Backup & Restore of TF3D2.1 appointments, contacts, and favorites - Touch Pro, Fuze ROM Development

I have read many threads about this and try almost everything I have read. So I am sharing what I know works easier, and since the new TF3D2.1 has some issues with PimBackup you may want to easily backup all your information and restore it before flashing your new cool ROM with TF3D2.1
First of, I use Sashimi for backing up my preferences, ringtones, etc... However, even with the previous version of Manila Sashimi cannot restore the pim file, so I always ended up forcing a copy to restore my PIM.vol. Not relevant now since this is a simpler procedure, and automatic.
Regardless of what you use, Sashimi, UC, or nothing. This small SDConfig.txt below and procedure will do the trick.
FIRST: Backing up all your calendar, call history, contacts, and favorites, is as simple as creating a copying of your PIM.VOL file in the root (\) directory of your device and copy the file to a directory in your SD card. For example: \Storage Card\PIM\pim.vol. Once you have that. If you use UC incorporate the following lines of the SDConfig.txt below into your own SDConfig. If you don't all you need is create a simple SDConfig.txt in the root directory of your Storage Card with the following (Assuming you used the same directory structure. Change to where you put yours):
CPY1: \Storage Card\PIM\pim.vol
CPY2: \pim.vol
LOCK: Disabled
RST: Reset
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So the procedure is as follows:
Before you flash your new ROM with TF3D2.1 disableTF3D in the Today screen, and make a copy of the PIM.VOL in your storage (It will allow you to do so without sharing violation errors). I personally use ActiveSync - Explore..., instead of using the File Explorer on the device
Remove your SD card and flash your new ROM as usual
Once the installation is completed. Do a hard reset as recommended. (Read here , if you're unsure)
Once the hard reset procedure completes and you get the prompt to press the "Volume up key to boot". Insert your SD Card into the device and boot
The boot process will start and the ROM will start installing the default software, after that it will look for the SDConfig.txt file you just created. This will make it restore your PIM.VOL and it will soft reset your device once again
Your TF3D2.1 will come up with your favorites, calendar entries, call history, etc... and is all good and working well.
NOTE: This procedure works regardless of your ROM. As long as the ROM supports UC. The cool thing about using Sashimi is that I always have Sashimi make a copy of my PIM.VOL before I am going to flash a new ROM. So that way I make sure the PIM.VOL in my Storage Card\PIM\ is the latest

I have heard of Sashimi but find it hard to understand how it works and setting up the app....
I use Pimbackup, will this work as well if i follow ur instructions?
And what is CU? I searched on Google and couldn't find anything relevant.

chaoscreater said:
I have heard of Sashimi but find it hard to understand how it works and setting up the app....
I use Pimbackup, will this work as well if i follow ur instructions?
And what is CU? I searched on Google and couldn't find anything relevant.
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You wont need PimBackup with this solution. And sorry, it was a typo. It is UC, not CU. I fixed that on the first post. Problem is PimBackup wont work well when you try to restore if you're using TF3D2.1 which could be a major show stopper for many. With this solution you backup everything and restore everything by simply copying the PIM.VOL file. It has to be done this way because if you don't do it at the fresh ROM restore, you'll get a sharing violation error.

Have you had any issues if you then active sync with your computer's outlook? I know with PIMbackup i ended up with the strange situation where my PC thought the restored contacts from PIM were unique, and ended up with doubles. (I even had the computer set as the master to clear everything on the device).

xternal said:
Have you had any issues if you then active sync with your computer's outlook? I know with PIMbackup i ended up with the strange situation where my PC thought the restored contacts from PIM were unique, and ended up with doubles. (I even had the computer set as the master to clear everything on the device).
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I haven't. It shouldn't at all. Since it is the same PIM.VOL you used before, so synchronization data should be intact if you are faithful to the steps I provided. If your pre-TF3D2.1 was working well, then if you use this procedure you shouldn't have any problems.

drake2007 said:
You wont need PimBackup with this solution. And sorry, it was a typo. It is UC, not CU. I fixed that on the first post. Problem is PimBackup wont work well when you try to restore if you're using TF3D2.1 which could be a major show stopper for many. With this solution you backup everything and restore everything by simply copying the PIM.VOL file. It has to be done this way because if you don't do it at the fresh ROM restore, you'll get a sharing violation error.
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just to be sure, PIM.VOL is the output that Pimbackup makes right?
And what is UC?
Also, i named my memory card to 8GB instead of the default "storage card", which means that all my information are stored on a different memory card if i follow ur method, i.e aftering the hard reset and insert my SD card and boot, it will look for the SDConfig.txt, but the problem is the name of the memory card is different......and even if i edit the SDConfig.txt, i still have to change my memory card name first before i apply ur trick, so what i don't understand is will this only work during the part when the phone installs the default software? Because u said that we have to insert our memory card after the hard reset procedure is complete. And we can only start to install our own softwares after step 5, which means that even if i edit the memory card name to 8GB in the SDConfig.txt, it won't work since the default memory card name is "Storage Card" and hasn't been changed yet.......
And since i can only start to gain control of my fone after step 5, that means i can't install any registry editors straight after the hard reset and therefore can't edit the memory card name........i hope that made sense...

