need help please (upgrade gone bad) - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam Software Upgradin
Hi all of you!
I have a Hermes (HTC Tytn/ Orange SPV M3100) and i succesfully tried a lot of ROM’s until these days..
But, this happened:
During upgrade of a ROM, i made the mistake to disconect the device from the PC..
And, now the problem is that i can’t boot ANY OTHER ROM!
I can enter to BootLoader , where i see
I PL – 1.04
SPL – 2.03
ALSO, i CAN connect to PC (it displays „usb” & i see it on Device manager)
(PC run Vista Ultimate 64 bit).
But, when i try to upgrade ANY ROM , the process starts, BUT STOPS at 0% ? .
I searched & read 4 days for a SOLUTION to make my phone alive again..
Can anyone tell me what to do?
Is a REAL solution for this issue?
Please reply.

Hi dude... does your batt is higher than 50%? the process will not continue if yuour device is under 50% maybe it is beacause you cant charge it in Bootloader. keep it higher than that... if not the case... i guess you will ned to clean it with mtty....
Just search something like that... im for sure there is a way to make it... use the stripped att rom
never but never! when you got a problem in upgrade NEVER do a hardreset.... just softreset... keep it on mind... try an XP machine get it wherever you need to get it!

..a lot for the reply!
i tried on a XP-PC, because mtty don't work in Vista (Ultimate x64)
i followed ALL the instructions..BUT..
..the problem persists!(
thanks for the idea of battery i will try again, with full of..
also, i will try some ROM's without radio's..hope that help..
in mtty shows that the device is CID locked with:
i downloaded the last ROM for Orange 008, and tried of install...BUT..nothing!(
any other sugestion, please?
thanks again!


