Touch Dual Help Please (Tried Searching) - Touch Dual, MDA Touch Plus ROM Development

I have tried searching but find the site a bit of a maze, or i find threads with 50+ pages, which for some reason load slow for me, so getting nowhere fast. My search queries came up with nothing, even when i just put in: wm 6.5 for example and selected the Nike forum.
I have a UK Orange Branded Touch Dual, currently unlocked etc with radio and running wm 6.1 professional using i think wwe rom.
I want to update to wm 6.5. I find the radio section a little confusing, which updated version is best for my specific phone? I know i have to update before i can install wm 6.5.
What is the best rom featuring wm.6.5 in english?
Any help would be greatly appreciated, if i can get this done without much fuss, i would happily make a donation to this site.
I think a good idea on this forum would be to make a sub forum which features wm6.5 roms etc, navigating would be so much easier and would be less duplicate threads.
Thanks In advance

try this links

you can try insomnia it works good on my nike
for radio you can use 1.65

thanks will check them out


WM6 most common version

First of all I wanted to tell you, that I've read through most of the "upgrade to WM6" discussion threads on different "XDA Neo, Qtec S200, etc." boards and I really want to thank you for this gorgeous "how-to-update to WM6" (as well what to do for troubleshooting) guide as well as for the hours of work you spent creating and packing the WM6 version for the S200.
I'm just a standard user who wants to upgrade his XDA Neo to WM6 (following the update instructions). As I do not have the insight on the benefits/drawbacks of different WM6 versions, I would kindly ask you for help:
- What is contained in the different version of WM6, what are the benefits, drawbacks, etc.
- Which is the most stable one and are there features that do not work yet at all under WM6
Thanks for taking the time for answering a flashing-newbie's questions.
kr A.
Ichwardort said:
First of all I wanted to tell you, that I've read through most of the "upgrade to WM6" discussion threads on different "XDA Neo, Qtec S200, etc." boards and I really want to thank you for this gorgeous "how-to-update to WM6" (as well what to do for troubleshooting) guide as well as for the hours of work you spent creating and packing the WM6 version for the S200.
I'm just a standard user who wants to upgrade his XDA Neo to WM6 (following the update instructions). As I do not have the insight on the benefits/drawbacks of different WM6 versions, I would kindly ask you for help:
- What is contained in the different version of WM6, what are the benefits, drawbacks, etc.
- Which is the most stable one and are there features that do not work yet at all under WM6
Thanks for taking the time for answering a flashing-newbie's questions.
kr A.
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I understand the reason for your question perfectly, but there is no general answer. There is no official release of WM6 for the Prophet (yet...?) All the ROMs you find here are made by fanatic, obsessed but genius people the like to fool around with there device. The put in, take out functionallity that answers there needs best, or trying to make fame by doing the impossible.
Non of these fearless daredevils is hired by a commercial Vendor that wants a stable big public release.
So if you want to flash, you have to search for a ROM that accidentally meets your wishes.
Am also expecting the same from expertise, I have XDA Neo with WM5.
Could some one help us to upgrade my XDA Neo (English version QTe to WM6, ofcourse requesting you all to give the best one
Best Regards
Imthias Ahamed
ROM Version : WWE
ROM Date : 07/10/06
Radio Version : 02.47.21
Protocol Version :
ExtROM Version :