drake2007 said:
I haven't. It shouldn't at all. Since it is the same PIM.VOL you used before, so synchronization data should be intact if you are faithful to the steps I provided. If your pre-TF3D2.1 was working well, then if you use this procedure you shouldn't have any problems.
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This is a great tip - thanks!
Can anyone assure me that this works with contacts and calendars synced using exchange and google? I really don't want my google contacts and calendar duplicating everything!

chaoscreater said:
just to be sure, PIM.VOL is the output that Pimbackup makes right?
And what is UC?
Also, i named my memory card to 8GB instead of the default "storage card", which means that all my information are stored on a different memory card if i follow ur method, i.e aftering the hard reset and insert my SD card and boot, it will look for the SDConfig.txt, but the problem is the name of the memory card is different......and even if i edit the SDConfig.txt, i still have to change my memory card name first before i apply ur trick, so what i don't understand is will this only work during the part when the phone installs the default software? Because u said that we have to insert our memory card after the hard reset procedure is complete. And we can only start to install our own softwares after step 5, which means that even if i edit the memory card name to 8GB in the SDConfig.txt, it won't work since the default memory card name is "Storage Card" and hasn't been changed yet.......
And since i can only start to gain control of my fone after step 5, that means i can't install any registry editors straight after the hard reset and therefore can't edit the memory card name........i hope that made sense...
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I would think that you need to use the same name you used for your card. Test it, I have not done so changing the name of the SC. I've never done it so I cannot tell you if the name doesn't remain with different ROMS. I would think that if it doesn't then you still have to use \Storage Card\ regardless because that's the default name. But you'll have to test and try, then share what you found
UC is User Customization. See the link in my first post.
monkeyfishing said:
This is a great tip - thanks!
Can anyone assure me that this works with contacts and calendars synced using exchange and google? I really don't want my google contacts and calendar duplicating everything!
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Monkey, like every one here will tell you. I cannot assure you anything, we give advise based on things we personally test with our device. Its all in good faith, you need to do your own testing. You read, then you test. If you're not completely sure, then make a full backup of your device, try this, didn't work, go back. I've done this several times and it works. I don't see why you will have issues since the format of the PIM.VOL doesn't change regardless of what you sync with.

I've never played with Sashimi before...dabbled a bit with sdconfig...
Is this just for contacts or does it also backup TF3D2 favs, stocks, weather etc...

man I sure love my cheap (mail2web) exchange solution...definitely worth the $5/month! Add in MyPhone for free and I don't think it gets much better...IMO.
It took me a while to figure out its beauty, but it sure beats messing with all this!

Asphyx said:
I've never played with Sashimi before...dabbled a bit with sdconfig...
Is this just for contacts or does it also backup TF3D2 favs, stocks, weather etc...
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Like I said, it backs up everything including your favorites. No stock and weather.

peeps said:
man I sure love my cheap (mail2web) exchange solution...definitely worth the $5/month! Add in MyPhone for free and I don't think it gets much better...IMO.
It took me a while to figure out its beauty, but it sure beats messing with all this!
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Glad it worked for you. But, "messing with all this"? This is simple and automatic, only have to do it once. Everytime you flash a new ROM there is no-install. What can I say? whatever works for you, works for you!

drake2007 said:
Glad it worked for you. But, "messing with all this"? This is simple and automatic, only have to do it once. Everytime you flash a new ROM there is no-install. What can I say? whatever works for you, works for you!
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isn't automatic if you have to spontaneous hard reset, is it? You are stuck with a backup that is how old? yup...the last time you backed it up. How many contacts/appts/tasks, etc did you just lose?
With MyPhone (as the worst case for full backup), you are left with just a 1 day loss...and with my setup using Exchange for mail/appts/tasks on continuous sync, that only includes SMS as a 1 day loss risk. Even if they (mail2web/myphone) have a server failure, I will take that slim chance that it falls on the same day I have to hard reset both my devices that sync that content...

Man I suck...
I'm having trouble with step #1, heh.
How do you disable TF3D?

Shinare said:
I'm having trouble with step #1, heh.
How do you disable TF3D?
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Start - Settings - Today - Items: Uncheck the TF3D

peeps said:
isn't automatic if you have to spontaneous hard reset, is it? You are stuck with a backup that is how old? yup...the last time you backed it up. How many contacts/appts/tasks, etc did you just lose?
With MyPhone (as the worst case for full backup), you are left with just a 1 day loss...and with my setup using Exchange for mail/appts/tasks on continuous sync, that only includes SMS as a 1 day loss risk. Even if they (mail2web/myphone) have a server failure, I will take that slim chance that it falls on the same day I have to hard reset both my devices that sync that content...
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Dude! you can use whatever you like for backups. I posted this workaround for people who will flash another ROM with the TF3D2.1 version. And this is a workaround for the PimBackup issue. You're here debating what solution or not is better for backup/restore. If you apply this workaround then one can use whatever backup/restore solution fits best after the fact.
I am not presenting this as a backup/restore solution strategy. Which means you obviously didn't do your work of reading through the forums and don't know what this is about, so came here to talk nonsense. You're free to do whatever you like, but to come to the forum to argue and criticize about other people's free help is quite un-productive. So save your time and ours.
These are not debate forums about technology. There are plenty of places out there where you can go pretend you are a guru and know a lot about stuff.

drake2007 said:
Dude! you can use whatever you like for backups. I posted this workaround for people who will flash another ROM with the TF3D2.1 version. And this is a workaround for the PimBackup issue. You're here debating what solution or not is better for backup/restore. If you apply this workaround then one can use whatever backup/restore solution fits best after the fact.
I am not presenting this as a backup/restore solution strategy. Which means you obviously didn't do your work of reading through the forums and don't know what this is about, so came here to talk nonsense. You're free to do whatever you like, but to come to the forum to argue and criticize about other people's free help is quite un-productive. So save your time and ours.
These are not debate forums about technology. There are plenty of places out there where you can go pretend you are a guru and know a lot about stuff.
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ok thanks...try not to get butt hurt so easy...its the internet for pete's sake...