for all dead prophets

i saw lot of people have dead prophet problem, so i am here now to make a new thread to all this people and i hope to make it useful.
now we start
** FIRST : lets know names of prophet :
I mate Jamin, O2 XDA Neo, Qtek S200, Dopod 818 pro, Dopod 830, SPV M600, VPA Compact S.
** SECOND : we must know that before we trying to do any updating or change roms on my prophet i just need to do which called unlock for the prophet and then we after that been able to change any rom on my ( jamin ) and of course u need to be careful about Your device is it G4 or G3 ,
# and how we know its G4 Or G3 ?
# when u start Your Device u will see some numbers on left,
IPL: 1.00.000
SPL: 2.20.000
GSM: 02.61.21
and may be changed and that goes to the rom which You have, now we look for the last number on ( IPL and SPL ) , if we found it ( 0 ) it means You r G3 and if it ( 1 ) so You r G4 .
** THIRD : lets go to unlock , i will put programs in this thread it will help u in unlock.
-- Sync your device with computer and open the file u download it called HardSpl you will find two files one one foe G3 and G4 open your kind then you'll find a file called (( hardspl.bat )) okay, be sure your device is connected to computer then open the file and follow instruction and it will reset your device ,
now u ready to change rom.
hey guys
i tried to attachment the file now put it gives me database problem, so i will be after it to attach don't worry pals. see you later.
hey guys
i tried to attachment the file now put it gives me database problem, so i will be after it to attach don't worry pals. see you later.
if any one can help please contact me.
my device is jamin g4
it stopsat the boot loader and dono thing
can u help me please?
my e-mail is [email protected]
and suddenly after trying to update the spl been 1.01
please help me
can i fix it?
waiting for ur help
What is the IPL and SPL?
If the wiki where up, I'd suggest looking at that, but as it is I'll explain it now...
What ROM where you attempting to upgrade to?
To get the device back, I would say "Read the wiki" but it's down!!!
Download this ROM.
In ActiveSync, disable "connect through USB" (File->Connection Settings).
Put the device into bootloader (the three coloured screen) and connect it to the computer using the USB cable.
Run the file you downloaded earlier. This should then install a new ROM.
From there, just wait for it to finish.
Now, it should work!
From there, you could re install the Orange WM5 ROM, or try upgrading to WM6. Make sure you read all the relevant guides first!
thanks alot i did as u said but it stops at 80% or 88%
then show this message (error 326 invalid command )
please help me
i'm feeling bad
my mail is [email protected]
What brand the device? Has it been SIM unlocked?
hi again brothers, pal zerocool. first u must unlock ur device to be able to accept any rom after that and solve pproblems.
first flash this rom its offecial and it solve dead prophet problems.
then make hard spl by program open file called hardspl.bat.
make hard reset.
flash ur rom u want.
make hard reset again.
then enjoy.
i uploaded the hardspl program but i couldnt upload the rom its so big so u can look in ur mail u will find the solution.
u can extract file by any program for zip.and tell me the news
dont forget to look to ur mail. see all of u later
Dead prophet
Hi guys,
I have been using a sh... Nokia sine I broke my prophet G4 in december by upgrading the OS.
I had downgraded first to NVID and then I tried to upgrade and it fails at 95%.
Sine this day, my prophet seem totally dead, no light when plug on both charger or computer, windows do not recognize at all the device because it is turned off. And it really do not seem to charge...
I am living in China now and a guy told me I had to change the PB board...The ost is 100Euros, but I am almost sure I an find another solution...
The weird thing is I cannot charge it at all ( I mean no lights but does it charge a little?).
The guy tested my prophet with another battery and in that ase, it is stuck on the bootloader.
We tried several roms and it always fails at 95% and the error is 200 something, maybe 245 or 243, I do not remember sorry...
