we can use the japanese version?
thank you very much!
Any news? At least, can you post screenshot of yours so we can use the japanese one?
Stuck at PPPoE AC discovery search
Well, I tried this program and ran it successfully. I entered all the necessary info n also changed the MAC as required using mtty. But when i connect it says connecting and gets stuck at PPPoE AC discovery search. I can connect with my notebook without any problem over wifi.
Anyone has any idea about it? anyone successful?
Chinese client ???
In search of PPPoE client I saw this chinese forum. They have mentioned a lot about registry editing as well. However I cudnt download the file they hav mentioned. If any kind soul can download and post the file along with proper instructions here it will be very helpful for guys like us....
google translate:
Another one is here:
google translate:
Here's the file
Edit: and here's the file in the 2nd link you provided
I installed the cab in the 2nd link, i succesfully (erm..) configured the registry and the pppoe.txt but when i try to start the connection i get a "Error from RasDial" error...
I succeded in getting your exe working, you only need to remove the signature. I used this tool
please post a working file here.... thanx in advance
This one works for me
hey that's great.. u got the working file!!!!!! I wish i cud try but unfortunately I'm out of my town so cant test ur file Will do it once i'm back....
@baiggee2, Can u pls post ur findings??
Thanks guys!!!!
yythanks very much
Hi all.
I can't get it to work with my mobile cel. The program works, it connects successfully, but i can't use any browser. The "PPPoE adapter" it's "not connected" and without any IP assigned....
any help? Does this program works for you?
Buddies, i have tried and connects succesfully but still i cant surf the internet here is what i have done previously on my HTC S620:
1>Installed original cab file
2>Extracted Translated file on SD card
3>Then I edited the registery settings
3.1>Go to HKLEM>>Comm>>NTTPPPoE>>PDAConTool>>SSIDList
3.2>Create a Key Folder Name "Item02"
3.3>Create "DWord" Value Name It As "Spot" And Change The Value to "3"
3.4>Create "String" Value Name It As "SSID" And Change Its Value To Your Current Router "SSID"
4>Now Change The AP Connection Settings In PPPoE Application To Your Router "SSID" Created. (See The Pic Below)
5>These Steps are Neccesary Becoz This Application only allows users to connect only NTT-West And Fletspot Users. If You Change Your Router "SSID"
To "Fletspot" Or "NTT-West" It Will Not Work Becoz If You See Its Registry Settings It Contains "Encryption Mode" And "Encryption Key" Strings Too Which We Donot Know.
6>Finally, It Connects Me Successfully But Still It Cant Find The Way To Surf Net!
PPPOE Connection for C905 mobile
Dear all,
I am looking for aan PPPOE application for c905 mobile phone. I am not getting internet connection as soon as connected to WiFi even in laptop. I have to connect the PPOE connection. So I need same for mobile also...
Please help me...please
ilMessia said:
This one works for me
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it didn't work for e. it says stop services, then a window appear that say restart to make changes! then when I tap on ok, it restart and nothing happen!
it didn't install any thing. I run it in my diamond2 wm6.5.
from where I can access the pppoe settings?!?!!
baiggee2 said:
Buddies, i have tried and connects succesfully but still i cant surf the internet here is what i have done previously on my HTC S620:
1>Installed original cab file
2>Extracted Translated file on SD card
3>Then I edited the registery settings
3.1>Go to HKLEM>>Comm>>NTTPPPoE>>PDAConTool>>SSIDList
3.2>Create a Key Folder Name "Item02"
3.3>Create "DWord" Value Name It As "Spot" And Change The Value to "3"
3.4>Create "String" Value Name It As "SSID" And Change Its Value To Your Current Router "SSID"
4>Now Change The AP Connection Settings In PPPoE Application To Your Router "SSID" Created. (See The Pic Below)
5>These Steps are Neccesary Becoz This Application only allows users to connect only NTT-West And Fletspot Users. If You Change Your Router "SSID"
To "Fletspot" Or "NTT-West" It Will Not Work Becoz If You See Its Registry Settings It Contains "Encryption Mode" And "Encryption Key" Strings Too Which We Donot Know.
6>Finally, It Connects Me Successfully But Still It Cant Find The Way To Surf Net!
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Hi I was not looking at this tread for a while, all registry changes are completly unnecessary if program is working. Of course you need to setup new connection with your own network instead of Fletspot or NTT-West. How to do it? Just click menu/new network and that is it, you can add your own network but to do it of course you need to know login and password, that's how PPPoE works, if you don't know it than this program will not help you in any way to create connection.

X10 Proxy problem

Hello All,
I know this is some how a repost of . But I feel that the title is not specific so I created another thread.
My work uses proxy to access to the internet with transproxy. I have tried to look for these setting in the X10 and there is no where that allow you to do this.
I finaly found this I followed the instructions and when trying to run the program it gave me an error message "No iptables binary found in this ROM !" .
This sucks big time I cannot use the wifi @ work.