'ok thanks...try not to get butt hurt so easy...its the internet for pete's sake...'
Get hurt? You came into the thread he created and brang it completely off topic. We know there are other backup solutions, but this was a thread made for those that use PIMbackup and want to use Manila 2.1. As great as apps like myphone are they still have to be setup upon every hard reset which quite frankly, is very annoying. I would rather backup my contacts as normal and have it part of the flashing process. This makes far more sense if you use your own kitchen, as you usually end up flashing more than once. I don't want to have to configure myPhone everytime to make sure contacts are working.

well you know what, my PIM data is a bit more important to me than to use some "hack" just to use TF3D or any other UI. I have gone through all sorts of issues in the past on other devices from creating duplicates of all PIM data to completely wiping it out from following "solutions" posted on forums. I don't need to waste time screwing with or screwing up my PIM it is the heart of my PDA. Without it, I may as well use a Razr. Others may feel the same way and have similar experiences.
Off topic? the title of the thread.
"Backup & Restore of TF3D2.1 appointments, contacts, and favorites"
He offered a solution inline with the topic, so did I...
And what about the people coming from wm6.1 to wm6.5 that are reading these forums? Has the OP confirmed that this method works across the 2 OS's without screwing up the reader's PIM data? We already know there are differences in the calendar areas across 6.1 and 6.5...what about others?
Me? I prefer not to risk my precious PIM data in this way...just as you prefer not to enter configurations for proper sync and backup...To-may-to, to-mah-to, I suppose...

lets say one forgot to shut off TF3D before copying the pim.vol file to there storage card. Is that a huge issue?


full backup or dump of internal storage memory (installed programs,settings,registry)

I would like to try some cooked ROMs.
But I fully personalized all the settings in my actual shipped ROM.
I lost so much time to personalize it.
Is there a way to do a full backup or a "dump" of the internal memory as it is now?
Or there is a good backup program that FULLY backup all settings? (not only documents, contacts, messages, etc... but also registry, program settings, etc...).
So if I want to go back to my actual ROM, I reflash it then I restore the "dump" to get back all my old settings?
Thanks to all for your help!
Read here for instructions:
And please search in the future.
I'm sorry Dave, I read the topics about,
but I wasn't sure if the dump of the ROM creates only an image of the ROM's zone where there are the first WM installation/boot files (just like after an hard reset), or if it saves exactly the actual state of internal memory of the device.
parallel666killer said:
I'm sorry Dave, I read the topics about,
but I wasn't sure if the dump of the ROM creates only an image of the ROM's zone where there are the first WM installation/boot files (just like after an hard reset), or if it saves exactly the actual state of internal memory of the device.
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It save's the current state IIRC.
No, it doesn't save the current state, only the installation files of the ROM.
I created the dump and I created ruu_signed.nbh.
I flashed ROMeOS, then I flashed back my created ROM.
All settings and programs are gone.
I think I didn't well explained what I would like to know.
I mean if it is possible to create a flash nbh file with the ROM backup (and this can be done, there are many thread about, I tried too and I succedeed), but also a full backup of ALL INSTALLED PROGRAMS IN THE INTERNAL STORAGE (programs I installed, no default ROM programs), all settings (TouchFLO3D settings and customization, phone settings,etc...), registry and system data.
As SBP Backup does.
And also avoid hard-reset restart after flashing that nbh file.
So the phone starts directly the first time normally.
What there is in the Part03.raw which is 330Mb?
The dimension is near the available internal storage.
I dont think it quite works like that.
I think your best bet is to build your own rom with your own settings and apps, AFAIK this is the only way to have the phone exactly as your want it after first boot.
Also have a look at SASHIMI, you may be able to get the results you want using that, although something seems to have happened to the thread pro tem.
Thank you dabs!
I will learn to build my own ROMs.
I used other's cooked ROMs for a long time.
I would like to be able to cook mine.
I downloaded and tried Sashami 7.5. It's a great and powerful program!
Also documentation is simple and complete.
Just in case you you havnt seen it:-
What you want the Raphael Kitchen, its an awesome package that lets mere mortals build their own perfect rom.
parallel666killer said:
Thank you dabs!
I will learn to build my own ROMs.
I used other's cooked ROMs for a long time.
I would like to be able to cook mine.
I downloaded and tried Sashami 7.5. It's a great and powerful program!
Also documentation is simple and complete.
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SASHIMI 7.7 is now available. The new location is here