Is my phone hardware is dead? or it is just a software problem and I did not see the right guy?
Do I need to buy a new battery? I have read that sometimes the device is not able to recognize it even if it the offiial one and even if it is working on another device...
PLease help me I don't want to loose this phone that I've been using for almost 3 years...
Otherwise I will switch to an iphone but I am not sure to be as happy than I was with my prophet.
Xie Xie for your advice and answers.
Can it enter bootloader at all?
If yes, what are the IPL and SPL?
If not, it will be a hardware problem (may just be connectors to the battery but may be something more).
the only way of recovery is using jtag
but 1st we must discover the location of jtag pins on motherboard
I just do not know because with my actual battery, anything is possible....
when I tried with the guy and a new battery it was blocked on the bootloader, but don't remember the IPL and SPL...sorry
I may be right about the battery onnectors though, but the problems seem to be from the phone connectors or the battery it self???
Thank you anyway for your very quick reply
when I tried with the guy and a new battery it was blocked on the bootloader, but don't remember the IPL and SPL...sorry
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If it can enter bootloader, it is almost certainly your battery at fault!
Ok so i burnt my battery during the upgrade...
But why is it still blocking at 95% when he tried to put a rom?
With his battery, it was stuck on the bootloader and not possible to install a rom, even a NVID WM5...
I really do not know what to do...
Thanks again for your help
My iMate JAMin is dead; I was in the middle of flashing it when it froze, now when I turn it on, I get the Tri-color screen with the following ...
IPL: 2.13.0001
SPL: 2.13.0001
No [BUSB[/B] is detected. So now I need a way to flash it from the SD Card. I can not even see the HTC startup screen anymore, it just jumps directly into the tri-color screen.
Ok so i burnt my battery during the upgrade...
But why is it still blocking at 95% when he tried to put a rom?
With his battery, it was stuck on the bootloader and not possible to install a rom, even a NVID WM5...
I really do not know what to do...
Thanks again for your help
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Do you know which ROM? Is your device branded, and is it SIM locked?
Do you know the IPL/SPL? Did they end with the same numbers?
My iMate JAMin is dead; I was in the middle of flashing it when it froze, now when I turn it on, I get the Tri-color screen with the following ...
IPL: 2.13.0001
SPL: 2.13.0001
No [BUSB[/b] is detected. So now I need a way to flash it from the SD Card. I can not even see the HTC startup screen anymore, it just jumps directly into the tri-color screen.
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Please look at this if you want more help, post here...
thanks alot dear samuraititio
but i can't flash it
it writes (no vender id)
help me please i tried another tool with the same nbf file it stops at 80%
and it automatically enter the boot loader
and i can't do ant thing
its information
ipl 2.13.0001
spl 1.01
i think my problem is in the spl coz it was 2.13.0001
and now it's 1.01
how can i fix it please i still starter in this way so i'm trying;
help soon please
You now have a G3 SPL on a G4 Device.
What did you flash exactly?
l3v5y said:
Do you know which ROM? Is your device branded, and is it SIM locked?
Do you know the IPL/SPL? Did they end with the same numbers?
Please look at this if you want more help, post here...
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hello pal i3v5y
i have the same problem
idid what u said the flashing stops at 80%
i need ur help please
i'm online at the moment and u too help me soon if u can please
my e-mail is [email protected]
waiting for u i don't have any other device to use and i need it
l3v5y said:
You now have a G3 SPL on a G4 Device.
What did you flash exactly?
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now i flashed the official rom of jamin but it stopped at 80%

