X10 Proxy problem - XPERIA X10 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello All,
I know this is some how a repost of http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=849814 . But I feel that the title is not specific so I created another thread.
My work uses proxy to access to the internet with transproxy. I have tried to look for these setting in the X10 and there is no where that allow you to do this.
I finaly found this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=766569 I followed the instructions and when trying to run the program it gave me an error message "No iptables binary found in this ROM !" .
This sucks big time I cannot use the wifi @ work.


hmm, unable to download from market

Hi all, ive got the rooted stock ish 2.1 on my Generic Hero on T-Mo and have been unable to actually download apps from market either via mobile network or my wifi.
Internet browsing seems fine, as does browsing the market.
Not sure what to do!
try to edit "hosts" at /system/etc/
Code: android.clients.google.com
to the file.
This works for me . (AND ..... FCUK THE GFW OF CHINA )
I forgot to say i was trying out a few ROMS and must have wiped something i wasnt supposed to. Silly n00b that i am!

[Q] X10 Mac Address Change/Spoof How to?

First of all, i would like to say hello guys and thanks to every developer in here.
I'm trying to change my x10 (FreeX10 from here) mac address, but i've tried a lot of commands like:
ip link wlan0 set address xx:xx:...
most of them just returns me invalid operation or siocsifhwaddr error
i've tried the app Set Mac Address with no luck.
Tried to find the /etc/wl/nvram.txt there is no file in there.
Tried to look for a file with any WL inside, most of them seems code not configuration.
Have someone already been able to change this?
I need this because in my work everyone can have only on mac address signed to, so if i want to use wifi i need to set every thing to the same mac address.
Sorry my bad english.
Thanks in advance
Maybe you will find something useful here!
G-FACE said:
Maybe you will find something useful (Couldn't post the link because of forum rules blocking me)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It may be because of my lack of knowledge on linux system, but i couldn't understand most of the commands in there, tried to reproduce but i got nothing.
Does anyone knows any step by step for x10 using terminal commands if possible to do this?

[Q] Working Ad-Hoc for Gingerbread 2.3.4 - is it possible that nobody can solve it?!

Dear friends,
I have searched tens of forums and googled requested for a days,
but I didn't have chance that find any answer
And it seems that nobody speak so much about that problem here,
people are in race for newer and newer firmwares,
is it possible that nobody can't find the way to solve that problem and succeed to modify wpa_supplicant to work on new Gingerbread 2.3.4?
I can't belive that I have 500€ phone witout possibility to use ad-hoc WiFi at my home
Download this file - http://www.mediafire.com/?ap3alfyf2asu1ca
Disable the wifi...Copy-paste the file in system/bin using root explorer... reboot the phone...done, your phone running KG1 can connect to ad-hoc networks
oops.. i just tried on KG1. Didn't connect to an adhoc network setup with WEP.
I even set the properties of the file like:-
owner: Root Group: shell along with proper file permissions.
Still no working.
Huh, god knows, maybe it depends of type of installed ROM.
Galaxy S2, Lightning ROM 2.2, rooted, exchanged downloaded wpa-supplicant with original without changing any owner properties using Root Explorer and Mount R/W and R/O option,
and - it works, after reboot, sure.
I heard that gingerbread 2.3.x does not support ad-hoc wifi but froyo 2.2.x supports it!!!!
There is a file in the sticky thread. wtf it works fine. Im using it on M250S - 2.3.4
delete the file first ,than paste the new file back ,reboot
guys, is there any conclusion from this thread? i'm getting desperate too
chemychemy said:
guys, is there any conclusion from this thread? i'm getting desperate too
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This is the conslusion-
Use this file- http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=15773095&postcount=44
Working on stock KG3, Litening(all versions),Villain(all versions), others i didn't test...
I tested using Bzeek wifi hotspot creator on windows Vista, if you can't connect to WEP, try Bzeek, its open network but password is needed to use it
I have the LG Optimus 3D and I wanted to use my old WinMo phone as an ad-hoc server. I searched a lot and finally found the solution:
First of all you need a rooted device.
Go to Market and install "ZT-180 Adhoc Switcher". Run this program everytime you want to connect to ad-hoc.
The device acting as server needs to have its SSID to "AndroidTether" and require no password.
Don't forget to revert back to "infrastructure" mode after ending your session otherwise you won't be able to connect to normal hotspots.
There is no guarantee that this will work on all devices. Just try and see...

Setting up a proxy server on Android

Hello there guys.
So my problem is that I cannot setup a Proxy server on my Android properly, when I'm trying to use it I just get "ERR_PROXY_CONNECTION_FAILED" error in the browser.
I tried 2 programs (by the same author) - Servers Ultimate and Proxy Server.
With SU for example I created a simple "proxy server", obtained the ip/port from the "connection info" and was trying to connect through it, with no success...
I tried this on two different phones. One is Samsung A3 2016, second is something old with Android 3+ version.
Can someone point me to the right direction? I would be very thankful.
Also to mention, I'm trying to perform this with 3G connection and not Wi-Fi. Does this interfere somehow?
I just realised in the Status tab of a created instance it says:
"Public Connectable - No". Even with Wi-Fi. I asked one friend to perform this on Meizu and he got success with SOCKS server/Wi-Fi setup. Hmm.
What is the solution to this issue. I'm also facing the same over 3G network.

Finding app pretending to connect to internet as other

I am trying to remove malware from my smartphone. I know I should probably flash a custom ROM, but it's a generic Chinese device based on MTK6753 and I don't know enough to port ROM's.
So far I found I had some strange monitoring thing in /system/bin. It was called "smsdamon" and "smsservice". It used UID1001, hiding its existence. Took me 2 weeks to find it. After I deleted it there is no connection shown in NetGuard logs from UID1001 to "dominoppo".
However there was another entry in the logs, for apps using UID1000. I tried searching the device for any "dominoppo" entry, but was unsuccessful so far. Can anyone help find a way to locate it? I'm at a loss here.