help!! phone dead after rom update

hi all need urgent advice as ive killed my hd2
i was fearful of upgrading to new rom from htc website (v-1.66...)
was using 1.48.405.2 (71294) wwe
I made sure i researched everything 1st. i downloaded trial of spb backup. installed to phone. did full backup, saved to sd card. closed all progs, phone & pc
opened rom update and followed instructions. update then finished, went through setup on phone.
all seemed fine. basic clock, time settings (few new features etc)
I then went to file explorer/storage card and opened spb backup file. clicked next throughout. device reset on its own and loaded with new rom number on startup.
have my background image up pictures seem to be back, as are messages. cab files ive installed are present but I cant access contacts and a few other features.
repeated messages are 'a problem has occured with cprog.exe' please tell microsoft blah blah!!!
Htc sense will not launch despite how hard i hit the screen.
Ive no signal at all and cant sync with my pc. i guess suggestions of a hard reset will follow this post but will i not be in the same boat as i will need to restore my settings etc from sd card and spb backup.
please help!!!
try to flash the rom again or try to use your old one.
if you dont wanna hear the word "hardreset" i dont tell it to you
DN41 said:
try to flash the rom again or try to use your old one.
if you dont wanna hear the word "hardreset" i dont tell it to you
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ok. will try
shouldprob mention that i got a strange message when trying to restore
'this device is different from one which this backup was made. please choose upgrade mode'
then a dropdown menu with
'normal mode'
'rom upgrade mode'
'device upgrade mode'
with a check box 'overwrite existing files' (this is checked)
seems strange but the message before states that the backup was created on an t-mob leo device.
something wrong here maybe???
yeah could be.
sorry mate, i'm not very knowledged about spb backup
sp backup has a "rom upgrade" option i'm guessing you usedthat? in which case that's the problem, because it really means upgrade of the same rom, whereas you have a totally new rom, so should use the individual settingsoption, and reinstall your programs manually.
(based on reading, i've never done it myself, nor used sp backup)
re flash your original rom, restore your backup and think again how and what you are backing up.
just tried a 'normal restore' as the description says restore to original device backup was made on.
phone has now turned on with everything the same as i left it but looking at the software description its gone back to the original rom 1.48.405.2
do i have to run the update again?
what the hell is going on with this phone!!!
no, the rom is the new rom, but thats a fine example of whats wrong.
It has restored the rom version info from your registry backup.
The rom version is not a problem, of course, it just says teh wwrong thing, but there are likely to be loads of reg settings that ARE a problem.
Basically, using backup software can be a pain, till you know its pitfalls. Thats why i dont bother. Contacts/calendar via outlook, and thats it. Everything else i setup manually myself. (Well, i dont cos by now i've made cabs for all my tweaks and what not, but tyou get the idea.)
This is one of the main reasons I don't backup Settings and Programs. I only back up my PIM, and sometimes even that plays up.
You are better off just syncing your phone with Outlook, hardreset, sync again to get your PIM information, and reinstalling your programs one by one.
I can tell you this I use SPB backup all the time, but ...
1.) Normal restore is only for restoring to the EXACT same ROM that you had on before ..
2.) ROM upgrade mode is only good for ROMs in the same series*
*ROM upgrade mode only works correctly on "upgraded" version of the same ROM you had on it , for example, in my case I use Energy ROM CHT 23569 JUL 1st, I make a backup, then upgrade to Energy ROM CHT 23569 JUL 16th, then ROM upgrade mode should work, but if you go say from a Stock TMO rom to a custom rom or a 21xxx series rom to a 23xxx series rom you will have "ISSUES".
If you plan on flashing ROMs often , you either need to learn to use something like XDA_UC, Sashimi, or Toms Autoinstall, and make frequent PIM backups ..
As well as keeping all your program cabs in a safe organized place so you can put them back on ...
I hope this helps you get it sorted ....