How to flash Hard-SPL onto HERMES

Can anyone please post a guide on how to flash Hard-SPL onto my HTC TYTN.
The guide for installing Hard-SPL onto the HERMES is not available anymore, and i am EXTREMELY confused about what im doing, and i am afraid i will brick my phone if i do something wrong.
Please please please help!
Read the sticky, first post on this page.
It really isn't hard to do. But be sure you know what you are doing btw. SO read the sticky!
Basically you just download the flavor of Hard SPL you want (I used 2.10 which I can recommend, very easy to downgrade to factory SPL again as I just learned!).
After download unzip the folder and run the RUUWrapper. Follow instructions exactly, do nout unplug your device etc. and it should work like a charm. It takes about 1 minute!
If you don't know what you are doing or you are still doubting, wait for Mr Vanx site to come online again or don't flash. There is always a risk you screw up and end with a $500 brick.
So use at your own risk!
Download hard spl v7 from
thanks guys i did it
hi guys have tried to update mine today on a jasjam it connects sys it updating but starts at 0% then just jumps to 100% and says flash finished but when i restart the phone it still has the same loader what am i doing wrong i want to update it from windows 5 to windows 6 using crc-9 but don't want to update till i do the loader any help from you guys would be great
cheers puca
puca said:
hi guys have tried to update mine today on a jasjam it connects sys it updating but starts at 0% then just jumps to 100% and says flash finished but when i restart the phone it still has the same loader what am i doing wrong i want to update it from windows 5 to windows 6 using crc-9 but don't want to update till i do the loader any help from you guys would be great
cheers puca
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start the device in bootloader, what is displayed?
Mine is doing the exact same thing. Starts at 0% and jumps to 100% and says it is done, but it has done nothing.
Rockford_622 said:
Mine is doing the exact same thing. Starts at 0% and jumps to 100% and says it is done, but it has done nothing.
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the SPL flash is VERY quick.
I'll ask YOU this aswell, put your device into bootloader mode and tell us what it says.
hi mrvanx
thanks for your reply after checking the bootloader it has changed to 2.10 olie it did it so fast i thought it had failed will check properly next time and have successfully flashed it to crc 9 and it runs great thanks for all the help
mrvanx said:
the SPL flash is VERY quick.
I'll ask YOU this aswell, put your device into bootloader mode and tell us what it says.
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I appreciate your reply Mr. Vanx. Same as with puca, I put my phone into the bootloader mode and it does indeed show the correct 2.10 Olipro version. This is the 3rd 8525 I have had and I could have SWORN it took much longer on the first 2. Even the update from WM5 to WM6 seemed to take much less time with this particular phone. Guess I shouldn't really complain
Downgrade Error 260
Hi Mr Vanx I have followed your guide to downgrade my current SSPL (2.10 Olipro) to SSPL (1.11). But I keep getting error 260. I have followed guide step by step.
I have even tried flashing from SD-Card (by renaming to HERMING.nbh). Process runs successfully, but nothing happens.
Its still showing SSPL-2.10 Olipro in bootloader. Am I missing anything?
can some one point me to the guide. I am facing a NO GSM problem on vodafone VPA 1605 with following config:
ROM Version:
Bootloader: 1.04
I do not see the radio version or the IMEI. So I would like to do a HARDSPLv7 followed by Radio ROM update to I hope this will work. Seniors may help with their sggestion.
Can someone help me with the guide to HARDSPL as I am doing it for the first time and the guides are not available at MR Vanx site nor can I locate the sticky?
have you read the first page?
cant uprade from spl 1.40 to 2.04
am using hermes 300 and i want to uprade from 1.40 t o 2.40 but i cant do it.i ve tried can anyone help
How to hard reset without win
I have an I-mate 9502 but my problem is for pocket pc generaly.
I installed a program for sound, When I do a soft reset it hangs on Blue Imate page and didn't boot.
I tried to hard reset but it dosen't worked too(I know hard reset of it, is Green+FN+Power button) but it don't work, Also I tried to install a fresh Rom but it need to loud windows.
Please help how to hard reset it.
majida said:
I have an I-mate 9502 but my problem is for pocket pc generaly.
I installed a program for sound, When I do a soft reset it hangs on Blue Imate page and didn't boot.
I tried to hard reset but it dosen't worked too(I know hard reset of it, is Green+FN+Power button) but it don't work, Also I tried to install a fresh Rom but it need to loud windows.
Please help how to hard reset it.
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you should try the hard reset iMate 9502 posts by martin_yo in
After Flashed with the new ROM, My Device is now stuck in iMate Blue Screen Logo....!!!
But Don't worry can be solved with manually hard Reset...
1. Remove battery and reinsert (to make sure the phone is off).
2. Hold down Fn and the Green button (with the phone icon on it) and press the power button.
3. You will see the white hard reset option screen almost immediately. Press the Left Soft Key to hard reset.
Work for me...
but !!
With many thanks Hakim
But I know hard reset of my phone, I did it many time before, unfortunately it dosen't work this time. I tried all I knew about hard reset. but I couldn't do anything for my phone.
I tried (FN+Green+power like last time I did hard reset easy)(FN+Green+reset button)It don't sho any reaction.
Please help me.