Change to an official rom or to a cooked one

hello all,
The last days I was reading a lot of posts, in order to get more information about this device and the options that i can have using a cooked rom.
But still have some questions, so please be pacient with me.
I have an 7500 with WM5 original rom portuguese language.
I understood that if I want to upgrade with AP5beta I need first to update the radio and then the SPL ( the SPL version will depend on the cooked rom ).
I will not need to unblock it, because it works with different sims.
Also for what I understood once I use the SPL3.5 I can not use anymore original roms ( or downgrade ). Is this correct?
If I upgrade my 7500 with the original WM6 roms, can I later use cooked rom's?
Does anyone, that have used only original rom's, noticed any difference between WM5 and WM6?
thanks in advance for your help,
and keep doing this good job.
Hi Poppey
Welcome to the forum.
I noted your other post and it seems you are keen to play with your phone.
Sometimes when you do this , things go wrong , occasionally to the exent that it can't be fixed !
Most of the time , the mistakes have been made before, so if you are inexperienced, seek a friend to guide you or look and search on this forum before you do anything rash.
I would sugest first reading the wiki and asking questions showing you have done this first
After this I would suggest learning how to backup and restore data , before attempting to install the various program cabs.
When you are comfortable with this learn how to do a hard reset and reinstall your programs/data etc.
Next I would suggest that you find a copy of your original rom just in case you have to revert to it.
Next try an official Rom.
Along the way , I am sure you will make a mistake , but this is how most people learn how to fix their own problems.
By this time you will understand why you still have to use the athena unlocker to install any of the newer cooked roms
This should give you hours of enjoyment/frustration and along the way you may even learn the pros and cons of the various roms which , in the end are very subjective and depend on personal preference.
Hope this helps
poppey said:
hello all,
The last days I was reading a lot of posts, in order to get more information about this device and the options that i can have using a cooked rom.
But still have some questions, so please be pacient with me.
I have an 7500 with WM5 original rom portuguese language.
I understood that if I want to upgrade with AP5beta I need first to update the radio and then the SPL ( the SPL version will depend on the cooked rom ).
I will not need to unblock it, because it works with different sims.
Also for what I understood once I use the SPL3.5 I can not use anymore original roms ( or downgrade ). Is this correct?
If I upgrade my 7500 with the original WM6 roms, can I later use cooked rom's?
Does anyone, that have used only original rom's, noticed any difference between WM5 and WM6?
thanks in advance for your help,
and keep doing this good job.
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You can find some other info in this post....
Hi lakeman,
Thanks for your prompt answer.
Thats exactly what I need, a point of start.
Lets go reading and reading again...
Hi sergiopi,
also thanks for your prompt answer.
Ok, I understand that once I upgrade with a cooked rom based on SPL3.5 I can't go back to original rom's, neither to rom's using SPL1.2
So it means that is a "one go direction".
But what about upgrade to original WM6 and then if I want go to cooked rom's. Is that posible?
Sorry but I don't have this clear after reading your links.
Probably the best to do is going directly to an original rom, but of course if doing that doesn't give me the option of using cooked rom's I must be sure on what direction I must go.
No problem. Upgrade your ATHENA to official WM6 and AFTER you can choose to install the Athena WRAPPER and the cooked ROMs!

wm6.5 and tf3d tp2

I just flashed my fuze to the wm6.5 rom, and it was very nice. But I also like the tp2 version of tf3d.
How do I get a cab for Rhodium?
There is so much information, it is tough to figure out, what is the latest version and which isn't.
Could someone help me please. Thank you for any help.
Check the development and hacking forum, Its on the top, It gives you install instructions too

WM 6.5 On Oxygen?

I searched on many many sites and forums , and the users said that is a little bit possible to have wm 6.5 on our Oxygens.It is true?
Not so hard.If u can read Chinese,No later than August can you use WM6.5 on Oxygen!
Guys, not a problem... I've done it already, full-working WWE version
Just give me a day or two to make it better Than I'll upload it for you to test it.
What is new??? Where can I download new ROM???
Typhoon have a new ROM, but where is ROM for us Oxygen??
Tried to make 6.5 but it won't boot normally It shows carrier_splash.png and then almost hang. After a few of minutes it boots to today, but there is no radio support and some applications (like tmail.exe) don't load (there is an error that them are not for WinCE).
What is new in your develop on WM 6.5
sorry for my english
Can you send me files with you creating a new ROM, I can help you, if I can.

[Q] newbie question

I have a 1024 leo I want to try different roms on my leo.
I can't tell what official rom is the one i have, my rom version is 2.13.531.1 (90963) wwe. Can someone tell my where to download this rom.
ok, so by far the most important thing to get you started is to say you are in the regular hd2 section. the tmous (t mobile us) hd2 has its own section because it has compatibility issues compared to the regular hd2.
go to and bookmark this link, and start reading.