[Q] Installing a nand on someone else's phone

So I made a nand of the rom I'm using and flashed it to my wife's phone (so she wouldn't have to set her phone up at all). It logged in under my accounts (which I expected). I removed my FB account but it will not let me remove my gmail account. It says the only way I can do that is to factory reset the phone, which defeats the point.
Does anyone have the setup wizard app or know where I can find it? I couldn't find it in the market.
Am I fighting a lost cause here?
i beleive you are I personally have yet to figure out how to remove your gmail account you can add a gmail of hers but i dont think you can remove yours from it.
Nevermind. I gave up and did a clean install. I'll just use Titanium and install her settings back. No biggie. I was just being lazy.
I am curious though if that set up wizard app would let me remove a gmail account from a phone. I even logged in and syned with her gmail account and it wouldn't let me remove mine.
Really simple... flash a rom that doesn't come with google apps.
Hungry Man said:
Really simple... flash a rom that doesn't come with google apps.
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What I'm aiming to do is put my backup on my wife's phone...only with the ability to replace my accounts and login with hers. So pretty much any nand I create is going to have google apps already flashed.
To install a nand restore on another phone
all you have to do is put it in the right folder.
Step 1) Make a nand Backup on the new phone.
Step 2) Take the nand backup from YOUR phone, save it somewhere
step 3) Save YOUR nand backup to the right folder inside hers.
For example: Her phone will look for
so her backup will be /sdcard/nandroid/HTC123ABCDEFG/2010-0814-1234/ or something
your phone might be
so you need to take your backup, maybe called /2010-0821-1111/ and put it in her folder, so that on her SD card you have
Then she can 'nand restore' that, perfectly.
I have done this when getting new Eris's. First root the new Eris.
Then make a nand backup (so it creates the right folder)
Then drag the old nand backup into that folder
The problem is that once you nand restore, whatever Google account was set up with that backup is the ONLY primary Google account that will be allowed for that phone. So your Contacts/Calendar/Gmail syncing will have to be done with that original Google account. You have to data/factory reset anyway to change it. You could go Settings >Accounts and sync> and uncheck the the boxes for syncing contacts, gmail, and calendar, but that might be impractical.
pkopalek said:
To install a nand restore on another phone
all you have to do is put it in the right folder.
Step 1) Make a nand Backup on the new phone.
Step 2) Take the nand backup from YOUR phone, save it somewhere
step 3) Save YOUR nand backup to the right folder inside hers.
For example: Her phone will look for
so her backup will be /sdcard/nandroid/HTC123ABCDEFG/2010-0814-1234/ or something
your phone might be
so you need to take your backup, maybe called /2010-0821-1111/ and put it in her folder, so that on her SD card you have
Then she can 'nand restore' that, perfectly.
I have done this when getting new Eris's. First root the new Eris.
Then make a nand backup (so it creates the right folder)
Then drag the old nand backup into that folder
The problem is that once you nand restore, whatever Google account was set up with that backup is the ONLY primary Google account that will be allowed for that phone. So your Contacts/Calendar/Gmail syncing will have to be done with that original Google account. You have to data/factory reset anyway to change it. You could go Settings >Accounts and sync> and uncheck the the boxes for syncing contacts, gmail, and calendar, but that might be impractical.
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It took me a few tries to figure out that I had to put my nand in her file located at sd/nandroid/whateverfilename and couldn't simply drop my sd/nandroid/whateverfilename/datenandwascreated file on her phone.
Correct me if I'm wrong. Doing a factory reset would return the rom to a factory state (like a fresh wipe and flash of a new rom)? Surely google/verizon/htc thought that people might want to change their e-mail address for whatever reason and included a way to do this without resetting the phone? Guess not.
Sent from my ERIS using XDA App
pkopalek said:
The problem is that once you nand restore, whatever Google account was set up with that backup is the ONLY primary Google account that will be allowed for that phone. So your Contacts/Calendar/Gmail syncing will have to be done with that original Google account. You have to data/factory reset anyway to change it. You could go Settings >Accounts and sync> and uncheck the the boxes for syncing contacts, gmail, and calendar, but that might be impractical.
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Last night I ran a quick experiment with a Froyo ROM (Kaos V30):
- Shut down phone
- booted Amon_RA
- # mount /data
- # rm /data/system/accounts.db
- # umount /data
- rebooted
Reboot seemed fine, and there were no (Gmail) contacts present in the dialer, nor any access to Gmail. Shortcuts to specific (phone) contacts were still in my home screens (including images of the person), but clicking on them resulted in an error. No apparent FCs anywhere.
Clicking on the Market app took me immediately to the Google Account setup screen (which I believe is the same thing as Settings -> Accounts & sync -> Add account -> Google). I don't know if this (behavior) is unique to 2.2 or not.
I don't have a second Google account, so I just re-entered the username/pass for my account - the same one that had already been on the phone, and the phone started "syncing". I sort of wondered what might happen (because I am using Froyo "Save my settings"), but everything came back as I would expect - Contacts, Gmail, etc.
I would have proceeded a little further with this experiment, but I couldn't access the Market ("connection error") (about 1am EST Saturday morning), so I stopped, assuming this was a failure - and restored a Nandroid backup. When the restored ROM also had trouble with the Market, I thought - "oh, boy, what have I done?" But, it seems that a number of people have reported trouble with the Android Market late last night / early this AM - and the Market was working this AM on my restored ROM, too.
I could repeat the experiment if there is any interest, and this time use my GF's account for testing purposes. There are probably some things cached that should be cleaned up prior to adding back in a Google account; probably it wouldn't hurt to use
Settings -> Applications -> Manage applications
To clear the data and cache areas for a few things such as
Calendar Storage
Contacts Storage
Dialer Storage
Google Voice
(Plus others as appropriate - Twitter, FB, etc)
bftb0 said:
Last night I ran a quick experiment with a Froyo ROM (Kaos V30):
- Shut down phone
- booted Amon_RA
- # mount /data
- # rm /data/system/accounts.db
- # umount /data
- rebooted
Reboot seemed fine, and there were no (Gmail) contacts present in the dialer, nor any access to Gmail. Shortcuts to specific (phone) contacts were still in my home screens (including images of the person), but clicking on them resulted in an error. No apparent FCs anywhere.
Clicking on the Market app took me immediately to the Google Account setup screen (which I believe is the same thing as Settings -> Accounts & sync -> Add account -> Google). I don't know if this (behavior) is unique to 2.2 or not.
I don't have a second Google account, so I just re-entered the username/pass for my account - the same one that had already been on the phone, and the phone started "syncing". I sort of wondered what might happen (because I am using Froyo "Save my settings"), but everything came back as I would expect - Contacts, Gmail, etc.