PLEASE HELP! My Athena is dead after Olipro Unlocker

Help please!
I have an T-Mobile Ameo (also known Athena X7500) and i tried the Olipro Unlocker, but the installation didnt finish, at 59% stopped. After that i turn off the device, then turn on, but my device still have a 4 colour screen,red, green, blue and white, it doesnt boot the Windows Mobile, just have the installation screen...
please help
Use olipro's tool again and then flash your final ROM
i tried it many times, but since than my Athena X7500 was dead, the Olipros unlocker doesnt work. The program said: "The Update Utility cannot connect your PDA phone"
In bootloader (coloured screen), does it say anything? if so what? when you try to flash a rom or use unlocker do you get a code? is your memory card out of the slot?
I took a photo my bootloader (coloured) screen: My device doesnt say anything.
When i used the unlocker, i didnt got any code. And my memory card was in the slot.
I also took a photo what the Olipro's said now, if i try to continous the flashing:
Have you tried flashing your carrier's original Rom?
i will try it, but i dont know where can i find my original rom...
and my second biggest trouble: in this mode, i cant charge my batteries. If i dont find an solution this problem soon, i think, my device will be a BIG trouble. Grrr, i hate olipros program...
Thanks a lot, my athena is live again, i flash my original rom!!!
But the Olipros Unlockert isnt working, the installation go to 100%, the program said that the flashing is succesfull, but my SPL is still 1.1, and i cant flash any roms..
I can understand why. Any ideas?
The other thread was closed, you shouldn't double post.
Read the links I mentioned.
as in olis first post
"Please note: you must have .net Framework 2.0 installed with the services packs, if you don't it then it probably won't run till you download it.
SPECIAL INFO ABOUT STEP 2: When you run this step, first your device will be flashed; this is NOT the end of Step 2, you must then configure your device and set it up fully so you can access the menus etc (there will be a prompt to ask you to do this after the flash anyway). then you will be able to continue. please make sure to read ALL dialogs fully"
leave out the sim and sd card.
Some others have reported better luck with the shipped WM6 rom if they had trouble unlocking.
I installed the NET Framework 2.0 SP2 in my device and i put out my sim and sd card. And when i flashing the Olipros Unlocker, it went to 100%, but my SPL is still 1.1
I dont understand.
VorosAdam said:
I installed the NET Framework 2.0 SP2 in my device and i put out my sim and sd card. And when i flashing the Olipros Unlocker, it went to 100%, but my SPL is still 1.1
I dont understand.
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the net framework should be on your computer.
what OS is on your computer ?
May be better if you use winXP
did you install an oficial wm6 rom ?
Read the later pages in the unlocker thread
My computer also have the NET Framework 2.0 SP2. And when the flashing didn't work, i also installed the NET Framework 3.5 SP1, but, when i flashing a ROM in my decive, it also went to 100%, but the SPL is still 1.1.
I use a 32-bit Windows XP in my computer.
My T-Mobile Ameo (Athena) is a second hand device, it was used when i bought. But the first user said me, that the original OS was the Windows Mobile 5 in my Athena, but he update from Windows Mobile 5 to Windows Mobile 6.0. He said that he update with an official T-Mobile way.
Ok all good so far
Did you use the unlocker from this thread?
The other thought i had was that you should try a different computer and usb cable
oh, thank you so mutch, i tried an another computer, and it flashed the SPL from 1.1 to 1.2!
thanks again
my htc advantaage x7500
hello myfrnd please help me as my phone is dead after i used ur rom upgrade 3.5, i was already using michy cooked version of window mobile 6.1 im new in this field and during upgrade process after going 92% it just stuck and and showing 3 color screen it has a msg of IPL 1.2 OLIPRO pls help me i will donate u if u could solve my problem
sheizi said:
hello myfrnd please help me as my phone is dead after i used ur rom upgrade 3.5, i was already using michy cooked version of window mobile 6.1 im new in this field and during upgrade process after going 92% it just stuck and and showing 3 color screen it has a msg of IPL 1.2 OLIPRO pls help me i will donate u if u could solve my problem
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I saw someone with the same problem as you here awhile back and he was able to fix it. So keep your post alive or read the sticky post under the Upgrade section. I believe that was where I read it.
dead X7500
Hey Im also a sufferer of a dead X7500......this all happened wen I was trying to flash my ROM which was using a SPL !.20 OLIPRO
wen I try to re flash the device , it starts a stops at 1% and follows an error msg !
plzzzzzzzzzzzz help me out to solve this prob !
VorosAdam said:
i will try it, but i dont know where can i find my original rom...
and my second biggest trouble: in this mode, i cant charge my batteries. If i dont find an solution this problem soon, i think, my device will be a BIG trouble. Grrr, i hate olipros program...
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I have the same problem would be kind and tell me how you solved the problem.
[email protected]