I would have proceeded a little further with this experiment, but I couldn't access the Market ("connection error") (about 1am EST Saturday morning), so I stopped, assuming this was a failure - and restored a Nandroid backup. When the restored ROM also had trouble with the Market, I thought - "oh, boy, what have I done?" But, it seems that a number of people have reported trouble with the Android Market late last night / early this AM - and the Market was working this AM on my restored ROM, too.
I could repeat the experiment if there is any interest, and this time use my GF's account for testing purposes. There are probably some things cached that should be cleaned up prior to adding back in a Google account; probably it wouldn't hurt to use
Settings -> Applications -> Manage applications
To clear the data and cache areas for a few things such as
Calendar Storage
Contacts Storage
Dialer Storage
Google Voice
(Plus others as appropriate - Twitter, FB, etc)
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THAT'S AWESOME! I would be very interested for you to repeat this experiment. This would be VERY useful for me. My wife likes the whole rooted phone with all the extra options but she's not into it like I am. If this works and is stable, I could easily set her phone up exactly like mine. I would test it myself but I'm not an advanced adb user. If I break something, it's just broke which would probably equal the doghouse for me since it's my wifes phone.
If this works, you should write a how-to for the community. I couldn't find one when I searched and I'm sure others would find it useful.
Sent from my Froyo Eris using XDA App
joshw0000 said:
THAT'S AWESOME! I would be very interested for you to repeat this experiment. This would be VERY useful for me. My wife likes the whole rooted phone with all the extra options but she's not into it like I am. If this works and is stable, I could easily set her phone up exactly like mine. I would test it myself but I'm not an advanced adb user. If I break something, it's just broke which would probably equal the doghouse for me since it's my wifes phone.
If this works, you should write a how-to for the community. I couldn't find one when I searched and I'm sure others would find it useful.
Sent from my Froyo Eris using XDA App
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So long as you have adb working, you do not need to be an "advanced" adb user in order to help out with the testing. After you create a Nandroid Backup in Amon_RA, there are literally only four lines you type in using the "adb shell" (with Amon_RA still running):
mount /data
rm /data/system/accounts.db
umount /data
... and then do a Wipe Dalvik-cache in Amon_RA
Everything else that I suggested is performed using
Settings -> Manage -> Manage applications
in the main OS. (I suppose it might even be possible to delete /data/system/accounts.db using a root-aware file manager, but I prefer to do stuff like that in an offline fashion)
If something goes wrong - well, you have a full Nandroid backup available to restore to. The same thing goes for your wife's phone too, right?
PS For anyone else reading this thread: it is a quarter-baked idea (not even half-baked); don't take away from this any sort of mis-impression that this has undergone any significant testing (none at all on 2.1, in fact). Feel free to experiment yourself - but make good Nandroid backups!
bftb0 said:
So long as you have adb working, you do not need to be an "advanced" adb user in order to help out with the testing. After you create a Nandroid Backup in Amon_RA, there are literally only four lines you type in using the "adb shell" (with Amon_RA still running):
mount /data
rm /data/system/accounts.db
umount /data
... and then do a Wipe Dalvik-cache in Amon_RA
Everything else that I suggested is performed using
Settings -> Manage -> Manage applications
in the main OS. (I suppose it might even be possible to delete /data/system/accounts.db using a root-aware file manager, but I prefer to do stuff like that in an offline fashion)
If something goes wrong - well, you have a full Nandroid backup available to restore to. The same thing goes for your wife's phone too, right?
PS For anyone else reading this thread: it is a quarter-baked idea (not even half-baked); don't take away from this any sort of mis-impression that this has undergone any significant testing (none at all on 2.1, in fact). Feel free to experiment yourself - but make good Nandroid backups!
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I do have a working adb and understand for the most part that you're deleting accounts.db in /data/system?? What I'm not following is why I would need to boot into recovery to delete the file. Would the process not work the same if you made the changes while booted in the rom? Do the changes affect the recovery partition at all or did you boot to recovery so you can immediately wipe dalvik and reboot? That's my biggest fear.
Sorta the same question - does it matter where you're booted when you do adb commands (booted, usb mounted, recovery, powered off)?
P.S. I've read several responses you've posted in other threads. You're very thorough in reponses and I personally have learned a lot from reading them. Thanx for your input and help with us noob and novice users.
Sent from my Froyo Eris using XDA App
joshw0000 said:
I do have a working adb and understand for the most part that you're deleting accounts.db in /data/system?? What I'm not following is why I would need to boot into recovery to delete the file. Would the process not work the same if you made the changes while booted in the rom? Do the changes affect the recovery partition at all or did you boot to recovery so you can immediately wipe dalvik and reboot? That's my biggest fear.
Sorta the same question - does it matter where you're booted when you do adb commands (booted, usb mounted, recovery, powered off)?
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The changes do not affect the recovery partition - the reason that the recovery partition is used for almost all administration involving system elements is because there are not files which are "locked" by applications that are using those files, nor do you have anything running which depends on that file at the moment it is deleted.
The account credentials are important to lots of applications which are running on the phone in the regular OS, and you will get strange behaviors, crashes, and possible corruption of application state if you just yank the file out from underneath all those applications. You could try to stop those apps first - but a lot of them auto-restart on their own.
I'll use an analogy; it's like the difference between setting a table without a tablecloth, versus trying to remove the tablecloth after all the dishes are in place.
There are lots of reasons to prefer doing things in an offline mode, but the primary one is that you are not "yanking X out from underneath Y" - when "Y" thinks that "X" is still there.
It is typical for both system and application logic to do things like check for files on startup, and then either rebuild them from defaults if they are not present, or read/write their contents if they are already present. It is a lot more rare for applications to be coded in way that they are constantly check to see if something they though was there has suddenly disappeared. Moreover, the way that locking works with Linux kernels, you can delete a file that is opened by another process, and replace it with a new file - but the processes that are still running with that file open will still have a copy of it.
As for being scared - you have a Nandroid backup, right?
That makes a lot since. I'll try this method out the next time I change my wife's rom.
Sent from my Froyo Eris using XDA App

How to Cancel the Hard Reset Procedure?

Hi everyone.
This may make me sound like dumb, what yeah, sometimes people make noobish mistake. Please help me!
This is what happened:
While I was researching about Rooting and Custom ROM and stuff, I saw a vid where a person goes into the console of the phone by pressing 3 buttons: Menu + Volume down + Power. I tried to do the same, just for the heck of it.
So, while I was starting the phone by pressing those 3 buttons, I was expecting I would be taken in console mode. BUT NO! After a long boot up, it greeted me with a Select language option.. and after that it asks me to set date and time formats etc..
It was then that hit me, that I may have hard reseted the phone! I googled and came across a vid, which explained the same thing, that, that procedure was for hard resetting and not going into the console mode!
Now is there an option to revert back this hard resetting, since I DONT want to erase the contents of my phone! :'(
My phone is still lying in that menu for about an hour now.
well if u saw closely that procedure wud have also explained that you should install the console looking thing before u start it?
u hard resetted it
So, pressing those 3 buttons just hard resets it? Instantly? Doesn't ask for ANY confirmation?
I don't care about apps, those can be re-downloaded, and contacts can be resync with google account (probably). But all those files which I created through native apps is gone?
Isn't there some recover apps?? Can't I still cancel it, since I haven't progressed into the wizard thing which showed up after that procedure?
guess not...
sorry but maybe you should make fresh start ....
maybe the apps arent gone, check it..
Ok.. probably I should make a fresh start. But I still have one question.
AFAIK, hard resetting has reset the phone memory. So, the data inside card is sill intact. So, could it happen, that if I install the same app again which was there before, it takes the settings for the same from card?
I think it maybe the possibility, even a vague one.
Just for the record, my phone was running on stock ROM. And I hadn't even rooted the device prior to it.
u have any other choices? i dont think so...
Thanks everyone for the replies.
So I decided to make a fresh start. Now that I have a chance to make a new start, I ensuring to take following steps so that no data loss occur from next time:
1. Syncing with google account already takes care of contacts, but extra precautions needs to be given when adding new contact. While adding new contact it should not be stored in SIM or Phone, rather the google account. Also apps have no reason to be lost since those can be reinstalled from market.
2. Using cloud apps, such as
-> Remember The Milk, which syncs tasks and notes to cloud
-> Google Plus, which syncs images with google account
-> SMS Backup+, which syncs Messages with GMail
If someone know how to backup scores of game apps, that would be highly useful!
Vyom said:
Thanks everyone for the replies.
So I decided to make a fresh start. Now that I have a chance to make a new start, I ensuring to take following steps so that no data loss occur from next time:
1. Syncing with google account already takes care of contacts, but extra precautions needs to be given when adding new contact. While adding new contact it should not be stored in SIM or Phone, rather the google account. Also apps have no reason to be lost since those can be reinstalled from market.
2. Using cloud apps, such as
-> Remember The Milk, which syncs tasks and notes to cloud
-> Google Plus, which syncs images with google account
-> SMS Backup+, which syncs Messages with GMail
If someone know how to backup scores of game apps, that would be highly useful!
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Root it and install Titanium Backup, you can backup apps and app data and restore it all later on. It will save you a lot of trouble. We all make some mistakes at some point, sorry about your situation, but hey at least you can start with a clean slate now and on Android that's always great
Sent from my LG-VM701 Rooted Stock via Tapatalk
Thanks for the kind words.
I have just began taking my baby steps into the world of Custom Rom. But before all that I need to root the device.
I am planning to follow this guide: www <dot> addictivetips <dot> com/mobile/how-to-root-install-clockworkmod-recovery-on-lg-optimus-one/
But the comments there are really scaring me! I don't want to brick the device. But it's a chance that I HAVE to take.
Any idea what application could I use to successfully root my P500 which has the highest success rate. Following are the details about my phone:
Android version is: 2.2.2
Kernel version:
Built Number: FRG83
Software Version: V10e-MAR-28-2011.
ccdreadcc said:
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Thanks buddy. I was successful in rooting my phone with gingerbreak! And then I took a titanium and a nandroid backup.
Now proceeding with removing the crapwares and maybe installing custom ROM.
Can I upgrade to gingerbread easily?
Vyom said:
Thanks buddy. I was successful in rooting my phone with gingerbreak! And then I took a titanium and a nandroid backup.
Now proceeding with removing the crapwares and maybe installing custom ROM.
Can I upgrade to gingerbread easily?
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Yes. Flash a custom rom which uses gingerbread
Sent from my LG-P500 using xda premium
Another easy tip which requires no data or wifi connection to backup contacts..
Export to sd card.. <it saved my life really..
I really think syncing contacts to Google account is the BEST way to keep it in safe place.
And after the Nandroid backup, I don't think, I can loose anything now!