Help please! My ROM upgrade broken my Athena!

Hello, I am in serious trouble! I got a brand new HTC Athena with Windows Mobile 5.0. I succesfully upgrade it to Windows Mobile 6.0.
All was OK.
Than I was interested to move into Windows Mobile 6.1 and possibly 6.5. At first I did the Athena unlock (3 step process) and all went OK: Antenna 1.5.0, SPL 1.2 OLI....
THAN I DID MY ERROR! I try to upgrade my 6.0 ROM with the Micky 6.1 cooked file with SPL 3.5. After a 92 percent upgrade, the ROM crashed and now I always get a nasty black screen with few lines (No 3 color bands!). When I try to upgrade again the same ROM or ROM for SPL 1.2 I get an error (ID mismatching). I guess the only solution is a hard and full reset of the Windows. But doing only a hard reset with the PDA will NOT change my error message and I will keep see this nasty black screen and I cannot load the Windows ActiveSync application-
I am totally lost. Help please. Any tool for a true full restore/recover??? (I did NOT make any backup!).
This thread might hold a solution to your problem.
If you follow the instructions exactly in post 33, it will solve your problems. just click HERE
Hello, those links are basically for corrupted wifi antenna files.-
In my case my HTC Athena crashed the Windows 6 ROM while I was attempting to upgrade, after unlocking the phone, the Athena from version 6.0 to version 6.1
Are you sure I can use the post #33 also for my specific trouble?
Thank you in advance!
this is also to repair your bootloader-infos
if you look at your bootloaderscreen, you will see ATHE100, IPL, ATHE100, SPL. if not, you have to repair it
make sure you flashed the right rom, spl 1 or 3.5
How can the bootloader get repaired?
yes use that link, post #33. fixes both wifi and modelid problems and bootloader problems when you got stuck at 92% of the flashing process.
Cannot re flash ROM
Please help! I tried the unlocker and it failed at 92% and since then I have no WM6. Then I tried to flash the Michy WM6.5 and that failed. I was getting model id errors so I did the mtty and mac1 fix which was succesful. However all I can get now is a grey screen on boot-up. I can get to the bootloader screen and it displays ATHE100, IPL-v2.02, ATHE100, SPL-v1.20. Olipro. From what I have read on the forum at this stage I should run a RUU to flash a WM6 ROM but all that I try can't connect because no OS running to connect with Activesync? Is there a way to flash from the bootloader? The other option seems to be putting an image and flasher on a miniSD but I can't find clear instructions for this or which files?
Please ignore - my battery wasn't charged enough. Replaced battery and recovered device.
Still Major Problem! Help me! Have mercy!
Hello Responderman, all,
I have follow the link (thread 33)...., however, after I have typed lnbs filename.bin 75108000 (I have SPL 1.2), I got in mtty the "code entrypoint unknown" message, which should be ok......
However, after I have disconnected the usb cable of the Athena from the PC and try to reboot it, I got again the exact same, nasty, dark screen with blue strips.....:-( It means that my damaged firmware has NOT been fix and in fact I am still NOT able to boot WM successfully!
PLEASE HELP. It is 3 months with this problem and I cannot use my device.:-(
Still Major Problem! Help me! Have mercy!
Hello Responderman, all,
first, how can I get the mac address of my device? It is NOT written anywhere in the Athena parts (checked in the battery bay and so on.....), and so when I run mtty i am in trouble! I have used a mac address got from my company's manager, but not sure it is ok to use it with the Athena!
Anyway,......I have follow the post link (thread 33)...., and followed the various steps.- However, after I have typed lnbs filename.bin 75108000 (I have SPL 1.2), I got in mtty the "code entrypoint unknown" message, which should be ok......
However, after I have disconnected the usb cable of the Athena from the PC and try to reboot it, I got again the exact same, nasty, dark screen with blue strips.....:-( It means that my damaged firmware has NOT been fix and in fact I am still NOT able to boot WM successfully!
PLEASE HELP. It is 3 months with this problem and I cannot use my device.:-(
Hi, problem done. I have follow the remarks, fixed my broken firmware and now I use well Athena with VM 6.5! Thanks all for your help!
puffo said:
Hi, problem done. I have follow the remarks, fixed my broken firmware and now I use well Athena with VM 6.5! Thanks all for your help!
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Can you tell what you've actually done after you've changed ROM with Mtty?
I done the thing with Mtty but just as you described when I reset it now I still get the grey screen. And if I try to update ROM it fails again on 92%
where did you find the upgrade from wm5 to wm6?
the link I found on rapidshare seems not be availabel anymore

G4 Bricked? Tri-Color boot screen visible

Hi. I have searched the forums, but haven't found the answer I have been looking for, so sorry if this is a repeat.
I am working under Windows 7, installed VMWare and XP Pro on it, and easily installed Hard-SPL and Cracings 6.5. When I went to upgrade the Radio, I was sure to download one without SPL and IPL. I tried to upgrade, but it hung at 2% for at least 5 hours. (I knew it was bad in 2 minutes actually, but decided to wait). Now it will turn on, but to the tri-color boot screen. Tried hard reset (although I didn't really expect it to work). Is there anything that I can do? It shows when I connect it to usb, both on the phone and on the computer.
It is FAR out from under warranty, so thats out, but if there is anything I could try, I would be much obliged for pointers. Thanks a lot!
You need to make the update with RUU 2.5.2
( ).
Try it, if even that does not work (for me it works only with wizard_love ROM
( loca's post), but not with other cooked ROM's) then you can try WST wizard service tool
( ) to unpack the nbf and load only the OS ROM.
Thanks for the info.
I will try it later this weekend when i get time! (moving to new apt.... sigh... can't feed the addiction)
If Tri Colour Screen WST needs to boot into WM OS surely???
How can you use WST if only on bootloader. Please explain as I have similar issues...
I had exactly the same experience as you: Hard-SPL followed by Cracing and then the tri-color screen. This thread helped me revive my G4.
Hey I am having the same problem but with my G3 att 8125. I flashed to 2.26 which I always do before installing any rom then installed X2A Haseebs Iphone Killer and it stalled at 57% for over an hour so I unplugged it and hard-reset it. I have installed this rom about twice and it works fine. Now my phone starts up and goes straight to the Tri-colored bootscreen. When I plug the phone in it displays that it is connected via USB but the computer doesnt recognize it. IPL 2.26, SPL 2.26 as displayed on the screen. PLEASE HELP!
Hi all, I've got the exact same problem as Quadzilla has - any help would be much appreciated!