Switching Internal/SD storage between CM7/MotoBlur

So I guess this has been asked but I really need details on it cause it's a real throwback for CM7/9 to me...
So I understand that MotoBlur and CM7 "read" the storage differently, pointing internal/sd to different folders in the system folders.
Now I must say, although CM's way seems more logical, for now, I find MotoBlur more practical. I understand that there is a "Internal Storage only" option the CM7 settings but still, I'm having a lot of bugs with many apps.
Ex :
- With Titanium Backup, I HAVE to move my backup my "Titanium BackUp" folder on the SD Card. If I point the internal storage within the settings as the standard folder, the m***f*** will wipe the current folder of its content. Wasn't so happy when that I happen ("m***f***" explained !); thank god for online backups.
- Many apps that can't change the folders' direction won't be able to read any data from the current folder in the internal storage. I'll HAVE to move them.
- Many bugs in many apps such as PlayerPro. I always leave my Music on my SD. In Motorblur, I'll select only the "Music" folder from my SD and only the music from there will be shown. If I do the same in CM7 with the same set up, I'll keep seeing the music from ALL my sd card, not only my Music folder. Also, playback will stop on several tracks, saying that it can't be found anymore...
So is there a way to switch from CM to MotoBlur and vice versa without copying everything, breaking stuffs, etc. ?
Because honestly, it prevents me to really test CM7. I don't want to debate about which storage method, CM7 or MotoBLur, is the best, although I would only say that CM method is buggy and therefore, less pertinent, asking for way too many fixes...
I just want to know if there is any way to switch quickly with no bugs. If not, I'll stick with MotoBlur until CM9 is daily driver material...
Thanks !
Did you ever read the FAQ?
Have you tried switching to "internal storage" in the CM settings right after flashing the ROM and before installing any apps? Then reboot immediately? Maybe also select the "Install Location" option to use internal for when you do download TiBu.
DannyBiker said:
So I guess this has been asked but I really need details on it cause it's a real throwback for CM7/9 to me...
So I understand that MotoBlur and CM7 "read" the storage differently, pointing internal/sd to different folders in the system folders.
Now I must say, although CM's way seems more logical, for now, I find MotoBlur more practical. I understand that there is a "Internal Storage only" option the CM7 settings but still, I'm having a lot of bugs with many apps.
Ex :
- With Titanium Backup, I HAVE to move my backup my "Titanium BackUp" folder on the SD Card. If I point the internal storage within the settings as the standard folder, the m***f*** will wipe the current folder of its content. Wasn't so happy when that I happen ("m***f***" explained !); thank god for online backups.
- Many apps that can't change the folders' direction won't be able to read any data from the current folder in the internal storage. I'll HAVE to move them.
- Many bugs in many apps such as PlayerPro. I always leave my Music on my SD. In Motorblur, I'll select only the "Music" folder from my SD and only the music from there will be shown. If I do the same in CM7 with the same set up, I'll keep seeing the music from ALL my sd card, not only my Music folder. Also, playback will stop on several tracks, saying that it can't be found anymore...
So is there a way to switch from CM to MotoBlur and vice versa without copying everything, breaking stuffs, etc. ?
Because honestly, it prevents me to really test CM7. I don't want to debate about which storage method, CM7 or MotoBLur, is the best, although I would only say that CM method is buggy and therefore, less pertinent, asking for way too many fixes...
I just want to know if there is any way to switch quickly with no bugs. If not, I'll stick with MotoBlur until CM9 is daily driver material...
Thanks !
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turl1 said:
Did you ever read the FAQ?
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no because its hard to find what you are looking for.
turl1 said:
Did you ever read the FAQ?
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I read it but you sir apparently didn't read my post !
live4nyy : Yup, it's the first thing I do. Activate that option then reboot.
Don't get me wrong : it is working. After the reboot, when I install Titanium Backup, the info on the app's main screen show the correct setup. It's just that it is buggy as hell with so many apps (see the op) it becomes a pain to use it.
I think the only way to make it work would be to start scratch : no titanium backup restore, no previous data, etc. But I'm a switcher and I sure won't start ALL over again every time I want to switch back to MotoBlur.
So my question would be : what do other frequent "switchers" between CM7/Blur do to avoid the many bugs ?
I'm also wondering about the other part of my suggestion. Do you select "Internal" as your default app location? Where are the apps that have issues (including TiBu) being installed when you restore them?
DannyBiker said:
I read it but you apparently didn't read my post !
live4nyy : Yup, it's the first thing I do. Activate that option then reboot.
Don't get me wrong : it is working. After the reboot, when I install Titanium Backup, the info on the app's main screen show the correct setup. It's just that it is buggy as hell with so many apps (see the op) it becomes a pain to use it.
I think the only way to make it work would be to start scratch : no titanium backup restore, no previous data, etc. But I'm a switcher and I sure won't start ALL over again every time I want to switch back to MotoBlur.
So my question would be : what do other frequent "switchers" between CM7/Blur do to avoid the many bugs ?
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I choose "Use Internal Location" but I don't select anything more...
Well, my theory is, depending on where TiBu defaults to (eg. sd-card) when you install it might cause an issue when trying to access it's own files that are on the internal storage. So, depending on where TiBu is being installed might be the cause of the problem??
This is just a total stab in the dark, btw.
DannyBiker said:
I choose "Use Internal Location" but I don't select anything more...
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